
chapter 15.

please read my new book called "Deaf with headphones"

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mood swings


bipolar ?

6 months later

i want to kill harry so bad right now because i'm the edge of giving birth soon and i feel like marshmallow truth me i had blow up in harry face while he just stands there with wide eyes and didn't know what to say then we ended having sex lets just say. Right now me and harry are just driving and getting dinner as harry driving i see something, i haven't seen for so long. i grab harry's hand while he was driving and almost made him scared for minutes but the realize I'm trying to get is attention. i then scream telling harry to stop the car. 

"Harry stop, stop the car. will yeah" i said to him. he looks at me if im okay.

"just please stop the damn car" i said. he then stop's the car, i unbuckle my seat belt and get out of the car. i start walking to the place, i hear a car door closing i turn around to find harry following me.

"what is this place Diana" harry said.

"this place used to be a park were i had a real childhood. i had stop coming here when i was 8" i said and walking farther into the park. i look around the park. as i was walking i seen a sign saying something. it will change the park.


"there taking down this park down 3 months" i say upset. harry walks up behind me and looks at the sign.

"there nothing really here, the playground in falling part and you can't even notice the park. you can't really save this park Diana" harry says i then start thinking maybe i can save this park. 

 " Diana please don't let me your planning to save this park" i turn around to harry smiling at him, he gave me that look saying this not be good.

"oh Diana might not get to save this park but Selena can this park by the help of her fans and a lot people" i to say him trying to make him understand.

"Diana do you not see this were having a baby in s month or less then"

"harry this place can be were our child could have a little childhood to remember or coming here to have their first kiss at a young age. or bringing their first love here and telling them that this was the best childhood right here" i said making him think about this and just, just maybe he'll know i want our child to grow up here like i did as a child. i hear him sign knowing i won.

"Diana you are stubborn sometimes and i hate you for that but also you have it for the good reasons, maybe then Selena should re-build this place before they take it down but you have to realize its going to take a lot of help to re-build this place" he said.

"i know its going to take time but i have someone who can help me and also we have the help of our fans" i say.

"oh and your not doing this alone Diana, I'm going to be helping long the way with this. and remember you are pregnant with our child" he said.

"and i know that" i said to him and coming up to him, i put my hands around his neck. i kiss his lips nice and slow.

"thank you for being the wonderful boyfriend and thank you for being the father of my child"

"anytime love," he said kissing my nose and making me giggle a little. before we started walking back to the car, i felt something sharp on my side, i grab of hold on to harry and put my hand on my tummy, harry turns around notice 

"Diana, whats wrong" he said worried in his voice. i then felt something warm between my legs. my breathing starts going fast very fast and it was time and it was ready to come.

"harry its time" 

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sorry if its short guys but i have to go some where i'm going out of town today and i won't be on till tomorrow. 

and hope you love this chapter guys and of course i had to stop right there i couldn't write what happen next...

and what do you think the baby going to be.

have a nice day my princesses
