
WARNING: this chapter contains intense spoilers for the end of the Insanity trilogy. If you'd like to remain unspoiled from Daisy's adventures in the prison, do NOT read this chapter. You've been warned, don't blame me :)

"Satsuki, I understand why you are hesitant and by no means do I blame you-"

"No, you don't understand! How could you understand!" The redhead's eyes narrowed at Evie, who's pink orbs were wide from hearing her outburst. "Saiko is the only one I can love. She is my first love, and she will be my last love. Forever. You don't understand."

"How am I supposed to understand when you won't tell me?" Evie raised her brow, cautious about challenging the vicious master of the prison. "You don't have to, but..."

"Good. That information is private."

"...I can't relate to you at all," Evie murmured quietly, causing the redhead to look over. "But I know how cruel the world can be. What can be so terrible?"

"If I told you, I'd be condemned here for the rest of my life," Satsuki growled, not necessarily irritated by Evie so much as the circumstances. "I'd never see Saiko again."

"...would that be such a bad thing? I'm here for you."

"That's not the point!" Satsuki screamed, and Evie shut her mouth, fearful for her life. Quieter, Satsuki continued speaking. "That's..not the point. If I told you, that's me saying that I'm unfaithful. That I'd rather be with someone besides Saiko. That's not what I signed up for. It's not, it's not!"

"You'd be condemned here," Evie said lowly. "Where... where is here? This place? This world? This world does suck quite a bit-"

"No!" Satsuki bit her bottom lip. "This world... does not suck at all. Compared to..."

"...compared to what?"

"...I can't tell you..."

Satsuki looked away, uncomfortable that one of her playthings had somehow gotten into her exterior of hard and undying love for Saiko. Even though she knew she'd always love Saiko, she couldn't keep going through like this. She had to let go of the past. She had to move on, and Evie was the perfect person to help her do that.

Yet, saying one word would seal Satsuki's fate forever. The deal had been with her that if she ever spilled a word to anyone about what has happened, it would be lifted..

She needed to leave. Now. Before she did something she regretted. The redhead stood, until Evie grabbed her hand, her pink hair falling into her face. Satsuki froze, the scene extremely familiar to her.

"Please don't go."

Satsuki's harsh red eyes softened, and her mouth opened slightly. She turned back around, their hands still connected.

"I don't know what happened to you," Evie said, watching the redhead. "But I'd like to. I'd like to help you through everything. I thought the world was stupid and so was this game, but... it led me to you."

"...never did I ever think anyone other than Saiko would love me," Satsuki chuckled softly. "A murderous, crazy, psychopath... you know, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing to let Saiko rest... but I can't do it. I'm selfish...I'm sorry."

"Why..?" Evie was let down from the rejection, despite Satsuki's attraction towards her. "Why can't we..? And don't tell me you're straight-"

"No," Satsuki shook her head, and took a deep breath. "Damn. Well..feel special. I'm only allowed to tell two people in all eternity of what's going on, and you're one of them...
So...I'm not from this world, Evie."

" what?"

"I'm not from here," Satsuki sighed, dreading the conversation. "My home is a fucked up prison named the Comet Observatory that's long gone by now. But that's not the point... let's just say that I'm the first of those who have magic through birthmarks. Saiko and I... we were the first ones at the prison. We got each other through life, we fought, we lived, we loved together. I don't know life without her... and then, some bad shit happened...let's just describe it like that, and Saiko was hurt too badly to continue on..."

Satsuki stopped for a brief moment, hurt from just mentioning her beloved's final moments.

"But one of my friend's friend had the power to travel through dimensions. She offered me two choices... to let Saiko die, or to travel through dimensions with her for the rest of eternity...but Saiko is reborn every single time. She doesn't know who I am, every single time. I'm provided with nothing, I have to learn how to survive... I'll be stuck at this age forever because of my choices. But at least I get to have Saiko for as long as she lives... and after that, too. There's many setbacks on cheating death, and so that after she has died in a world, I have to wait in that same world until she is the age that she died-17. In some other world, she's two right now... and she doesn't even know I exist."

"Wait," Evie's pink eyes were wide and confused. "You're a... dimension hopper of a sort?"

"Yes... all so I can keep Saiko and I going," Satsuki replied, looking away. "I'm sorry, but you must see the dilemma in this scenario. I cannot be dishonest to Saiko because I see her again. If I tell you anymore, I'll be stuck in this world and I'll never see Saiko again... I can't let that happen, I can't."

"So... let me get this straight..." Evie stared at the redhead, confounded from hearing the story. Yet, after all that had happened to her, she wasn't too shocked as she should've been. "You're from another world, Saiko died, and you two were sent here... but you were sent seventeen years after? When she died here, you have to wait seventeen years till you can move to the next world?"

"Yes... except this wasn't my last world," Satsuki admitted, crossing her arms. "Sometimes I go by Kaira, sometimes Satsuki depending on the situation. It is the most fun, though. I've been a college student, a soldier, some other shit..."

"...well, I'm just glad to know you're not rejecting me for some stupid reason..." Evie responded genuinely. "I just want you to know that you really did make me think this world is better than it was before."

"...I'm sorry, Evie... because you did the same for me," Satsuki nodded solemnly. "But I'm glad I was able to help you.. and I'm grateful for your presence as well. I hope you find someone else who isn't as selfish as me."

Hey everyone! Heavy chapter. Lemme know what you think! This was not how the chapter was going to end originally...I couldn't help but keep Satsuki faithful. I forgot that the Insanity plot ties into everything, my now y'all know why they appear everywhere.

Question of the chapter: would you have accepted an old age death with another lover, or continue for all eternity to see the one you loved first?

Thanks for reading!
