

"Y/N!" I heard someone yell behind me.

I turned around and I saw Bryce and his friends, Jackson, Ash, and Tyler.

It took me a few seconds until I could finally remember their names.

"Hey guys!" I said back as they got closer to me.

"Helloo y/n." Jackson dragged out, smirking at me.

Oh boy.

"Hey Jackson." I awkwardly waved.

He smiled at me and took my hand and kissed it properly.

Oh no no no...

I nervously laughed as the other boys looked at him with either grossed out looks on their faces or smirking suspiciously. Bryce laughed at him.

I could see that Logan, the boys, and Faith began walking towards us.

This'll be fun... 😏

They came closer to us and Faith began blushing furiously when she saw Bryce.

"Hey Faith!" Bryce said nervously.

"Hey!" She said, fiddling with her fingers in front of her.

Zach came and put his arm around my waist and I kissed his cheek and when I moved my gaze to Jackson, he was shocked and ticked off at the same time. I'll admit, I was excited to see what was going to happen.

"Are you uhh... her brother?" Jackson asked anxiously.

"Uh..." Zach began, looking at me wierdly.

"I'm his girlfriend." I finished. I was interested to see how long he could drag it on but I was too excited to see his reaction.

"Grreeeaaat. That's great! Cool! Awesome!" He stuttered.

"Ooohhhh... you just got rejected boy!!" Yelled Ash as him and Tyler were jumping on Jackson's back and messing up his dark hair.

"For now." Jackson whispered as he walked away with Tyler and Ash.

"What the crap just happened?" Corbyn asked.

I didn't really know either.

"Looks like you got some compitition buddy!" Jack smirked as he rubbed Zachs hair as well.

"He's not wrong you know." I teased him as I walked towards the beach towel to sit down.

Zachs POV

"I'm tellin' you bro, someone is gonna steal her." Daniel said.

"I know. I'm pretty close to cutting that teenagers balls off." I suggested as I tried to see whatever that kid was doing.

"Jesus Zach, you really like this girl don't you?" Logan asked.

"Gee, have you noticed?" I scoffed sarcasticly.

I walked over to y/n and sat next to her, all of the boys following behind him. Faith and Bryce went to hang out with Jackson, Ash, and Tyler.

"Do you get to see things like this at home?" I asked.

All of a sudden, it hit me.

She was going back home.
She was going to leave, and I was never going to go with her.
All of this had been happening and when she leaves, it will all have gone away. I fell in love with someone who I was going to lose by the end of the summer. I began sweating and getting scared before she even had the time to answer my question.

"No, not really." She said calmly, looking at the sunset with her beautiful eyes.

She looked at me and saw how scared I was.

"Zach, what's wrong?" She asked nervously. She was looking deeply into my eyes which made me worry even more.

Her saying that made the other guys look at me, concerned as well.

I just got up and ran as fast as I could under the pier and sat down to lean my limp body against the worn, wooden pole.

"D..n it." I sighed.

I got up and began pacing around nervously, running my hands through my hair that was soaked with salt water as I looked at the wet sand under me.

She was leaving.
She was leaving.
She was leaving.

No matter how many times I repeated it, I couldn't stop it.

I couldn't stop the effect it would have on me.

I thrusted the sides of my fists as fast as I could at the wooden pole, resting my head against it as I let a tear roll down my face.

I had just escaped losing her, now it was happening all over again.

I could hear someone running over to me but I continued letting tears fall freely down my cheeks.


I shot my head up and saw y/n looking at my face scared while her arms hung behind her.

"Zach what's wrong?" She asked.

When those words cascaded out of her mouth, I couldn't take it.

I wanted to run up to her and kiss her.

I wanted to wrap my arms around her safely and not let her go.

I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

But I couldn't.

"Y/n, please leave me alone." I said more aggressively than I intended too.

"Zach, how stupid do you think I am?" She asked, as arms now crossed in front of her.

"I'm not leaving you. I want to be with you. Why do you think I would leave?" She said.

"BECAUSE YOU ARE!!" I yelled loudly, making the boys look at us from 100 feet away.

"I am NEVER leaving you, you idiot! Do you really think I would fall in love with you and leave just so I would never see you again?" She yelled back as a tear ran down her face this time.

She ran back to the boys, and I stood there, dumbfounded.

I ruined...

