Chapter 5

I get to the dining room and see that everyone is already situated in their seat. Did I really take that long? I just went to use the restroom after I left Maya's room.

"Elise! We were just talking about you!" Lidia exclaims when she notices I'm in the room. "Maya has told me how much she likes you already! And your mom has told me that you happen to love children!"

I nod, wondering where this conversation is going. I take my seat next to my mom that's also right across the seat Daniel is sitting. Katie, his girlfriend, already left and went home.

"Yeah! Lidia was telling me that she can't find a babysitter for Maya and she doesn't trust Daniel to by himself so, I told her how much you would love to." My mom speaks up.

I give her a 'Really?' look. I love children but it would have been nice to be informed. I still have work to catch up on in my AP classes.

Lidia notices the look I give my mom and says "You don't have to if you don't want to sweetie. I'm fine with finding another one."

At this, I see Maya frown which makes me feel bad. Of course I would love to babysit her. I'm just going to have to do my homework earlier then. I quickly recover myself and say that it's fine. I don't want Lidia going through all that trouble just to find a babysitter. I then ask her when she needs me to babysit her.

"I know it's a little soon, but is tomorrow fine? I can drop her off at your house at about 4:00?" She responds.

"Ok! That's fine with me!" I insure.

"Thank you so much Elise! You're a life saver!"

Maya suddenly pipes in, "I get to go to Elise's house?!" she squeals. "I can't wait!"

With our exchanges, Daniel doesn't say anything but is quietly looking at me, deep in thought. What does he think about when he looks at me? Am I that bad?

I shake the thought out of my head and ignore his stare, continuing to eat the delicious meal that Lidia prepared for dinner.


The next day before school, I'm at my locker getting my chemistry book out when my locker slams shut...AGAIN! I swear, people here have a problem.

Expecting it to be James I say, "James! Would you st-" I pause, seeing a face that isn't James'.

"Nope! It's me." Daniel says smirking.

I scrunch up my face. "What's up with people slamming my locker shut! Don't you have a girlfriend you could be bothering instead of me?"

"Naw. She has mandatory dance practice this morning" he says, waving his hand.

Dance? They have a dance team here? I would love to start dancing again. I haven't danced since we moved. Granted, it wasn't that long ago but, still! I would dance all day at my old home.

"Oh... So you decided that it would be fun slamming my locker shut, also having my hand slammed, yet again?" I nearly screech.

"Precisely!" He pokes his finger at my shoulder.

I roll my eyes, "Don't you have other friends you could go bother or something?" I honestly don't want to talk to him right now. He's too much for me to put up with in the morning.


At the other side of the hall, I see Willa. Thank the lord!

"Ok, well I'll see you at lunch! Don't forget I'm bringing Violet. Make sure you all are nice to her." Giving him a pointed look and raising my finger at him.

He lifts his hands in surrender. "Got it"

After I leave Daniel, I tell Willa how she saved me from talking to Daniel. Of course, she over exaggerated it and started questioning me as to why I was talking to him in the first place. Why do I end up making friends with people who over exaggerate things? I mean, I'm not complaining...they keep things in my life more interesting than it is.

"I went to his house yesterday and now I-" I try to explain why I was talking to him but Willa cuts me off.

"You were at his HOUSE?! What were you doing there? You know he has a girlfriend right? I mean I know he's dreamy but-"

That right there is exactly my point.

"WILLA!" I nearly shout, causing some people to look at us. "Chill out! I was at his house because my mom and his mom are co-workers so his mom invited us over for dinner."

"Ohh..." She nods her head in understanding.

"And yes I know he has a girlfriend by the way. But what I was trying to say earlier is that, now I'm going to babysit his little sister after school."

Her face scrunches up in disgust. "That seems like fun" She says sarcastically. "I don't like kids. They're cute and all but they're also noisy, sticky and they don't always listen to you."

Although, she has a valid point, I'm willing to put up with all of it. Because what's a kid without all that stress to deal with? Or besides the obvious, actually being a kid

The bell rings and we start walking towards our first period.

"Daniel's sister isn't like that" I say to her.

"Still. I'm not fond of kids." She says shaking her head. "Ok well I'll see you in Phycology." I nod and head off to my Chemistry class.


I get my food after waiting in the long lunch line, and head straight to where I see Violet sitting. Once I get to her table and get her attention, I sign, "Are you ready? Come on!"

"I don't know about this Elise..." She signs.

"Oh, come on it's ok! You said you'll come for at least one lunch anyway!"

She reluctantly stands up and follows me to where Daniel, James, and Jayce are sitting. When they see us approaching, I see James whisper something to Jayce that makes him laugh. Assuming it's about Violet, I send them a death glare, which immediately makes them sober up.

I take a seat that's next to Daniel and Violet takes a seat next to Jayce.

"Guys this is Violet" I say while signing as well so Violet knows what I'm saying.

"It's nice to meet you guys." Violet signs.

The guys look at me confused and I translate. "She said 'It's nice to meet you guys'"

They nod in response. I wonder what their thinking right now. I mean, I wonder what their impression is of her now. Now that they've me her. And their facial expressions don't help at all. 

"It's nice to meet you too Violet. You're cute."

I look at Daniel and Jayce to see if one of them said that. But to my surprise, it was James who said that. I am utterly shocked at what he just said. I give him a questioning look, confused as to why he suddenly had a change of heart because I could have sworn he was the one who said all those things about Violet.

James rolles his eyes. "I know what I said. Just translate it!"

After one more questioning look at him, I translate what he said to her which makes Violet blush a little.

"Thanks I guess..." She signs.

I translate what she said and James smirks.

"Why do you have to translate what we say? If she's mute, can't she just hear us?" Jayce speaks up.

Of course Jayce would ask that. I was actually hoping none of them would bring that up. I don't say anything though. I don't want to say something Violet doesn't want me saying.

I look at Violet, "They're asking why I have to translate what they say to you"

After reading my hands, Violet looks at them, takes a deep shaky breath, and then looks back at me. "You can tell them..." She signs.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

She nods in response.

I notice as the guy's heads switch back and forth between me and Violet as we sign with confused but intrigued expressions. Its kind of hard not to laugh at them. Their faces are so concentrated on our hands. The only person that isn't watching the exchange though, is James. And he's looking straight at Violet. Only. I'm not the only one who notices this because Daniel taps my shoulder and whispers, "Looks like someone over there likes Violet." I nod and smile in agreement.

"Well...? Are you going to answer my question?" Jayce asks.

I turn my head towards his direction and nod. "Violet isn't mute" I say calmly. They give each other questioning looks and I continue. "She's deaf."

"Deaf?" They all say in unison.

"Yes. But don't bring it up bluntly. She knows people think she's mute and makes fun of her you know. So, she's sensitive about it."

After hearing this, James frowns and looks at Violet with a guilty expression. He thinks deeply about something before saying, "I-I'm sorry" and looks at me to translate. I smile at him and sign it to Violet.

"For what?" She signs, furrowing her eyebrows.

Before I translate though, James catches on to her confused expression and says, "For misjudging you"

Ok hold up. Where did this James come from? He's actually apologizing for something that Violet didn't know about. So not only is he apologizing to her, he's also confessing his wrong doings to her. I look to Jayce and Daniel to see if they're also shocked. And when I do, I was right...they're looking at him with their mouths agape.

I sign what he said to Violet and it makes her smile widely at him, nodding. Almost saying that she forgives him. James' expression brightens and he nods back toward her.

Ok, I know this is a sentimental moment but, I can't help but think that they would make such a cute couple! I so ship them!

The bell rings and we all get up to head to our next classes. As we walk to the buildings, I walk faster to catch up to James.

"So, that was an interesting conversation" I smirk at him.

He rolls his eyes. "Don't start"

I put my hands up in defense. "Hey in my defense, I wasn't the one who judged her before I actually got know her."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He dismissively says. 

Without thinking, I say, "I can tell you like her"

His shoulders go back as he stiffens a little but relaxes after. "I don't like her like that"

"Oh my bad! Your interested in her then"

Even if he doesn't admit it right now, I'm going to get it out of him sooner or later.

"Just stop, Elise." he says rolling his eyes again.

"Ah! You didn't deny it!" I was right!

"Elise..." he says giving me a warning look.

"Ok, ok, I'll stop" I look back up at him. "It was really nice what you said to her though. I can tell she really appreciated it."

He smiles, and scratches the back of his neck. "You think so?"

I nod. "I know so"


When I got home, a note from both my mom and dad is taped on the fridge saying that they wish me luck with babysitting and that they both have night shifts.

It's about 3:45 which means Lidia would be dropping off Maya soon. And I'm still doing homework! I'm not even half way done with it yet. I guess I'm going to have Maya watch movies in the theatre room upstairs. Hopefully that will keep her content for a while so I can finish. Just then, the doorbell rings.

I open the door expecting it to be Lidia but I'm met with the face that belonged to Daniel.

"Elise! I'm so happy I get to spend time with you!" Maya screams before I get to say anything to Daniel.

I smile and kneel down to her level. "I'm so happy to spend time with you too!"

I step to the side to let her inside the house. Then Daniel starts stepping in also. I put my hand up to block him.

"Um what are you doing?" I ask.

"What does it look like? Am I not allowed in your house?"

I ignore his question. "Your mom is paying me to babysit one child. Not two!"

"Who said you're babysitting me? I thought I would be able to spend time with you too. And besides, there's nothing to do at my house."

Without giving it any thought, I let my mouth say the first thing that pops in my head. "Don't you have a girlfriend? You guys seem to make-out a lot. Isn't that something you can do?"

Daniel's muscles that are evident through his shirt contract together...and for a split second, his eyes go dark showing a trace of anger. Oh no...I may have crossed a line.  After taking a deep breath, he relaxes and doesn't blow up at me like I thought he would.

"She has dance practice everyday" he responds.

I just nod, afraid that if I say something else, it might make him tense again.

Acting as if nothing had happened, he casually says, "So...can I come in?"

I decide to play along. "Yeah, I guess" I say stepping to the side.

He walks in and starts looking around. He averts his attention to the family pictures we have hanging on the wall.

"What are we going to do first Elise?!" Maya comes running up to me. Opps. I almost forgot she was here.

"Well I was thinking you could watch a movie in on our theatre room"

"Yes!" she squeals. "I want to watch 'UP'!"

I giggle at her enthusiasm. "Sounds good!"

We get to the theatre room and Daniel plops himself onto the couch, making himself comfortable.

"Make yourself at home why don't you?" I say sarcastically.

"Yeah thanks!" He replies, completely oblivious to the sarcasm in my voice. I roll my eyes at him and put in the movie.

Maya tells me that she wants me to sit next to her, while patting the seat. I really don't want disappoint her but I also really need to finish my homework.

"Sorry Maya, I have to finish my homework" I say apologetically.

She frowns "Oh...ok"

"But once I'm finished, I promise we can do something really fun" She offers me a small smile, "Ok" and turns her attention to the movie. I head back downstairs and resume the homework I was doing.

I get so engrossed in the algorithms for math, that I don't notice Daniel sitting across from me until he speaks up.

"Don't forget to multiply the radical" He comments.

I look up at him. "Don't you have your own homework to be doing?" I can do my homework on my own. It's not like he's right anyway. I check my problem and to my surprise, he was right.

"Did it already." He answers in a boring tone.

I give him an incredulous look, not believing him.

"I did! I swear!" he says putting his hands up.

"Yeah ok.." I say turning my attention back to my homework.

"So...are you almost done?" he asks impatiently.

"If you keep asking, I won't be"

"But I'm bored!" he whines.

"Go watch the movie I put in!" Can't he take the hint that I'm busy right now? Oh my lord! Why do boys have to be so oblivious to the most obvious things?

"I don't want to. I want to hang out with you!"


"Because we're friends" he states matter of factly.

Friends? I don't recall Daniel ever being my 'friend'. I would think we are more like acquaintances for that matter.

I furrow my eye brows and look up at him. "Friends?"

"What? Aren't we?" He quizzes.

I shake my head and shrug my shoulders, "Sure..." and turn my attention back to the last few problems of my homework.  I mean why not right? It's not like anything bad is going to happen.

Daniel waits for me to finish by playing on his phone to let time pass. After about fifteen minutes, I start to pack up all my school stuff, finally done with all my work.

"Ok, I'm done. Are you coming upstairs?"I say getting Daniel's attention.

He looks up from his phone. "Finally!" and heads up stairs with me .

When I come into view, Maya looks in my direction. "Elise! Are you done with your homework?"

"Yeah! Now we can do whatever you want!"

She puts a tiny figure on her chin and contemplates what she wants to do. When she thinks of something, she starts jumping up and down on the couch. "Fort! Fort! I want to build a fort!"

Daniel suddenly rushes over to Maya in concern. "Maya don't jump on the couch! You're going to get hurt!" Maya obeys her brother and sits back down. I smile at Daniel, amazed at how much he cares for his sister.

I walk over to Maya and ask, "Where do you want to build the fort?"

"Here! So we can watch the movie from inside!"

"Of course!" I exclaim and turn to Daniel. "Daniel can you help me get the blankets, pillows, and comforters?"

"Yeah. Where are they?"

"In my room. Come." I gesture for him to follow me.

He smirks, "Is this your way of trying to get me into your room alone? I hate to break it to you El, but I'm taken."

El? Did he just call me El?

"Would you get over yourself? Just follow me and grab the damn stuff I told you to help me with!" I say, stomping off to my room. Just once, can't he just get over his big ego?

"Jeez! I was just kidding" he says, lifting his hands in surrender.

I open the door to my closet to get the extra blankets and pillows that's in there.

"Here Daniel, grab these and- Daniel?" I walk out of my closet when I notice he's not here. He's standing in the middle of my room, staring out the big window where a wall was supposed to be.

"Whoa...that's amazing!" He says in awe.

"'s one of the reasons why I chose this to be my room."

A few moments pass with just us looking outside the window. I remind Daniel that Maya is still waiting for us and he follows me into my closet. I reach to the top shelf and grab as much pillows I can. I bring them down to give them to Daniel, but they all topple to the ground. "Oh shoot sorry!" I say bending down to grab them. He bends down also to help me pick them up.

"Thank yo-" I start looking up at him but freeze when he looks up as well, our faces literally inches apart. Neither of us look away for some reason. And with the silence that's surrounding us, I can hear the now rapid beating of my heart against my ribcage. A few moments of us just staring at each other passes by. And it's then that I notice how nice his eyes are. I've never noticed this feature on him before. I just thought his eyes were dark brown, but now that I'm up close, I now realize that his eyes are like a dark hazel-ish color. And it suits him. His eyes flicker to my lips and then back to my eyes. He starts to lean in slowly...not taking his eyes off mine...

Before anything could happen, I look away."Uh-um...thanks for helping me..." I say standing up after grabbing the last pillow.

He mumbles something under his breath and stands up. "Y-Yeah, no problem" and walks off to the theatre after grabbing the stack of pillows out of my hands.

What the heck was that? I lift my hand to touch my lips. What if I didn't look away? What would have happened? I guess it's a good thing I looked away though, or else he would have cheated on Katie, making me the girl he cheated with. That's unwanted drama I don't need. I grab all the blankets I have and head toward the theatre room. I drop off the blankets and head back to my room to get the comforter.

When I return, Daniel is already re-arranging the couches. "So what do you have in mind?" I ask. 

He looks at me confused. "In mind for what?"

I gesture to what he's doing. "The fort."

"Oh! Well I was thinking we can move that couch" he points to the one I'm standing in front of, "over there so the couches are in like a 'U' shape."

I nod and start moving the couch to where he said to put it. I grab the blankets and start draping them over the couches so they hover over the middle of the 'U' shaped couches. Daniel gets the comforter and sets inside the fort, as well as the left over blankets.

"AH! I love it!" Maya screams, running inside.

I chuckle at her. "I'll be right back. I'm going to grab a snack"

When I reach the bottom of the stairs, Daniel comes rushing down right after and heads straight for the kitchen.

"What do you think you're doing?" I say. He's looking inside all the cabinets as if this were his own house.

"Getting a snack" he responds in a 'duh' tone. When he opens the cabinet that's filled with the snacks, he pauses and grabs out a yellow bottle.

"Why do you have baby food?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

I lunge at him, "Don't touch that! That's mine!" and grab it from his hands. I love baby food! Not the liquid ones but the star shaped puff cracker things. They're delicious! 

"Damn!" he says putting his hands up.

"Sorry...they are my favorite snack! Here try one!" I grab one out and hand it to him.

He raises an eye brow at me.

"Just eat it!"

He plops it into his mouth and chews it. I watch as his jaw clenches and unclenches with each bite he takes. Whoa!

He nods his head "Not too shabby"

"So you like it?" I ask excitedly.

"It's not as bad as I thought it would be"

I smile triumphantly and start to make the popcorn. When the popcorn is done, I put it into a Mickey Mouse bowl and head up stairs with Daniel following.

"Elise come by me!" Maya calls.

I shimmy myself into the fort placing the popcorn in front of us. Daniel takes a spot next to me and focuses his attention on the movie.

We get about half an hour into the movie when I feel something being thrown at my head. I look down and see that it was a popcorn that hit my head. What the heck? I look at Daniel and see a smirk playing at his lips. I send him a death glare.

"What? It was Maya!" He accuses.

I throw the popcorn back at him. "Sure it was"

This time, he picks out a hand full of  popcorn from the bowl and throws it at me.

Oh no he didn't!

"That time it was me" his smirk widening.

And just like that, world war popcorn started.

A/N: Hey!

Sorry if this chapter was a little long. I didn't want to continue this into the next chapter or else that one would be long as well. But hope you enjoyed!

