Maids and Butlers

It had been some time since construction on the new Maid Cafe, and everyone was excited. Airis was helping with her magic to move some of the furniture and had a lot of fun watching Kawaii~Chan as she created the new uniforms for the cafe. She had even made one for herself in secret, age appropriate of course, but till cute nonetheless. Now, it was finally time for the uniforms to be presented to everyone.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" Kawaii~Chan said.

"There are no ladies in the audience." Garroth pointed out.

"Oh... Then Laurance and gentlemen." Kawaii~Chan corrected, making Laurance groan, "Sorry Laurance~Kun. Kawaii~Chan thought it was funny because your name starts with an L like--"

"I get it! Still wasn't funny." Laurance said, but Zane laughed.

"I think Ms. Chan has a sense of humor after all." Zane said.

"It was pretty funny." Garroth agreed.

"All right already, let's get on with the show, babe. Geez!" Travis shouted.

"Oh, right. Kawaii~Chan is proud to present to you her and Airis~chan's best designs yet. Allow me to introduce Kawaii~Chan and Airis~Chan's new line of clothing which we call Little Maid Kawaii Parade Fashion!"

From the right side of the stage came the men's uniform. It was a simple suit with blue accents and white gloves with gold cufflinks. The model wearing it, was Gene, Dante's older brother who had been hired recently to work at the Maid Cafe.

"As you can see, we have Mr. Gene dressed from head to toe in the cutest maid fashion." Kawaii~Chan explained, "This vest was made out of pure satin and the cufflinks are just to die for. He is set to serve and show the customers the great time they deserve."

"Boo! Boo!" Zane shouted from the audience, "Just look at how he's displaying it. I could do it a lot better than that. He isn't even flaunting it."

"For your information. Calm, cool and collected is exactly what the ladies like." Gene shouted back.

"HA! Like you would know."

"At least I've had a girlfriend before."

"I don't see her here now!"

"Guys, guys, calm down. There's still one outfit we haven't seen." Aaron said breaking up the argument.

"Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho! I see!" Dante teased as Aaron blushed at the thought of his girlfriend coming out in a maid uniform.

"And last but not least, the outfit that Kawaii~Chan spent most of her time on, because Kawaii~Chan is gonna be wearing it as well." She giggled, "I present to you, Ms. Aphmau."

Out from the other side of the stagecame Aphmau dressed in an adorable maid uniform that fit her perfectly without showing off too much of course.

"As you can see, Ms. Aphmau is debuting the newest of maid outfits on the block. The apron is made out of pure silk which allows her to bedazzle the customers with not only beauty and grace, but style as well."

Everyone in the audience cheered and clapped, Aaron on the other hand was frozen stiff seeing his girlfriend in such a cute outfit. You could just tell by the blush he had staining his cheeks.

"Wow, has Aphmau been working out? Her legs look great." Garroth commented.

"I need to find out her secret." Laurance added.

Just then, Travis took a picture, "Travis!" Dante shouted at the white haired man.

"It's not what it looks like. Katelyn wants to see it, I'm doing her a favor." Travis said, "Also, Kawaii~Chan, babe, can I get one of those suits for me? They'd be looking stylin'!"

Kawaii~Chan chuckled, "I'm glad you like them. Kawaii~Chan spent forever making them. However, the uniforms are for employees only. Sorry."

"Aw man, then why does Airis get one?"

Everyone was confused but then Travis pointed to the side of the stage where Aphmau came from and saw Airis wearing a maid uniform very similar to Aphmau's

The skirt was black lined with just the right amount of blue to match her hair. The apron was white with a flower embroidered on it that matched the thread on the sleeves. She even had a maid headband that was black with blue lining on it. Even her ears and tail were out to make it even more cute. Airis smiled and ran over to Aphmau, hiding behind her just a little bit and looking down at the others in the audience.

"Hi!" She said, everyone's heart melting at her adorableness as Travis took a picture of Airis behind Aphmau for Katelyn.

"Wait a second, where'd she get a uniform?" Laurance asked.

"I made it behind Auntie Kawaii~Chan's back as a surprise." Airis answered like it was nothing.

"You look beautiful, babe. And you are so adorable, Airis." Aaron complimented.

"I agree." Gene said.

"What was that?!" Zane growled.

"I said that they both looked pretty."

"How dare you? Airis is a child!"

"You're just jealous because you can't pull off the suit as well as I can." Gene teased.

"What was that?!" Zane yelled.

"You do look good in a suit, bro." Dante complimented.

"Thanks little bro. Glad you like it."

"Your mom likes it." Zane grumbled. Suddenly, Dante got a text from his mother.

"Actually, she does. I just sent her a text with your photo, Gene. She says, "My little Genie Weenie looks so precious"." 

"Dante!" Gene whined and Zane laughed.

"Aw! Zane, I just sent mom a picture of Gene, and she said "Can't wait to see my little Zuzu in that, too"." Garroth said.

Zane shouted for his mother in anger and annoyance.


After the uniform showing, everyone got to work to make the cafe more presentable and ready for the Grand Opening happening very soon. As Gene and Zane were on the other side of the Cafe, Airis, Aphmau and Aaron were sitting at one of the empty tables. But Aphmau looked both annoyed and tired.

"You okay?" Aaron asked as she sighed.

"Zane and Gene are going at it again." She answered.

"And It's gonna over something stupid again." Airis added snacking on a strawberry puff.

"How do you know?" Aaron asked.



"One." Aphmau and Airis said at the same time. Just as they said one, they could hear Zane and Gene arguing about how to properly do the dishes. Airis sighed and continued to nibble on her treat, wondering if that's how it's gonna be when she gets a best friend. If that's the case, she could wait a little bit longer for one. Eventually she'll get one, but if a best friend acts the same way that her Uncle Zane did, Airis was happy to wait just a little while longer. That seemed like a lot to handle.

"Ugh! I swear, they're like little kids." Aphmau groaned.

"Want me to go talk to them?" Aaron suggested.

"No way. I'm their leader. I should be the one to--"

"You friend stealer!"

"Friend hogger!"

Airis sighed, "I think they're about to go at it worse than before." She muttered.

"I know Zane's really into the idea of being my best friend." Aphmau sighed, "It just seems like everything I do for him doesn't show him that he can't be replaced in my heart."

"Well, you said that Zane's had a hard time making friend pretty much all of his life." Aaron pointed out.

"Yeah, he has..."

"Didn't Aaron have the same problem, too, Aphmau?" Airis said finishing off her puff, "You once said that Aaron wasn't much of a people person either."

"Yeah. The only one to actually approach me was Lilly, and she... liked me for two reason, I guess." Aaron said.

"Who's Lilly?" Airis asked.

"Long story, I'll tell you about it later."

Aphmau sighed, "Okay, I get it, but sometimes I don't." She said, "But, I guess I should try to quell Zane's thoughts a little bit. I think Zane only has a problem with Gene because of their history together. I remember when Zane used to think that Gene was so cool."

"Uncle Zane will get over it soon. He'll have to since he and Mr. Gene will working together soon." Airis pointed out,

"Wait a minute. Aph, did you hire him?" Aaron asked.

"Of course I did. Zane loves cute things. And even though he's edgy sometimes, he's a really sweet person."

"Glad to hear it." Aaron smiled, "I'm gonna go help Garroth and Laurance fix up the outside."

Aaron sat up, gave both Aphmau and Airis a kiss on the forehead and went outside to help fix up the shop, wishing Aphmau luck with Zane and Gene. As Aphmau was gushing over the kiss she had just gotten, a cup flew across the room, flying past both of them and crashing into the brick wall.

Aphmau turned around with a glare in her eyes while Airis sighed and went over to the now shattered mug to fix it with her magic.


"But Aph~~!" The boys whined like children.

Aphmau went over to scold the boys and Airis smiled as she held the now repaired cup. There wasn't very much for her to do since she was just a kid, but she helped out with clean up using her levitation magic. After a couple hours of the group working, and a nap from Airis in the back room, most of the work was done on the outside. The only things to worry about were the inside and getting more people to work.

The latter problem wasn't much of a problem since a lot of the group wanted to work there, but they had to change it to a maid and butler cafe since there were more guys than girls now.

All was coming together really well and everyone was so excited for the opening in a couple of days. Airis was excited to see the shop so busy, and she couldn't be happier to be there with everyone.

She had a family, and she wanted to stay like that forever.


At Lumencia Enterprises, Derek Lycan was searching for information about the little girl his daughter Melissa spoke about, but he found nothing on her. Then again, he didn't have much to go on other than her first name, and there were no missing child reports matching her description.

It was like she had just appeared out of thin air. Her name was unique, so he thought that by looking up children that had her name, but he found nothing. This girl was like a ghost. 

But there was one thing he found that pertained to the name Airis. An old drawing of a goddess with white hair covered in Iris flowers. But the drawing was so faded and the words were barely there, all he could make out was the name Airis and what he thought as the name Irene, the matron that everyone knew from ancient times long long ago.

If only he could truly read the name written on that paper.
