
chapter 19 !

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its been a week since Wyatt been home, I'm glad he's home were he laying in his crib. me and harry have mourners in every room even in the bathroom. We had put child proof in side the whole house since Wyatt be a toddler by then. Everyone keeps coming over to see baby Wyatt since he a little just like his daddy, he going to be a ladies man just like his daddy. me and harry are having a lazy and hanging out with our little guy, my father also said he coming by to drop off some stuff for little Wyatt. as i snuggle more closer to harry while were sleeping and baby Wyatt sleeping in his room. i feel him hold me more tighter as i was about put my hand on his chest Wyatt start to cry, i pull the covers off and check the time it was seven in the morning. i walk into is room and see him crying.

"aw Wyatt what's wrong baby, mommy and daddy were trying to sleep" i pick him up and see if he need a dipper change but no. he must be hungry.

"you must be hungry that's what it is" i walk downstairs to the kitchen and start making his bottle.

"i guess daddy and i not going to have a lazy day since someone being a little grumpy" i kiss his little face and just making him smile at me. seeing him smile makes my day. as I'm making his bottle i started to mess something. my nose to crinkle at the mess, i look down to see Wyatt sucking on his thumb and staring at me.

" also a dipper change, why don't we wake daddy up to change your dipper. i bet daddy will love that." i give him a sloppy kiss and hear him make baby noise.


right now i am making lunch for me and harry Wyatt is up stairs taking his nap, I'm glad i finally put him to sleep. harry gladly happy to change his dipper but wasn't happy for the surprise he got and me on the hand just started laughing at his cute adorable face when he got that surprise. as I'm cooking the doorbell rings and harry yelling "i'll get it love" i hear chatting and door closing. i turn to see my father holding a box and a smile spread to his face. 

"look at you, cooking like a normal human" my father said and laughing.

"hello to you too daddy" i come up to him and kiss him on the cheek. i then look at the box, then at my daddy.

"there's stuff i thought you might wanted for Wyatt, this box was hidden in my room way deep in my closet" my father puts down the box by the table and sit down.

"so how you been princess, i mean how are you taking things as a mother" my father asks me while i cook lunch.

" well i'm taking it very well as you can see I'm being a mother, I'm ready making baby face even harry daddy. Wyatt sleeps lot like harry but what I'm worry about is how he's going to turn out and how he's going to act around everything around his life" i said, its true I'm scared how he'll act and behavior.

"Diana you have a long way to get there right now you should enjoy these moments as him being a baby right now before he grows up and be a great handsome man just like his father" 

"your right daddy but still we don't know how he going to turn around though" i said to him trying to see if he understands were I'm coming from.

"i understand were your coming from princess" my daddy comes and kisses my forehead i smile as my daddy pulls away.

"now where is my grandson" my father says. i shake my head because my father is happy to be a grandfather.


my father had left not long ago, and its already night Harry's giving Wyatt a bath while i clean up the kitchen a little. as i'm cleaning i can hear harry talking to Wyatt.

"you know son, i plan on marrying mom day even though she going to queen and has to have someone to marrying i'll make sure I'm that she Mary's. i don't think you understand me since your giving me that little confused look" i smile how adorable my boyfriend and how cute he talking to our son and also hoping he does make his dream happen to marry me. i shake my head to come back to reality, as i turn around i find my amazing boyfriend standing by kitchen door smiling wide.

"Wyatt is sound asleep and now we both get to relax" harry start to up to me and looks at me with these green eyes to just melt in. He brush my hair out of my face. we both lean in to kiss each other as i lips move in cycle, harry moves his from mine to my neck as he starts sucking on my neck more and moan escapes from my lips, i put my hand on harry's chest to stop and to make him remember I'm still on my period. yes i can still be on my period and the doctor said it should lasted for about a month or two. For sure me and harry can't control our self but we have to remember that we have a baby in the house to keep a eye and make sure we don't doing anything sexual around the baby.

"harry, i can't I'm still on my period. maybe i'll give you something else instead" i told him in ear while nipping on it for him to moan my name on too his lips.

"what do you have in mind then babe" he said so raspy and husky, i think i just die there for s minute.

"oh you know like the blow stuff you know" he look at me.

"you got a deal then" as we were about to leave the kitchen i had forgot about the box my father left by the table.

"harry would you mind taking the box upstairs into the room" he nod his head goes pick the box as he picks it up something falls out i walk over and pick it up, it looked like a letter, i turn the letter as i did i felt like i just lost the life in me. the letter said my name but in a different handwriting i had see once in a book that belong to my mother. as i touch the letter, a tear slides down. i look at the neat handwritten with my name on it.

my Diana.
