
I am a normal American girl. Age 15, my name is Sachi, bla bla bla. I am here to tell you a maybe fascinating tale! It depends on your opinion. I feel like I'm getting boring so I will go to the story.

It twas a sunny, boring, uneventful day. So I decided to go on my computer. I saw this interesting website that said 'vocaloid world' or something like that. Being the Otaku, vocaloid fangirl I was, I clicked on it and I was brought with a black screen.

Wait a minute. Did it? "No! My computer froze! Baka!" I hit my computer monitor in frustration and there was a spark."Great, now I broke it." I slumped in my chair. "Do not fear. For it is not broken." a voice came from my headphones.

"Three... Two... One... Close your eyes." Before I could ask questions, a bright light came from my computer monitor.

I opened my eyes to see a white rooms."Memory wipe program activating." What?! "Memory wipe beam activated." I was surrounded by blue light this time.


Hey hey hey! Watcha think? Good? Bad? I randomly had the idea to make this. You can check out my other stories if ya want.

Stay awesome peoples!

Don't do drugs.

See you in the next chapter.
