Chapter 22

I wonder if anyone has ever been in a situation where they were stuck between two choices that could affect them so much. Ever since I saw the incident with Katie two days ago, I've been going indecisively between whether I should tell Daniel or not. I want to be a good friend by doing the right thing. But the thing is, I can't tell which choice is the right one.

On the one hand, if I tell Daniel, he could thank me and talk to Katie himself, or on the other hand, get mad at me for getting involved.

And the longer we're lounging about in this recreation center for the workers, the more I'm tempted to just tell everyone. I haven't told anyone. Not even Willa or Violet. And the harder part too is that Katie hangs with us everyday now. It doesn't help that she's my dance captain either.

Maybe I should wait it to out and see what happens. I mean when people usually do this sort of thing, they end up getting caught anyway right? And this way, I won't be involved. No...I can't. Knowing me, I'll still fell bad. I feel bad just thinking about it. It's the fact that I would've known the whole time without saying anything, would make me feel bad.

"Does that sound good to you El?"

I shake my head and avert my attention to all of my friends staring at me intently. "Sorry. Does what sound good?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Everyone says there's going to be a buffet tonight and everyone from our school is invited. Well, the ones that are here. You coming?" Violet signs.

I mean it can't hurt right? I have nothing to do anyways. "Sure. What time?" I answer and sign.

"6:30" James answers.

Back in my room, I dig through my suit case to find my black floral romper and my beige cardigan. After putting that on, I reapply my eyeliner and mascara. I leave my hair in their natural curls and slipped on my black strappy sandals. With thirty minutes to spare, I grab my purse and head toward the restaurant.

I'm the last of my friends to arrive. And I try to act unfazed at the fact that Katie is attached to Daniel's arm like a lost puppy. I make a disgusted face and look anywhere else but there. She steps away from the group going who knows where, but I'm not complaining. Why out of everyone working here, did I have to find Katie with that guy? I'm not the kind of person to deal with these sort of situations properly. I don't even think there is a proper way to deal with this.

We all start walking into the restaurant when a waiter lets us in. As we're filing in, something quite far in the corner catches my eye and an unsettling feeling sets at the pit of my stomach. The only reason why Katie left our group was to go back to that guy again! They're not even trying to hide it this time. They're not in the open but I can see them enough to tell what they're doing.

Everyone else are so engrossed in each other's conversations that they don't even look up to see what's actually going on! The group right next to me for example, is talking about the latest gossip since we got here. Trust me, if they want gossip, all they have to do is look the other way. Before going inside, I head to go use the restroom. I throw up a little in my mouth as I pass by Katie and that guy who don't even come up to take a breather.

When I get back, Daniel, James, Jayce, Willa, Violet, and I settle at our own table. A waiter comes to our table and fills our glass cups with water.

"Hello! My name is Robert and I'll be your waiter tonight. If there is anything at all, please don't hesitate in asking" he introduces himself and leaves after finishing.

As soon as he leaves, Katie comes back and takes a seat next to Daniel. "What took you so long?" He asks, looking down at her.

"There was a long line in the bathroom" she says.

Hearing that sentence was enough to take me off the edge. Even though it's only been a short while, I'm already sick and tired of this. I can't keep going on pretending like nothing's wrong. Daniel deserves to know the truth. This has gone on way longer than it should have.

"You were at the bathroom? I was just there and didn't see you" I speak up.

Her eyes go big with worry filled within them. Everyone looks at her and awaits her answer. And it takes her a while to figure out what to say.

"I-I must have already left when you got there" she answers more unsurely than I think she would have liked too.

Everyone at our table just nods their heads in understanding and start to leave to get their food. And in just that brief moment, Katie seemed to relax a little, probably thinking she got away with it again. But, I need to tell everyone now. She can't keep thinking she can do this sort of thing and not get caught with it.

"But Katie, who was that guy you were with?" I ask more confidently.

Everyone stops in their tracks to turn to look at her.

"What are you-what guy?" Daniel asks. I can tell he's trying to keep his chill, but I'm pretty sure everyone here, could hear a hint of anger in it.

Katie doesn't answer but just stares at me with more hatred than how she usually looks at me. Unfazed by the look she's trying to give me, I stared intently back at her, as if daring her to try me. I'm not afraid to tell everyone what I saw. Twice, might I add.

As an attempt to try save herself, she tries to say something but I beat her to it. "A couple days ago, I was in the kitchen basement to put boxes away and Katie and this other guy were kissing" I exclaim. And since I had to talk over Katie, my sudden reveal caught a lot of other people's attention. "And when I was walking to the bathroom earlier, they were together again" I finish.

The look on Katie's face shows worry. Or more like realization. After I mentioned the basement one, it looked like she put two and two together and realized that I was the one who saw them, and that I was the one who dropped and left the box.

A bitter laugh escapes Katie's lips. "Do you guys really believe her? Do you really think I'd cheat on my boyfriend that I've had since sophomore year?" She states. All around us, people start murmuring amongst themselves. "I love you Daniel" she says taking his hand in hers.

I look toward my friends expecting that they would back me up on this. But what I see instead is complete doubt on their faces. They all look at each other and then at me as if I'm the one they don't believe. Worry crosses my features and I start to hyperventilate a little.

"You guys believe me right? I saw them twice" I say again.

I look towards Willa and Violet. But they don't make eye contact with me. I look towards Jayce and James but they do the same. Daniel isn't any better either. Katie keeps whispering to him. Probably saying things that make me look like the bad guy.

"We've all noticed how you look at Daniel. It's obvious you have something for him" Willa says. But I don't know how that might apply to this situation though.

"She's only doing this so she could have Daniel for herself!" Someone from the crowed yells.

It feels like my heart is breaking at the moment. I look up towards the ceiling as I feel my eyes start to well up in tears. I can't...I promised myself I won't do this. Not after what happened before.

"Dan-" I start.

"No, don't Elise" Daniel starts. "I thought you were my friend. I thought I could trust you" he says and shakes his head. "I was there for you when you were there for me. And yet, here you are trying to break us up" he adds shaking his head. "No wonder you did what you did. You did all that just to break Katie and I up" He then rolls up his polo long sleeve shirt and with his free hand, he unclasps his other half of our bracelets and drops it on the ground like it was nothing. Like our friendship was nothing.

Everything after that becomes a blur because of the tears that were now overflowing uncontrollably.

"Oh, would you look that; she's crying. And if isn't already obvious, you're off the dance team" Katie laughs.

At that, every single person listening, erupted in fits of laughter. Unable to bare it no longer, I grabbed the bracelet off the ground and ran. Ran away without having any thought to where I was going. Streams of tears kept falling. And although I was extremely hurt, a rush of anger also surged through me.

Not only was Daniel's promise to me broken, but the promise I made to my self was also broken. I promised I wouldn't let them see me cry.

A/N: Hey!
Thank you all so much for reading. Hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was quite a depressing one. Were you guys expecting this to happen? And what you guys think will happen next?

Until next chapter,

- Gia
