"areeee weee there yettttt"

"no clarke now shut up"


"I'm not trying to get pulled over"


"go bother Octavia not me!"

God i am so bored, I pulled my phone out, there was a bunch of unread messages so i opened them. They all read happy birthday Clarke!Wait hold up, its my birthday!? 


"Shut up Clarke i'm trying to sleep"

"Ye shut up i'm trying to drive"

I rolled my eyes and started to thank everybody that sent me an happy birthday letter. I was still waiting for one text, a text from Lexa. I wonder how she is doing. I lay back and checked my phone once again, but instead of getting an text from Lexa i was added to an unknown group chat. 

"Hey Clarke! Don't worry its me bellamy!!"


"Everybody in this chat wants to say happy birthday to you!"

"Thanks guys, even Raven and Octavia didn't say happy birthday and their my closest friends!

"Haha you know how Octavia is."

"so who's in this chat.. i don't have their numbers saved, except for harper and the cockaroach"

"Hello Clarke, Its me echo! We don't talk a lot but just wanted to wish you happy birthday."

"Thank you!!!I have to go now, Raven and Octavia brought me to somewhere"

"Clarke be careful Octavia might push you down the cliff"

"Yes yes i know Bellamy, anyways thank you! and byeee"

"Good bye!"

Raven stopped the car, and i got out. I rubbed my eyes because of the bright sun and octavia came jumping on my back. "OWWWW YOUR HEAVY" I said while pushing her back. "Shut up i have to put this blind fold on you" Octavia put an black blind fold on my face and tightly tied it. Octavia and Raven led me to some house i guess. "you can take your blind fold off now Clarke" Raven said as she opened the door. "Octavia i can't..you tied it too tight." I was struggling to take the blind fold off, GOD DAMN IT OCTAVIA."Omg Clarke let me help." Raven untied the blind fold and holy shit.

"Clarke, will you be my girlfriend?"
