Chapter 21

The heat radiating from the oven as I take out the cake, hits my face and arms. The sensation makes me perspire more than I already am in this stuffed, humid kitchen. Besides that, this baking thing wasn't as hard and stressful as I thought it would be. Turns out not a lot of people want to eat desert after their heavy meal. Well I mean, it is a buffet and here, the main courses are more popular than the deserts.

I set the chocolate cake down to cool and headed to the fridge to get a plump red cherry and my pre-made frosting. Once I set the things on the side and grabbed the frosting tool, I catch a glimpse of Daniel. He rolls up his sleeve half way and I get a perfect view of the bracelet. Seeing it, made my day so much better. I wonder if he gets happy when he sees the bracelet on me.

"Elise is my cake ready?" The head chef yells at me.

His yelling caught the attention of almost everyone in the kitchen, including Daniel's. Daniel looks up and right at me. I jump, nearly knocking the icing tool off the counter, and quickly look away from Daniel.

"I-I'm sorry chef. Almost done" I stutter.

The chef roles his eyes and goes back into the restaurant. A breath I didn't know I was holding, releases. That couldn't have been more embarrassing! Not only was I caught by Daniel staring, but I was also called out by the head chef! I shake my head my own stupidity.

Once I'm done icing the cake and putting the cherry in the middle, I make my way to the dessert area of the buffet. I remove the tray where the eaten cake was and placed the new cake in its spot.

Today felt dragged out longer than the last three days I've worked here. I baked so many goods that I lost count on how many cakes, cupcakes, brownies, and cookies I've baked. Once I got to the kitchen, I decided I could take a breather for a few minutes. I sat down on the stool and wiped a drop of sweat that was rolling onto my forehead.

There's nothing more I want than getting my recreation time in two days. I could really use the relaxation. Especially at this moment. Unfortunately, my "quick breather" doesn't last as long as I would have liked it too. The head chef comes in with a huge stack of boxes consisting of...what I'm guessing to be spices, condiments, and other things.

"Elise! What do you think you're doing? Do you not do any work while you're here?" Chef yells at me. "Get up right now and help me with these!"

I heave out a big sigh and made my way over to where he was standing. As I drew more closer to the stack of boxes, I saw that it was actually more Tupperware, dishes, and utensils.

"I need you to carry all of these boxes down to the basement" he instructs pointing to the door I assume leads to the basement.

I nod to him, letting him know I got it. He leaves soon after towards his main office. Shrugging my shoulders, I lift up two boxes but they immediately slip out my grasp and onto the floor. The things inside bang together, making me flinch at the loud clashing sound. These boxes are heavier than I thought they would be.

Now carrying one box, I started to make my way into the dark, gloomy basement. The stairwell is poorly lit and the stairs itself has dust all over them. As I draw closer to the bottom of the stair case, the sound of whispering voices hits my eardrums.

Something within me sparks my inner mystery and curious side. I duck behind the wall separating the two people and myself. Before I peek to see who the two people are, I try to eavesdrop onto their conversation. However, their whispering voices are too hushed for me to make out what their saying. I try to listen one more time but all I hear is silence. The whispering stopped.

Without thinking, I peek my head out of my hiding spot. Wh-this doesn't make any sense. My whole body gets paralyzed in one spot. I can't move. My mouth is dropped to the floor and my eyes are as big as saucers. The blood from my body immediately goes cold and I feel myself starting to panic.

In front of me, a couple stands in the middle of cluttered mess making out. Now, I wouldn't usually care if I saw something like this because there's couples at school who do the same thing up against the lockers. But this particular "couple" shouldn't be doing what they're doing.

I've seen the guy around school but don't know his name. The girl however, I think I know pretty well. Well, well enough...

It's Katie. She's having a full on make out session with another guy. How could she do this to Daniel? For all I know, he's been an amazing boyfriend to her. And after all he's done for her, this is how she repays him? I start to feel my body go numb with all of the thoughts circulating my mind. And the box I'm holding slips from my finger tips and clashes to the ground.

Not wanting to see what happens next, I bolt up the stairs and into the main kitchen, slamming the door shut. I lean against the door with my hands leaning against my knees, hyperventilating. Putting my head down, I shake it side to side slightly, still not believing what I just witnessed.

"You alright El?" Daniel asks.

I lift my head up, immediately starting to panic more than I already was and my eyes widen once again. Of course! Out of all people, this has to happen to me.

"I-uh-me? No, I'm fine! Why would you ask?" I quickly answer.

He furrows his eyebrows and then relaxes them as if he suspects something. Which I hope he doesn't. I'm not even sure if I should even tell him or not. There are so many things that could happen. Both good and bad. And I'm not sure which one would be in my favor if I were to tell him right now. I'm going to need to think this through.

"Well, it kind of looks like you saw a ghost or something" he explains, chuckling.

A nervous laugh escapes me as I try to play along with him. Little does he know however, how much I wish I actually saw a ghost rather than what I've actually seen. Unlike seeing Katie cheating on him, I'm pretty sure the ghost thing wouldn't have the potential to escalate into one whole big drama mess. Not that I know of anyway.

Once our sort of laughter subsides, I say "Well, I have to get back to work. I'll talk to you later?"

"For sure" he says flashing a heart melting smile.

I smile back at him but I think it was more of a pity smile rather than a genuine one. Thankfully though he doesn't notice and goes back to what he was doing. And I do the same. I get my station ready to make another desert. Along the way, my mind wonders elsewhere but I keep doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

How long has Katie's affair been going on? Maybe this was what Maya was talking about a while ago when she said she didn't trust her. Or something along those lines. Even if I did suspect that she was right, I don't even know if I'd still tell him. It's something that shouldn't be told by me anyway. But as much as I don't want to get involved, Daniel still has the right to know. I mean, I would want to know if someone was cheating on me if I was in this situation.

The thing is though, depending on the person, other people would react differently in receiving news like this. For example, knowing me, I would just simply dump the guy and literally cry until I had no tears left.

The door to the basement opens and Katie walks out of it acting casual. The most gross thing about this is that she waltzes right up Daniel and kisses him on the cheek. He smiles down at her and kisses her forehead. I look away disgusted. The lunch I ate earlier threatens to spew out of me and I try to focus on my task at hand.

The fact the she had the nerve to do that, is absolutely revolting! But the thing is, would I be a good friend if I told him, or would I be a good friend by not telling him?

A/N: Hey!

There goes another update! Hope you guys enjoyed it as much I did writing it. Do you guys think Elise should tell Daniel? And if she does, what do you think his reaction would be? Comment what you think!

Until next chapter,

- Gia
