xi. who the hell is bucky

HYDRA agents started firing at Addi, Natasha, and Sam. They ducked behind cars to avoid getting hit. The Winter Soldier fired at Natasha who jumped over the railing, into another road. A car blew up in front of them. The Winter Soldier blew up a car in front of Natasha, and then Natasha disappeared. Addi ran at him. He started firing at her, but she used her powers to move the bullets out of the way. "Come on! You could at least recognize me!" She said, kicking him in the chest, pushing him back a few feet. Addi blasted the rifle out of his hands. He stalked towards her. He got too close and wrapped his metal hand around her throat. Addi grabbed it and flipped over his back. He landed on the ground while she landed on her feet. "Not even a hello? No it's nice to see you? Alright." Addi said blasting him backwards.

He stood up and grabbed his rifle again. This time, he aimed at the bus Steve had landed in. But he was interrupted when Natasha started firing at him. Addi flew off, looking to see if Sam was okay. When she found him, she hauled him up and handed him a knife. "Here. Go." She said, and the two started attacking the HYDRA agents. Sam kicked one off the railing and grabbed his rifle. Addi did the same to another one. She started firing at the agents down below. "Where'd you learn to shoot one of those?" Sam asked, doing the same as her. "HYDRA." She responded, letting her accent slip through.

"Go! I got this!" Sam yelled at Steve. He ran off. "You too." He said to Addi who took off. She landed on the ground where Steve previously was. She used her powers to keep the HYDRA agents from shooting. She kept her left hand out, making sure they didn't shoot so that Sam could get them, while her right hand lifted a car. She threw it at them, and the HYDRA agents were knocked down. She looked at Sam. He nodded at her. She flew off towards where The Winter Soldier and Natasha were.

He blew up a car and Natasha ran at him, wrapping her legs around his neck. She wrapped a string around him and started tugging. He backed them into a car and then threw her off. Addi used her powers to lower Natasha to the ground so that she wouldn't hit a car. Natasha looked back at her. "Thanks, sweetheart." She said, returning to the fight. She threw something at The Winter Soldier and it stuck to his metal arm, shocking him. Natasha grabbed Addi's arm and they ran.

A bullet hit Natasha's shoulder. "Mom!" Addi shouted, crouching down next to her behind a car. They heard something land on a car next to them. It was the Winter Soldier. He went to shoot at them but Steve ran at him. Addi turned to her mother. "I can try and get it out." She said and Natasha moved her hand. Addi tightened her fingers over the bullet hole. The green mist came out, and she slowly moved her hand back. The bullet popped out. She threw it on the ground. "I don't think I can close it fully, but I can try." She said, loosening her fingers a tad. The hole closed a bit, enough so that Natasha wouldn't bleed out, but not enough where she wouldn't be bleeding.

Addi ran over to where Steve and The Winter Soldier were. She saw Steve throw him away and his mask fell off. He turned to face them. Addi stepped up next to Steve. Steve straightened up. "Bucky?" He asked. Addi barely even spared a glance at him. "Daddy?" She asked, and Steve turned to look at her. The Winter Soldier glanced at her for a second, recognition clear in his eyes. He turned back to Steve. "Who the hell is Bucky?" He asked, going to fire at Steve. Sam flew in at that moment, pushing him back.

The Winter Soldier turned back to Steve and Addi. He pulled out a gun, getting ready to fire at them. Steve held up his shield in front of them. Natasha shot at him from behind them. He stalked out from behind the dust. He ran at Addi, grabbing her arm. "Soldier, it's time to come home." He said. She grabbed his arm, twisting it. "I'm sorry." She said, kicking him backwards. She turned to Steve who looked at her in disbelief. She opened her mouth to speak when they heard sirens.

Three black vans pulled up. A bunch of HYDRA agents stepped out, pointing their guns at the group of four. One of them held up a book. A very familiar green book with a star carved into it. "No." Addi said. He opened the book. "Red, hand gun, sixty four, ballet slippers." He started saying. "God no." Addi said turning to Steve, grabbed onto his arms and burying her face into his chest. She kept whispering the word 'no' over and over again. "Permission, cuffed, sixty six, green, eighty two, mist." He said. Addi waited for it to happen, but it didn't.

She looked up, her eyes still their normal, bright blue colour. "No." She responded coldly. She used her powers to throw the agent back, pulling the book out of his hands. She clutched it to her chest. Rumlow ran at them. "Drop the shield, Cap! Get on your knees!" He ordered. Steve dropped the shield. "Get down, get down! Get on your knees!" Rumlow ordered again. They got down on their knees and Rumlow handcuffed Steve. An agent walked up to Addi and held his hand out for the book. She glared at him and shoved it down her pants so he couldn't get it. She moved her hands behind her back and Rumlow cuffed them.

They escorted the quartet into a van. "It was him." Steve said as they drove to SHIELD. "He looked right at me like he didn't even know me." "That's because he doesn't." Addi said. "Why didn't you tell me?" Steve screamed at her. "I couldn't. I didn't wanna hurt you." She said, tears forming in her eyes. "Yeah, well, you already did." Steve said, lowering his voice and turning away from her. Addi looked away, tuning out everyone's voices.

She looked up when a HYDRA agent got zapped by another HYDRA agent. They got kicked and fell to the ground. The HYDRA agent took off their helmet. "Ah. That thing was squeezing my brain." Maria Hill said. She looked at Sam. "Who is this guy?"
