Chapter 1

???'s POV:

I woke up in a room. Uuugghh. Where am I? Who am I? "I see your awake." A voice boomed."Who are you?" My voice was, robotic."I am your creator. You may call me Master." "Okay Master. Who am I?" "You will be, Hayashi Choko."

"Choko." I repeated. Why does that sound... Wrong? "Well Hayashi Choko. It's time you met the others." "The others?" "Yes." More people came in.

"I'm Hatsune Miku." Said a teen girl with long light teal hair."I'm Megurine Luka." Said a woman with pink hair."I'm Kagamine Rin." "I'm Kagamine Len." Said two kids who looked sorta the same."I'm Shion Kaito." Said a blue haired man.

I got to know the rest of them. Akaito, Meiko, Neru, Teto, and more! They all strangely look familiar. And they all sound robotic like me.

"I'll be back. Is there a restroom around here." "Sure! It's right there. No. There." Neru hit Miku with a leak."Baka! Sorry it's over there."

"Arigato!" When I got in I looked at myself. I had light purple wavy hair with light blue highlights on the end that went down to my ankles with a light pink bow in the right side of my head. I appeared to be wearing a short simple white skirt with a black rose on the left corner, a black tank top and a white dress jacket, white knee high boots, light tan skin and eyes orange like the color of the sunset.

This doesn't look right. This doesn't feel right. I kept repeating."You okay in there?" Len asked."Yeah. I just wanted to see if I looked okay." I replied not taking my eyes off the mirror.

"Well you need to hurry up! You need to do your first performance!" Miku yelled excitedly."Okay. I'm coming out." When I stepped foot out Miku grabbed my hand and pulled me away.
