Chapter Sixteen

I scarfed down the food on the plate before me with vigor, pausing only to drink from the glass nearby before continuing my feast. Cynthia sat across from me patiently, quietly watching me as I devoured the meal prepared for me. We were seated on the stage within the abandoned temple yet again.

Caleb had me on lockdown at this point. After finding out the situation during the hunt, both Logan and I were on his bad side. I was officially no longer guest status, nearly kept as a prisoner at this point. If it weren't for Diana, I'm pretty sure Caleb would have left me in a dungeon cell until Roman came back.

As for Logan, I knew he was being punished, though I didn't know how. I also knew his punishment had nothing to do with killing a pack member. I had almost been hurt during a pack hunt. It was two broken rules at once.

I felt guilt for several reasons. If I hadn't gone on the hunt, it wouldn't have created an opening for a wolf to try to hurt me, so Vio would still be alive. Logan wouldn't have been punished, halting any training I had planned with him. And Caleb would not be waiting for his Alpha to come back and delegate a punishment suitable for his Beta for not being as alert as he could be around me.

However, guilt wasn't strong enough of a feeling to outweigh the need for freedom. So it was with great stealth and difficulty that I was able to finally sneak out for a moment of freedom. The Temple was like a safe haven to me; a place none would go to if they were hunting me. By the time I was able to finally sneak out and hideaway there, Cynthia was waiting with a meal already made as though she had been told ahead of time. I'd already begun to accept that she was a creature beyond my ability to understand.

"He's been gone for ages," I finally spoke first, skipping all the formalities of pretenses that everything was okay. "How am I supposed to stop him from killing all of humanity if he isn't even here?" My frustration became renewed when voicing my own question, but Cynthia didn't seem fazed by my concerns.

"Have faith," Cynthia said wisely. I put down my fork firmly, gripping the edge of the table and sitting up straight to peer at her with indignation. Her dark sable eyes only watched me with that deep knowledge, calm as the lake under the moonlight.

"In what, exactly?" I finally muttered before looking away grumpily.

"In yourself. In the King Alpha. And in the Moon Goddesses." Cynthia suggested one after the other, as though she had an entire list beyond that of the three listed and I were the one being unreasonable.

"I still don't understand any of this. How can I shift, even a little bit? Did my entire village lie to me? Am I really some outcast wolf? I just don't understand," I sighed in exasperation, leaning forward to rest my head on my hand.

"Your village didn't lie to you. Your mother is your mother and your father is your father," Cynthia confirmed carefully, that familiar tone of voice creeping in. I just knew that she knew more than she was willing to say, always picking and choosing what information to divulge at any given time. Or perhaps she's an all-seeing witch who has had this conversation and all future conversations with me in her visions already.

But still, her statement brought me a form of relief. I wasn't crazy. I still belonged to the family I yearned to see again. And they would welcome me back as their own... as long as they didn't know the creature I had begun to turn into.

I frowned at nothing in particular.

"The wolves are going extinct... and yet Logan didn't hesitate to kill one of his own. And me... I killed one, too. I know it was to save my own life, but it feels like..." I hesitated, unsure of what exactly the emotion I was feeling was entirely. "A great sin? A great... shame."

"All life lost is a shame, but we all must rest in the Crone's bosom at some point," Cynthia responded softly, reaching forward to touch my free hand in comfort.

"Except Roman," I whispered, my frown deepening.

"He will be coming back sooner than you think," Cynthia finally admitted, making me straighten in immediate alertness. She kept her grip on my hand softly, but there was something in her face that held a hint of concern. "He will bring before you an obstacle and you will have to make another hard choice. I do not know what the outcome will be, but it will be either life or death."

I groaned loudly. "Not one of those. Do you know how many times I've almost died in this year alone?" I stood reluctantly, preparing to sneak back into my prison before Caleb would notice.

"Good luck, Mila," Cynthia called to me as I left.


I walked behind the young wolf, Deb, while dropping seeds into the small pits she'd made in the farming ground. Caleb stood not too far in the distance, speaking to another wolf about the farming, crop, and harvest plans. He must have been in a decent mood to allow me to walk even a couple of steps away from him, but more than likely he didn't see anything dangerous in allowing me to help with planting future crop with some of the pack members.

"So, you are the King Alpha's mate, aren't you?" Deb asked me in a hushed voice, glancing towards Caleb as though she knew it was a topic we weren't supposed to speak of.

"Technically," I responded shortly, "I guess."

"Then are you preparing to become Queen Luna?" She asked, reminding me of Diana's hopeful tone as she'd expected the same result. "We haven't ever had a Luna before."

"I'm not sure about that..." I began hesitantly.

"There's been rumors," Deb answered, as though that was the only thing that needed to be said to accept my fate. I waited for her to continue, but she seemed content in that explanation entirely.

"What rumors?" I finally pressed with frustration.

"Rumors that could get you a death sentence from the King Alpha," Deb said gravely before smirking, "Well, if you weren't his mate and in line for Queen Luna."

"What rumors?" I repeated with more exasperation.

"They're saying you can half shift as easy as breathing-"

"Oh, now that's just-" I tried to butt in, but Deb continued without interruption.

"They're saying you hunt with the pack. And you train with the warrior wolves. That your union with the King Alpha is so blessed by the Moon Goddesses that you will bring back the last blessing and save our kind once you're Queen Luna," Deb spoke almost without take a single breath between any of her words, an excitement lighting in her features.

I had stopped following her, staring with surprise.

"The last blessing?"

"The Mother's blessing came back when you and the King Alpha completed the mating mark. I've heard that the Maiden's blessing may come back if you and the Alpha... you know...," Deb smiled then, giggling like a small girl at the words she didn't say. I dropped everything in my hands altogether, opening my mouth in stunned surprise and then complete embarrassment.

"Absolutely not!" I declared loudly before crossing my arms over my chest almost defensively. "I'm not some mare to be bred for everyone's benefit." Deb laughed then loudly, bending over to pick up the basket of seeds I'd spilled. I paused, but then bent down to help clean up my own mess as well.

"Do they really believe the Maiden's blessing will come back because of me? I mean, if I become... that ridiculous title. Luna. Whatever," I became flustered at the thought, but pushed on further, "The pack isn't entirely against it?"

"Well, some are against it, of course... because you're from the human village. They don't understand why the Moon Goddesses have picked a human to bless above the lycans. But many of us still hold faith in them, even if they had forsaken us. And those who lost faith are getting it back because of you." Deb stood and held the basket out to me easily. I hesitated, but took it from her, mulling over her words. "It's also very entertaining watching the King Alpha get so worked up over you. I think you would make a good Luna. You could bring our pack great fortune."

Or great disaster, I thought solemnly.

Before I could press Deb further, there seemed to be a sudden change in the atmosphere. The wolves who were helping with planting crops along the soil all stood together, looking towards the village with attention that I hadn't quite developed. Deb lifted her hand over her brow, squinting through the sunlight. I turned to look as well, but they were seeing something beyond sight.

"Mila," Caleb called out to me sharply. I looked to him to see him waving me towards him. I turned to Deb and handed her the basket with a sigh.

"I've been summoned," I said dramatically.

"We all have," Deb replied simply.

I frowned, but Caleb called out my name again with more impatience. I waved to Deb shortly and began to stalk to the impatient wolf with my own irritation. The wolves in the field followed, gathering their supplies and beginning to pack up as though they had somewhere to be. I looked around me with confusion for a moment before approaching Caleb with furrowed brows.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"You can't feel it?" Caleb asked me, curious all of the sudden.

"Feel what exactly?"

"When you're mates, you should be able to feel each other's presence. It makes it easier to track each other in case of dangerous situations," Caleb said slowly before pausing, "Where's the King Alpha right now?"

I opened my mouth, but then halted my smart reply, looking inward. I had tried to experiment with that bond between Roman and me, but even now as I inspected it, it was closed tight. Roman didn't want me to feel him, so I couldn't.

"He's blocking me," I finally admitted to Caleb.

Caleb sighed, running a hand through his hair anxiously. "That sounds like him... The King Alpha is here now. He's just returned. And he's summoned the pack to the arena for an announcement. After that, I'm sure he'll want a complete report on your activities while he's been gone... I can't wait to see what's in store for me." The sarcasm was strong in his last statement, but any guilt I felt was halted by the fact that Roman was back.

I recalled Cynthia's prediction; that Roman would come back soon and bring an obstacle of life or death before me. I felt immediate dread, my hand impulsively going to the blade at my hip. Caleb saw the reaction and frowned.

"I wouldn't worry too much, Mila. I'm only mostly joking," He tried to comfort me suddenly. I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm not worried," I scoffed, stomping off towards the arena with renewed determination.

"Oh right, I forgot you're the fearless human not-human wolf not-wolf girl not-girl," Caleb replied, following close behind me. I shot him a look of daggers at his little joke, but he only smirked in response.

I hadn't been in the arena since my sparring matches with Logan, which had been a few weeks at this point. When I entered, my eyes immediately scanned the crowd of wolves that had begun to form around the arena for any sign of him. I found him standing to the side of one of the weapons displays, his arms folded and his face stony as he watched the crowd as well. I couldn't see any signs of punishment, but then the situation had happened long enough ago that I felt any injuries would have been healed by now. I watched him only a moment longer before giving up hope that he would ever look in my direction again.

Instead, I scanned the crowd further to find Diana, who waved excitedly. I tried to walk towards her, but Caleb halted me, holding me next to him instead. I glared at him, but he only bumped my arm with his elbow teasingly. My eyes caught several other wolves I had begun to get to know over time, smiles greeting me and eventually I found Cate, whose eyes were already on me solidly. I blinked in surprise, but then lifted my hand in a quiet greeting. Cate nodded, but didn't look away, as though there were something she wanted to say but couldn't.

The arena was cleared in the center, much how it had been when I had to complete the challenge against Roman when I'd first arrived here. Weapons were displayed in random carts on the edge of the arena and my eyes automatically noted bows and blades by habit.

The crowd parted and he was there, walking into the center of the arena. I hadn't seen Roman in nearly three months, but it wasn't as though I had truly forgotten his appearance. However, seeing him now, it was as though I were seeing him for the first time in years. A beast seemed to stretch out under my flesh at the sight of him, delight thrilling through me mindlessly. I pushed the urge to approach him, as my beast knew he was my mate and that made him mine, but I wasn't a beast. Instead, I only held my breath, watching his commanding form take center stage among his pack.

"I'm glad to see you all well," Roman finally greeted his pack, his voice thunderous and alluring. I tightened my hand into fists anxiously. "I've visited our brother packs and it is as we expected. The Mother's blessing has come back for all wolves."

There was a rustle of hushed voices, exclamations, surprise, and excitement at the announcement, but Roman lifted his hand and they were quieted.

"This doesn't change our new laws or our pending fate. The Maiden's blessing has still been refused. We will proceed as we planned," Roman continued, an anger slipping into his tone at the statement. My attention amplified at his statement about a plan, curious as to what exactly he meant by it, but this would be forgotten soon because Roman then cleared his throat and continued. "To show my devotion to our laws, I have agreed to terms with our brother packs... in regards to our Queen Luna."

The arena was dead silent at this point, no shuffles of confusion or curiosity, just pure attention. I watched as an unfamiliar figure stepped into the arena, approaching Roman with confidence in each powerful stride. The woman stopped next to Roman, looking around to peer at the pack around her carefully. She was older than me, though I couldn't be sure just how much older. She was taller as well, her limbs holding clear power in them. Her hair was a strawberry blonde in braids that fell on her shoulders softly. And her sharp blue eyes were staring into the eyes of each wolf with superiority. They said, I am Queen.

"I have judge several she-wolfs based on ability, skill, qualifications, and power. I have accepted Lillian as my Queen Luna," Roman announced firmly. My world warped around me at the statement, watching as this woman reached for Roman's arm, touching it to suggest familiarity. "My hope is that you all will accept her as well, but if not... well, that's why we're here."

My eyes didn't leave Lillian, this new Queen Luna before the pack. Even when Roman stepped to the side, leaving Lillian there to greet the pack, my eyes didn't follow him. I felt strange... quiet even. It was as if every part of my mind, all questions, anxieties, fears, or anger had slipped away into silence. I didn't know anything about this woman. She hadn't done anything to me specifically. In fact, I wasn't sure she even knew about me at all, but still... I couldn't take my eyes off of her form with that silence swamping my thoughts.

"I am from the Red Moon pack. I am the daughter of the Red Moon Alpha, so I know what will be expected of me. I'm excited to be joining this pack and I can't wait to get to know each of you," Lillian declared, her voice powerful despite the femininity.

Eyes were on me as Lillian spoke. I could feel them; those wolves who knew I was the King Alpha's mate. They looked at each other, at me, and at Lillian. It was as though time had halted into this moment, when no one was sure what move to make next.  And before Lillian could speak further, a loud screech of metal echoed around the arena.

The wolves' eyes moved to the source, where Cate had stepped forward slowly, dragging the tip of her lance loudly along the concrete besides her. The threat she presented was clear despite her steely silence.

"I understand," Lillian said easily, changing her stance from one of ease into one in preparation for any attacks. The pack shuffled around the arena and as if Cate had set off a spark of a flame, women began to step forward just as intimidatingly. The threat wasn't just to Lillian. It was to each other. The intent was clear. Just having the title Queen Luna wouldn't be enough. It was keeping it that would be the true task. And Lillian hadn't made a single Trinity pack member submit as of yet.

I remained where I stood, my eyes trained on Lillian with that dead silence still throughout me. My mind hadn't truly noted the gravity of the event that was going to unfold before me. The challengers were still stepping forward, preparing to fight one another and then Lillian for the title of Queen Luna. And then they would have the King Alpha to themselves.

I stepped forward. Caleb reached to stop me, probably by reflex, and a member next to him growled at him. I didn't know what response Caleb gave because I was mindlessly stepping into the arena with a determination that felt purely beast, more so than Milena. My eyes only moved from Lillian when I stepped past the female wolves who were preparing to enter the challenge.

I turned my back on Lillian, staring down each female wolf from unknown to Cate, and let out an extremely uncharacteristic growl.

"Anyone who wants to get to her will have to get through me first," I snarled dangerously, a power flaring through me that reached towards the wolves before me savagely. The wolves stepped back almost immediately, their stances changing from ones of intimidation to that of fear and then respect. Cate was the only one who smiled, a pleased look satisfying her features before she silently stepped back into the crowd. The other wolves did as well, each one rescinding their challenge in my presence.

I turned to face this new Queen Luna, making sure to pull my power back into me before she could get a taste of it. I wouldn't cheat. Not here. Not against her. Not for this title. This was purely between my own abilities and hers.

"What do you think you're doing?" Roman asked from his position in front of the pack. I didn't take my eyes off of Lillian, my concern with Roman in the furthest depths in the back of my head. This was a matter of beasts and my beast was positively fuming within me. Roman was mine. Even if he didn't want to be. Even if I didn't want him to be. He still was; mine.

"I'm the King Alpha's mate," I declared, lifting my blade from my hip dangerously. "I challenge you, Lillian of the Red Moon pack. I challenge you right now. And when I win, I will be the Queen Luna." I then threw the blade to the side, not even throwing it a passing glance when it tumbled across the floor and under the feet of the pack.

I didn't have to see Roman to feel his shock. The bond between us was suddenly open, as though his concentration had faltered with my statement. I let his presence wash over me, feeling that beast flex within me in a delighted response, but my focus was entirely on Lillian.

"I've heard about you," Lillian mused with entertainment. "Aren't you no better than a human? I've heard you can't even shift." A laugh trickled from her throat as she straightened, no longer as tense as before when presented with her challenger.

While she was caught off guard, I silently pulled at the power of my beast, focusing on my legs and feet only. Within a breath of a second, I lunged forward, moving faster than I'd ever been able to manage against Logan. I didn't care for her look of surprise. I only focused on the strength in my foot when I slammed it into her legs, twisting to grip her arm and shoulder before putting that unnatural strength into my arms and abdomen. Lillian was launched over my shoulder, thrown to the ground violently in the distance, just as Logan had taught me.

Lillian rolled onto all fours quicker than I thought she would, launching herself towards me with a snarl in her throat. I twisted sharply, dodging her fist as it came for my face. I grabbed her arm, turning and using my own form as leverage before brutally twisting it until I heard a loud snap.

Lillian yelped and then kicked me in the side hard enough to launch me across the arena. I rolled over the ground, the attack enough to cause a sharp pain of a no doubt broken ribs in response. I pushed myself to my hands and knees with a bit of difficulty, my breath sharp in my lungs, and looked to Lillian. She was snapping her arm back into place, a renewed anger fresh on her features at the attack.

With her arm no doubt healing before me, she turned to face me again, holding her hands to her side dangerously. I stood with difficulty, my own injury not proceeding to heal as a wolf's does, and watched as her hands began to shift into that of claws. My heart thumped nervously in my chest, but I told myself to remain calm. I thought about my fights with Logan, focusing on his pointers and took as deep of a breath as I could.

Lillian knew I had strength unlike a human now, but she believed I couldn't shift. If I shifted now, with her, we would fight as one half-shifted to another half-shifted. Only, my injury hadn't healed like hers, so she would have the upper hand. I would have to try for underestimation... a potentially painful and risky strategy; act weaker and slower to lower her guard.

She lunged for me and I dodged her once, twice, and then cried out when her claws caught my shoulder down to my clavicle. I stumbled, falling to a knee, and she swiped my back next. The pain was sharp, her claws tearing into my flesh deeply, and I screamed in response. I collapsed onto the floor in agony, panting under her.

Lillian paused, intent on attacking again, but stopped after noticing my flesh not healing as a wolf's would. She straightened, watching me carefully before smirking pleasantly.

"Nice try, pup," She mused, watching me pant at her feet momentarily before looking up at the pack around us. She lifted her claws up triumphantly. "I am your Queen Luna. Not even your Alpha's so called mate can defeat me, as you can see."

It hurt to breath. My flesh was wet with blood, a pain throbbing through me, but as I struggled for air, my eyes caught those of Logan's who watched me with cold determination. I panted further and then abruptly smiled at him devilishly. He blinked and then slowly smiled in response.

I didn't wait further. I called on that beast just under my flesh, feeling it stretch within me excitedly. I felt it mold with me, its fur running along my skin, its fangs extending over my teeth, and its powerful claws twisting over my human hands until they were unrecognizable. The pain in my flesh was heated into numbness; the power flooding into my limbs until it was all I felt.

I launched stealthily at Lillian, whose focus was on the surroundings around her. I swiped at her shoulder and neck, feeling my claws tear into her flesh, deep into the back of her neck, and through her spine. Lillian didn't make a noise. She collapsed to the floor like a lifeless doll, her eyes wide in surprise and horror.

I straddled her form, lifting my half-shifted claw up and over my head dangerously. With her there, staring at me with fear, I felt a hint of hesitation. I knew several things. I knew she was already healing from the spinal damage. I knew she would not underestimate me again once she was healed and she would come at me with her entire force. I knew she wouldn't stop until I was dead.

My breath came quick. My limbs trembled from the power and adrenaline. I had an image of Cynthia before me. I didn't want to kill, but I could hear her warning. Life or death.

"We all must rest in the Crone's bosom in the end. Don't be afraid," I told Lillian, finally allowed my power of persuasion to flow over her softly like water. She seemed to relax at the suggestion and then I struck. My claws tore easily into her chest, breaking through her ribs horrifically, until they wrapped around a throbbing muscle. Her heart pulsed powerfully in my grip, and with a cry, I ripped it out.

Lillian seized under me repeatedly, choking on nothing, until finally she fell into a dark sleep. I gasped for air above her, as though I were choking as well. I looked from her to her heart in my hand, letting it go mindlessly. I took a deep breath and then another, trying to calm myself. Then I stood slowly above her body, raising my eyes to the pack determinedly.

As I stood before the pack, I was reminded of Roman's own memories. I could see him standing, bloodied from battle, before the same pack with different faces. Each of them watched me with all sorts of expressions; surprise, admiration, fear, anger... it didn't matter.

I lifted my bloodied claw, still shifted as part beast.

"Submit," I demanded to the pack, the threat clear in my tone. At this point, I could feel the adrenaline still pulsing through me. My beast wanted more. It was ready to tear through any chest of any wolf that would stand between Roman and me. But I didn't force the suggestion onto them with my power. I didn't sway their will with my words. And still, they all bent forward and revealed their necks, each and every one, until the fact was clear.

Whether Roman wanted it or not, I was Queen Luna.


Music: Nightmare by Halsey (BEATSMASH Remix)
