
Why did you do it chase?
All day, after that little conversation of ours, I've tried keeping myself busy, forcing myself to concentrate in class, but Now; As I stop, the first thing that comes to my mind, is You.

Why did you have to break my little bubble of happiness?

Why did you act so downright rude to me?

Why can't you let go of your god damn ego and let the nice guy underneath resurface?

Yes, I could have fought with you right there. I could have been adamant on my stand of being friends. I could have stood there and continued to question you as to why you were smoking and drinking. I could have been there for you, just the way you were there for me.

But I didn't

Because somewhere down the line, I have figured out...that We can't just be friends. There is that undeniable connection that I believe exists between the two of us, a connection that is not just friendship, but is much much beyond that.

And..I can't go down that road.

Because it leads to that four letter word, that everyone is high on


And Love isn't what I am looking for. I don't want to be that vulnerable person. I Don't want to let go of my walls.


It was supposed to be a safe zone.

That way, I could keep reminding myself, are just a friend.

And Now, My heart knows, that even being friends with you is a risk. I was ready to go against it for once. I thought that being friends with you is a risk worth talking.

But,..Not Anymore, I guess.

She was brought back to reality, the moment she felt her head colliding with someone else's.

That's strike three in a single day. I really need to stop zoning out.

"Oww Man!" Amaira touched her forehead to ease some of the pain she was feeling. She could feel a headache forming sometime soon.

She looked up from the ground, when she heard her name being called

"Amaira; I was looking for you."

"Uhm I am sorry Candice, for not being able to make it for Lunch. I just got busy with um something." She hesitated while adding the last part.

Candice crossed her arms across her chest and with a smirk she said

"Does this something have a name that starts with C and ends at E and rhymes with erase?"

She finished with a raised eyebrow.

Amaira was puzzled. She had no idea as to How Candice knew that Chase and her were together during that time.

"I heard your conversation in the morning. The one in that classroom? Trust me, I didn't want to eavesdrop, but my curiosity got the best of me."

"Ohh, Um I don't know what to say" Amaira said, with embarrassment lacing her tone, feeling as akward in this situation as possible.

"I didn't hear the whole of it. Just a few bits and peices, and assumed the rest, And now I feel more sorry than ever. I didn't know that your m.."

"Don't." She bit her lip, and raised her hand, stopping Candice from finishing what she was about to say.

"I am sorry Amaira."

She shut her eyes tightly, to stop the tears building up in her eyes from falling. She was once again, in a vulnerable position, where someone knew about her weakest point and might use it to their advantage.

"I won't tell anyone about it, I swear. I just wanted to let you know one thing."

When amaira looked up at her, from the ground, candice took it as her cue to continue

"Chase; He is not as bad as he seems. Yes, he is closed up. He might appear to be extremely rude and arrogant, but, he has got his own share of insecurites. Just don't judge him. Give him some time."

Amaira scoffed at this, not believing a word Candice was saying.

"And judging by the look of your face, I know you don't believe me. And I'll leave it to you to figure him out by yourself. I know he must have screwed up real bad if it makes you crack just by hearing his name. But believe me, He is not as bad as he seems. He's just hiding, Not letting the world know him. Cause He is..Well, he is Chase."

"Thank You Candice. I'll keep that in mind. And I'm sorry, I've got to rush home. It's getting late. See you tomorrow"

Amaira rushed out of school, not wanting her to loosen her resolve. She didn't want herself to give Chase another chance, because everytime she did, he screwed up. And she wasn't sure, how many more screw ups she could handle.

After reaching home, she tried opening the door, and was surprised to find it locked. She opened it using the spare key in her bag and let herself in.

Scanning the house, she was surprised to find nobody there, and a note on the kitchen slab, written in her Dad's handwriting.

Dear Amaira,

This is sudden, but your mom, Me and Samar had to leave. Your grandmother is admitted to the hospital, and we had to go urgently to check up on her. We wanted to take you along, but the doctor said that She wants us here as soon as possible. So, we left. Take care of yourself while we are gone! We'll be back in a couple of days and your mom has asked Mrs. Roshan to send you dinner. The money is on the top shelf.


Amaira was surprised as she read the note. She wasn't really close to her Grandmom, but she admired the lady's courage and the stature she carried herself with, so hearing that she was ill, came off as a big shock to her. She prayed that her granny gets well soon.

She changed out of her clothes into comfortable shorts and a tank top after showering, ate whatever frozen food she could find for lunch, and watched TV for the rest of the day.

It was only 9:30 when her phone beeped with a message. Assuming it be from her dad, she checked her phone, only to be surprised after seeing a text from Chase.

From Jerkiness overloaded

I am in front of your house. I need to talk to you. Come out!

She got up from the couch and peaked out from the window, after drawing the curtains to the side.

From Jerkiness Overloaded

Stop peaking from the window and come out!

From Me

I wasn't and I am definitely not coming out!

From Jerkiness Overloaded

Do you want me to barge in and exchange greetings with your parents?

From Me

The door is locked Asshole!

From Jerkiness Overloaded

OKAY, So I'll continue knocking on it senseless till your neighbours come out complaining and then you'll have no choice but to let me in. You want me to do that?

From Me

You won't dare do that!!

From Jerkiness Overloaded

You wouldn't want to try me princess!
Come out I am waiting!

Amaira groaned in frustration after reading his texts, and ignored the way her body reacted when he called her princess.

From Me

I am opening the door, Just let yourself In!

And a minute later, she found the door opening and Chase walking himself in.

"What are you doing here Chase?"

Amaira said, blocking his path as she crossed her arms across her chest in an attempt to look demanding.

"Well Well, Now do I need an excuse to spend time with my friend?"

"Are you fucking kidding me? We were never friends to begin with and especially won't ever be, after that little talk in the school backyard."

She turned around, and started to walk away when chase stopped her as he held her elbow.

"Just Let me explain Amaira. I.."

"You what Chase?! You what? Everytime you do something assholish, you are back saying that you need to explain." She hit his chest with her hands. "What do you take me for?I am not here to listen to your reckless explanations of why you were being so rude to me. I have.."

He didn't let her finish and placed a hand on her mouth. He was smiling from ear to ear at her adorableness.

"You certainly talk a lot princess. Just hear me out at least"

She removed his hand gently from her face, giving him the impression that she was giving him a chance to explain himself.

But, The moment he opened his mouth to begin, she stopped him by saying

"Leave Chase."


"I said Leave."

"I am not leaving until you hear me out."

"Do you not fucking understand me Chase? I asked you to Leave me alone. I've had enough shit and I can't deal with anymore. You just keep assuming that you can toy me around, being nice to me one second amd rude the other. But I won't take it. Your previous 'friends' might have. But I.."

She didn't get to complete her sentence, as Chase wound his arm around her waist, pulled her close and placed his lips on hers.

The sudden moment paralysed Amaira and she didn't know how to respond, that is until Chase brought his other hand to her neck and pulled her even more close. That was the moment when she gave in. She closed her eyes and found herself kissing him back with a passion and feelings that were till date unknown to her. Her body had turned to mush and she wound her arms around his neck to steady herself.

She ran her hands through his soft blond hair and gave herself into that kiss, more than she imagined. There were sparks, the butterflies, the feeling of turning into mush right under his touch.

They broke away for air, their breathing heavy and foreheads touching. Both were trying to contemplate what just happened.

"That was.."


The moment Chase said "A mistake."

And suddenly, in that one moment, Amaira's world collapsed. She looked up at him, to look for any signs of him kidding, amd when she didn't, she mustered up all her courage and slapped Chase right across his face.

So, here's Chapter-17 :D
That's the longest time I've gone without updating :P
But anyways, here you go :)
I hope you like it. ^-^
Do let me know!
Thank you Literaturist and @akanyal15 gor helping me with this chapter!
I love you guys!
Happy friendship Day everyone!

So, This chapter is dedicated to Rushali singh Tomar ( @RST_12 ) for her impeccable sense of humor and for always being a loving soul and for bringing a smile to my of face every other moment of the day. :') And To your dramatic antics as well :P


keep smiling!

-Kanupriya (:
