Last Chance, Everyone!

"The trial!"

"So, what did you guys figure out?" Heather questioned, although the question was more directed towards Mae than Mark, since Mark was still despairing over Chloe's death. "Personally, we didn't find out too much."

"Well, we found Satsuki's journal that basically details her experience here," Mae started, but was cut off by Evie immediately.

"Isn't that invasion of privacy?" Evie questioned, slightly offended. Not for herself, but for Satsuki's sake. "I mean..."

"It is necessary if we wish to leave this wretched place," Mae counterclaimed, not caring much for the morals of her actions. "Anyways. We also found their office. This mastermind is very exuberant."

"So it wasn't just us," Heather murmured. Then she looked up at everyone, and continued on in a louder voice. "The mastermind really enjoys living a extravagant lifestyle. That's something, right?"

"I suppose. There were also jewels spread everywhere."

"The canvas of...Daniel's execution was there as well," Heather said after awhile of silence. She took a deep breath, struggling to hold herself together even after all this time. "You know, the one with SKR... It was on this strange aisle that was shaped like a Y."

"That's weird. Why keep that, out of all things?"

"Well, the other execution props were there as well," Evie replied, crossing her arms. "But none of them were put on display like Daniel's was..."

"There was a whole separate room that just contained a mattress and a couple of axe blades," Heather also supplied. "That room was all white. It was kinda creepy.."

"What are we missing...? I didn't think one of us would do it," Mark despaired, looking down. "But now...? Which one of us decided to do this!? To start this whole game?"

"Whining about it will get us nowhere," Mae responded calmly, ignoring Mark's struggles. "It is better to concentrate and figure this out so we are not killed. If you need a reminder, we will be stuck here for the rest of our lives. Do you want that?"

"Absolutely not," Mark replied, feeling a little bit more like his usual self. He was slightly offended that Mae had even suggested that, as he could barely stand to stay in a place where Chloe had been killed. "I will do anything I can to get out of here..."

"Then start doing that. Quit staring here like a fool."

"...You can grieve later," Evie added, wanting to remind Mark that they weren't just trying to be assholes. They genuinely just wanted to leave. "But if you don't help us, then we'll be stuck here forever."

"I understand that..." Mark sighed, ran a hand through his dark blue hair. "...In the journal, it seemed as if a sort of freak accident had happened. Satsuki was mourning someone who died when they weren't supposed to. Saiko, I think."

"Ah, Saiko..." Evie said distantly, not elaborating but understanding herself that she was Satsuki's first love. She would always be number two, but she was okay with that if it meant that she was with her. "Well. Saiko was killed, you're right. Satsuki told me that they were going to fake their executions and let them go if they figured it out, but Saiko actually went through with hers."

"Well that's massively unfortunate," Mae said sarcastically, not caring much for the subject. "The real aspect we should be focusing on is how it is apparently possible to fake an execution. How do you fake dying, and has someone done that?"

Everyone pondered for a moment, thinking about everyone previous.

"I'm not sure," Heather said slowly. "I'm really not."

"...Well, based off of all the clues I have," Mae responded, her eyes switching color. "I am convinced that I know who the mastermind."


"Do you now?" Satsuki appeared behind them, confusing them. "Then let's hear it."

"...Well, the mastermind is obviously..."

hey everyone! it's down to this... it's go time, friends!

question of the chapter: did you figure it out?

thanks for reading!
