2. The panic button


The older buildings in this area have a similar kind of outer infrastructure and so is the house right next to ours and it's too close to say it's safe to be honest. The beautiful two-story house that the Yonzons own isn't unfamiliar to me, but the boy standing alongside the railing in the balcony certainly kicks into my curiosity.

He looks my age, but is probably taller than my 5'3" figure. His dark hair with a low fade cut and his lean body makes him look very smart and disciplined yet the rose tattoo, that almost covers half of his arm, speaks the other way-which also makes me wonder how he even managed to get permission from his parents to have one.

My eyes are all over him and damn that movement of the apple prominent on the front of his throat looks so freaking sexy while he occasionally sips from a steaming mug of something. For some odd reason, I find him really...intriguing, because I want to know what he's been thinking and most of all-who is he? And did I mention how beautiful he is?

I've seen so many handsome guys already, but now I'm defining this boy as sexy and beautiful? What's wrong with me?

But this boy looks so damn delicious that my mind is already creating sinister thoughts.

Oh my goodness! Seriously, what's wrong with me?

Suddenly, his serene expression changes into a scowl and he turns his head to look at me. The creases formed between his brows slowly start to fade as he stares at me as well and his expressions are now something similar to.. I don't know, amusement?

I freeze. My brain is literally paralyzed and it might have barely been a minute since we started staring at each other, yet it feels like forever.

But when my brain finally starts sending messages to my limbs, they impulsively find their way back to the room, without a single word.

I rush towards the bathroom, clean myself up and literally start stomping around the room while scolding myself.

"Bianca! I was trying to sleep here." Sia cries.

"Sia, what should I do?" I run up to her and shove my head upon the pillow beside her. "What was I even thinking?"

"But, what happened?" She asks, rubbing the sleep away from her eyes.

So, I tell her everything.

"Really? You're throwing a tantrum just because of that?"

"What do you mean by that? I just made a fool of myself. "

She rolls her eyes. "You were just checking out a guy and that's what girls do when they like someone." She grins, emphasizing more on 'like'.

"But I don't do that and I don't like him. I just found him really... interesting. "

"Sure." She nods, but I can clearly see the mischief running all over her face as she walks out of the bed towards her wardrobe.

"I never knew Samir had a younger brother." I state, trying to change the subject.

"He isn't his brother, he's just staying as a paying guest. It's not been more than a week that he's here and guess what? He'll be joining us on Elite."

"What?? I have to see him at school too?" I ask.

"Uh huh." She speaks while getting her clothes ready. "Aunt Anita told me about him before he arrived. He's the son of her friend from Kurseong."

"Kurseong?" I've heard about that place before but rarely have any idea of where it really is.

"A town in the district of Darjeeling." She answers, rolling her eyes.


"Weird isn't it?" She continues, now looking at me with a grin. "The way you met him, like a clichè scene from a love story. "

"Weird, I admit but it's so not a love story. "

"It might. Who knows?" She shrugs. I am starting to get irritated by her constant eye rolling and shrugs.

"Well, keep on dreaming."

"Ugh!!..Why would I dream of your love story? You're my sister and it's quite disturbing, you know, the romance and stuff. " She scrunches her nose and dramatically shakes her head side to side.

"Shut up! Sia."

"Ciao." Giving a small finger wave, she goes to the bathroom, making me feel worse than before.

I don't even know his name, and I succeeded in giving him a perfectly bizarre first impression.

And I thought it was hard to socialize!

After having breakfast, we were sitting on the couch, watching Friends on TV when Aunt Deepika came.

"Bia, your school uniform will be ready by noon. I would've got it by myself but something important came up in the hospital and I might be late. So, will you go with Sia to the market place to fetch it instead? You could also get all the other required stuff."

"Sure, Auntie. We'll leave after lunch." I reply.

"Okay, have fun both of you and take care."

"Hey, Bia." Sia speaks, sometime after her mum was gone.


"It's a shame that you won't join me to med school. "

"I know," I say, finally glancing away from the TV to look at her. "I'm sorry."

"I still wonder what's going on in your mind regarding your future." She says, adjusting the cushion as a pillow on the arm of the couch and resting her head on it.

"I'm thinking about something, but I'm not so sure about it yet."

"What is it?" She asks.

"Fashion designing?"

"That would be so cool." Her voice is high with excitement.

"I know, right?"

We turn my attention back to our favourite soap opera before she speaks again. "But you know, you're the only one in our family who didn't take Science. "

I turn back to look at her with my mouth agape with surprise.

"Sia, Keith took Commerce!" I state.

She shrugs. "Well, I don't really consider him as family. "

"But he practically shared a womb with you!" I scold, although I was fighting the laughter trying to escape from my mouth.

"That's so gross right?" She moans, furrowing her brows.

Sia is just unbelievable.


Fetching my uniform is the first thing we do and we plan to take a short walk around M.G.Marg, the centre of the town.

With all the flowers, water fountains, the romantic sound of music playing through the speakers attached to the street lamps and with no automobiles to disturb, it feels amazing.

Maybe because it's noon and the sky is clear enough, I actually feel hot for the first time since I've been here. So, we head towards CCD to have something cool to drink, when I almost crash into someone, almost.

That same tall figure with a very handsome face is standing right in front of me.

Thank God! We didn't collide.

My eyes are wide staring at his, while he does the same. Then his face relaxes and the corner of his lips curves up into a lopsided smile that automatically makes his eyes appear smaller. Maybe he's about to say something but I don't think I want him to say anything at this point. So I hold Sia's hand and literally drag her so that I can get away from his vision as soon as possible.

"Bia, what the heck is wrong with you?"

"What more do you expect from me?"

We enter CCD and sit right in front of the counter. We sit opposite each other, so that my back is facing the entrance, then we give our orders.

"He wasn't going to eat, you know."

"I know that. But do you even remember what I did this morning? Wasn't that creepy enough? What if he questioned me about that?"

"You're only overreacting, Bia and even if he'd ask you whatever, you could have just explained. "

"Like how? Should I have said like- 'Hi, Mr X? Actually, I found you way too attractive and I couldn't stop myself from staring at you like an idiot'?"

"Well, that explanation would've made sense and thanks for the compliment."

As soon as I hear that unfamiliar male voice, a chill runs down my spine.

I look at Sia, who has covered half of her face with the menu, possibly to hide her laugh. My heart now starts to skip beats.

I close my eyes shut, wishing all this to just turn into a bad dream but when I open it again, everything is still the same. When I have no other options left, I force myself a bit of courage and slowly turn my head towards the voice owner.

He has a cocky smile pasted on his face and all I want this moment is for the earth to open up and devour me in.

My cheeks are burning up with embarrassment and I'm almost almost hyperventilating. It's getting harder for me to breathe, so I start to fan myself with my hands.

"I....uh...I'm sorry, for making you uncomfortable. I'm leaving."

So, he does.

After I calm down, Sia stares at me in horror while I sip my cool sparkle which has already been delivered to our table.

"Bianca, what is the matter with you?" Sia asks, shocked by my hysterical performance.

"I'm sorry." Her eyes are still wide open with disbelief. "I don't know Sia. But you have no idea how much I'm hating myself right now."

"Yeah, I understand." She says, her annoyance turning into a sly grin. "He makes you nervous."

"Are you ever going to stop that carp?"

"Never!" She winks, sipping her drink and certainly enjoying my misery.

She is not wicked, but sometimes, she just knows how to act pure evil.

I wake up at six the other day, as usual. I get off the bed and head straight to the balcony to get some fresh air and enjoy the breathtaking view of the daylight.

I stretch my hands over my head and continue doing some exercises when I see him, again.

One of his elbows is rested upon the railing and he's looking at me with that typical smirk on his face.

Without a word, I return back to my room and close the door behind me. I go straight to the bathroom, splash some cold water on my face and with misery, I look at my reflection on the mirror.

"I just can't be like this forever. I don't wanna die getting embarrassed over and over again. Why is he everywhere I go? Why does he always... always smile like that?" I hiss. "Be brave, Bianca. Calm down. You're gonna be alright. You're strong." I talk to my reflection before taking a deep breath.

"That hard, huh?" Sia, who almost startles me with her presence, is leaning on the bathroom's door with her arms crossed at front of her chest.

"What should I do Sia? It's getting worse and you need to stop with that teasing, it's not helping at all." I whimper.

She rolls her eyes.

"Fine. I won't and I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

She comes towards me and gives me a light hug.

"But he makes you nervous!" Then she runs away.

"Sia! " I yell and chase her.

**An hour and a half later**

"Do I look okay?"

"You look perfect."

I don't want to make a bad impression of myself on the very first day of school, so I try to keep myself as presentable as possible, not that the black and white combination of the uniform could look bad on anyone anyway.

I'm going to my old school after so many years--with Sia and Keith who used to be my classmates in my kindergarten days.

It is one of the oldest and most renowned schools in the country with its nature embracing environment, uniquely designed campus, best teaching facilities, extracurricular activities, etc.

Getting into 'The Elite Academy' is definitely not a joke. You either need to have very strong references or excellency in at least some of the Academics. Luckily, I have both. I got grades which are good enough to fill up the criteria and regarding the references-my Grandma was the former principal of the school which pretty much sealed the deal.

This school has also been like heredity to my family, considering the fact that since the foundation-almost all my ancestors had managed to pass out from this very school. Even my parents met while studying in the same school, fell in love and ended up getting married eventually.

So, I do have some special attachment with the school. And I feel so blessed to be a part of it.

After getting ready and talking to my mom, Sia and I head to the dining room where everyone else is seated except for Keith, who has left already--which everyone including me prefers--not because we don't like him but whenever the twins are together the series of arguments are bound to happen.

We have our breakfast and hurry out soon after everyone wishes me luck.

We stand by the street light near our building waiting for our school bus which is yet to come. Having nothing else to do, I start kicking pebbles with both of my hands holding the straps of my backpack.

I accidentally kick a pebble harder on the right side which goes straight towards the boy and hits his shoes.

Since when has he been there?

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." He say, featuring his signature smile, forcing me to smile back.

AN: So, what do you think?

I hope you're not getting bored by the story till now. I'll try my best to make it as interesting as possible.
Just stay tuned.....and please don't forget to vote. Love ya..

Happy reading.

Thank you♡♡
