

Sam, Dean and Ellie get out of the Impala and Dean removes three tasers.
"What do you got those amped up to?" Ellie asks.
"A hundred thousand volts." Dean tells her.
"Damn." Sam says with wide eyes.
"Yeah. I want this rawhead extra fricking crispy. And remember, you only get one shot with these things. So make it count." Dean tells his younger siblings. They run to the house and head down to the basement with their guns and flashlights. Hearing a noise, they all move toward a cupboard.
"On three. One. Two. Three." Dean whispers. Dean swings the door open, a young boy and girl are crouched inside, covering their ears.
"Is it still here?" Sam whispers, they nod. Ellie looks at the boy.
"Ok. Grab your sister's hand, come on, we gotta get you out of here. Let's go, let's go." Ellie tells them as they all move towards the stairs. "Alright, go!" Sam picks up the children but a hand grabs his legs, knocking him back down. The children scream and run to the top of the stairs.
"Sam!" Dean shouts and shoots the taser but misses.
"Sam, get them outta here!" Ellie shouts as she tries to find the rawhead. Sam throws his taser to Dean who misses it, as he reaches down to grab it the rawhead comes up and knocks Dean backwards and rendering him unconscious in the corner. Ellie flashes her torch trying to see it again, suddenly it leaps up and shoves Ellie backwards. Ellie loses her flashlight and taser as she falls. She glances around, scrambles across puddles of water to grab the taser and releases it toward the creature as it moves towards her, electrocuting it. Electricity moves from the creature through the through the water lying on the ground to Ellie. Dean looks up as this happens and sees Ellie and the rawhead shake and twitch, the creature falls and Ellie loses consciousness. Sam runs down the stairs as Dean stands up and they both see Ellie in the corner, unmoving.
"Ellie!" They shout. They run over to her, and Sam half lifts her, holding her face.
"Ellie. Hey, hey."


Sam and Dean stand at the desk with a receptionist.
"Sir, I'm so sorry to ask. There doesn't seem to be any insurance on file." Sam and Dean look at each other.
"Right, uh ok." Sam says as he removes a card from his wallet and hands it to reception.
"Okay, Mr. Burkovitz." Sam and Dean see two cops waiting and they walk over.
"Look we can finish this later." The cop says sympathetically.
"No, no, it's okay. We were just taking a shortcut through the neighbourhood. And, um, the windows were rolled down, we heard some screaming when we drove past the house, and we stopped. Ran in." Sam explains as Dean stays silent, not looking at the cops and only at the ground.
"And you found the kids in the basement?"
"Yeah." Sam says.
"Well thank God you did." The cop says as Sam sees a doctor walking towards them. Sam nudges Dean and he looks up, he hurries over to the doctor with Sam following close behind.
"Hey, is she..." Dean starts.
"She's resting."
"And?" Sam asks anxiously.
"The electrocution triggered a heart attack. Pretty massive, I'm afraid. Her heart... it's damaged." The doctor explains.
"How damaged?" Dean asks with worry written all over his face.
"We've done all we can. We can try and keep her comfortable at this point. But, I'd give her a couple weeks, at most, maybe a month." The doctor says, Dean walks away, with his head in his hands.
"No, no. There's, there's gotta be something you can do, some kind of treatment."
"We can't work miracles. I really am sorry." The doctor says, Sam walks away, looking upset.


Sam goes out to find Dean sitting on the steps besides the entrance to the hospital.
"Dean." He doesn't look up. Sam sits next to him.
"You know, even when she was young she was always able to make me smile even if I really didn't want to. She'd tell a stupid joke or just do something." Dean says.
"Do you remember that time for her 6th birthday we got her that Scooby Doo costume and she refused to take it off, but the first time she put it on, we all laughed and laughed, even Dad was laughing hard." Sam says.
"I can't let her die, Sammy." Dean says holding back the tears.
"She isn't going to die. But right now, she needs us. So, let's go see her and save our little sister." Sam tells Dean firmly.


Ellie is watching TV in bed, she is pale and has dark circles under her eyes. Sam and Dean enter but she keeps her eyes on the TV.
"Have you actually ever watched daytime TV? It's terrible." Ellie tells them, sounding very weak. They both shake their heads and sigh.
"We talked to your doctor." Sam says sadly. Ellie looks over to them and smiles, she locks eyes with Dean, she moves over on her bed to make room and pats the space next to her, Dean automatically moves over to it and lies down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, Ellie leans her head on his shoulder and breathes out, finally relaxing for the first time since she entered the hospital.
"That fabric softener teddy bear. You two better hunt that little bitch down when I'm gone." Ellie jokes to them, neither of them laugh, Sam moves over to the bed, and sits down on Ellie's side after she lifts her legs up, she then places her legs on Sam's lap. Ellie clicks off the TV.
"Look guys, you are gonna be leaving town without me." She says, sounding resigned.
"What are you talking about? We're not leaving you here." Sam says.
"Hey, you two better not fight when I'm gone. Or, I swear, I'll haunt your asses." Ellie says jokingly.
"I don't think that's funny." Sam says.
"Oh, come on, it's a little funny." Ellie says, looking up at Dean who has isn't smiling at all, he shakes his head. There is a long silence. Sam and Dean are looking down, fighting tears. Ellie sighs out.
"Look, guys, what do you want me to say, it's dangerous out there and I drew the short straw." She shrugs. "There's nothing else to say but I just want you guys to carry on, get dad." She says.
"Don't talk like that, alright? We still have options." Dean tells her, hugging her shoulders.
"What options? Yeah, burial or cremation. Look, I am gonna die, I know it's not easy but we can't stop death. There's nothing you guys can do."
"Watch us." Sam says simply.


It's been three days since Ellie's diagnosis. Sam and Dean are in their motel room. They've been doing the same thing every day seeing Ellie and researching how to save her. They reluctantly leave Ellie after she has fallen asleep in Dean's arms and the doctor says she needs rest and some more scans, the beds are covered in pages of research about heart care. Sam sits on the bed and is calling John with Dean listening.
"Hey, Dad. It's Sam and Dean. Uh.. you probably won't even get this, but, uh... it's Ellie. She's sick and uh... the doctors say there's nothing they can do. Um... but, uh, they don't know the things we know, right? So, don't worry, cause we're uh... gonna do whatever it takes to get her better. Alright... just wanted you to know." Sam hangs up with tears in his eyes, Dean hasn't said a word for over an hour. They suddenly hear a knock on the door to find Ellie leaning against the door, looking terrible. Dean and Sam look surprised, happy and confused all at the same time.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Dean asks, a little bit angry but happy to see his sister.
"I checked myself out." Ellie tells them.
"What, are you crazy?" Sam says alarmed. Ellie enters the room, leaning on everything within reach. "Well, I'm not gonna die in a hospital, those places just give me the creeps." Ellie shrugs, Sam and Dean huff a laugh. Dean and Sam go either side of Ellie and help her to a chair, she eyes them both.
"Have either of you two slept? You look worse than me."
"We've been scouring the Internet for the last 3 days." Sam starts.
"Calling every contact in Dad's journal." Dean finishes. Ellie looks at them confused.
"For what?" She asks looking at her two brothers.
"For a way to help you. One of Dad's friends, Joshua, he called me back. Told me about a guy in Nebraska. A specialist." Dean tells her.
"You two will not let me die in peace." Ellie says smirking.
"We aren't going to let you die, period. We're going." Sam tells her.


The Impala bumps along a rutted gravel road toward a large white circus tent set up in a field. People make their way toward the tent and across the very muddy ground, many on walking frames or helped by others. Sam and Dean get out and run to help Ellie. Ellie opens her door and looks around and reads a sign next to the tent that says "The Church of Roy LeGrange, Faith Healer, Witness The Miracle." They pull her up as she grimaces and looks around.
"Guys, what is this? Thought you said we were going to see a doctor." Ellie angrily.
"We said a specialist." Sam tells her. Dean looks around speculating if this was a good idea.
"I can't believe you would bring me to a guy who heals people out of a tent." Ellie says looking at Dean, before Dean can say anything an elderly woman with an umbrella passes by.
"Reverend LeGrange is a great man."
"Yeah, that's nice." Ellie says. They then walk past an angry man protesting getting moved by a cops.
"I have a right to protest. This man is a fraud. And he's milking all these people out of their hard-earned money."
"Sir, this is a place of worship. Let's go. Move it." The cop demands and they walk away.
"I take it he's not part of the flock." Ellie says watching him go.
"But when people see something they can't explain, there's controversy." Sam explains, Dean rolls his eyes, also unsure of the plan.
"I mean, come on, Sam, a faith healer?" Dean asks Sam.
"Maybe it's time to have a little faith, Dean." Sam tells his big brothers.
"You know what I've got faith in? Reality. Knowing what's really going on." Dean says. Ellie rolls her eyes at them fighting while Ellie is in the middle of the two, she pushes away from them causing them to stare at her.
"Guys come on, I am not exactly thrilled about you two bringing me out to this dingy field when I could spend the last few weeks of my life watching Scooby Doo or trying to find Dad. But we are here so lock it up." She tells the, she stumbles a bit but is caught by Dean and Sam who help her get steady on her feet. On the way in Dean starts chatting to a good looking young woman called Layla.

They enter the tent, Dean notices a security camera.
"Yeah, peace, love and trust all over." Sam and Ellie follow his gaze to a security camera. Ellie and Dean start to take a seat but Sam puts his arm around Ellie and moves her towards the front.
"Come on!" Sam says pulling Ellie up the aisle as Dean grumbles. Ellie stumbles again, Dean catches her and pulls her close. Sam lets go of Ellie and point to three empty seats behind Layla and her mother.
On stage a blind man wearing sunglasses, who Ellie guesses is Roy LeGrange is helped to the lecturn by a woman.
"Each morning, my wife, Sue Ann, reads me the news. Never seems good, does it?" The crowd agree with him in a murmur and nods. "Seems like there's always someone committing some immoral, unspeakable act." As he speaks, Sam sees a table on stage, filled with religious items. He notices an old wooden cross that is topped by a smaller cross in a circle. "But, say to you, God is watching."
"Yes he is." The crowd murmur, Ellie looks around having a bad feeling about this place and grabs Dean's hand, Dean automatically holds it, looking at his sister with worry but his sister continues to look forward.
"God rewards the good and He punishes the corrupt." Roy tells the crowd as they nod and cheer. "It is the Lord who does the healing here friends. The Lord who guides me in choosing who to heal by helping me see into people's hearts." The crowd continue to murmur as Dean turns to Ellie and Sam.
"Yeah, and into their wallets." Dean says quietly to them, Ellie chuckles at this as Sam looks angry at him.
"You think so, young man?" Roy says. The crowd immediately fall silent.
"Sorry." Dean apologises, looking shocked.
"No. No. Don't be. Just watch what you say around a blind man, we've got real sharp ears." The crowd laugh.
"What's your name, son? And what is the name of that young girl you're with?" Ellie looks at him with wide eyes. Dean clears his throat.
"Dean. This is Ellie." Dean says, hesitating.
"Dean. Ellie. Ellie, I want you to come up here with me." Roy says, Ellie looks shocked at the crowd cheer, Sue Ann moves to the centre stage, smiling at Ellie.
"No, no it's okay." Ellie says, Dean has a strange look on his face while Sam looks shocked.
"What are you doing?!" Sam whispers to Ellie.
"You've come here to be healed, haven't ya?" Ellie hesitates while her brothers both look at her.
"Well, yeah, but ah..." She hesitates as the crowd claps and makes encouraging noises. "maybe you should pick someone else." Sam looks at Ellie like she is insane. The crowd claps loudly.
"Oh no, I didn't pick you Ellie, the Lord did." Ellie breathes out at this and the crowd cheers. She slowly rises and moves towards the stage. Dean asks if she needs help but she shakes her head. Ellie gets onto the stage.
"Pray with me, friends." Roy says. Dean and Sam don't take their eyes off of their sister. Dean getting ready to go up if necessary. The crowd lift their arms and join hands with each other. Roy lifts his hands to the air, then places on first on her shoulder, then on the side of her head.
"Alright now. Alright now." Roy says to himself. Ellie's eyes glaze over. Her knees weaken and she sinks to her knees. Dean looks at her worried, Roy's hand still on her head. Ellie wobbles, her eyes fall back in her head and she slips to the stage floor. Sam and Dean jump up and run to the stage. The crowd is clapping excitedly.
"Ellie!" Sam grabs the front of her hoodie. Dean grabs her face, hitting her cheeks lightly. Ellie's eyes suddenly burst open and she gasps.
"Say something!" Dean says worried. Ellie blinks groggily and looks up. Roy is standing above her, hands out from his sides, palms up, looking happy, beside and slightly behind Roy a tall man in a black suit with white hair, very white skin and extremely wrinkled skin comes into focus. He stares at Ellie then turns away and vanishes. Ellie watches him, shocked.


Dean, Sam and Ellie are in the hospital getting Ellie checked out. Ellie is looking down shocked.
"So, you really feel okay?" Sam asks Ellie.
"I feel fine, guys." Ellie says, she has a felling of unhappiness as she knows that something is wrong, she feels perfectly healthy again, but there has to be a catch. The doctor enters reading her paperwork.
"Well, according to all your tests there's nothing wrong with your heart. No sign there ever was. Not that a woman you're age should be having heart trouble, but, still its strange it does happen." The doctor explains. Sam and Dean are relieved but Ellie knows that there is something weird going on.
"What do you mean strange?" Ellie asks the doctor.
"Well, just yesterday, a young girl like you, 20, athletic. Out of nowhere, heart attack." Ellie and Dean share a look of suspicion, even though he is over the moon that Ellie is okay now, he feels like there is something more to it. They say thank you to the doctor and he leaves.
"That's odd." Ellie tells them. Dean gives an unsure look.
"Maybe it's a coincidence. People's hearts give out all the time." Sam tells Ellie.
"No, they don't." Ellie says.
"Look, do we really have to look this one in the mouth? Why can't we just be thankful that the guy saved your life?" Sam says.
"Because I can't shake the feeling, that's why." She looks over at Dean, "I know you feel it too, you were more suspicious than I was at the healing." Ellie says to Dean.
"What feeling?" Sam asks.
"When I was healed, I just felt wrong. I felt cold. And for a second, I saw someone. This, uh, old man. And I am telling you two, it was a spirit." Ellie says, Dean nods.
"I felt it too." Dean says.
"But if there was something there, guys, I think I would've seen it, too. I mean, I've been seeing an awful lot of things lately." Sam tells them.
"Well, excuse me, psychic wonder. But you're just gonna need a little faith on this one. Sam, me and Ellie have been hunting long enough to trust a feeling like this." Sam sighs at this.
"Yeah, alright. So, what do you wanna do?" Sam asks.
"You go check out the heart attack guy. Me and Ellie are gonna visit the reverend." Dean tells Sam.


Roy, Dean and Ellie are all sitting on couches, Sue Ann stands, filling a glass.
"I feel great. Just trying to, you know, make sense of what happened." Ellie smiles at Roy.
"Woke up one morning, stone blind. Doctors figured out I had cancer. Told me I had maybe a month. So, uh, we prayed for a miracle. I was weak but I told Sue Ann, "You just keep right on praying." I went into a coma. Doctors said I wouldn't wake up, but I did. And the cancer was gone." Roy takes off his sunglasses, his eyes are white. "If it wasn't for these eyes, no one would believe I'd ever had it."
"And suddenly you can heal people?" Dean asks.
"I discovered it afterward, yes. God's blessed me in many ways."
"Can I ask you one last question?" Ellie asks, Dean looks at her but she doesn't look back she leans forward.
"Why? Why me? Out of all the sick people, why save me?" Ellie questions.
"Well like I said before, the Lord guides me. I looked into your heart and you stood out from all the rest." Ellie looks surprised by this.
"What did you see in my heart?"
"A young lady with an important purpose. A job to do. And it ain't finished." He turns to Dean, "I see it in you, also. Both of you. And your brother. You three. I could just tell you three need each other and you guys are important to the Lord's work." Dean and Ellie look at each other slightly surprised. They all say goodbyes and Dean and Ellie leave, on the way out they see Layla and her mother are waiting to go in.
"Dean, hey."
"Hey." She turns to Ellie.
"How you feeling?"
"I feel good. Cured, I guess. What are you doing here?" Ellie smiles at her.
"You know, my mom, she wanted to talk to the reverend." Sue Ann comes onto the porch.
"Yes, I'm here again." Layla says softly.
"Well, I'm sorry, but Roy is resting. He won't be seeing anyone else right now." Layla's mom walks up to her.
"Sue Ann, please. This is our sixth time, he's got to see us."
"Roy is well aware of Layla's situation. And he very much wants to help just as soon as the Lord allows. Have faith, Mrs. Rourke." Sue Ann goes inside. Layla's mom stares then turns, looking at Ellie.
"Why are you still even here? You got what you wanted." She says frustrated. Ellie looks taken aback.
"Mom.." Layla says looking sad and embarrassed.
"No. Layla, this is too much. We've been to every single service. If Roy would stop choosing these strangers over. Strangers who don't even believe. I just can't pray any harder." She says. Dean turns to Layla.
"Layla, what's wrong?" Dean asks looking sympathetically at her.
"I have this thing..." Layla hesitates.
"It's a brain tumor. It's inoperable. In 6 months, the doctors say..." Layla's mom says, Layla puts a hand on her mother's shoulder, stopping her.
"I'm sorry." Ellie says to her.
"It's okay."
"No it isn't." Layla's mom turns to Ellie. "Why do you deserve to live more than my daughter?" Ellie looks down as Layla and her mom walk away. Dean looks at his sister who just looks down and walks towards the Impala.


Dean and Ellie enter. Sam is at the laptop. Dean takes his jacket off as Ellie sits on the the bed.
"What'd you find out?" Dean asks.
"I'm sorry." Sam says to Ellie, she stands up and goes over to him.
"Sorry about what?"
"Melissa Hall died at 4:17." Sam tells them. Ellie thinks for a second.
"The exact time I was healed." Ellie says stunned.
"Yeah. So, I put together a list of everyone Roy's healed, 6 people over the past year, and I cross-checked them with the local obits. Every time someone was healed, someone else died. And each time, the victim died of the same symptom LeGrange was healing at the time.
"Someone's healed of cancer, someone dies of cancer?" Dean questions.
"Somehow. LeGrange... he's trading a life for another." Sam tells them.
"Wait. Wait. Wait. So, Melissa Hall died to save me?" Ellie says, with conflicted emotions on her face.
"Ellie, the girl would've probably would've died anyway. And someone else would've been healed." Sam tells her trying to stop his sister from feeling too guilty.
"You guys, should've never brought me here." Ellie says pacing.
"Ellie, we were just trying to save your life." Sam says.
"But, now, some girl is dead because of me."
"We didn't know." Dean says, also struggling with the fact an innocent girl has died.
"The thing I don't understand is how is Roy doing it? How's he trading a life for a life?" Sam says.
"Oh, he's not doing it." Ellie says. Sam and Dean look at her.
"What do you mean?"
"The old man I saw on stage... I didn't wanna believe it, but deep down I knew."
"You knew what? What are you talking about?" Sam questions.
"There's only one thing that can give and take life like that." Ellie tells them, Sam looks confused while Dean clicks on to what she's saying.
"We're dealing with a reaper." Dean concludes. Sam and Dean sit at the table while Ellie walks back and forth dealing with the guilt she is feeling.
"You two really think it's THE Grim Reaper? Like, angel of death, collect your soul, the whole deal?" Sam asks.
"No, no, no, not THE reaper, A reaper. There's a reaper law in pretty much every culture on earth, it goes by 100 different names, it's possible that there's more than one of them." Dean says.
"But Ellie said she saw a dude in a suit." Sam says, Ellie turns to Sam.
"What, you think he shoulda been working the whole black robe thing?... You said it yourself that the clock stopped right? Reapers stop time. And you can only see them when they're coming at you which is why I could see it and you couldn't." Ellie tells her brother.
"Maybe." Sam says shrugging.
"There's nothing else it could be Sam. The question is how is Roy controlling the damn thing?" Dean says, agreeing with his sister. Sam suddenly looks up realising something.
"That cross." Sam states, Ellie and Dean look confused.
"What?" They say in unison.
"There was this cross, I noticed it in the church and I knew I had seen it before." Sam says and looks through some papers and snorts. He holds a card up to Ellie and Dean. "Here." Dean leans into take the card, and Ellie looks over Dean's shoulder.
"A tarot?" Dean says.
"It makes sense. A tarot dates back to the early christian era right, when some priests were still using magic? And a few of them veered into dark stuff? Necromancy and how to push death away, how to cause it?"
"So Roy's using black magic to bind the reaper?" Ellie questions.
"If he is he's riding the whirlwind. It's like putting a dog leash on a great white." Sam says. Dean rises up and puts a cup in the sink and then leans against it. "Ok then, we stop Roy." Dean states.
"How?" Ellie asks.
"You know how." Dean says, Sam and Ellie widen their eyes.
"Wait, what the hell are you talking about Dean, we can't kill Roy." Sam tells him, shocked that his brother would suggest that. Ellie can't believe that Dean would suggest such a thing.
"Guys, he's playing God, he's deciding who lives and who dies. That's a monster in my books." Dean shrugs. Ellie scoffs.
"No. We are not going to kill a human being, Dean. We do that and we are no better than he is." Ellie states, her tone blunt and final.
"Ok, we can't kill Roy, we can't kill death. Any bright ideas?" Dean says looking between his brother and sister.
"Ok, uh... If Roy's using some kind of black spell on the reaper, we gotta... figure out what it is. And how to break it." Sam says.


The Impala bounces down the badly gravelled and potholed road again, passing a sign that says 'Service Today'. They park and exit the Impala.
"If Roy's using a spell, there might be a spell book." Ellie says.
"Right, you two go see if you can find it." Dean looks at his watch. "Hurry up too, the service starts in 15 minutes. I'll try to stall Roy." Dean tells Sam and Ellie. They all nod. They walk back a guy holding out a leaflet to Dean.
"Roy LeGrange is a fraud. He's no healer." The man says. Dean takes the leaflet.
"Amen brother." Dean says.
"You keep up the good work." Sam says as Ellie smiles approvingly at him. Sam and Ellie make their way towards the LeGrange's house, they go around the corner and see Roy and Sue Ann leaving the house.
Sam and Ellie climb in a window and starts searching the house. They looks on the bookshelves and Sam pulls out the only book that doesn't have dust on the shelf in front of it. Ellie walks over to him and sees him holding an Encyclopedia of British History. Sam flips through it, finding nothing. Ellie looks at the shelf and sees another smaller book behind the larger one. Ellie grabs it and finds a picture of a skeleton reaper, and on another page the wooden cross that Sam saw earlier in the tent. Ellie then pulls out newspaper articles about the people who died, one was the jogger that died for Ellie, Ellie realises this and has a sad look on her face which Sam notices, but doesn't address this. She then notices that the jogger was openly gay, another victim was an abortion rights advocate. They then find a clipping about Wright, the man handing out leaflets in front of the tent. Sam and Ellie look at each other , alarmed.

Sam calls Dean and tells him what they found. Sam and Ellie then go to find Wright. They leave the house and start searching the car park. After a little bit of searching they hear "HELP!" They turn around trying to find where the voice came from.
"Help! Help me please!" Wright shouts at the two Winchesters.
"Where is he?" Ellie and Sam look around wildly.
"Right there!" Wright grabs Sam's shoulder and points. Ellie grabs Wright and pulls him away. After a little bit of running Ellie's phone rings.
"I did it, I stopped Roy." Dean says down the phone. She looks around and looks at Wright.
"I think it's okay."
"NO!" Wright shouts, the reaper in front of him.
"Dean it didn't work. The reaper is still coming! I'm telling you, I'm telling you it didn't work. Roy must not be the one controlling this thing." Ellie says.
"Then who the hell is." Dean suddenly stops talking, then breathes out. "Sue Ann." Dean hangs up, Wright falls to the ground, Ellie and Sam try to help him. Suddenly, he gasps for breath. Signalling that the reaper is gone. Ellie and Sam make their way back to the Impala to see Dean being escorted by cops. They suddenly hear Roy invite Layla to a private session tonight, they all stare at each other looking worried.


Sam and Ellie are sitting on the bed while Dean is standing up pacing.
"So Roy really believes." Sam states.
"I don't think he has any idea what his wife's doing." Ellie says sadly. Sam looks at Dean.
"Well, we found this." Sam hands a little book to Dean. "Hidden in their library. It's ancient. Written by a priest who went dark side. There's a binding spell in here for trapping a reaper." Sam tells his brother.
"Must be a hell of a spell." Dean says, whistling.
"Yeah. You gotta build a black alter with seriously dark stuff. Bones, human blood. To cross a line like that, a preacher's wife. Black Magic. Murder. Evil." Ellie says, shaking her head.
"Desperate. Her husband was dying, she didn't have anything to save him. She was using the binding spell to keep the reaper away from Roy." Dean says.
"Cheating death, literally." Sam states.
"Yeah but Roy's alive, so why is she still using the spell?" Ellie asks.
"Right. To force the reaper to kill people she thinks are immoral." Sam tells her.
"May God save us from half the people who think they're doing God's work." Dean shakes his head.
"We gotta break that binding spell." Sam concludes. Dean looks at the picture of the cross in the book.
"You know Sue Ann had a coptic cross like this. When she dropped it the reaper backed off."
"So you think we gotta find the cross or destroy the alter?" Ellie questions looking at her two brothers.
"Maybe both. Whatever we do we better do it soon, or he's healing Layla tonight." Dean tells them, they gather their supplies and get in the car.


The Impala rolls in without lights and stops.
"That's Layla's car. She's already here." Sam points at it. Ellie looks down sadly.
"Yeah..." She says trailing off. Her brothers look at her through the rearview mirrow.
"Ellie.." Sam starts.
"You know if Roy woulda picked Layla instead of me she'd be here right now. And if she's not healed tonight she's gunna die in a couple of months." Ellie says.
"What's happening to her is horrible. But what are you gonna do? Let somebody else die to save her?" Sam asks.
"As I said, Ellie, you can't play God." Dean tells her. Ellie sits there without speaking, then she gets out of the car. Sam and Dean follow. They approach the tent and peek inside. Roy is speaking to a small group, including Layla and her mother.
"Gather round, please everyone, gather round. Come on closer, come on up." Roy says.
"Where's Sue Ann?" Ellie asks.
"House." Sam says, they move towards the house
"You two, go find Sue Ann, I'll catch up." Dean pushes them both away.
"What are you gunna...?" Sam asks. Dean spies the two cops from earlier coming down the stairs.
"Hey!" The cops look over. "You gonna put that fear of God in me?" Dean shouts at them The cops drop their coffee and run at Dean, who takes off. As soon as they're gone Sam and Ellie go up the house. Sam sees light emerging from the cracks of the outside basement entrance.
"Ellie, you check out the house while I go to the basement."
Ellie goes in and starts looking in every room. Sam moves quietly through the basement, he finds an alter littered with parts of dead animals, blood, horns, etc. There is a photo in the middle of Ellie, taken from the security camera the first time they were in the tent, before she was healed. Her face has been crossed out with what looks like blood.
"I gave your sister life and I can take it away." Sue Ann says from behind Sam, startling him. Sam is furious. He tips over the table the alter is on, then runs at Sue Ann but she is already up the stairs. She closes the hatches and secures it with a beam. Sam tries to push it against it. "Sam can't you see? The Lord chose me to reward the just and punish the wicked. And your sister is wicked and she deserves to die just as Layla deserves to live. It is God's will. Goodbye Sam." Sue Ann says and walks away. Sam pulls a block off wood out from the wall and smashes out a small boarded up window.

Ellie finds nothing in the house and goes to find Dean in the car park. She finds him near the tent.
"Hey, I couldn't find anything in the house." Ellie tells Dean.
"Where's Sam?" Dean asks, Ellie shrugs.
"I don't know, he went towards the basement. As they turn towards the tent, the lines of lights lighting the path go out one by one. Ellie turns back and widens her eyes.
"Shit." Ellie says as she sees the reaper walking towards her.
"What, what is it." Dean says looking at her.
"Reaper." Ellie says, Dean grabs her hand to run but the reaper appears in front of her and grabs the side of her head. Ellie convulses. Dean watches this with wide eyes.
"No. No. No! Ellie. Ellie look at me. Look at me little sister." Dean says getting in front of her. Ellie sinks to her knees and her eyes glaze over. Dean goes down with her, tears in his eyes. "Ellie, listen to me. You're going to be fine. Ellie! Talk to me!" Dean says grabbing her face.

Meanwhile, Sue Ann is reciting, just outside the door to the tent and holding up the cross. Sam suddenly appears, grabs it and throws it aside, breaking a glass bottle of blood.
The reaper stops what he is doing and looks up. Ellie falls to the ground and starts gasping. Dean grabs her and pulls him into her, she hugs him back holding onto him.
"I'm okay, I'm okay big brother." Ellie breathes out weakly. Dean stands up and grabs Ellie putting her arm around his shoulder helping him walk. They make it back to the Impala as Sam approaches explaining that Sue Ann is dead.
"You ok?" Sam asks Ellie. Ellie shakes her head.
"Hell of a week."
"Yeah... All right, come on. We should get going." Sam says, they all get into the car.
