
So lately I feel like my content has been kinda crappy and I wanted to explain why. I posted this on my Lessons book but honestly it's affecting me a lot right now, so...It's rather informal because I'm not going to lie, I was crying throughout it and I feel like I don't need to be so formal with all of you guys... so yeah

But before I get into that, I'm kinda wondering if I'm doing something wrong. I feel like this book hasn't gotten as much love recently, normally whenever I post within a day I see votes and comments or just reads and it makes me so happy, and nothing really happened. If there's something about this book that's making it lose its charm, let me know... you all know my extreme lack of interest for writing Infiltrated and Distance, I don't want that to happen to this book.

But anyway...

So I'm the lovely stereotypical middle child, not really important information, just know that I have siblings.

Anyway... I just feel so... I don't know. Like nobody cares. My family all did shit without me today and honestly it hurt a lot, then they all went and tended to my brother because he needs this and he needs that, but ignore your daughter who's practically silently begging you to do something as simple as sit at the dinner table with her so she's not alone

It's not you guys, it's not my friends, it's just my family and I miss my sister and I wish she was home. I've always been jealous of her 24/7 but i always talked to her about everything, and I know my brother's young and needs attention but all I wanted was just a little bit of their time. It didn't have to be much, it could've been five minutes at the dinner table or to acknowledge my presence but nope

and I'm not good at opening up to my friends and shit which is why I'm here on this lovely site called Wattpad, even if no ones listening because even as I lay on my sisters bed crying, I feel better

i just wish I was the perfect angelic daughter like my sister or a going to be extremely smart son like my brother is, I'm just kinda there and my family always says "we don't have favorites" but it's so obvious that I'm not either of their favorites and I'm going to be honest that it stings a lot

Out of my friends, random people and my family my family's opinion has always mattered most and I really just wanted to feel like I'm loved, y'know

I don't really wanna talk about it anymore, but this was just to let you all know what's going on with my life. I feel like you guys deserve an update to know why some of my content lately has suffered.

Bye, and thanks for reading.
