Malibu's bathing suit!

"Today's challenge is threefold. Your first task is to jump off this 1,000 ft high cliff into the lake."

"Piece of cake," Bridgette says nonchalantly.

"Yeah, this isn't too bad," I agree and we high five each other.


"Surprisingly enough, I'm not too worried about this challenge. I've been cliff diving before, and it was awesome! It was my first summer in California after my parents divorce. My dad always wanted to make our time together memorable because, ya know... I live in Canada now, so..."


"If you look down, you will see two target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic man-eating sharks. Inside that area is a safe zone. That's your target area, which we're pretty sure is shark-free."


"Hold up, I didn't sign up for sharks! I've been cliff diving, sure, but swimming with sharks is a whole 'nother story!"


"Excuse me?" Leshawna says not believing it.

"For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside each create are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge. Building a hot tub! The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home. Let's see, Killer Bass, you're up first."


"Ok, my dad is a repair man, and I helped him build many things, but a hot tub? Why a hot tub? This is suppose to be a 'summer camp' for crying out loud! I guess we'll just have to cross that path when we get there. I'll just focus on getting my team in that water. Some of them really look like they're about to faint."

"Hey, Geoff! Thanks for having my back back there. I have a weak stomach, so much appreciated," I thank him with a smile.

Even though it's a competition, there's still a part of myself that thinks it's important to look out for one another. I don't want to see anyone else hurt- well, maybe Cody, but you know what I mean.

"No problem, you looked like you were totally about to die," he replies.

I nod and make my way back over to the others.

"Nice bikini, by the way," he says from behind.

I wave him off without looking back, and I continue to my group. He's right, it is nice. It was hard picking between the cream colored and the chocolate bikini. I just love chocolate brown so so much. It gives me early 2000s bobby jack vibes.

Ok, maybe I'm seeing things, but I swear I saw Bridgette cut her eyes at me when I left Geoff and his group- but that's crazy! I like Bridgette, and we had a nice meeting, so why would she give me a dirty look? I'm probably just imagining things.

"Who's up?" Eva asks.

"Ladies first," Duncan says.

"Fine, I'll go, it's no big deal. Just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks," Bridgette volunteers, and without hesitation, she jumps into the water.

Next goes Tyler, then goes Eva, then goes Duncan. I look behind me, and Dj stands there like he's going to pass out, or worse, puke all over the place.

"You ok, buddy?" I ask.

"I don't like this," He says, his voice shakey.

"Scared of heights?" Chris asks him.

"Yeah, ever since I was a kid."

"Well, do you want me to jump with you? I'm sorry Dj, but we need you," I practically beg him.

I rub his arm gently trying to give him some comfort, but he still looks terrified. If he doesn't jump, this could hurt us. I know I have this 'every man for himself' attitude, but while we're a team, we need to look out for one another. We already have one member more than the other team, we can't ruin this!

"That's okay, big guy. Unfortunately, that makes you a chicken, so you'll have to wear this for the rest of day," Chris says and places a chicken hat on his head.

"Aw man, for real?"

"Sorry, Deej," I tell him, and he sulks away.

I guess it's my turn. I turn around and make a run for the cliff. This is awesome! The wind runs through my hair as I dive towards the water. It's a feeling you'll never forget.

"Whoooooo!" I scream right before I cannonball right into the water.

"Alright Malibu!" I hear some of my teammates cheer me on.

Tyler waves at me, and even Duncan does a little wave as he rolls his eyes. I swim over to my teammates to wait for the others.

"Dj isn't jumping, poor guy is terrified," I let the others know.

"Well," Bridgette sighs. "We'll just have to hope the others will come through."


Ezekiel jumps, and now it's Harold's turn.

"Yes!" he yells as he jumps off the cliff.

We all watch in horror as he painfully lands in the water on his crotch. His screams are so loud that several birds fly away, I think even the sharks cringed!


"Ok, so far, so good! Besides Harold possibly losing his... boy parts, I think we have a good chance at winning this thing. I know Dj was too scared to go, but as long as the rest of the team goes, then we should be good. Hopefully one of the members on the other team flakes out, then we'll be even!"


This is hell.

I know this sounds crazy, but jumping off that cliff was so much better than trying to move these crates. I mean, a hot tub? What was Chris thinking? How are we supposed to know how to build this thing, we can't even move it!

"Ow. I think I just got a splinter," Courtney whines.

Eva approaches and lifts the crate for her.

"Shut up and pick up your crate," she seethes and drops the crate back in front of her.

"Chicken," Duncan mutters.

"Push with your shoulders. And here, use my tweezers for your splinter," I advise Courtney.

"Oh... Thanks!"

Everyone is just mad because the other team has only one chicken while we have two, one of them being Courtney. That means Courtney and Dj didn't jump, and now our team is behind.

"Uh. I've got to take a whiz," Tyler announces.

"Hurry up, we're already behind," I warn him.

Three of our team members left to go pee. Now we're even more behind because people have weak bladders. I swear, I am not getting voted off. I have so much to offer this team, and I'm not the one who didn't jump off the cliff. I like Courtney and Dj, but at least Dj was upfront about his fears. Courtney goes around posing as this super woman who can do anything, when really, she's just like the rest of us! She has fears and weaknesses, too, only she's too prideful to admit it.

"Courtney, your eye! What happened?" I ask her.

Ugh, so gross! It's all purple, and I can already see the puss dripping from the corners. I don't want to freak her out, but it's bad... Really bad.

"I think something just bit me."

"Looks like it. Well, come on, everybody! Let's get going," I tell the others and then turn back to Courtney. "We need to get you some ice and antibiotics."


We are really really far behind, BUT, I believe in us. We just have to work harder... Together.

"Okay dudes, it's not too late, we can do this!" Geoff says encouragingly.

I look around, and all I see are discouraged faces. This is so not good. They're already giving up! Here's the thing, I never wanted to take a leadership roll, especially on this show. I just wanted to do my part while staying out of the way and win my money, but I have to do something. I don't know if we'll win this challenge, but I am not going to be sent home because I didn't try to help them.

"Geoff is right! Listen," I start. "I know we don't know each other, and I know that we're all here to win the money, but... Right now, we're a team, and if we're going to win this thing, we need to work as one. It can be every man for himself after teams are dissolved.-"

"Everyone up," Courtney cuts me off. "We have a hot tub to complete, and we need a project manager. Since I've actually been a CIT before, I'm electing myself. Any objections?"

"Where do we begin, cyclops?" Duncan asks.

"Open the crates. Malibu, go find those itchy girls. We need all the help we can get"

"Um, ok," I respond.


"What the f*ck was that? I mean, I was doing fine taking care of the team, and then here Courtney comes to send me off to go look for itchy butt number 1 and itchy butt number 2, separating me from the group. It's like she's threatened by anyone who tries to take charge- Which I never wanted to do. I Just saw my mates in trouble and I wanted to help them. I mean, I was a C.I.T once, too! Actually, I was a full blown councillor, so if I wanted to be the leader, I could!"

"I have such a headache now. Let's just build this stupid hot tub and get this over with."


I am shaking, I am physically shaking. My dad was a repair man, I built my first bird house when I was 5, and yet I couldn't build us a hot tub?! Our hot tub looks like hot garbage while there's looks like something out of a magazine. And now we're going to have vote someone off. I Just hope it's not me. Don't tell Warner, but I'm kinda enjoying myself. Well, besides the challenges that is, they suck- Oh, and the food, that almost killed me, and Chris McClean is a McJerk, but I do like the people- except Heather, she's a b*tch, but Gwen and Leshawna are cool, Justin is hot, and even though I think she's trying to get rid of me, Courtney can be nice. My point is, I don't want to go home!

"Well, I think we have a winner here," Chris announces. "The Screaming Gophers!"

The Screaming Gophers cheer, of course. As for me and my team, we are totally bummed. Who am I kidding? We never stood a chance. And things have been happening to us since this thing started. Harold probably lost a body part, we lost Izzy, and now Sadie and Katie have itchy butts, and Courtney and DJ didn't even do the first challenge!

"Gophers, you are safe from elimination, and you get to rock this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer. Killer Bass, what can I say, sucks to be you right now. I'll see your sorry butts at the bonfire tonight."


Back in the dining hall again, and this doesn't make me feel any better. I have to hear the other team celebrate their victory a table away while we have to figure out what we're going to do. This totally sucks.

"So, uh, what do we do now?" Katie asks.

"We have to figure out who we're gonna vote off," I answer.


"And it definitely won't be me! I did the first challenge, I jumped in that water with those stupid sharks, and I pushed those stupid crates filled with stupid parts for that stupid hot tub! I'm sorry, I just really wanted to win today. Not just for me, but for my team."


"Well, I think it should be princess or the brick house here," Duncan says referring to DJ and Courtney.

"What? Why?" Courtney asks shocked.

"Because unless I'm mistaken, you two are the only ones here wearing chicken hats, but if we ever have to lift a truck, I like our odds with the big guy."

He isn't wrong. Dj flaked on us today, but he is humongous, we'd be stupid to let him go. I already think Heather is up to something, so we can't afford to lose one of our strongest players.

"You guys need me," Courtney cries. "I'm the only one-"

"We know," Bridgette cuts her off. "You used to be a real CIT."

"No offense Courtney, but so was I. Actually, I was a counselor."


"I didn't want to throw Courtney under the bus, but her bringing up being a C.I.T all the time is annoying. She needs to face it, she was useless today, and she should be scared that she's going to be the one voted off."


"Face it, princess, you're not that useful," Duncan says while crossing his arms.

"Well- what about... her?" Courtney says desperately as she points to me.

Everyone frowns at her, including myself. Nah, because what does she mean me? I've been working my a$$ off today!

"Are you kidding? Malibu jumped off the cliff, and she even nursed your stupid cyclops eye. She's our best player, chicken wing," Duncan replies

"Shut up!" Courtney explodes.

"Okay, let's just chill out. This is getting way to heavy," Geoff says trying to calm the two.

"I've had enough of prison food for one day, I'm gonna go have a nap," Duncan says and leaves the dining hall all together.

"Well, I just don't get why we lost, eh. They're the ones with all the girly girls," Ezekiel says.

What the hell does that mean? I know he isn't talking!

"I know you aren't talking you- you home schooled 'I've never seen a bird before or talked to a human being besides my daddy' a$$hole!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, Homeschool, enlighten us!" Eva says as her, Bridgette, and I surround him.

"Well, guys are much stronger and better at sports then girls are. Especially the girly ones like they have."

"You are a sexist pig!" Bridgette says.

The boys back up, as they should, but Katie and Sadie are stunned and they stay put.

"Oh snap, he did not just say that!" Geoff says.

"My dad told me to look out for the girls here, eh, and help em in case they can't keep up," Ezekiel tries to explain.

Bridgette, Eva, and I are stunned. I would say I can't believe him, but are we surprised? Eva even goes as far to pick Ezekiel up by the neck.

"Still need help keeping up?" She asks him.

"Uh, not really!"

"Okay guys, let's give him a break. I mean, at least he doesn't think that guys are smarter than girls, " Geoff says.

"But they are."

"Well I know who I'm voting for," I say feeling annoyed.

And I storm out of the dining hall.


After what Duncan said, I'm not as worried as I was before to get voted off. Just by the look on their faces, I don't think anyone agreed with Courtney. At least now I know what kind of person she is. She likes to throw stones and his her hand.

"You've all cast your votes and made your decision. There are only ten marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the Dock of Shame to catch the Boat of Losers. That means you're out of the contest and you can't come back... Ever. The first marshmallow goes to... Geoff, Tyler, Malibu-"

Oh, thank goodness!

Chris tosses me a marshmallow and I join my teammates. I am so happy! I figured that I was safe, but there's always that awful feeling of 'what if?' you know? I'm pretty sure the only person to vote me off was Courtney, but as you can see, it didn't work out.

"Katie, Bridgette, DJ, Harold, Sadie, Duncan."

There's only one marshmallow left. Its between Ezekiel and Courtney. We all know who it's going to be.

"Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening... Courtney."

Courtney is of course relieved that she's safe, and I can't say I'm bummed that Ezekiel is leaving. He's a sexist pig that brought nothing to the team. Good riddance! And if I'm being honest, I didn't want Courtney voted off, at least not yet. I think she's a strong player. I guess I was just shocked considering how nice she was in the beginning.

1 down, 22 more to go.


"Hey, Malibu!"

I was heading to my cabin when Courtney catches up to me. I really don't have time for this. I just want to go to bed so this day can be over with already.

"What is it, Courtney?" I sigh.

"Well, I just want to let you know that I know you didn't vote me off, and I really appreciate it. I'm glad that there are no hard feelings-"

"You know what, Courtney? It's fine," I wave her off. "Because this challenge has shown me what kind of person you truly are. You're smart, and really dedicated to the game, I admire that."

"Well, thank-"

"You're also fake, deceitful, and opportunistic," I cut her off. "I understand this is a competition, but for right now, we're suppose to be a team, and you totally threw me under the bus today to cover your butt, even after I nursed your eye when it was basically falling out of the socket. Since it is the first challenge, I can let this go, but if you ever try that sh*t again, you're going to be on that boat faster than you can say C.I.T."

Her mouth hangs open in shock. I don't care, I am just so over today. I walk away leaving her there completely shook. 


"Was I harsh with Courtney? Yes. Am I also incredibly tired and annoyed because our first challenge went all wrong because people can't get their sh*t together? Yes!"

"Like I told Courtney, I am willing to let this go since this is our first challenge, but she and everyone else better watch it."

