Heading Home pt. 2

A few days passed since the ship departed from the island, and everyone was having a good time enjoying the luxurious ride back home. At the moment, Airis, Aaron and Zane were sitting on the benches on the deck watching Garroth give Aphmau hula lessons. Albeit, not very good ones.

"So, you slept on the deck couch last night?" Zane asked Aaron.

"Yep. Didn't want to make Katelyn upset." Aaron answered, "But I did have to stop by Aphmau's room to drop Airis off. She somehow snuck out of the room and crawled onto the deck couch with me."

"But Aaron is really comfy though." Airis wrote.

"You would've gotten an earful out of me, too. Aphmau is my best friend." Zane said.


"I said.... Is Garroth actually a good hula instructor?"

"I'm not sure." Aaron answered, "Dante, Airis and I took lessons with him a few times. Never took lessons from Garroth, though."

"Then let me rephrase that: Is Garroth a good Hula dancer?"

Airis shook her head with a shrug of the shoulders.

"I'll take your word for it, Airis." Zane chuckled.

"So, how did you enjoy the vacation?" Aaron asked.

"It was good. I relaxed as much as I needed an avoided the sun at all costs. What about yours?"

"It's gone great. I've gotten a lot closer to Aphmau and Airis, and this was our first summer together. But, I mean, Aph and I have known each other for a long time."

"So I've heard."

"You don't remember?"

"No, I don't. I wasn't too fond of Aphmau back in those days. I had my own idea of friends."

"Gene?" Airis wrote and Aaron said.

"Aphmau told both of you about that?" Zane sighed, "Never mind, I thought she would."

"I don't want to talk about that. I'm glad she's giving him a second chance, but... He was a real jerk to her."

"Are you jelly of him?" Airis wrote and smiled while Aaron was taken aback by the way she said jealous.

"When did--? Aphmau taught you that didn't she?" He asked and Airis nodded while Zane laughed.

"I find it cute how Airis is taking after Aphmau like that. Hahahaha!" Zane gushed and laughed evilly.

"Don't encourage them!" Aaron scolded, "But to answer your question, Airis, no I'm not. Why would I be?"

"I guess Airis is still trying to figure us out bit by bit." Zane patted the girl on the head affectionately, "I don't know what happened between you guys in high school, but Garroth mentioned that he kissed her once."

Airis' eyes shot wide open, frantically writing something down in her notebook, "Did Uncle Garroth like Aphmau a lot back in this 'high school'?" She wrote and showed it to Zane and Aaron.

"Yeah, but he was still a kid. He didn't understand feelings of love like that just yet." Zane answered.

"Ugh, don't remind me." Aaron groaned, "I--"

"THE VOLCANO'S ABOUT TO ERUPT, I'M FEELING IT! I'M GONNA PUKE!" Aphmau shouted, her face a bright and sickly shade of green before running off to find a trash can to puke into.

"That's the passion of hula dancing. Embrace it!" Garroth shouted following her as she puked up everything in her stomach.

"No, Aph! Don't puke on the desert table!" Zane shouted rushing to save the sweets from being ruined.

Aaron and Airis laughed, seeing their friends panic like that.

"I guess that means no more hula for Aphmau, right Airis?" Aaron asked slowing down his chuckling.

Airis laughed and nodded, leaving her notebook on the bench and running to help Aphmau to a chair so she could rest for a little while.


Aaron, Aphmau and Airis sat near one of the many on-deck pools, relaxing as Aphmau recovered form her hula fiasco.

"How are you feeling?" Aaron asked.

"Better." Aphmau answered slightly unsure, "I don't think Garroth should be a hula instructor, though."

"What makes you say that?" Airis wrote.

"He's got the moves, I'll give him that. I just think he needs a few lessons in instructing. He was really pushy."

"He was just passionate." Aaron chuckled, "Maybe you're just having a problem keeping up."

"Excuse me?! I have the moves, too, and I can show them to you."

Aaron's face lit up bright red and Airis covered her ears as to not hear anything..... indecent or close to that.

"Well, there you three are." A voice broke the conversation. The three turned around and saw Gene walking over to where they were sitting.

"Are you serious!? How many more times is this going to happen?" Aaron growled under his breath. Airis and Aphmau smiled at him.

"Gene! How are you today?" Aphmau asked.

"Doing good, doing good." He answered, "I'm actually kind of glad I spent the last day on the ship with you guys. I really wanted to get to know you both better. And maybe get to know this little one down here."

Though Gene smiled and was nice to Airis, she was still nervous around new people, so she jumped from her seat and hid behind Aphmau best she could.

"Heh. Guess she's still a little shy, huh?" Gene chuckled.

"Hey! Big bro! Wanna play volleyball?" Dante shouted from across the way, appearing from out of nowhere like normal.

"Again...? We just got done playing, Dante. I need a little rest." Gene said.

"Ahh...Uhh.. okay!" Dante said and ran off to do whatever else he could without Gene.

"So, what are you plans for when you get back home?" Gene asked,

"Well, I'm going back to work and stuff." Aphmau said.

"Same here. It's been a long summer." Aaron answered.


"I'm actually moving back into town."

"You are?"


"Yeah, I am. Which is why I want hang out more and connect with everyone. I was thinking about looking around where you guys live."

"That sounds nice." Airis wrote, "You'll be closer to Dante, right? He really looks up to you, ya know?"

Gene chuckled, "Yeah... I know."

"Did you ever tell him about how you were back in high school?" Aphmau asked.

"He's my little brother, and that's in the past  Kitty."

"Kitty?" Aaron growled while Airis looked confused. But from the way that Aaron repeated the word, she decided not to bring it up.

"Aphmau! Sorry, heh." Gene apologized, "Dante was little and I wanted to make a good impression on him. Besides, it's in the past and I'd like to let it go."

"I understand." Aphmau said.

"Hey, Gene!" Dante appeared once again, this time holding a bingo card, "How about a game of bingo?" Just then, an old man walked up behind Dante.

"Gimme back my bingo, you whippersnapper!" The old man shouted.

"Wha-- This is mine, I--"

"That belongs to room I-90." The old man cut him off.

"Look, this is mine. I bought it."

"You young kids these days with your memes and your dabbin'. I'll show you, I'll kick your butt!"

Dante screamed and ran away, with the old man following very slowly behind him.

"Shouldn't you, like, go and help him?" Aaron asked Gene.

"Something tells me he'll be fine." Gene brushed off, "He's my innocent little bro. At least, I see him like that, heh. Except for when he's dealing with relationships. He's always been horrible at those."

"Tell me about it." Aphmau said, "I'm glad to hear that you at least care about your little brother, Gene. Even back in high school."

"He's my family."

"I'm still proud of you."

"Thanks, Darling."

"Darling?" Aaron growled and Airis wrote.

"Sorry, I meant to say potaa-- Nothing."

"Ugh! Seriously?!" 

Airis was confused once again, but she laughed since she had heard at least a little about Aphmau's life in high school since meeting Gene. But she couldn't understand why was called a potato. She was a human, right?

"I'd love to spend more time with you, Aphmau. And you too, Aaron, I guess. And you as well, little Airis."

"Gee, thanks." Aaron deadpanned.

"So, Aph, wanna go try out the desert bar? They have some new deserts today."

Aphmau happily agreed and went along with Gene to check out the desert bar.

"Wait, Aph!" Aaron called out, but she was already gone.

"What is he up to?" Zane asked, walking up to the two left and glaring at Gene.

"Uncle Zane?" Airis wrote.

"Some thing about the way he's acting throws me off. He better not try to be Aphmau's best friend. That's my position."

"I honestly think he's changed." Aaron defended, "I just think he's a little socially awkward. I don't mind if he's actually a good person, but that's not why I'm upset. I wanna talk to both Aphmau and Airis together alone and I can't seem to find a moment."

Suddenly, Dante's screams rang through the air and he stopped running near the group of three.

"Whoo... I think I got away from that old man." He said relieved.

"Uh... he hasn't really moved that much from where he started." Aaron said and Airis pointed to the old man who had fallen asleep standing up.

"Oh, hehe, I knew that." Dante said, "Anyway, I'm sorry, Aaron. I was trying to get Gene away from you guys, but that didn't work."

"I just need alone with the two of them. I want that moment to be special." Aaron said.

Everyone thought for a moment before Airis scribbled an idea down in her notebook.

"What about the fireworks tonight?" She wrote.

"Is someone planning something special!?" A voice shouted from a plume of smoke behind them, "A proposal perhaps?"

"How the heck did he hear scribbling on paper?!" Danted yelled.

"Where did you come from?" Zane shouted.

"Not to worry." Guyde said ignoring Zane and Dante's questions, "I can help you find the perfect spot for a proposal."

"Are you getting married to Aphmau, Aaron?" Airis wrote.

"No, it's not a proposal!" Aaron said covered Airis' wolf ears enough so she couldn't hear him, "I just wanna ask my girlfriend and her daughter to move in with me."

"It's still a proposal." Guyde said, "Let me help you."

"Same. I'll make sure no one interrupts." Zane said.

"Me too!" Dante agreed.

"Really? Thanks guys." Aaron said. 

Guyde called over his boyfriend Nate to help distract Aphmau and Gene, while the others helped create something very special. Airis, though not understanding what they were so stressed about, didn't ask about anything since Aaron seemed to be nervous around her and Aphmau when he talked about a plan.

She decided to stay in the room and watch the sun set before the fireworks started while she waited for Aaron to get back. As she sat on the balcony waiting, thoughts began racing through her mind.

"You are worrying far too much about this." The voice, returned after a good while to talk with Airis.

"I know, but I can't help but be scared about this." Airis answered mentally, "What's gonna happen during this talk? What if they decided to do something and there's no need for me anymore? What if I lose a home again? I won't be able to take it."

"You know as well as I do that those thoughts lead to false accusations and doubt in those you care about. You've seen their souls, you know that Aaron and Aphmau are good people. They would never abandon or hurt you in any way. Trust the souls that you've seen, Airis."

Airis nodded and clutched the jewels around her neck, feeling the warmth they had against her beating heart.

"Airis?" Aaron's voice said from the other side of the glass balcony doors. She stood up and turned around, seeing Aaron smile at her as she opened the doors.

"You ready to go?" He asked, stretching out his hand for her to take. She smiled and happily took his hand, all of her fears and doubts disappearing from her mind.

Aaron took Airis to a large private balcony that would give them a perfect view of the sunset and the firework show. A few minutes later, Aphmau was pushed into the room by Zane.

"Zane! What's so important that you-- Huh?" Aphmau said then spotted Aaron and Airis.

"I'll leave you three be." Zane said laughing excitedly and leaving the balcony so they could have some privacy.

"Aaron, Airis? What's going on?" Aphmau asked.

"Beats me." Airis wrote.

Aaron took a deep breath and calmed his nerves, "Aph, Airis. I've been wanting to ask you two something for a long time."

"A-A-Aaron, wait! I mean, we just started dating and I'm not ready for a wedding proposal!" Aphmau shouted.

"I knew it!" Airis wrote excitedly.

"No, no, I mean... I'd to someday with you, but I... uh.."


"You can tell us, Aaron." Airis wrote.

"Okay then... Aphmau, Airis.. I was wondering. When we get back home, would you two... be... interested in moving in with me?"

Aphmau and Airis were surprised, "Like, coming to hang out?" Aphmau asked, "I mean... we already--"

"No, no, not like that. I mean, like, hang out, always." Aaron explained.

"You mean... move in with you?" Airis wrote.

"Like, take our stuff to your house?" Aphmau asked.

"'Our' house. Or we could move into a new one. I just... I wanna be with you Aphmau, and Airis too."

Airis couldn't believe her fluffy ears about what she was hearing. This wasn't about anything bad, it was a question of a new beginning with Aphmau and Aaron. She couldn't help but be shocked and happy about Aaron asking about this, but now Airis understood why he was being so secretive about it around her.

"Aaron, I'd love to." Aphmau said then looked unsure, "But Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan..."

"We'll be fine, Aphmau." Katelyn said walking into the room with Travis behind her.


"You don't have to worry about me and Kawaii~Chan, we're big girls. Plus we wanna see you and Airis happy. Everyone deserves that."

"Katelyn... but what about Kawaii~Chan? Will she be okay with this?" 

"Are you kidding me? This is---"

Travis was cut off by Kawaii~Chan, who had busted through the wall of the ship with the power of her intense love for shipping! 

"MY SHIP!" She exclaimed.

"AAAHHH! MY SHIP!" Guyde shouted in horror of the destroyed part of the ship.

"We'll be fine, plus we'll just get a new roommate." Katelyn reassured, "We're still gonna be close to you. After all, I'm still keeping my eye on you, Aaron."

"I'd expect nothing less." Aaron said.

Just then, Garroth ran into the room, "All right, guys, give them some alone time. Aphmau and Airis still need to give their answers."

The others left Aphmau, Airis and Aaron alone o the balcony, the fireworks in full swing above them in the darkened sky.



"I'd love to move in with you?"



Airis stood back, clutching the jewels she wore and shook with her nerves.

"Airis?" Aaron said, grabbing the girl's attention. He smiled down at her and knelt to her height, gently taking her hand in his larger one. She couldn't help but feel calm around him and Aphmau. It was the same calmness she had a long time ago.

"Airis, I know this is gonna be a big change for you, but I'll try my best to make you feel comfortable. This doesn't mean that you're gonna be pushed away just because Aph is moving in with me, but I still want to know what you think about this. What do you say? What do you think about moving in with me?"

Airis looked down at her hand wrapped in his. Her hand, one that was so small and fragile... he held it so gently, like it was a piece of the most fragile glass. She looked back up at Aaron and Aphmau, who smiled at her with such kindness and a sense of protection and care. She knew that they wouldn't hurt her. They would protect her. They loved her...

Airis smiled at Aaron and Aphmau, setting her notebook down on the floor and taking a big breath.

"I... I'd like that." She said, her voice soft but loud enough for Aaron and Aphmau to be shocked.

"A-Airis? Did you just...?" Aphmau stuttered.

"You... spoke.." Aaron finished.

Airis laughed and jumped into Aaron's arms, hugging him tighter than she had ever hugged him before. 

"I'd like to move in with you and Aphmau." She said once again.

Aphmau cheered and joined the hug, "I'm so glad you're finally talking! It's so good to finally hear your sweet voice, Airis."

Airis nodded in Aaron's shoulder and pushed back a little, "Sorry. I took a long time to talk..."

"It's not a problem, Airis. We understand that you were just nervous about talking to us."

"It's not that..." Airis whispered, thinking back to those darker days.

"What do you mean?" Aphmau cautiously asked, not wanting to make the girl go silent after finally being comfortable with talking again.

"Well..." Airis started slowly, "After Mama and Papa went to sleep, bad people took me... They didn't like it when I cried, and yelled at me for talking. I was just scared that you would..."

Aaron and Aphmau hugged her even tighter.

"I'm so sorry, Airis. That's why you have those scars, isn't it? They hurt you."

Airis nodded.

"Well, we promise that's never gonna happen while we're around." Aaron said.

"Really?" Airis asked and the two nodded.

"We promise, Airis. You'll have the best life with us. We'll be sure to raise with all the amazing experiences you can imagine."

Airis looked back and forth from Aaron and Aphmau, seeing the sincerity in their eyes and souls. They really did care about her a lot. She smiled and laughed in pure joy, hugging Aphmau and Aaron again.

"Thank you!" She said, the fireworks lighting up behind them as if to celebrate a new chapter of their lives.

It was the end of summer vacation, but the beginning of a new life for Airis, Aphmau and Aaron.
