iv. welcome back soldier

When Adelaida awoke, she was strapped down to a table. She noticed that her father was in the back corner of the room. He stared at her with cold, dead eyes, not even recognizing who she was. A chill ran down Adelaida's spine. It was very cold. She glanced down and noticed that she was wearing baggy pants and a very thin white tank top. She looked to both sides of her and noticed vials of a strange looking blue liquid attached to needles.

Adelaida noticed her doctor come towards her. She nodded at him as a way of saying 'hello'. "Adelaida, it is time for you to take the serum to become a super soldier." He told her. Adelaida nodded. She knew this day had been coming for her entire life. It was the reason she was born after all. The doctor hooked her up to some wires, and then something was injected into her. This liquid was clear, and barely hurt at all.

Adelaida felt the table she was laying on move, and suddenly she was standing up inside a giant machine. She felt the needles attached to the vials of the super soldier serum go into her arms. The machine came to life and an unbearable pain came over Adelaida. It was unlike anything Adelaida had ever felt. She bit her lip to stop herself from screaming out in pain, fearing what would happen if she did.

She bit her lip so hard she could taste blood. The pain increased little by little. The small space got hotter and hotter. Adelaida could feel the sweat running down her body. After what felt like forever, the door to the machine opened. Adelaida's father unstrapped her from the table, and she stepped down. Her father gave her a bigger shirt to cover up with.

She was breathing very heavily due to the heat and from being enclosed in a small, tight space. The doctor and the rest of the soldiers clapped their hands. "Welcome back soldier." The leader of HYDRA said. "How do you feel?" The doctor asked her. "Taller." She answered. Adelaida was always the smallest girl at The Red Room. She was only four feet ten inches, but now she was five feet two inches.

Adelaida's stomach felt tight, and so did her arms. She realized that she had gotten more muscly, although she still had a very feminine frame. She had abs now, as well as some back, arm, and leg muscles. Adelaida realized at that moment just how tired she was. She collapsed, and her father caught her from behind. The Winter Soldier looked at the HYDRA leader who nodded. He picked up his unknown daughter and brought her to a small room with only a bed.

He placed her down on the bed and moved some fiery red hair out of her face. She looked so familiar to him. Almost as if they knew each other. She sure knew him, but he did not know her. She looked so much like someone he once knew, someone he only has scattered and broken memories of.

The Winter Soldier went to leave, but before he did, he looked back at the girl on the bed. She looked so small, so fragile. He felt a strong urge to protect her. The Winter Soldier quickly shook the thought out of his head and left the room.


The next morning, after Adelaida had gotten a good night's rest, it was time for her to start training. HYDRA wasn't going to be sending her out on missions for a while, probably for a few years. They were secretly working on something that would make her much more different than the rest of the super soldiers they had created. Something that Adelaida had no idea about.

Adelaida got off the bed and put on the workout clothes that had been left for her. She pulled her long red hair up into a ponytail, and left the room. She had just made it out the door when she noticed her father and another important man come up to her. "Soldier, come." The other man said in Russian. Adelaida immediately obeyed and followed the two men.

They led her outside and the man told her she had to run five laps around the base. "The Winter Soldier will be going with you to make sure you do not escape." The man said, saying 'escape' very angrily. As if Adelaida would even attempt to escape, she knew what the consequences would be.

Adelaida nodded at him, and then quickly took off in a sprint. She noticed that she could run a lot faster now too. She looked back and noticed her father was right on her tail. She sped up a bit to make sure she beat him back to the base. She chuckled a bit when she saw his angry face. She managed to complete her five laps before he did, and then they had her train with weapons.

Now that Adelaida was officially a part of HYDRA, she had to learn to use assault rifles, and bigger guns instead of the tiny handguns they used at The Red Room. Adelaida had just managed to shoot the assault rifle and actually hit the target, when the doctor and the leader of HYDRA came into the room.

Two soldiers followed behind them, and they came and grabbed Adelaida by her arms. They dragged her to the same room where she was turned into a super soldier in, and they pushed her down onto a table. Her arms and legs were strapped down, and wires were attached to her head. The doctor came closer to her with a piece of metal. "Open." He said gesturing to her mouth.

Adelaida opened her mouth and the piece of metal was pushed in. He pushed her head down so she was fully laying on the table, and then went over to a machine. He flipped a switch and suddenly it felt like Adelaida's brain was on fire. She screamed but it was muffled by the piece of metal in her mouth. It felt like something was inside her brain, trying to take out all of her good memories, all of which included her mother.

All at once, the pain stopped, and the wires were removed, along with the piece of metal. All the men in the room looked at each other. "Soldier?" The doctor asked. Adelaida felt nothing. Nothing at all. So she responded without any emotion. "Ready to comply."
