

"No,It's Harry Potter"

Chase answered while keeping a blank face. The entire table of the populars, had lifted their eyes towards the new person at the table, who happened to accompany Justin.

Though Chase was slightly annoyed by Amaira's presence alongside Justin. But he didn't let his annoyance show, and took this as an oppurtunity to get on Amaira's nerves. She was fun to mess with, according to him.

She gave Chase a bored look, that stated she wasn't in the least impressed by his retort. So, keeping her tray on the table and crossing her arms across her chest, She turned to Justin and asked

"What is he doing here, Justin?"

" What do you think I am doing here Ms. Wannabe? Converting oxygen to Carbon dioxide. Duh"

Chase's smart remarks were soon to get a reaction out of Amaira. She let go of her cool and pointing an accusatory finger at Chase, asked " If there is anyone who is wannabe out of the two of us, you should be aware that It's you. And In case you have forgotten, should I remind you How I just rejected your desperate ass, in the hallways a few minutes back?"

She finished her retort with a sweet smile, knowing that she had somehow managed to make him lose his calm, and get a little pissed.

" Look, you don't know who you are messing with. So it would be better for you to back of right now, before it's too late" He said the last part of the sentence in a growl.

Chase was full-on glaring at Amaira, while she was smiling. He wanted to appear intimidating, and wished she gave up right now. Yes, he was impressed by this girl's wit and sarcasm and her guts too. He had never been rejected by any girl in his whole life. He was the one insulting or humiliating them, always. But here, in this case, It was like he was loosing in his own game. This girl brought out that pissed off side of his, which he hadn't shown to anyone. She wasn't a part of the female population who fell for his every move. She was like a challenge for him. A tough challenge. A beautiful challenge. A challenge he longed to win.

"And what If I don't?" Amaira said, looking at Chase, straight into his eyes.

Chase gave her one of his usual smirks, stepped a little closer to him, and brought his lips close to her ear and said " I am a charmer Ms. Newbie. You wouldn't even get to know when you fall for this handsome man."

There was merely an inch seperating the two of them. He made the hair on her neck rise and her breathing to escalate, and a tingly sensation to run throughout her body. She was nervous now. She had never ever been this close to a guy. A hot one for that matter. And now, as he stood this close to her, with their breaths mingling together, she was loosing her usual calm and composure. She could hear her rapid heartbeat in her ears and feel those cliche butterflies in her stomach.

He winked at her, and retracted. Chase was happy.  She wasn't all that different after all. He was happy that like every other girl, she was affected by his closeness. But there was another fact that confused him ' Why did he feel a little nervous, when they were close?'. He wasn't really new when It came to making the girl to fall for him, so why did their close proximity affect him?

The audience was amused by the show. They were watching the scene unfolding in front of them without the blink of an eye, as if the new budding rivalry was their only source of entertainment.

Justin was amused too. He had never seen His best friend being turned out by a girl. His admiration towards Amaira increased by Another Notch. He was happy that he had made friends with this girl.

A beauty she was, and yet unaware of her charm.

And then, in the middle of the most cliche moment ever, the bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch hour.

The people were almost disappointed, as if they were made to leave in the middle of a movie.

But amaira, she was more than happy to leave. And saved by the bell was supposed to be an old saying. She couldn't comprehend why did Chase affect her so much. Why could she not be affected by his close presence of a jerk like him?

She left the lunch hall after throwing her tray in the trash, and also, while muttering "Damn you Hormones."

The rest of the day carried on pretty much, what Amaira would call, Normal. She was still mildly affected by what happened during the lunch break. The scene kept replaying in her head, over and over again. Him being so close to her. And everytime she thought about it, the hair on her neck rose. She felt ticklish near her ear, where he had brought his lips close to.

But she wasn't the one to get distracted by a mere incident. She managed to convince herself to let it go. After all, she had better things to think about. She couldn't get herself involved in any of this high school drama. She had much better plans for herself. She just couldn't get into this. She just couldn't..

Hey guys :)
This was one tough chapter to write :P
Well, mostly because I couldn't figure out how exactly the scene should unfold.
And after re-writing it almost five times, here is the final one :P
Though I am not completely satisfied with this one, I hope you like it :)
And If you do, don't hesitate pressing the vote button :D
Comment how you think Of this chapter :
And criticism Will be appreciated too :)
Have a great day!
And keep smiling :)
-Kanupriya (:
P.S.- If you like my work, check out 'lifelines'. It's just a small collection of my poems :). Hope you guys like it :D
