Chapter 8

The Island Of Amazonia

In midst of island far from the corner, a portal emerged and from within a figure clouded with heavy armour went out. The particular thing about this figure was his Large hammer emitting red electricity and his horse which its eyes glowed red.

The Amazonians sensed disturbances especially for the queen and her daughters immediately they went into battle stations with armour and swords. The Queen accompanied by her daughters and guests they headed towards the direction the enemy has spawned their they found him awaiting them with his subordinates.

Queen Hippolyta has already noticed the leader for she knew that he was strongest in all the four, and radiates the red lightning.

Hippolyta: Are you perhaps with the Norse gods?

???: Clever Woman Indeed were ones with the Aesir God's but not anymore, the pack between me and then has been severed.

Hippolyta: Then why are you here?

???: To conquer of course, This planet shall belong to me Magni the great and if you fight back of course I'll kill you, but what good would that be for pretty ladies such as yourself I'll have to claim you as my woman.

Hippolyta: In your dreams, Amazons prepare your shield, my daugthers it is time to put your leadership to the test and as for you two Queens I would appreciate if you cover for my army.

The Amazonians formed a line on a battle stances with their shield ready that covered their body and a mighty spear that pointed towards them. The two daugther's them joined the fray with arauras of a God.

Sensing the situation changed drastically Magni was mad that none took his consideration. For him this was a good offer with no bloodshed and death. So the only option was to force them to submit but this may be difficult he had heard the Amazonians were a force to be reckoned especially their powerful will and wouldn't be under someone's leadership unless it were the Goddess or Their leader Hippolyta.

Removing himself from his horse he told the rest to standby and let himself  handle this situation what could a DemiGod do to him. With his hammer on his right hand it changed drastically to red.

As this events unfolded a powerful wave of lightning struck in the middle easily intercepts Magni's lightning.

As the fog dispersed a figure stood before them drenched with that of heavenly lightning. With his eyes glowing white he stood before the sides and gave an overwhelming feeling that made Magni a powerful God that could destroy Solar Systems, tremble in fear.

The figure was of course Zeus The King of The Gods.

Gazing his direction towards Magni he proceeded to go through him showing his lightning making him tremble as he made his way. The sorounding sand was getting dissitegrated with his lightning no matter how small it was, nothing could escape his lightning.

Zeus: Magni why have you come to this realm?

Magni: I....

Zeus: Speak!

His voice was filled power uttering only a single word made Magni speak immidietly.

Magni: I came to conquer.

Zeus: So you came to conquer this pantheon under who's order.

Magni: It is I myself I have left the Aesir and have set off on a journey on my own.

Zeus: So Odin speaks truth then not only have you left due to your Father Thor not giving you the hammer as you were not worthy but giving it your little brother. You have set your own path for destruction hmmph you young ones this days aren't discipline nor wise, I shall forgive you for this day due as a token of friendship between Me and Odin. But I can't forgive you after uttering those words towards my grand daughters let alone making them your bride!

With a flick of his finger a power lightning struck down before Magni and his subordinates. A lightning that knocked each of them out. Raising his he binded each of them with his lightning and tore open a portal, flying them towards it, this would take them back to Odin.
