Chapter 4

Sachi's POV:

Darkness. It's all I see.

"She's.. -ing.... ruin.... -an..."

Voices fill my ears.

"Your... we..... her."

I wonder what their talking about...

"......... awake..."

It went silent...

I cried for help. The darkness was replaced by light and I see a teen with long white hair and a green eye because her hair covered her left eye. Or is it teal? "It's an aqua-green." The young teen turned towards me. Her aqua-green eye piercing through me.

"It's not time. I'll give you a second chance. After all, life is just a game..." The girl laughed and faded away.

I woke up in a chair in front of a computer."That was a weird dream." I rubbed my eyes. I got up and walked out of my room. I saw the house was empty so I assumed my parents were at work.

Aha! I got it working! Said a voice in my head. What?  It was the voice of the young teen in my dream.

Get your priorities straight!  We need to save the others!

And just who are you

The voice paused. You can just call me Willow. With that the voice stopped talking.

"Just what is going on?" I asked myself.

Oh yeah. I almost forgot to tell you that I reversed time. Then I realize that THAT wasn't a dream. But what will I do?


I forgot I had this book. So I need some people to be Sachi/Choko's friends. So if you want to be in the story fill this out.









I'm new to this
