chapter 1

jason arrive to the city as during the travel pneuma inform him about many things about this world like the creatures call others beings who came from the exticion belt is unknow how o when they appear..there was the others supresion force o osf for short olso the was an net was call is like the internet but to people with psyonic abilities,lucky pnuema access the system enough to give jason enough information as she can acess other areas 

olso pneuma reveal she can turn into two alter egos depends of the power jason use

if jason use the lume sage power pneuma will turn into mythra and she can summor to battle o become an weapon to aid jason as her power will be light o photokinesis

if jason use the umbral witch power pneuma will turn into pyra she work the same as mythra only she use an diferent sword and she use flame power o pyrokinesis

if jason either use none of the previous and user the azure grimore and pneuma can fight an her original personal same case with the weapon and use her own set the power

{the power as her canon counter part but way weaker}

he was drive his bike as he look the town

jason:wow this place is nice and have high tech

griffon:yeah i agreed

pneuma:{suoh is one of the main cities of new himuka goverment}

jason:good to know

litith:{soo where we go}

jason:i dont know......really...the visions show about thoses people the osf i can start go to the base

he keep drive but he heave an feeling as he look an the temple

griffon:what is it jason

jason:what is that?

pneuma:{oh that is the sumeragi tomb}

jason:that is the family who is an elite right?


jason park his bike and start to go upstairs

uriel:{you feel something}

jason:yeah on top of that place

he arrive the top and see an post with mutiple dolls

jason:and thoses dolls?

pneume:{that is baki..the mascot of the new himuka goverment and what you see is an fortune tale}

jason:i sense it there

he walk toward the fortune post as he hear the commets of the people mosty say about his outfit,and mask and wonder if who his behild the mask and even wounder why he have griffon o the crow on his shoulder

jason:{jejejje i like been the mysterie}

he arrive the post and look all the baki

griffon was about to speak but

jason:{griffon keep quite you are normal crow and i sure you will scare then}

griffon nod and make crow noices as jason look aroud and see one baki doll who have the colors of an umbral witch

jason:no way

he grab it

liith:{you think is...}

jason:one way to find out

he open the baki doll and read the paper

"you will meet someone from you bloodline}

jason:{bloodline..but who....wait..could be..}

???:that is an interesting fortune you have there

he turn to see two people

jason:oh i see

???2:that is an interesting mask and outfit

jason:oh i see i like for mystery .jejeje

yuito:and you have an crow as well

jason:yep olso who are you two?

yuito:i yuito sumegari

nagi:i nagi carman

jason:well*remove his mask to reveal his face and hair*i jason cereza but you can call bayonetta*wink*

yuito:bayonetta that is an interesting nick name


jason:it is

yuito:olso that is unique baki desing you have there

jason:oh i presume you like it

yuito:yeah they are very cute

jason:well*give the dolls*is all yours

yuito:is all yours

yuito:really thanks!

jason:no problem

he walk toward the stairs and turn aroud

jason:adios amigos

he give an big jump as yuito and nagi were an shock as they run to the stairs and see jason make an perfect land with one feet on top of his bike hanlde and sit up an the seat as they give an quick wade,put his mask and jason drive off


nagi:that guy is badass and cool

yuito:did you think is he the osf

agi:it have to been no way the osf can't ignore him

yuito:trough what his power

nagi:good question

with jason

he was still drive

griffon:soo jason seems like you meet you grandman soon

jason:it seems like it..but for now i need to head the osf for now and

he hear an alarm as it see warning sights an buidings

jason:what is this?

pneuma:{other attack is coming to you area!}

jason look up and see things coming down to the street and impact to reveal others

jason:well then is time for actions..time to test this lume sage full power

he active the lume sage as pneuma change to mythra

mythra:{ready and set assit}

jason:nice and you very beatiful with thoses colors like an green angel

mythra:{*giggle*oh thank you and maybe we can have some.."fun"an bed}

jason:deal but now

jason:is time for an dance

griffon:time to shock!

jason pass the people who run away and make an slide with his bike and fire his pistols from his right hand and feet and take out some of the others as he keep recover and use the bikes blades to cut the rest down while he still on as he make an 180 spin and see more others coming

jason:good more fun*look the people*go i keep then busy head to the safe zone!

the publick start to leave

???:mom look an angel!

???2:not now son we have to go

jason:{jejeje guess i kinda i am for the look}

he turn blade into dual saw blade mode 

jason:come on!

he start to slash and combo the monsters an brutal ways as he kick one other to the ground and then start to stomp the other

jason:jajajajaja how you like that?

he give an final kick and summor the ice skates and freeze the other an a big chunck of ice and then he use his cloths to summor an giant hand and grab the ice and lauch to the others smash then into pieces as the cloth return back to his original state

jason:i almost forgot how fun this was ass

griffon shock an group of others

griffon:yeah i trough theses others are weak i was expect something stronger

an that moment an group of others arrive and it was the four leg ones along with other variants

jason glare griffon


griffon: y you sure can take this ones jejeje...olso one have an cannon on his mouth!?

jason:let's take this ones already

he unsummor calverie and summor an giant chainsaw

griffon:oh yeah time to get bloody!!!

jason start to masacre the others with the chainsaw as the other with the mouth cannos try to fire at jason but griffon shock it first

griffon:hey jason this guy have a bad mouth how about you fix it


he rev up the chansaw as it have an light energy blade

jason:here comes the dentist!

he stab the chainsaw inside the other's mouth as the blade was rip out the insides as jason was slowing moving up the blade

griffon:slice and tear baby!!!

with one fast upward move jason rip off the other an haft kill it

jason:take that

griffon:hell yeah!

jason:man now i see why mom have fun with theses..but ironic the methods were the same to kill umbral witches as well

griffon:witch make the death more sweat!

jason:i guess

he keep slide and masacre more others with griffon as jason kick an other hard to the ground and see more coming as he smirk


she appear next to him

mythra:need assit~?


she look an the others and have the same idea

mythra:all right let's do it

both charge up energy as they prepare for an kick


both give an kick to the down other as the later bounce among then kill the rest and last explode


jason:nice one

mythra:thanks call if you need me~

she dissapear

griffon:one left time for an punhishment!

jason summor his whip and hit the other send to the group and jason start to use the whip and smack the other's back side hard and fast

jason:how you like that!? huh!?

he give an final strike kill it


griffon:jeez dude it sure is brutal

litith:{oh and i love that side of you dear~}

uriel:{*sight*don't lose youseft jason}

jason:{don't worry the netx fight i been less brutal for you dear}

uriel:[*blush*shut up}

jason giggle and look the area as the rings were collect into him

jason:i really need to see ronin about this rings..but seems like the area are clear

jason summor his bike and drive off

mythra:{jason there is more others attacking two points}

jason:i can't go both but

he grab the feathes and summor teh angelos

jason:go and help the others i go to the other area!

the angelos nod and fly off while jason drive to the other location

with yuito and nagi

both finish an other as more appear

nagi:damm they never stop coming

yuito:we can't give up yet


but an that moment the others were shock as the duo look to see griffon

nagi:did that bird just lauch lighnight?!

yuito:i..think soo that i have visions

but they hear the sound of an bike as the group turn to see jason pass then and use the wheel blade to finish off the rest of the others  and spin to see then

jason:hey there someone call for an other slaying services?

yuito:bayonetta is that you!?

jason remove his mask and smile

jason:who else have this double tone eyes and hair?~

nagi:dude that was SUPER BADASS!!!!

jason:oh thank you*jump off of the bike and land on front of then*glad you see the show

yuito:wow jason never know you bike can do that

griffon land on jason's shoulder

nagi:wait that crow is yours!?

jason:yeah is my good buddy griffon

griffon:*crow noice*

nagi:woah you must be osf if you crazy skills like that

jason:well you see..

but more others appear

jason:we have to cut the chat boys our friends need to deal with it

both prepare they weapons as jason summor the staff blade the same one baldur use

jason:{let's see if i can use this thing}now let's rock!

the group attack the others as jason was take the others left and right as jason hit one toher as the later fell to the floor and jason start to smack it with his weapon like an baseball bat

jason:take this,this,this,this,this,this,this!! and!!!:..

give an final hit to destroy the other to shater into pieces

yuito:woah dude!

nagi:you sure not hold back

jason:yeah i normally like that olso on you left

yuito look and dodge an other and slash and use his power to lift an pole lamp and smack the other to end it up kill it

nagi:not bad

yuito:nagi watch out!

nagi turn and an other was about to attack him but an that moment an golden golem arm caugh as nagi and yuito was an shock and see it come from an portal above and look at jason who hand was glow gold


jason:keep you hard up nagi

jason command the hand as it slam the other mutiple times before give an final blow turn the other into pieces



without look he kick an other behild as the other was caugh by hands make of light as jason have an feather


he lauch it into the air as the feather turn into an giant tombstone crush the other

yuito and nagi:where that came from!?!?

jason:an magicial never reveal they secrets jejej

yuito:what kind of power is that

jason:well you see*look up*WATCH OUT!

they look as an other impact the ground as the force send the boys land as yuito and jason land okay

yuito:yeah..i fine*look at jason*you mask is broke

jason:*sight*lucky i have an spare but now

both stand up and see the other

jason:we finish that thing

yuito:wait where is nagi?

jason:he must land as well*summor an angelo*search for nagi and protect him

the angelo nod and fly off

yuito:dude thoses powers you have make me think you are angel

jason:jejej who knows maybe i that but now

jason kick the other to the air as use his pistols to keep it on the air

jason:is good time to bring something big

yuito nod and see an car and lift up but it take some time


yuito:i almost done!

he lift the car up and put above the other as jason jump back and 



cristal baldes appear on th eground below the other


yuito slam the car to the other as both things fell to the blades and the other get impale and turn into particules

jason:nice one

yuito:thanks you are good shooter

jason:i am i learn from the best

???:seems like you two have under control

both turn to see an girl

girl:you are osf?

yuito:i am cadet

girl:and you?

jason:well no

girl:i see but you have good skills soo our goals is the same for the moment

both jason and the girl hear an sound

jason:oh great


girl:something is coming

griffon make an crow noice as the group look to see an other who was an four legs type but was bigger than the rest

jason:seriouly thoses monster are out of nightmare and insane mild of an person

the group get ready

jason:i deal head on you support with you powers

girl:you are capable?

jason:if you see me then you should know*summor another mask and put on*now

he put his headphones on and play the song

{start an 0:53}

the beast charge as jason summor chalverie and drive toward the beast one it was close jason use the bike to give the beast an upwards strike send the beast an the air as jason start to spin aroud and hit the beast mutiple times keep it an the air

girl:d....does he have that kind of weapons?

yuito:jejej yeah..i was an shock 

jason jump upwards as active the dual saw and start to make an combo of many cuts and end with an powerful double downwards slash send the beast to the ground as jason land

jason:all right have enough?

the other get back up

jason:guess not then

the other charge but it was shock by griffon eletric attack stun the beast and soon hit by two cars stun it more

jason:thanks*active balrog*now

balrog:ignite the flame now!

he make an couple as the flames were active it

jason:flame on!

he goes an combo of kicks and punches and quick jabs and end with the famous triple shoryuken as the beast hit the ground

jason:now to add the finaly{mythra i need you weapon}

mythra:{come right up!}

the weapon appear as jason grab it

{weapon only}

jason:now that is more like it for me

jason dash an make the dance macabre combo

the other fell and try to get up but it can't

jason:and for the finale..guys

there was an big truck above the others as kasane and yuito drop the truck on the other kill it

jason:that is it

jason turn to see yuito and the girl

jason:thanks for assist it help 


girl:more like you did mosty alone with you bird

griffon:*angry crow noices*

jason:oh yeah griffon hate been call an bird

girl:i see..olso you are not clear an osf with the outfit

jason:oh i wonder what is tell you i not an osf*think*

yuito:uhhh well

girl:he is been sarcastic



the group turn to see nagi along with with girl as nagi was carried by an angelo

yuito:nagi thank god you okay

nagi:yeah say thanks to the big guy*point the angelo*

girl 2:i admint i trough it was an angel to help an angel right

jason:i have no idea

yuito:you are the one who summor it how you not know

the trio look jason at shock

nagi:wait you can summor thoses angel knights!?

jason:well yeah olso they call angelos

girl:soo they are angels?

jason:nah mosty replesent the colors of one

the angelo put nagi down


he snap his fingers as the angelo dissapear

girl 2:soo i see you are done sis

jason:sis?..soo you two

naomi:yeah i naomi randall*point the other girl*and she is my younger sister

kasane:kasane randall

nagi:i nagi carman

yuito:yuito sumeragi

jason:i jason cereza but you can call me bayonetta

naomi:olso why the mask?

jason:oh to add mystery jejeje

he remove his mask

naomi:you eyes heterocromia

jason:smart girl..yep i have this from family trail{trough for the moment i am the only one}

naomi:really just by the look is like we are front of an angel..wait  you are one!?

jason:jejej maybe..maybe not~

nagi:damm you gonnad mess with us do you

jason:jejeje yeah..but anyways glad you okay

jason look up to see more angelos come down and knee

jason:guess you part is done

the angelos nod

kasane:what you mean?

jason:oh i summor more angelos to deal another group of others an the west area of the city

naomi:wait you can summor more!? how many

jason:uhh i not sure the maximun i reach now is 10{i still wonder how many feathers i carried}

he snap his fingers as the angelos dissapear

nagi:man i wonder how the osf never hear of you i mean with crazy abilities like this is amazing

jason:well i like to been an mystery soo....

kasane:soo what is you power you use


he look at then

jason:is an secret~

the group sweatdrop

yuito:i feel like you gonad tease us about that

jason:jejej maybe i will*look up*huh?

the rest look up to see drones head towards then

drone:the scarlet guardians have eradicaated the others


jason:oh looks like you have an fan club

kasane:not exalty

drone:you saved ryujin ward in that amaing victory over otherss how you feel

yuito:i i glad we do our job

drone:olso you mysrerious person*look jason*maybe people trough an angel savior come to they help and erradicater the others like nothing who are you

jason:who knows maybe an angel an human form o someone send from the heavens to help you is an question you guys have to figure out

but an that moment an girl appear caugh the attetion of the drones

jason:hey is that the famous girl i see an the news and posters?

mythra:{yeah she is arashi springs quite famous by the crows}

jason:soo that is the name

griffon land next to jason

griffon:hey jason the rest are gone!

jason turn aroud and see yuito and company are gone


griffon look down


jason look down until to see an boy grab his hand as both were teleport along with griffon

an a alley

they appear again as jason see yuito and company

jason:oh there you are


jason look an the kid

jason:you are very lucky i didn't shoot you when i see you

luka:i sorry for that but i need to take you and the rest to place we can talk

jason:oh i see

luka:olso i luka travers

nagi:you are septentrion sixth class luka travers?!

jason:i presume that is the best of the best of the osf right

luka:you right is kinda embarrasing when you put it that way but yes,olso you are all cadets

jason:{should i tell o keep quite...}

luka:open you personal port

yuito and the rest did that

luka:soo you all cadets you aren't allowed to fight

jason:they have to i civilians will die

luka:that make senses an that case and you

jason:uhhh...*sight*okay i not osf

luka:i see then you have to come with me

jason:i save thoses peoples butts and you arrest me?

luka:is not arrest we just want questions that is off don't worry

jason:well an that case i come along

yuito:you been okay?

jason:yeah i been fine......hope

what will wait to jason an the osf?
