
Justin was one Jovial person. He had this irresistable urge to make people around him happy. He wanted to spread smiles, and surround everyone with laughter.

No,he didn't have a perfect life. He had experienced his share of misfortunes and bad times. But if there was one thing, he didn't give up on, It was Hope. And this is what was special about Justin. He gave Amaira Hope.

Hope that she hadn't seen in a long time. A hope that one day she'll be accepted by everyone. A hope that one day she'd be leading a normal life. A hope that she will be loved.

And hence, for the first time in Months, Amaira smiled. She let go of her fears and Insecurites and decided to live in the moment. To not be worried about the future and live in the present, with herself, with Justin.

He had been Amaira's guide and cheer up buddy. He talked to her, cracked lame jokes to make her smile, and became that one person that Amaira would be lucky to call her friend.

So when he left her during lunch, to have lunch with his friends, Amaira was a lost soul. She didn't knew anyone except Justin and wasn't really a pro when it came to making friends. She was once again back to being the scared and delicate girl. She walked in the hallways with caution, put her stuff in the lockers, and was about to lead herself to the Canteen to get something to eat.

And In the process of rushing through things, as there was only a little time left for the lunch hour to be over, she stumbled over something and lost her balance. She shut her eyes tightly as if counting her last breaths,But the hard impact of landing face first on the floor never came.

Instead as she open her little light brown eyes, she found herself staring right into someone's hazel ones. With brown hair, slightly built physique and those pouty lips, her first thought was that this man was a charmer. He would be that one guy who men seemed to be jealous of and girls wanted to be with. And this man was right in front of her, with his arms around her petite waist and lips inches away from her. For once, she was like a deer caught in headlights, unable to look away from those hazel irises which witheld tons of emotions. But they were guarded. It was like the man in front of her might have had those perfect looks, but his life was far away from it.

And hence, as she was about to Thank this man for saving her from the oh-so-embarrasing fall, he opened his mouth in speech. And what he spoke was enough for Amaira's infatuated thoughts to go down the drain to be replaced with 'he is a jerk'

" Babe, I know I am ridiculously handsome and totally drool worthy and girls would die to be in my arms. But pretending to trip and land in my arms? Now that's a first."

Chase had finished with a smirk. He had lied. He knew that Amaira had stumbled on some Trash on the floor and didn't intentionally fall, But making some fun out of the situation wouldn't harm anyone right? And besides, to him this girl looked like she couldn't hurt a fly, she'd probably just say sorry and save her from the coming embarassment and scurry away from the location. Little did he know, what amaira had in store for him.

To add to the fun and mischeif, and entertainment he was providing for the audience, He brought his lips close to her ear and whispered "How about meeting me at my place at 7?" It would be fun seeing her turn as red as a tomato, he had thought. He even used his signature wink, that had made girls drool, millions of times.

The girl he was supposedly using his tricks on, wasn't an ordinary one. She wasn't one of those dumb girls who fell for his die hard looks and irresistable smirk. She had it inside her to not let anyone, a stranger in particular, to step on her pride. She had had enough. But what's the fun in not beating him in his own game right?

So with her sickening sweet smile, he asked him his name and added the word handsome at the end to add to her flirting skills. She might not to good at social contact, but she had read enough books to know how girls bring the guys down from the ego staircase.

Chase was happy. He had attracted another female member of the population. A pretty one for that matter. His ego had been fuelled and one could see that in his not so discreet smirk.

"Though you could refer to me as the most drop dead gorgeous man on this planet. But that's a little too long, So Apparently, Chase would Suffice"

And he was a conceited loser in Amaira's words. He was so full of himself. She couldn't handle being sweet anymore. So with her delicate fingers she pushed him back, ending their close proximity and said

"Look Mr. chase or Should I say The biggest Asshole on Planet Earth, What do you think of yourself? That every girl Is dying to be with you?

To other girls you might be the object of their day dreams but to me, you're nothing short of a major piece of shit. I'd like you to keep That in mind and Stay away from me. And also, while I'd love to stand here and Give you a piece of your mind I have some important tasks her hand. So Goodbye Mr. Whatever your Name is. And yeah, the next time you think that a girl is desperate enough to be with you, you better rethink your thoughts."

Amaira was Happy with her little speech. She might not have been successful in changing the mindset of this person in front of her, But right now, she was happy giving a blow to his ego. His mighty ego, which didn't let others even breathe properly around him.

She had been digusted at how this man could think so low of her. He was just a desperate ass. She had made her mind about that.

And about Chase, well for once he was dumbfounded. He couldn't comprehend the situation in front of him. He couldn't belive that a girl, that to a petite one, had insulted him in front on his friends. He left that place for the cafeteria with only two things on his mind. Revenge and Anger.

As Amaira reached the cafeteria and procured her lunch, she wasn't able to find a place to sit. She asked different people If she could sit with them, But they turned a blind eye to her.

And Suddenly, Justin's eyes landed on her. And he was instantly filled with guilt. He felt ashamed for leaving her alone on the very first day of her school when she didn't even have any friends.

He immediately left his seat and went to Amaira and started apologising profusely.

"Amaira I am so sorry. I shouldn't have just left you alone out here. Look I am really sorry. I was really a jerk. Please please forgive me"

Amaira was surprised with Justin's apology. She had just encountered Chase, the world's biggest idiot and Here was Justin, apologising for a mistake he didn't even commit. He was even holding his ears and enacting that puppy dog face.

And Amaira laughed. Not that heartfelt laughter but that cute kinda laughter. One could say,She was happy to have Justin by her side once again.

And what was justin doing? She was just staring at Amaira. To him, she was beautiful. She was shy, she was cute and she was just adorable in Justin's eyes. And with that he slowly let go of his ears and smiled along with Amaira while simultaneously scratching the back of his neck.

"So If I am forgiven, would you mind joining me and my friends at our usual table?"

At this,Amaira's smile dropped. She wasn't really comfortable being around a lot of people.

"Umm you know Justin I ain't really comfortable around people I don't know. And your friends might mind me tagging along with you and invading their privacy"

"Not at all Ams. They are pretty chill. They won't mind at all. And as for you not being comfortable, you have me by your side and at your service. Always. I really feel bad for leaving you alone out there. Please come with me" Justin finished with a dimpled smile and a slight pout.

Amaira couldn't think else but to give in to his pleas. He was after all his one, and only friend.

And together they walked back to the table where the Popular people of the school sat.

Amaira's eyes went wide open. She had figured that Justin was a popular. But he never expected his group to contain these many number of people. Once again, she was a bundle of nerves. But the only difference was, This time, she had Justin. Her friend. The reason behind her smile. Her hope.


Hey guys :)

How are you all?

To anyone who is reading this, i need to tell you

That I love you, okay?

And please guys, check out My friend's story

The heartbreak-A bless by anonymously_anon

She is an awesome writer :D

And don't forget to Vote and comment too :)

Have a great day ahead :)
