Counsell of Meeting

In the meeting hall three leaders of each race sat discussing the current events especially a new anomaly that has shown itself to the world. Olga Queen of the dark elves started the first discussion about it.

Olga: Leader of each respected country this is the first time we've felt such power in the world that easily went through our barriers without destroying it wasn't our country's supposed to closed off to the world?

Hippolyta: Indeed the each country barrier was blessed by the Goddesses and yet it easily flowed in, did each of you felt the power was different from rest we know of?

Celestine: As I thought this power is from the ancient years or even the primordial age of God's.

Olga: That is impossible if it as you say the universe should be getting affected and the Gods would have intervened and war would start.

Celestine: That is true but remember our knowledge of the universe is small, all our knowledge came from the book of the past.

Olga: Aside from that let's continue our discussion of millitary strength if in case we need to be prepared.

Hippolyta: My Amazon warriors are know 12 000 all of them are trained included.

Celestine: 6 500 half of them are on healing magic, the rest are exceel on archery and swords.

Olga: 6 000 all of them are casters of destruction magic. 1 000 on archery and 100 on assasins. Should we send a scout team? To see what we're up against if it's a demon or the vampiric tribe.

Hippolyta/Celestine: Agreed

Olga: I'll send Sylvanas as the leader with 25 archers and Miria.



Celestine: I'll send Tyrande with 20 healers and Nina Asuraato

Nina Asuraato

Hippolyta: If you guys are sending your best it wouldn't be right if I didn't send mine. Heleyna Dian!

( I based her appearance on wonder woman)

Hippolyta: My Daughter Heleyna Dian the strongest Amazonian Warrior in the whole island.

Celestine: Stronger than you?

Hippolyta: Indeed she inherited my skills and strength, she trained herself in combat to the fullest and set on journey for strength where she found the elixir of power that grants the user who has a pure soul and worthy enough of the strength of Zeus when he fought Cronos. To congratulate her achievement, her uncle Hephaestus crafted an armored suited for her and a sword and shield made out of a living sun.

(Her Armor with shield and Sword)

Olga: May I ask what happens to those who drank it with bad intentions or impure soul.

Hippolyta: There are many rumors and legends that I myself that I'm uncertain of but one thing is true those who drank it with bad intentions could suffer a faith worst than death. A quick death is painless but imagine as you suffer every unimaginable pain for days or even months will make you wish you could die and as for the soul that I do not know because I never tried it.

Both Olga and Celestine Agreed to not know out of fear . Hippolyta told her Elite Amozonian's to prepare something for lunch for she knew both leaders must be famished and there is much more to discuss. Outside the hall was Heleyna, Sylvanas and Tyrande having know formed a friendly bond all them shared an interest on what the outside world looks like, like girls Heleyna wanted them to explore the palace and especially to meet his sister who is the opposite of Heleyna.

Heleyna:" Hey Sylvanas I hear you practice magic, what's your speciality in it? Because I'm quite curious.

Sylvanas: Aside from weapons mastery, I have a form which I could use but it's no fun if I don't show you right." She slowly winked at Heleyna and smiled indicating she will find out soon enough.

Heleyna: Know it's getting more interesting how about you Tyrande?

Tyrande: "sigh" I to have mastery over the weapons and a friend to whom I could depend at desperate times do you have a friend Heleyna? Like a stead.

Heleyna: I have no stead but I do have all my Amozonian sisters and my family to whom I could depend on.

Tyrande: Well isn't beautiful by the way weren't you gonna show us the palace or do you prefer to have a warm before all we go.

Heleyna: Sure I would to exchange a few blows against the Elven races warriors.

Sylvanas: Then it's settled the duel shall be at your Arena and from what I've heard your the strongest in the island. Even surpassing your mother to which she's a DemiGod herself.

Heleyna: You are right on that, So I would advise you two to go all out.

Tyrande: It would be a pleasure fighting you.

To continued
