Please... stay with us.

Sylvanna sat on the cough with her best friend, Zianna, both dressed in elaborate black outfits with camouflage paint on their cheeks. Just the other day, Sylvanna had went to Aphmau's house to check on her. Hearing that Aaron had 'broken up' with her daughter, she was so happy and had run over immediately to see how her daughter was doing. But when she got there...

All she saw was that her daughter was broken on the couch, crying while eating junk food with Airis nearby, the little girl cuddling that old wolf plush that Aphmau had kept for years. She was actually surprised to see it again, seeing as it was the first time she had seen that plush out in the open since Aphmau was in high school.

She had asked Aphmau what happened and Aphmau explained everything. Their fight, how Aaron was responding to her messages, how her number was blocked. Everything was falling apart in front of Aphmau and Airis, and Sylvanna couldn't stand it.

Seeing how miserable her daughter and granddaughter were, she decided that she would have to bring Aaron back home. It was the only way to bring their smiles back, and no matter how she felt towards Aaron, her daughter and granddaughter's happiness was what mattered to her the most.

"Yo! This sounds like a great plan Sylvanna." Zianna said, "But what if Aaron doesn't want to come with us?"

"Well then, we'll just have to... knock him out and kidnap him." Sylvanna reasoned.


"What? Oh, come on, it was just a joke!" Sylvann giggled.

"Oohhh." Zianna said, both of them giggling at the joke Sylvanna made.

"But seriously." Sylvanna said bringing the mood back to seriousness, "We'll do what we have to do."

"Oh my!"

"What are you ladies up to?" Zianna's husband, Garte, asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"We're on a secret mission to steal Aphmau's boyfriend and take him back to her!" Zianna blurted out.

"Zianna! It's not a secret if you tell whoever!" Sylvanna shouted.

"Whoops! Uh... Forget what I said, hot bun!"

"Is this going to cost us anything?" Garte asked.

"Probably not, but I did spend money on makeup for this outfit!"

"Zianna! Can we focus?!"

"Well, you ladies have fun doing whatever then." Garte dismissed and walked over to the fridge for a snack.

"Sylvanna, I get you want to this all secret agent like, but wouldn't the better approach be to call Aaron's mother and talk to her about the situation? I have her phone number." Zianna suggested a much easier plan.

"You do?!" Zylvanna said, "Well, why didn't you just say that in the first place?"

"I tried to but... Then we wouldn't have had so much fun putting on this face paint! Wasn't that fun?"

"You sneaky little..." Sylvanna began to laugh, "Girl... This is why I LOVE you!" The two laughed for a little bit, "Now, give me his mother's number."

"All right girlfriend!"

Suddenly, Garte hearing the conversation, turned around to face his wife and her best friend.

"Wait..." He said slowly, "You're talking about Aaron Lycan? Zianna, you cannot do this!"

"Why not?" Zianna asked.

"They are our business partner. We cannot risk the future of the Ro'Meave corporation over a personal matter."

"Exactly, that is why Sylvanna and I are doing it." Zianna reasoned.

"But you're giving out his mother's number. What id she finds out where Sylvanna got the number from!"

"Yo! You've changed since high school Garte." Sylvanna pointed out.

"Sweetie... This is love we're talking about! Do you really think it's good for our image as a company if we denounced true love and kept a daughter away from her father?!"

"Do you think it's great for our company if Sylvanna kidnapped Aaron?!"

"I'll do it, too." Sylvanna said.

"Either way, I'm not going to let Aphmau stay depressed and let Airis be away from her father figure. Remember when you broke up with me when you started working for the company? We managed to work through all that. the very least I can do is help those I can."

Garte groaned and let the women do what they wanted, "Just know if any part of this deal falls through, I'm going to be really upset and we're going to be watching zombie movies for the next few weeks." Garte claimed and then left the kitchen.

"Don't worry. Zianna will make you lots of cake during that if you do!" Zianna shouted back.

The two left Garte to grumble and went to the living room so that they could call Aaron's mother privately.


Rachel Lycan was sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone at some business accounts when just then, her phone began to ring. At first, she thought it was business related, but when she didn't recognize the number she answered it anyway.

"Hmm? Who is this?" She asked, "Hello?"

"Is this Mrs. Lycan?" Sylvanna asked on the other line.

"That'll depend on who this is." Rachel replied.

"My apologies, I should have introduced myself first. My name is Sylvanna, I'm Aphmau's mom."


"Aaron's girlfriend..."

"How did you get this number?"

"Zianna is my friend and I happened to the steal the number off her phone. So, it's my fault if anything."

"While I admire a woman who's got spunk-- You unfortunately called the wrong person." Rachel was about to hang up when Sylvanna stopped to speak again.

"Please! Wait! Hear me out!" Sylvanna shouted to make sure that Rachel would hear her, "Can you please have Aaron call Aphmau and Airis? They've both been missing him dearly. While I would love for Aphmau and Aaron to resolve their problems themselves, he's blocked communications with her."

Rachel sighed, "Look, I'm tired of dancing around this, so I'm just gonna tell you straight forward. Aaron is done with Aphmau and Airis. He is not going back to them, so instead of peeling the band-aid slowly, let's just rip it off and make sure all communications are shut off. Okay?"

Sylvanna laughed, not believing what she was hearing, "Excuse me? Mom to mom here, shouldn't you let your son handle these situations instead of telling him this? Really, he should own up to his own problems, so can you put him on the phone so I can--"

"Take your own advice. Goodbye." Rachel hung up and sighed at the tiring conversation. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the picture she took from Aaron's room, the one with him, Aphmau and Airis all together.

"This is for the best. He has a bright future. Aaron shouldn't be held down by some girl and her daughter." She stuck the picture back into her pocket and went back to her business, thinking about how successful her son would be when he forgot all about Aphmau and Airis.

But as she sat there on the couch, she felt a cold chill down her spine. She turned around and saw no one behind her and dismissed it as the air conditioning being too cold. But as Rachel turned back forward, for the smallest moment, she saw a figure in front of her.

She couldn't see it clearly, but all Rachel could recall was that they were covered in white.


Hours passed and it was nearing the end of the afternoon. Seeing as they wouldn't be able to get a hold of Aaron over the phone, Sylvanna and Zianna crossed two cities to get to the Lycan household so that they could speak to Aaron in person if at all possible.

They walked up to the door and rang the bell, Rachel being the one to answer the door with a smile upon seeing Zianna at her doorstep.

"Zianna, what a please to see you!" She greeted happily.

"The pleasure is all mine." Zianna giggled.

Rachel looked over at Sylvanna, "Oh? And who is this?"

"Oh! This is my friend, Sylvanna." Zianna introduced.

"Hello, nice to meet you." Sylvanna said.

"Wait, Sylvanna..." Rachel thought back to the phone call she had gotten only a few hours ago, recognizing the name right away, "Aren't you the one that called me earlier?"


"Goodbye." Rachel said quickly and slammed the door in their faces, but Sylvanna quickly stopped the door with her hand and barged into the house.

"No listen here!" Sylvanna shouted, "IF it were up to me, I'd tell you that I think you're an absolute...!"

"Sylvanna! Beyonce tickets!" Zianna shouted behind her, reminding her of the threat Garte had made earlier that day, about how if they caused too much trouble, Garte would never buy them Beyonce tickets ever again.

Sylvanna sighed, "I think that you're a mother who's too overprotective of her son. Trust me, I know how that is. But please, let me talk to Aaron just once. If he chooses not to talk to Aphmau, then that's perfectly fine. Honestly, I just want to tell my Mija and Neita that I did everything in my power to try and help them. Please?"

"No!" Rachel shouted, "Now leave my house before I call the police."

"But I just want to.."

"LEAVE!" Rachel demanded.

Zianna took her friend by the shoulder and pulled her back a little, "Sylvanna, it's probably best we don't--" Zianna then turned around with wide eyes, "Whoa, that's a crazy way for a cat to walk!"

Rachel rushed out of the house to see the 'cat', but when she was distracted, Zianna turned around back to Sylvanna.

"Go!" She whispered and Sylvanna didn't hesitate to run into the house, searching every door on the second floor until she found Aaron's room.

"Gah!" Aaron exclaimed when he saw Sylvanna burst into the room.

"Oh there you are!" Sylvanna said shutting the door behind her, "I don't have time!"

"Sylvanna? What are you doing here?" Aaron asked.

"Yes, yes, I crossed two cities to reach you here, but you what? That's how much a I care!"


"Aaron, you have to give Aphmau and Airis another chance!" Sylvanna ignored Aaron's shocked expression.


Sylvanna sighed, "Look, Aaron, I'm going to be honest with you. Ever since Aphmau's father left... I've been afraid to lose anyone else in my life. My biggest fear was losing my Mija, even when she was little. I vowed that I was going to protect her forever and ever. But then, she met you... and a ton of other people and... well... I got scared. I got scared that someone was going to take her away from me. And I was really scared of you. Because for the first time in her life... She found someone that could make her happier than I could, and... I was jealous. Jealous and scared that I was gonna lose my baby... to you!"

"Sylvanna..." Aaron could hardly say a thing. This was the first time since he knew Sylvanna that she was talking so openly about her feelings towards him. How else would be react besides being in shock.

"But," Sylvanna continued, "After seeing her and Airis, the way they are right now... the way they miss you... I realize that those actions of mine were very selfish and that... I'm not losing a daughter, but I'm gaining more family... you!"

Aaron stayed silent, looking over at his bedside table and seeing the white flower from his dream sitting there patiently for him to take it to Airis.

"I'm not saying that I know the whole story with you and Aphmau... I just know her side. But Aaron, I'm asking you, please... go back to her and at least talk with her. If it doesn't work out, then it doesn't work out! But it's better closure for her and Airis than just blocking Aphmau's number like this. Don't let Aphmau think she lost someone she loves so dearly, or let Airis think that she lost another father."

Aaron got confused for a moment, "Blocking her number? I never blocked her number! Why would I do something like that?"

"Because you're a coward who can't face his feelings? Look, I don't know!" Sylvanna answered, "But please, just try to ta--"

"I want you out of my house this instant!" Rachel screamed as she burst into the room, Zianna following close behind her.

"Yo! I couldn't hold her back, she's strong! Phew!" Zianna said wiping her brow.

"Fine. I've said everything I've wanted to say." Sylvanna said, "Aaron... please, think about it?"

Sylvanna and Zianna were about to leave, when a phone dropped out of Rachel's pocket along with the small photo that Rachel took from Aaron's room.

"Oh, hey." Zianna said picking up the phone and the picture, "You dropped your phone, Rachel."

"What?" Aaron asked taking a closer look at the phone, "That- That's my phone! And is that my picture of me, Aph and Airis?  I've been looking everywhere for that photo."

Rachel took the phone and picture from Zianna and put on a fake smile.

"Yes, I found the phone just a moment ago, and the picture was just on the floor. Here you go." RAchel said handing the picture and phone back to Aaron.

He scrolled through his phone and saw that Aphmau's number was blocked and every single picture of her and Airis were gone from his gallery.

"Aph's number is blocked, and all my pictures of her and Airis are gone!" Aaron exclaimed.

"Must have been a glitch with the sim card." Rachel said, but wasn't very convincing.

"Mom!" Aaron shouted.

"Fine! I know when I'm cornered." Rachel admitted, "I blocked her number and removed the pictures! Aaron, you have a future ahead of you that's bigger than anyone could ever dream of! I don't want you to waste it away on relationships with some girl and a child that's not even yours."

"Some girl! SOME GIRL?! OOHH! ZIANNA, HOLD MY EARRINGS!" Sylvanna shouted.

"SYLVANNA! BEYONCE TICKETS!" Zianna shouted back before Sylvanna could take off her earrings and fight.

Aaron approached his mother, anger burning in his eyes, "Mom, I thought you changed!" He said, "But so far, dad hasn't shown up to any events, and what you did, especially to people I care about... shows me that you're still the same! Because of what you did, Aph thinks I hate her and Airis.... my daughter thinks that she lost a father, again."

"Aaron, please, I..." Rachel tried to say. 

"I thought you would have changed for the better after I've been gone for such a long time... But if that didn't change you... I don't know what will."

He pushed past Rachel and left the room.

"Aaron! Aaron! Where are you going?" Rachel asked.

"Home." Aaron answered without hesitation and rushed down the stairs, his sister standing at the base of the stairs having heard everything.

"Melissa... I.. I'm sorry." Aaron apologized.

"Don't worry, Aaron. Go." Melissa said with a slightly sad smile on her face, but allowed her brother to leave their home so he could go back to his family with Aphmau and Airis.


Aphmau was holding Airis in her lap, the two of them just sitting there in silence not making a single move to do anything as the sun set in the background.

Suddenly, Aphmau heard her phone go off. 

"Huh?" She said, opening her phone and seeing a message sent to her, "What's this?"

Airis looked down at the phone and saw that the contact was called FC.

"Hey Shu, it's been a while. Would you mind meeting me in the spot where I first met the real you? I'll be waiting."

Airis was even more confused, but Aphmau didn't hesitate to pick up Airis and rush over to an old abandoned high school. Airis read the plaque on the brick wall.

"Phoenix Drop High School." It read. Her eyes widened when she recalled small stories about Aphmau and Aaron attending this school when they were younger, but she had forgotten about it later on as the subject just died out.

"Our old high school." Aphmau said setting Airis down, "Airis, this is where I first met Aaron. Man, I almost forgot how beautiful this place used to look."

Airis gripped Aphmau's hand as they walked into the abandoned high school, navigating through the old hallways until they made it to the music room. They walked in and immediately hearing a beautiful melody being played on a guitar.

Aphmau and Airis went to the only door that wasn't blocked off, where the music was coming from and sat down, Aphmau beginning to cry again.

"Why are you crying?" Aaron's voice said from the other side of the door.

"I... just need someone to talk to right now.. Can I trust you?" Aphmau asked.

"You can trust me."


"I promise."

Aphmau sniffed back her tears, Airis listening to everything that was happening between them.

"Well... a lot has been going on.. and basically... this guy, Aaron, he's my boyfriend. And I... really messed up bad with him."

"How bad?"

"Very bad... I ignored how he was feeling lately... and didn't realized how much of a jerk I was being towards him. I even started to ignore my daughter, Airis, because I was getting too busy for either of them. When Aaron asked me to be with him, when he needed me the most... I wasn't there for him... I feel like there were things he wanted to talk about that I just didn't really understand. And now because I was being so stupid, I not only hurt him, but my daughter too."

"It... sounds like it was your boyfriend's fault too." Aaron said.

"What do you mean? How?"

"He didn't tell you how he was feeling. The challenges he faced in life growing up and how... he saw them repeating all over again in front of his face... but instead, this time it was the person he loved the most and the daughter he cared about so much."

Airis gasped when she heard Aaron refer to her as his daughter. Not foster daughter, but his actual daughter. It hit her hard.

Aphmau pushed herself off the door and stood up.

"Still, I should have been there for you, FC." Aphmau said, "I should've realized that you weren't acting like yourself. I'm supposed to catch these things and help you, but I didn't..." She began crying again, "And if you never want to see me again after this, I understand! I know you blocked my number and I know I can be a pain in the butt sometimes, but I--"

Aphmau didn't get to finish her sentence as Aaron burst through the door and hugged her tightly. He looked down at Airis and smiled, reaching out his hand for her to take. She smiled and rushed over to Aaron, who picked her up in his arms and hugged both Aphmau and Airis close to him.

"Aph, I never want to leave you and Airis." He said.

"But you blocked my number and I..."

"It's a long story to why the number was blocked. Turns our, my parents haven't changed." Aaron answered, "Aph... me leaving and not talking to you about the problems we had, was stupid on my part. I should have never done that..." He turned to Airis, "And Airis, I'm sorry that I didn't try harder to talk with Aphmau. I'm sure that you felt like you lost me, didn't you?"

Airis buried her face in Aaron's shoulder, not wanting him to see her tears.

"I know that what's like, to feel alone for so long." Aaron continued, "When I left, I was feeling along for the first time in  a very lone time... It was the same way I felt before I met you in high school, Aph."

"Aaron..." Aphmau cried.

"We've both made some very silly choices recently... But, I never want to make you fell the way your mother told me you did.." 

"My mom?" Aphmau asked.

"That's... another long story." Aaron chuckled, "My point is... Aph, Airis, I never want to let either of you go again. Please, stay with me."

"I will." Aphmau answered.

The two hugged each other tightly, while Airis did her best to hug both of them. She missed this warmth. The warmth of a mother and father.

"I love you Aaron, so much."

"I love you too."

Airis smiled and took a deep breath. It was finally time.

"Papa..." She said, shocking both Aaron and Airis at the single word she said.

"Airis..." Aaron said as they all broke from each other's hold, "Did you just call me..."

Airis smiled and hugged him around his neck, "It's okay, right?" She asked, "I can call you that, right? It's okay if you don't--"

"No, Airis!" Aaron said, squeezing her tightly, "I've been hoping that you would call me that one day. Can you say it again?"

Airis laughed, "Come on, Papa, let's go home!" She broke from Aaron and looked at Aphmau with a bright smile, "Mama! Can we maybe have hamburgers tonight? Please?"

Aphmau, though surprised to be called Mama by Airis, smiled and nodded with a chuckle.

"Of course we can!" She answered. 

The three were all smiles as they went back to their house, Aphmau making a delicious dinner and to which they all enjoyed. They ended the night with a movie night on the couch, where Airis fell asleep on Aaron's lap, never letting him go even in her sleep.

When the night was drawing to a close, Aphmau and Aaron took Airis to their room, where they all slept together for the first time.

"I can't believe she called us that." Aphmau said as Airis slept peacefully, "I never would've imagined that she would ever call us Mama and Papa."

Aaron chuckled, "Yeah. It was unexpected, but I'm glad she thinks of us like that. I never would've thought that I would ever be called Papa. It feels nice."

Aphmau nodded, "It actually feels natural, you know? After all, she is our daughter. And by the time her birthday comes around, it'll be official."

Aaron's eyes widened, "You're serious?"

Aphmau smiled and nodded. Aaron smiled again and pulled both Aphmau and Airis closer to him.

"I'm glad to be home with my girls." He muttered, the two going to sleep with their daughter for a night's rest.


Airis sighed as she sat in the lap of the stranger in her dreams, plucking the petals from the white flower in her hand. Soon after dinner, Aaron had given her the flower, and Airis knew exactly what had happened.

"I thought you weren't going to go to him," Airis said.

"I know, but I had no other choice. I didn't want to see you suffer any longer. Your dear mother and father would've hated to see you in so much sadness and pain."

"I guess you're right about that." Airis smiled, "It was nice to finally call them Mama and Papa."

"And seeing how they reacted to that, they've been wanting to hear your call them that for quite some time now. How does it feel, being able to call them Mama and Papa?"

Airis stayed silent and leaned back into the stranger's hold.

"It feels... so warm."

"Do you think you can trust them with those stones?"

Airis quickly grasped the stones she wore around her neck, feeling their cold surface despite the warmth of the sun shining over her.

"Not yet."

"I understand. Those stones did belong to your mother and father. It must still hurt a little."

"It does. But when one love dies, another can be born. Maybe one day I can tell them everything, but for now, I want to keep safe until I know for sure that I won't be looked for."

The stranger hummed and held the little girl close, hoping that nothing could ever go wrong with this pure new life she had gained.
