

* Tyler's pov *

It was finally time to put my plan into action. I'd warned them, didn't I? And I am not going easy in them. Muahaha.

After explaining what I had in mind, I led the boys upstairs,  to the one door that mattered tonight: the Zalfie room.

I was about to start it when Troye put a hand on my chest, holding me back. I looked at him questioningly, and he out a finger to his lips, and mimed for me to listen.

I focused on the silence and realised that there were faint sounds sifting through the quite night. To be specific: moaning (the good kind).

The boys and I stared at each other, Troye and I clasped our hands to our mouths to avoid fangirling/laughing.

I put away the string that had been part of my plan,  as there was now something much much better.

I pulled out my phone and filtered through my apps till I found the recording button. As my intentions dawned upon Troye and the boys, devious little grins curled their lips, approving this.

After about fifteen minutes the moaning stopped, and there was some shuffling behind the door.  We quickly ( but quietly) dissembled and scurried off to our respective rooms, uncaught.

I now had a golden specimen of blackmail.  Something interesting is bound to come out of this.


Hey guys :) First of all thankyou for the reads and the votes, there's almost 300 views on mine and almost a 1000 on Malin's channel, you are all amazing.

Sorry about the short chapter, but exams and such. Luckily I finish in a week so yay :)

What did you guys think eh? What's Tyler gonna do with his new power? Huh huh? ;)

p.s shoutout to @littlemissgranger and @carina_dhru hopefully I didn't mispell anything :P

