

We were on our way back to Logans house but I was kinda nervous the way there.
Faith had walked out of the house with nothing after she said she had forgotten something.

I am honestly too tired to worry about it right now.

Timeskip to Logans Apartment

"Night Logan!" I said.

We gave Logan a hug before we left into our room.

"Seeya." He said, walking into his room.

I walked into our room and Faith came behind me and closed the door.

"Get ready for bed, I really need to talk to you." She said while she plugged her phone up.

"Okaaay?" I said.

I honestly had zero idea what she was up to, and I started to think it had to do with Zach...

If it does...

I'm screwed.

For Faiths entire life, she has always been a loud mouth. She will literally tell anyone who she likes and doesn't care what people think about her opinion, and I love her for that. But, I don't want Zach to have any part in it.

We got ready and I got on my bed and Faith immediately jumped on the bed.

"Faith be quiet, you could wake up Logan and Evan!" I whispered.

"I TOLD ZACH!" She whisper shouted.

"YOU WHAT?!" I said.

"Faith, why on earth would you do that?!" I asked, having a minor panic attack.

"He already knew!" She said, completely ignoring my questions.

"How?" I asked, still deeply confused about the entire situation.

"He heard us in upstairs before we went golfing." She said shyly.

I side flopped on the bed, while facing the ceiling.

She flopped next to me.

"Faith, what do I do?" I sighed.

"I told him to talk to you." She said.

"You've gotta be kidding me." I said.

I didn't even want to yell anymore, because I know that is no use to Faith.

"It can't be much worse than when he heard your nutcase explosion upstairs." She shrugged.

"Oh my God, Faith! He probably thinks I'm an idiot!" I sighed.

"You are kind of an idiot." She told me.

"Yeah but he shouldn't know that yet!"
