Chapter 1

It was freezing, all Dan had to keep him warm was that one T-shirt he owned, no jacket and no shoes. The day he was born his parents left him outside the orphanage wrapped in a blanket, from what he heard they didn't even bother knocking on the door or handing him over themselves to make sure he was alright and safe. According to the lady who found him, his parents had named him, there was a a piece of paper with the name Daniel Howell written on it.

Ever since then, for years he was in and out of foster homes, he always had bad luck, his foster family would often ignore him or treat him like he was some sort of burden. Dan did live with one family that was kinder and better than the rest, but when they had their own child they decided that two kids would be too much so they sent Dan back. When he turned 13 he decided that he had enough and he did not want to live this life anymore going in and out of foster care, besides no one wants a teenager everyone either wants a newborn or toddler, there was no way he would get adopted. The orphanage wasn't any better, the workers there would often treat the children as if they were worth nothing. So Dan did something he wanted to do for years, he ran away and never looked back.

Almost five years later, he sort of regrets his decision of running away. He thought that maybe running away would be good for him and he would have a better life but no, it was just worse. He lived under a old bridge, he could not manage a job, no one wanted to hire a homeless teenager. One day a man, who refused to state his name, found him sobbing and said he can help him. He was the one who got him into prostitution at only 13, he would get paid for it so he can buy himself a meal, when he didn't do as told he would get beaten. He was stuck with this life, every night he hoped that things would turn around and that he would be able to escape this horrible never ending nightmare.

Dan walked around the area where people would come around to pick up prostitutes, he noticed a dark haired man standing outside his car looking down at his phone. There was no one else, as much as he did not want to do this he had to, he needed to. 

"Hey.." Dan said walking over to the dark haired man who looked up at him, "are you looking for s-"

Dan froze when he saw the man's badge, he was a cop. He mentally swore at himself knowing he fucked up this time.

"Excuse me?" The man said calmly. He did not look mad, he looked confused, he had the look of guilt in his eyes as if he felt bad for Dan. He probably noticed how terrified he was when he walked over to him and when he saw his badge.

"I-I..n-nothing..n-nevermind.." Dan said turning around and running away as quickly as possible. Right now he was not sure what he was more scared of getting sent to prison, or his pimp. He had been arrested once, it was one of the scariest experiences ever. He was released the next day and when his pimp found out what had happened he was not happy, in that moment Dan wished that he was back in that prison cell. 

"Come back! I'm not going to hurt you!" Dan heard the man calling after him, he knew if he didn't stop he would get in more trouble, so he stopped.

"P-please dont arrest me, I-I can't go to jail, h-he will k-kill me.." Dan begged turning around. 

"I'm not going to arrest you, I just want to ask you some questions." the man said calmly, Dan nodded. "What's your name? How old are you?"

"Daniel.. and I'm turning 18 tomorrow.."

"Alright Daniel, now who is making you do this?" He asked, "I can tell this is not something you want."

"H-he never told me his name, he's dangerous he has connections.." Dan explained.

"Alright, I think I know who you're talking about I encountered a lot of people working for him." He said, "Where you live?"

"There.." Dan said pointing to the small bridge, "I don't have a home or family.."

The officer looked at him sadly, Dan didn't understand why he cared so much. No one cared about him, everyone always wanted one thing from him, sex. People abused him, they took advantage of him, no one cares about him but this stranger he just met cares. 

He took his jacket off and walked over to Dan putting it around his shoulders.

"Please..sir you don't have to do this, I'm fine.." Dan pleaded.

"Call me Phil, and it's chilly tonight Daniel, you'll need something to keep you warm." the man, Phil smiled. "Stay here alright? I'll be back."

Dan did as he was told, he sat on the cold ground wrapped in Phil's jacket. He wondered where Phil, if he just ditched him or something, he would not be surprised if that were the case, no one ever wants to stick around him, no one likes him or cares about him. Dan brought his knees up hugging them tightly holding back his tears.

Moments later Phil returned holding a bag. 

"Daniel? Are you alright?" He asked sitting down next to him.

"Y-yeah, Im fine.." He said looking at Phil.

"Here I brought you food." Phil said handing him the bag. Dan's stomach growled smelling the food, he had not eaten for a few days now. His pimp didn't pay him which meant no meals.

"T-thank you.."

"Don't mention it." Phil smiled, "Listen I have to get home, there are some things I am dealing with so I have to go. But I will be back tomorrow alright?"

Dan nodded quietly, he watched Phil walk back to his car. He did not have any expectations of Phil coming back tomorrow, he thought to himself that he would probably forget all about Dan in the morning. But he hoped that he wouldn't forget, he hoped that he will keep his word and come back.






A/N: Yeaaah so we have another fic! We just have so many ideas we can't help it xD Hope you all like it!!
