The greatest monolog in history

*Tyler's POV*

Fuck misunderstandings. I swear they are the root of all relationship problems. EVER. I had to find Troye, and I have to explain to him what happened. He hates me right now, and I can't have the guy of my dreams hating me. Some way somehow I'll prove to him how much he means to, that for me, he's the only one who exists. That Marcus couldn't even begin to compare.

I took off after Troye and got to Scotland. After some vigorous stalking and a word through my sources I found his aunt, whom I visited as soon as I landed. She told me that Troye was a short way away, visiting an old friend who was in town, and she gave me the address to the hotel. There was no taxi service, but the hotel wasn't too far away, so I ran. I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me, and I became grateful of my recent jogging habits.

I pushed through the hotel doors, exhausted and panting, yet relieved that I'd finally arrived. I quickly looked over the lobby, and it was empty except for the receptionist, whom I approached. As I leaned onto the reception desk ans was about to ask if she'd seen Troye around, I aw a familiar head of hair lug down the stairs by the elevator. He walked a few more paces and looked up, thus locking his heavenly gaze with my own.

We stood there, as the silence grew thicker, surrounding us, completely overtaking us in its embrace. We looked at eachother for what felt like hours, but infact was merely a few seconds. I noticed that Troye's eyes were red and slightly puffy, as thoughhe'd been crying only moments ago. I immediately felt every ounce of negative feeling; guilt, remorse, anxiety- everything, bubble through my chest and rise to the surface, emerging the only way they know how- as tears. 

I tried to swallow everything back but i could only do so much, I'd hurt him- which was the comeplete opposite of what I'd been trying to do. I took a deep breath, and moved a few steps forward. Troye took two steps back. I bit my lip, and calmed down.

Yes, my boyfriend was backing away from me, and yes it stung like hell, but he had good reason to. I just have to explain.

"Troye, I'm not  going to try anything, and I know that you probably don't want to see me right now, and that's okay, all I ask is for you to just stand there and listen. Give me five minutes. Five minutes. And I will completely explain everything, and prove to you that what you saw is not what you think, and that you are my boo, and nobody else could ever be."

He didnt move or say anything, but he didn't run away or scream at me ither, so I took that as an 'okay'.

"I was thinking over a few things, i was thinking about you. About us. About how we are together, and about how much we had to go through to get here. And i decided that i had to do something, something special, for you. I didn't know what to do, I had a few drinks to maybe be able to come up with something interesting, but nothing came to me. So i decided to ask marcus for help, seeing as he's one of the most thoughtful guys I know. I went to his room, frankly quite tipsy, and explained the sitaution, accidentally leaving the door open. He stood up, started to pace trying to think of something, but the pacing was making me feel dizzy, so I stood up and intended to stop him from moving around. But, the alcohol had me seeing two Marcuses, I tried to grab one, but it was the wrong one, I tripped and was gonna fall but Marcus interepted me mid-fall. He helped me back up, and I put my hands on his shoulders, almost round his neck, to support myself back up. But that also failed and i fell forwards, pushing Marcus down and we both ell onto the bed, my arms still around him. And that's the scene that you walked in on."

"It's true you know" a voice out of nowhere called out. We looked around to see Niomi, Marcus's girlfriend. "what he's saying is true, he isn't lying. Marcus said the same thing, and I completely trust and believe him. Troye, I really thik you should believe what Tyler's saying, because it's pretty obvious to me and it's you who he loves"

Troye stood silently for a while, and then collapsed onto his kees, holding his head in his hands, and started sobbing. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his small, shaking figure. He pulled me into him and threw his arms round my neck, holding me close, muttering "I should have know. I am so sorry I didn't trust you, I should have known that you wouldn't cheat, I'm so so sorry"

I rubbed his back and whipered "shh, it's oky, it's okay" repeatedly in his ears, admittedly in ears myself. Now that this was cleared up, hopefully everything would be alright.


Hey guys :) wow it feels like ages sincce i've last written. I dont even remember if it's only been a week or not. well that definitely has to change. Update on my life: hopefully tyhings are looking up :) i hope you enjoyed reading :)

