ii. young adelaida, you never disappoint

Adelaida Natalia Barnes opened her eyes as she heard the footsteps of Madame B walk throughout the room. She looked up as Madame B reached her bed, and waited for to unlock the cuff that held her there. Once she was free, she slipped her wrist out of the handcuff attached to the bed post. She was given some bread, a piece slightly bigger than everyone else's. She noticed the girl next to her eyeing it, so she tore a piece off and gave it to her. They both quickly finished off their bread and got changed into their uniforms.

All the young girls headed out of the bedroom, through the hallway, down the stairs, and to the classroom. They were learning more English again today. Master Dreykov was in the room when the girls entered. They all sat in their assigned seats, and Master Dreykov placed the Disney movie, 'Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs', into the projector. Each child recited the movie word for word. That was how they learned English in The Red Room.

After their lesson was over, it was time for ballet. Adelaida went and got changed into her leotard and skirt. She pulled her long red hair into a ballet bun on the top of her head and walked to the ballet studio. She entered and then put on her ballet slippers. She got into the formation of the line, in the front and center of course. Everyone else soon followed. Madame B started the music, and the dancers began with the same routine they did every single day. A combination of steps, leaps, and turns were used and performed in the dance. Such simple moves coming together to create a piece of art.

After the girls finished their performance, they were instructed to go to the ballet barre. There they practiced pointing and standing up on their toes, among other things. Out of the corner of her eye, Adelaida noticed Master Dreykov bring in some of the younger students. Girls from around the ages of four to nine. They were instructed to sit and watch the older students as they demonstrated perfect grace and balance. Madame B gestured to the middle of the room and simply said "Again."

Each girl went over and over the routine again and again. They practiced until Adelaida was sure her feet were bleeding. Madame B gestured for Adelaida to come to her. Adelaida approached and bowed her head. Madame B spoke quietly but harshly. "Listen child, your mother was the best student The Red Room has ever seen. And your father is HYDRA's best soldier. You are to be better than both of them. Do you understand?" Of course Adelaida understood. It has been burned into her brain since she was but a young child. From both the leaders of the red room, and all of the creepy men at HYDRA, where her father resided.

"Yes madame." Adelaida said respectfully, void of any emotion. Madame B clapped her hands and then gestured to the hand guns behind her. Adelaida immediately went and grabbed the gun that was hers. It was a sleek black colour with an N, and an A intertwined on the handle. It was gifted to her mother shortly after Adelaida was born, and after she graduated, it was kept for Adelaida.

Master Dreykov brought in the small targets for each girl to practice their shooting on. Adelaida shot the target twice with her right hand, and then she threw the gun in the air. She caught it with her left hand, shot the target twice, and then threw it into the air again, catching it with her right hand. She shot the hand gun twice more, before turning to face Madame B. She could see a lot of envy in some girls' faces.

Madame B chose two girls to go up and perform the routine two at a time. If someone made a misstep, the other girl would be required to shoot them. It was gruesome, but that was the way The Red Room worked. Each girl did the routine perfectly, until it got to Adelaida and another girl. The other girl slipped on the floor and fell. Madame B stopped the music. She looked at Adelaida. Adelaida went and got her gun, then put the girl in a choke hold. Then, she shot her right in the temple. She released her hold on the girl's neck and her body fell to her ground.

Adelaida looked over to Madame B who had a sadistic smile on her face. Master Dreykov brought in a man with a bag over his head. He forced the man to kneel on the ground, and then cuffed his hands behind his back. Adelaida stood in front of him and then shot him straight in the chest. One time. Two times. Three times. Ballet class was then over, so the students went to change into their sparring uniforms.

They met with Madame B outside. Adelaida was paired up with a taller, slightly older girl. The same girl with whom she shared the bread with this morning. She must've been around twelve or thirteen, compared to Adelaida's young ten years. The older girl attacked first, going for Adelaida's middle. Adelaida dodged and punched her square in the nose. The girl held her bleeding, and more than likely broken nose, and Adelaida used this as a distraction to sweep her legs out from under her. The girl grabbed Adelaida's ankle, and tried to flip her onto her back. Instead, Adelaida flipped and landed on her feet. The girl got up and went for a punch, but Adelaida grabbed her and put her into a headlock. She looked at Madame B for permission, and when Madame B nodded, Adelaida snapped the other girl's neck. "Oh young Adelaida, you never disappoint." Madame B said, telling her to drag the body away from the sparring mats.

The sparring went on, and it soon became dark. Madame B dismissed everyone, and they went to get changed into their night dresses. Adelaida walked out of the bathroom, and was immediately cornered by a girl. "You killed my friend, now I'm going to kill you." The girl said backing Adelaida into the opposite wall. The girl pulled out a knife and went to slit Adelaida's throat. Adelaida grabbed the knife before she could and threw it somewhere in the hallway. She pushed the girl and then swung and wrapped her legs around her neck. "You know who my mother is don't you?" She asked and squeezed harder. "Yes." The other girl choked out. "Good." Adelaida said, and then proceeded to snap her neck. "Then don't mess with me." She said as she let the body fall, and then walked away.
