"AHHHHHHHH" I yelled half way through the movie. I shifted my face to the other way so i didn't have to look at the screen. The guy had a arrow shot through his eye by another guy that was wearing a white paint all over his body, with blood dripping down his face. "Shhhh shhh its okay Clarke, your safe its just an movie" Lexa said hugging me tight. I smiled at her and she held me tighter. I went back to look at the movie, the main character Victor was going through the alley with his gun. He was searching for his daughter April. Oh god the guy in white paint is uphead, i think he spotted victor. Holy shit my heart is pounding, oh no.. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I jumped up from the bed as soon as the guy in white paint jumped up from behind Victor. "Clarke are you okay? Should i stop the movie?!" Lexa asked concerned. "No no its okay." I said and sat back down next to Lexa. I lay on her shoulder and she turn the movie back on as she wrapped her arms around me. And all i can see now was darkness.

Raven's POV: 

"Ok guys be careful, Octavia hurry up and fill up the water." Raven whispered as she quietly opened the door to Lexa's room. "Okay here I got it" Octavia said struggling to carry the bucket. "Here let me help" Echo whispered as she went to Octavia. "Ok on the count of three, You and Echo will dump the water on Clarke, while I will dump it on Lexa." I said as i motioned them to Clarke's sleeping body. "Okay got it." Octavia said with a evil smile. "Are you sure about this.." Niylah said from outside Lexa's room. "Oh be quiet Niylah, I know you want this to happen to Lexa, but it also has to happen to your Clarkie ." I said with a grin. "Ok ready guys." I said as I lifted the bucket above Lexa's head. "In 3...2...1... GO!" I yelled as we dumped the water on them. "RUNNNNNNNNN" Echo Shouted and we ran out of Lexa's room. We closed the door shut and ran out of their dorm, hiding in the hallway. "She is going to be so mad at us, Niylah better not tell them" Echo said Laughing.

Clarke's POV: 

"OH MY GOD" I said as i jumped up from the bed. "Lexa! Where did all this water come from..." I said as i got up her bed. "It was your dumb friends Raven, Octavia and Echo" Niylah shouted from the kitchen. "Oh i forgot Niylah was here" Lexa said annoyed. "Here Clarke let me get you some clean clothes" Lexa said as she got up to find some dry clothes. I am going to kill those idiots! "I am going to get them back" I thought to myself smiling like a crazy witch. "Umm Clarke are you okay, you look like my grandma" Lexa said chuckling. "Hey, that's not very nice." I said while hitting her arm playfully. "Ok calm down and put these clothes on" Lexa said laughing. I took the clothes from her hand and walked to her bathroom. It was a plain white crop-top and blue ripped Jean. I walked out of the bathroom and there Niylah is.. "Good morning" I said smiling. Maybe we can be friends after everything that has happened. "Hey" Niylah said not turning around. "So you and Lexa huh?" Niylah turned her head around to face me as i walked closer to her. "Nothings happening.. Niylah, you have to learn to move on." I said sighing. "But Clarke, please just give me another chance, i didn't mean to hurt you." Niylah said desperate to get back with me. "I-, i'll think about it" I said feeling bad for her, maybe it could work out, i don't know. 

Lexa's POV: 

"I-, i'll think about it" I heard Clarke say from the kitchen. It honestly hurt a little bit. "Hey" I heard Clarke say from behind. "Hey" I said smiling. "So we should get to class?" I asked handing her, her bag. "I don't have class until 10 and its only 8:39 right now, how about we go get them back" Clarke said grinning. "Sure why not, my class starts at 9:30 so i still have time." I said as i went out of the room with Clarke. "So how long has this been going on" I asked. "What?" Clarke said confused. "You and Raven, you know.. your little prank war." I said as we reached the elevator. "Oh well it started when she made me chase her all around the campus just to buy her snacks, and then i give her spicy gummies, which you know she can not handle spice and now this..." Clarke said as we exited the elevator. "Well i know the perfect plan, come on." I lead Clarke to her dorm and we went to Raven's room. "Do you have plastic cups?" I asked knowing exactly what i'm going to do. "Umm ye i got a whole pile of them in the kitchen." Clarke said while going to get it. "Ok here you go" Clarke handed me a stack of cups clearly confused at what i was doing. "Ok now fill these with water and then we put them all over her room." I said grabbing a cup to fill it up. "You, missy is the definition of smart." Clarke said as i blushed. 

Raven's POV:

"What if Niylah told Clarke it was us?!" I asked Octavia concerned. "It's fine, were too smart for her, were going to do something before she does it to us" Octavia said grinning. I unlocked the dorm room and stepped in. "It looks like Clarke isn't here yet, thats good i don't want to die" I said chuckling. Octavia went to her room while i went to mine. "CLARKE FUCKING GRIFFIN" I shouted, i'm pretty sure even the dorm next to ours can hear me. Then i felt water splash on my back. "HA GOT YOU" Clarke yelled from behind and I can see Octavia laughing and rolling on floor. "And its all thanks to Lexa" Clarke said pointing to Lexa. "OH MY GOD YOU LITTLE RAT" I yelled at them both. "OCTAVIA STOP LAUGHING." I demanded and Octavia laughed harder. Lexa gave Clarke a high five and walked out of the dorm. God i hate these two.
