Meeting WDW

-Y/N's POV-

"But first, I want to introduce you to Maverick" he said.

He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the cage. He took his finger and Maverick carelessly walked onto it while I managed to stay a good 7 feet away from the cage.

"What are you doing?" He asked me, holding the colorful bird on his finger.

"Umm, I've seen the way that bird reacts to guests in your vlogs!!" I said, clawing on to the door frame.

"Oh, you're fine you big baby!" Logan laughed.

I managed to cautiously make my way towards the cage, trying my best not to make a sound. Maverick turned his head toward me, still not moving.
I was finally able to make it to Logan and the bird still managed to sit on his finger.

"Yo, he isn't even doing anything!" He said in suprise.

He looked up at me and I laughed.

"I guess he likes pretty girls after all!" I said, smiling at the fact that I wasn't viciously attacked by this bird.

"Okay," he said putting the camera down. "Do you want to come meet my bois now?" He said.

Faith came up to Logan.

"Who are they!!?" She screamed at the fact that the word, "boy" was suddenly thrown around.

"Hold your horses!" Logan said to her.

She crossed her arms angrily. She has never really been good with patience, like any other little sibling.

"Okay, well, let me grab something to wear and we can go!" I said to the both of them.

I walked towards Logans room where me and Faiths suitcases were and got ready in the bathroom.

(Choose what you would like to wear, or you can make up an outfit in your head. 😊)




(And you can choose whatever hairstyle you like in your head because I don't know what color hair everyone has. 😂)

-Y/N's POV-

Logan, me, and Faith all got in an Uber and we all sat in the back. Logan got his camera out again.

"Hey I'm back, so basically, we are taking muh girls," he said and pointed the camera to us.

Me and Faith awkwardly waved at the camera before he turned it back to himself.

"To muh bois place, and we might be planning to prank Jake, I don't know?" He said smirking.

"But real quick, dab transition..."
Logan started a dab and in the middle of it, paused the camera.

"Ooaahh, so that's how you do it?" I asked him while he put his camera down.

"You just don't know this vlog life
Y/N." He said in while slicing the air with his hands.

-Timeskip to arrival-


We are here!" Logan said, picking up his camera again and finishing his dab transition.

I got out of the car and saw Faiths jaw drop while looking ahead of her.

When my eyes met what she was looking at, I did the same thing...

"This muh girls, is the Why Don't We Boys house!" Logan said, hands on his hips acting like he was in a movie or something.

Me and Faith were both frozen. Logan tried to nudge us to see if we would move but it didn't work. We were finally able to snap out of it and my palms started sweating.

"Are you guys alive!?" Logan asked playfully.

"Umm, yeah. Just uhh, suprised." I said, still in shock at where we were.

"That was the plan!" Logan said pridefully.

We walked up to the door and Logan knocked.

"Woah woah woah, we are going in... to meet them?" Faith said, clearly not prepared for this, just as I was.

"Umm, yeah, why else would we be here?" Logan said.

Me and Faith were freaking out and all of a sudden, Jack opened the door.

THE JACK AVERY!!! 😱😍 I thought.

We all walked in and Logan began to shoot the boys with a fake gun he shaped from his hands. All of the boys began falling down. I have seen him do this in his vlogs before, so I decided to take advantage of the moment and shoot down Logan when he looked at me.
He fell down and looked at me suprised.

"Yo, that's never happened before!" He said, while everyone started standing up. We all laughed.

"So, Y/N and Faith, these are the Why Don't We boys." Logan said, looking at us.

Faith saw all of the boys together, and she fake fainted while I stood behind her to catch her.

"Sorry, she is a big fan." I laughed, lifting her back up.

"No problem. We love our fans!" Daniel said.

"Sooo, Y/N and Faith, I'm sure you already know but, this is Daniel


, Corbyn

, Zach

and the one with the noodles is Jack.

Each one of them waved as Logan named them off. We all laughed when Logan mentioned Jacks hair.
Oh my gosh! Zach is like 3 million times cuter in real life! I thought to myself.

"It's really cool to meet you guys! My sister talks about you all the time." I laughed, trying my best to contain my happiness.

"I do not!" Faith said, looking like she was about to rip my head off.

We all laughed.

We went outside to play with Kong and the boys began making a song for him.

They are amazing! They sound perfect just while making a song for a dog. I thought.

I sat down in the grass for a minute and got my journal/super crazy secret embarrassing diary and started to add to a song I have was working on during the flight here. Zach walked over to me.

"Hey Y/N, What's up?" He asked.

I looked up in shock. What do I say?!

"Oh, just writing." I replied.


"What are you writing?" He asked.

"Umm, just a song I have been working on while I'm here." I smiled at him.

(Oh c'mon)

"That's cool! Do you sing?" He asked, sitting next to me.

"I'd like to think I do, I have always been kind of shy though." I replied. I lifted my head up to at least make eye contact with him. We both just sat there for a second, starring at each other.

"Muh boys already talking to the girls, he's gonna smash!" Logan said pointing the camera at us. We both heard him and immediately looked up at him beet red and stood up.

(Shoot, Really Logan)

"Hey, come inside guys, we need to plan the prank." He yelled and we all followed him inside.
