Split Them Up

*Alfie's pov *

Soon enough all 13 of us were gathered in front of the beautiful joined houses, which are going to be our homes for the next week.

I spotted a slightly flushed Tyler waving his hands in an exaggerating manner, causing an extremely flushed Troye to bend over laughing.

I looked at Zoe, who was looking at Troyler, biting her lip, obviously trying hard not to fangirl, keeping feels at bay.

But I could tell that she was nervous, because we'd decided to split them up. It's true that we could all hang out in the same house or in the huge pool all day, and that the separate houses will only be used to sleep in, but it still made a difference.

Zoe and I were standing with our backs to the houses,  looking at the rest of the crew, and they were all looking at us expectantly,  leaning on their suitcases. Even Tyler was quiet.

I spoke up, clapping my hands together;

"Okay guys, first of all it's really amazing to see us all in one place again, it's been a while! 

Second let's make this week a super fun time,  at the same time relaxing from our daily lives.

Lastly,  we've separated everyone into two groups-"

"The ones which will cause the least amount of damage" Zoe chipped in jokingly,  earning a few chuckles.

"The groups are:

Caspar, Joe, Jim,  Tanya,  Louise, Connor, and Tyler. You guys have the house on the left.

The rest of us, meaning: Marcus,  Dan, Phil, Troye, Zoe and myself will take the house on the right.

As soon as we all settle our stuff we can meet in one of the living rooms abd decide on food.

By the way the houses are joined by a courtyard so it's really easy to cross from one to the other."

As soon as I was done, talking erupted again between everyone, jokes were fired and laughter spread, whilst the cases were being rolled inside.

There were no complaints, but a quick glance at Troyler revealed them to be slightly disappointed, but they quickly started talking about something and it faded.

Dispite their disappointment,  I sm Dispite their disappointment,  I smirked a little. This proves in some way that they truly care for eachother,  and in this trip Zoe and I plan to provoke them till they admit it.  Ohh this is going to be fun.


* Tyler's pov *

One by one we were filing into the huge living room in the first house. Troye and I were the first to be here, as we didn't bother to unpack yet, we just dumped our stuff in our rooms and came down.

This meant that we had around ten/fifteen minutes to ourselves.  We immediately dove into conversation and laughed to our little hearts' content.

Considering that we were placed in different houses (Alfie really is going to make me beg!) we were going to have less time together,  and planned to make use of every second at our disposal.

That might seem slightly obsessive,  but we live in different continents for God's sake! We rarely got to meet up so this week is like a treat, coz we finally get to be in the same room together. I get to see Troye blushing in flesh and blood, and his astonishingly blue eyes wouldn't be dulled through the camera and screen.

Wow, ok, time for me to cool off.

"Where is everyone? ! Mama better get some food ASAP. "

As soon as I said that they all magically started entering the room, some unwilling to meet my gaze, others trying not to laugh,  and all 3 girls were flushed.

I narrowed my eyes

"Were you spying on us?"

" They all looked at eachother,  and burst out laughing.

"You were!!" Troye exclaimed,  not expecting it.

I shook my head at them all,

"You idiots have no idea what you've started"

A smirk was playing at my lips, and I looked over at Troye. His eyes widened at what I was implying, and then theu narrowed,  accompanied by a smirk of his own.

The crew was just staring at us,  wondering what we were possibly concocting, but after another quick glance we intentionally cleared our expressions from emotions,  and changed the subject.

I had a few tricks up my sleeve, and a plan was brewing i I had a few tricks up my sleeve, and a plan was brewing in my head. This is going to be one hell of a week.


Hey peoples! The updating schedule got a little messed up this week, but it should be getting back to normal soon enough.

I hope you like where we're taking the story! There are some awesome ideas running around atm.

Vote and comment if you liked it,  it makes my day :)

The next chp will be uploaded by Malin :)

- C
