

an couple of angels and demons fell to the floor dead of the ground as an the middle of the masacre was an boy cover of blood and have damage clothes

that boy is jason cereza bloodedge son of bayonetta and ragna the bloodedge as right now he use his coat to turn into an giant craw to grab an angel and trhow into the iron lady{torture divice}and close as the spikes kill the angel and without look kill an demon with his pistol as hit on the floor of the limbo

jason:damm...this is endless

he just end central fiction and appear an the limbo...but sure find the demons and angels pretty much want to kill him as well kill each other as jason was fight no stop

jason:jeez and here i trough i can't never get tired but nope i was wrong

he see another group of angels and demons coming

jason:well..if i goin done i go with style

he stand and point his pistols to the group

jason:all right i ready to dance

after finish all the demons and angels look aroud

jason:well the good thing is i never get bored

he see an demon was about to pounce at him but that moment the time stop

jason:??? this is new

an that moment an gun was behild his head and


jason tild his head to avoid the shot

jason:next time try to shoot without aim i sure is faster o switch to you knife

he quicky turn aroud and shoot but there was no one


???:as expect from the son of bayonetta


he turn aroud to see an myterious men

jason:an lumen sage huh guess now things are gonnad been interesting for sure

lumen:seems like you not take this serious

jason:oh believe for the people who after my mother because an freaking taboo and not to metion the last lume sage mom meet the person try to kill her

lumen:guess i have fault an that


the lumen sage remove the mask are balder...but how i trough mom kill you

balder:she did but part of my soul ..well the good side end up here

jason:soo pretty much like myseft huh? what you want

balder:you seems not trust

jason:i don't know maybe the fact you start an witch hunt,use others as pawns among then my aunt jeanne o did i even metion you use my mother for you plans and almost take her eyes

balder:*sight*i know but i sure she tell out why i do that

jason:yeah the aisir god but i wonder if that part is with you

balder:is not

jason:*low his weapon*okay soo what you meet me besides the short talk

balder:i need you help

jason:me help?

balder:you see i foresaw an future world who will suffer an timeloop..worst this event will begin other timeloops and you former world of you parents

jason:what!? but how!?

balder:by an element of the first world call red string it will cause an time and reality alteration witch extend far behold and..anything will been an infinite circle

jason:*sight*i just save my world from timeloop and now you tell me i have to do it again an another world?


jason:well i have no option an this point soo where should i start

balder:first you need new gear

jason:What is wrong with the ones i have

balder:it can work but you need something extra just an case

balder grab an feather and trhow an front of jason as an door appear

balder:go to that door you find an place you armed youseft once you done meet me here

jason:What about the demons and angels

balder:the time will stop soo don't worry

jason:fine but you better no been evil when i come back o you been take out by the son of the women who beat you an the first place

he enter the door

unknow room

jason:no way

jason:the gates of hell but how...

???:well well is the hero who save the world

jason:jeje since like you still remeber me

he turn aroud to see an men


rodin:i suprise i see you i trough you erase you exitance from the world

jason:i more suprise you remeber me after i release my existance from everyone's memories

rodin:jeje kid you should know i not from you world and i outside they limits soo

jason:jejej make sense

rodin:soo what can i do for you

jason:well you see

he explain

rodin:i see you meet you grand father

jason:well the good side an least

rodin:i see soo i bet you want weapons

jason:bet you have an few more you never metion o mom didn't give me

rodin:the later and for this occasion is free

rodin snap his finger and the weapons appear

jason:you olso have my odd weapons

rodin:yeah i find then here after you erase youseft less the pistols you mother give you

jason:je good thing i have then to defend agaist the demons

rodin:you can use

jason:No way an ..both hell and heaven i gonnad use my hair i use my clothes and that is final

rodin:men you really hate it

jason:if you find out the clothes you mother use was actually hair you been sick

rodin:well i see many nasty things and...


rodin:sorry for that soo what now guess you have an new mission now

jason:seems soo

the weapons fly and dissapear

jason:an least i  have new fun an least

rodin:it seems soo olso you can still acess to the gates of hell if you want

jason:yeah thanks for that now i better go

rodin:good luck kid

jason:ja you taking to the son of bayonetta did i need luck?

rodin:you are the son of ragna who is..well..

jason:*Deadpanned look*......i leave

he walk away and exit trough the door

he was return into the limbo and see balder

balder:soo you have you weapons now

jason:yeah i ready

balder:two things you outfit is damage and i know you have user you hair soo here

he snap his fingers as jason have new clothes

{the one of the right}

he olso see balder mask on his mask

jason:is this it?

balder:an lumen sage you can use it an the meantime as you odd outfit is fix

jason:well it sure it have is uses

balder:olso it have unlimited feathers soo you can summor angels to assits

jason:and they will obey?

balder:if you have uriel is you companion is clear it will obey you

jason:right soo what is the other thing

balder:this*open his palm to reveal an string*

jason:an string?

balder:this is an red string the object who was use to cause the timeloop i manage to rescuer an fragment will use this to see the outcomes of events of the end of that world and then you change for an better result

the string fly toward jason and it was absorb as jason have the vision of the end of the world

jason:oh..god i it was an black hole?.

balder:it seems like it but something o someone must cause and is you job to put an end to that

jason:i see soo that is all?

balder:yes the rest is up to you least is good to meet you well the good side an least

balder:like wise now is time to go

jason was inside an golden ball

balder:good luck

he snap his finger as jason dissapear

an the new world

jason was on the ground as he start to wake up

???:hey wake up,wake up,wake up,wake up,wake up



jason:shut up you are annoying!

he finally open his eyes until to eyes widen to see his familiar griffon

jason:griffon is that you!?

griffon:y y y yes but please stop choke me

jason drop the grip as the griffon fly 

griffon:god this is how you great me after what happen?

jason:i sorry but you kknow i have short temper...wait griffon how you appear

griffon:no idea one second i was an pure darkness and the next bang i was an this weird city and i find you

jason:wow..that is unique

griffon:olso what happen should you been erase?


he explain

griffon:wow another time disaster you have to fix...sure the luck is not you side

jason:i deal with worst..olso what about shadow and nightmare

griffon:oh i find then along the way they are on guard since shadow smell company and not the good type

jason stand and tur aroud to see shadow and nightmare 

jason:je good to see you guys

both familiars nod

jason:wait if you guys are here then

he try to summor uriel and lilith but nothing happen

jason:what!? but how!?

griffon:oh that looks like it got separate from you when you arrive lucky i find the locations of they orbs you can pick then up

jason:not even 5 seconds and i already have an issuer..well guess i have to earn quicky you can guide where they are griffon?

griffon:sure if you can turn into an birn is more quick


shadow and nightmare dissapear as jason turn into bird and follow griffon


both birds land as jason turn back into an human and see the golden orb and grab it

jason:well that was easy

griffon:i don't think soo

jason look aroud and see mutiple shadows move aroud him


one try to attack him from behild


it was meet with an bullet from jason's pistol who was have holst on his feet

jason:je this trick never miss

he see the coprse turn into particules and see it left an holografic ring

jason:odd are theses somesort of angels o demons?

griffon:i don't think soo for the looks

jason turn aroud and see the monsters more cleary

jason:okay that is the most weird desing i ever see and hell i see many angels and demons an many forms

griffon:seems soo and looks like they ready to attack need assist

jason:well normally i say no but i let you chance after we meet again soo let's have fun together

griffon:all right get ready plant freaks here we come!!

the mosnter charge toward the duo

griffon start to make eletric attacks to some of the monsters as jason summor the laser sword and start to slash the monsters on his path and see one about to attack to behild and he dodge and

jason:za wado!

the time goes slow

jason:jejej i always love say that

jason then counter with an brutal combo use his pistols and and end with an brutal attack


the times goes back to normal and jason keep slay more monsters who was come as griffon keep lauch thunder attacks

griffon:i never see monsters like that before buddy they not either demon and angel

jason:it still drop rings well holo rings

jason summor two rocket lauches and firwe the group cause big explosions

griffon:that sure will attract attetion

jason:you said no one is here right soo i don't have to worried

griffon:say that to how long monsters are here

jason:je are you get cold feet~?

griffon:oh hell i ready to pack and punch

jason:that how i like it!

jason summor an whip blade and start to swim and cut more monsters

more monster appear but end been killed by jason o shock to death by griffon

jason summor an arrow and start to fire an lot of arrows an the group as one monster try to attack from behild but it was shock by griffon

jason:thanks now

he snap his fingers as the iron maiden appear behild th monster as the later and look and jason kick the monster kick it inside as the iron lady close kill the monster

griffon:brutal and nasty!

jason:just the way i like it

jason see more coming as jason use his umbral witch pwoers as the top of this outfit dissapear and summor an giant head of the black feast witch fire black flames burn all the monsters into crisp as the black beast dissapear and the jason's clothes were restored


griffon:heads up something coming!

jason turn aroud and see an new monster

jason:great i never see ponis the same way

the beast charge but jason and kick upward and see witch time to peform an air combo follow with mutiple shots of his four pistols{the other 2 on his feet}and summor the chain chomp to smack the beast to the ground as time was back to normal as the beast was stun

griffon:is stun time to deliver the knock out

jason:and i do with an bang

jason summor an giant dark hand to hold the beast while jason walk to the beast and anything turn dark and jason peform his finisher

after that the place as an chaos

griffon:damm dude you sure don't hold back

jason:i told i end it with an bang

jason see many holloe rings as they fly toward him and he collect then

jason:hmm maybe rodin mild know what to with this

griffon:yeah olso the orb


he grab the orb and crush as an intese light appear and fade 

???:i free

jason look to see his angel companion uriel


uriel:*gasp*jason is that you

jason:who else you see an handsome witch like me?+

uriel hug him as he hug him back

uriel:i can't believe i see you

jason explain

uriel:i see well i will assit you

jason:i know you will my little angel~

he kiss her chekk as uriel blush

uriel:you can't stop flirt do you?

jason:you know me jejeje

uriel:soo guess we have to for lilith as well


uriel:*sight*all right

jason:if you two behal i give you an good reward~

uriel:*blush*this is not the moment!...yet

jason:I know

both see more monsters coming

uriel:i handle this

she summor many light swords and came down kill all the monsters as the rings goes to jason

uriel:are they demon o angels?

jason:beats me

uriel dissaper as jason summor his skates

jason:lead the way griffon


jason follow griffon while shoot others on the way


he arrive an open area and both see an dark red orb as jason grab it

jason:this is the part the monsters appear is it

griffon:yeah they are already here


he summor balrog{dmc 5}

jason:time to burn

balrog:ignite the flame now!

jason:right away

jason does that as balrog have an intese flame aura

griffon:hey jason is good chance to test thoses feathers i give suppot as well

jason:all right the beast attack jason as the latter start to destroy by his fire punches and kicks and olso do some break dance to add extra fun

jason:oh yeah!

jason give an powerful uppecut to one of the best


an the area he grab one of the feather 

jason:here goes,alto and bianco angelo!

he lauch two feather witch turn into two knight monsters with wings shield and a spear

both knights start to attack the monsters

griffon:wow guess he was right you can summor and contol then


jason make an rounhouse kick to an monster behild him

jason:jajaj not good enough

after an while all the monsters are death

jason:well it was easy than i trough

trump trump


then something big land an front of then as the group look

griffon:guess we find the boss of this level huh

jason:seems soo

more monsters appear

jason:i deal with the boss you take care of the minious

the angelos nod along with griffon and face the group as jason was alone with the boss

jason:all right just you and me

the beast lauch something at jason he dodge and see it was oil

jason:i see is that all?

the beast jump and try to crush him but he jump back as he swtimch his weapon for calverie nero on his bike mode he speed toward the beast and with the bike give an powerful upwards strike stun the beast and send jason to the air he hit the beast again with the bike and use the wheels blades of the bike to make mutiple cuts an the arms and chest of the beast and end with an kick push the beast back

jason:how like that

the beast recover and  fire more oil as jason drive to dodge the attack but see the beast try to crush him with his hand but he use witch time and turn caleverio into twim saw mode and pass the blades trough the oil light then up

jason:all right!

he start to deliver mutiple fire cuts to the beast arms and chest and end up with an powerful twin slash as the time goes back to normal and the beast fell to the ground

jason:okay let's test the feather again

he use the feather to summor an giant mechanic angel arm and the arm grab the beast and slam it to the ground mutiple times

the arm finally slam the beast to the ground stun it as the arm dissapear

jason:well to time to end this

he peform his finisher

after that was an crater an the center was jason as the beast was nothing but dust

jason:man i love when i use that move

jason see the rest finish all the reamin monsters

griffon:good thing there is no people

jason:true now

he grab the orb and there was an intense light

???:i free i wonder who was the fool who do that

jason:*tick mark*hey lilith

lilith:j jason?!

jason:yeah i was that idiot who free you

lilith:iii i look i

jason:just save it

lilith:sorry i trough it was someone else know die

jason:well i not death

lilith:but what happen?

jason explain

lilith:i see well i help you besdies~

she hug him as her chest was touch jason's

lilith:i can give you an good compesation~

jason:that is good offert~

uriel:i don't think soo

both tur to see uriel

lilith:oh you are here as well

uriel:yeah we both are

jason:girls don't start an fight we have an mission to do

both girls look each other and nod

jason:well since we all reunite is time to leave

griffon:i see the entrace to the city after that you can use you bike


lilith and uriel dissapear along with the angelos

jason:now is time too

but jason see one of the rings float and head inside of an door

jason:what the

he follow inside and see an dead body

jason:...damm guess he wasn't lucky to survive

griffon:hey his head his missing why take only the head?

jason:no idea

jason walk to the ring and grab but an that moment he see from the dead bodies back appear some kind of cables

jason:what the 

griffon:looks like it react to the ring reach to the cable

jason look the ring

jason:well let's see what it happen

he absorb the ring and he see an hollow screen witch say

"user deteted ready to begin sas conetion?"

jason:what is that?

griffon:i don't know but sounds kinda like sus

jason:*sniker*well yeah only one way to find out

jason press the yes button as the cables seprate from the body and end behild jason




the cables stab jason back as he feel an intense pain as there was red lightnight sorround him



griffon try to help him but the aura push im back as jason damage to withstand the pain

jason:d dammit!

haft the cables turn white while the other haft turn purple as jason have an purple and white aura

griffon:woah jason you powers is is

jason hair became haft white and haft black and his right eye was purple and hs other eye turn gold

griffon:you are awake you true power of the umbral witch and lume sage!

after that there was an giant burst of power as jason roar


after that he pant an lot

griffon:dude you okay!

jason:i ..need to breath

griffon:dude you change now look at you

jason see an mirror and look himseft and see the changes

jason:wow now i have twin style never expect that

griffon:jason the cables

he see then

jason:that is odd..what just that

griffon:no idea 

uriel:{jason you okay right?}

lilith:{that sure was painful}

jason:i fine girls besides i deal with worse things,an least it seems like i have upgrades


jason and griffon look aroud


an holo screen pop up to reveal an girl

jason:Who are you

pneuma:i pnuema you ia assistant

jason:oh i sure never remeber have one and more very cut

pnuema giggle and blush

pnuema:firlting like you mother

jason:huh you meet her?

pnuema:no i see you memories


griffon:can you explain what the hell happen to jason

pnuema:oh easy what happen is the sas system link to jason allow to acess to psynet

jason:phynet? like the internet

pnuema:close but add is for psychic people like you and others 

jason:i see

pnuema:olso the sas awake the power of the umbral witch and lume sage witch cause you trasformation

jason:i see

pnuema:i can give extra information of this world if you want

jason:well i don't mild and more if i can see you pretty face

pnuema giggle again

lilith and uriel:{just like his mother....wait how elesis and the react if they found out?}

jason:okay first is any city o place i can go

pnuema:yes the city is souh is north you can take the road an the exit of kikuchiba the city you are right now



jason exit the city and arrive to the road as he summor calverie nero and get on

pnuema:olso i have this

heahpones appear on jason's neck

jason:good nothing is good than music when you go high speed

griffon land on jason's shoulder

jason:all right pnuema tell me anything while i on the road


jason look the lume sage mask and put on

jason:all right time for an dance an this new stage!

jason hit the gass and speed off the place

the new adveture begin it will end?
