Chapter X - Y/N spirit forms and Powers

AST/DEM/Ratatoskr alias: Artist

Spirit Rank/Seraphim form/Inverse rank: S/SS/SSS

Name: (Y/N Itsuka)

age: ??? (but looks like 16)

Forms and their powers:

1st form: (Humaniod):


(depends on your choice)

This is pretty much most similar to Ink. You have you paint brush (Broomy) and powers depend on colour.

Red: does infinite amount of damage to anything living hit. Can't destroy terrain tho

Dark blue: A Large blade like shape extends broomy's attack range.

Green: Anything hit is healed

Light blue: broomy extend a long thick blue string that acts like a whip

Purple: When someone is covered and Ink snaps is fingers the person is binded by purple strings

Yellow: creates small fast projectiles.

Orange: creates explosive orbs that activate on a fingersnap

Black: it is raw ink that can be used as a barrier and a ink blaster (similar to gaster blaster, but the attack actually pushes someone instead of passing through)

Gaster blaster (basic):

Gaster blaster (stronger):

Personality: You are quite silly person that likes to joke around alot and butt into other people's business. You don't like hurting people, much less friends. You have respect for people, but your silliness doesn't show it.

2nd Form: (Half Seraphim/half ink):

You basic attacks are stronger and some no longer require broomy.

Gaster blaster (Ultra/normal inverse Gaster Blaster):

Personality: You are more serious, but still act silly from time to time during a fight. This form is the second most used. Since it doesn't look intimidating (not including the gaster blaster) enough to scare people, but beautiful to look at when your ink wings are spread. You use broomy, but only for the looks when fighting.

3rd form (Seraphim):

You are nearly indestructable in this form and listen only to what is true.

Determination Knife: A red knife (1000 degree knife chalange?) that deals infinite damage

Justice Gun: Does Infinite damage to people who commited crimes.

Kindness frying pan: heals and even revives allies, Damages enemies weakly

Book of Perseverance: Learn every Strength and weakness of your enemy. When used attacks are more tactical.

Gloves of bravery: Losing all sense of cowardice and attacking mindlessly at your enemy in a way nobody can predict.

Patient knife: Attack are large scale, but slow.Enemy is forced to think through their dodging before taking an action.

Intergity: Fighting style that uses legs. it cannot be blocked, only dodged.

Gaster Blaster (OVERKILL):

(ignore the sans focus gaster blaster.)

Personality: Your mind splits into 9 diffenrent personalities (including the original) You thought process is more serious and you almost never say or do something silly. When fighting you go all out and don't hold back any punches against those who deserve judgement. You still care about your allies and help them, but you talk in a more emotionless way along with a slightly echoing voice.

Inverse Form:

like 3rd form, but he feels no remorse and is not limited by his emotions. Increasing his power more than ten fold.


OP as hell? .... maybe, but tell me which character is considered not OP in this anime (ignoring the many times Thoka got her ass handed to her and the moment Natsumi was badly hurt)
