Chapter 3

here we go



Today is a rainy day. I am walking home peacefull with an umbrella. Honestly the sounds of the rain felt nice. it wasn't a voilently strong rain, yet it was not too weak.

Y/N: "Beautiful weather for clearing your head. hmhmhmh~"

Then when I am walking past a shrine. I feel a weak flow of spirit power and I notice a girl running in the puddles with a bunny puppet on her hand. I smile to myself as I met these two many times and made quite a nice relation-ship with them. I decide to surprise them by teleporting behind their backs.

Y/N: "What are you two cute bunnies doing here?"

Yoshino/Yoshinon: "Eep/Waah!"

After they both turn around Yoshino makes a rather cute pouty face.

Yoshinon: "That's a pretty rude way to announce your presence Y/N!"

Yoshino: "Y-you scared us."

Y/N: "I'm sorry I couldn't help myself. hehehe"

Her pout then turns into a excited smile.

Yoshinon: "Will you play with us today Y/N?"

Y/N: *playfully looks at his hand as if he had a watch* "I have time, so what do you wanna play?"



After playing few games with Yoshino and Yoshinon. I ended up inviting her to my humble home.

Y/N: "You hungry?"

Yoshino: "N-no. th-" *stomach grumbles and she blushes*

Y/N: *laughs* "Just wait. I'll make some pancakes."

I take start making pancakes and midway. I notice that she is bored and for the funsies I put on the TV movie she might like. After about 30 minutes. I prepare enough pancakes for all three of us (Including the hand puppet Yoshinon) and because I am wierd... I don't use maple sirup and butter, but molten chocolate and Hazelnuts.

Yoshino was slightly drooling. To be completely honest a girl in a green bunny raincoat drooling over pancakes was just as funny as it was cute. I couldn't help but chuckle. When she realized what she was doing and started to blush more red than Kotori's hair.

Y/N: "You should eat before i gets cold. It isn't going to be as tasty cold."

She then takes a quick bite out of it. I swear she could replace a beacon, thanks to how her face lit up. I just entertained myself with my food and watching a 40 year old spirit still act so innocent and cute.

Y/N: "Say... why don't you stay here... the mean weaponized people (Ast) won't find you, since they don't know where this house is... and even if they would show up I can protect you..."

Yoshinon: *looks at Yoshino* "Hey isn't that what you wanted Yoshino? Be with a person y-"

Before the little rabbit can finish her sentence, Yoshino covers her mouth while blushing alot.

Yoshino: *suprised/scared* "Y-Y-Yoshinon!!!"

She panics a little before looking at me and teleporting away with a beet red face. I chuckle a little before finishing my meal and heading outside after the rain stops. I just felt like having a relaxing walk. After a few hours I teleport on top of DEM's main building in the city. The view was impressive, but I soon remembered that in most timelines... this building is part of a... angering event... I knew what the man in lead and his weapon/person wanted to do... Honestly I couldn't blame the person he is using as a tool in order to rule the world... or atleast try to. I could see everyone from here. Shido and Thoka hanging out, while being stalked by Origami, The "Annoying trio" walking through the shopping district. I even saw light slightly reflect from Fraxinus into my eyes. This is a beautiful and peaceful day... , but once again it was ruined by a Spacial quake.

Y/N: "Oh great... I've been 'inking', when that was gonna happen."

After making a terrible pun I teleport to the spot where spirit energy collected. Once the energy bursted I took a look at the spirit. It was the bunny duo Yoshino and Yoshinon. I saw the Ast about to start fire and for me... that was it for my nerves. I do have a certain tolerance when they attack a spirit that is actually going to fight back, but attacking Yoshino is a limit I cannot let them cross, mostly because she doesn't like to hurt others.

Y/N: "Not today."

I teleport and grab Yoshino carefully before rushing off, but not before catching a bullet in my leg. Being able to fly has it's benefits. I grow my two ink-like wings and fly of quickly leaving the Anti-spirit team in the dust. When I leave their line of sight I fly back on the ground close to my house and setting Yoshino back on the ground, before leaning myself against a wall.

Y/N: "whelp that was a chilling situation *clenches his leg* nghh..."

Yoshino: *notices my bleeding leg* "Y-You're hurt!"

Y/N: "Heh don't worry you two. This is nothing... seriou-" *passes out*

I pass out due to a rather significant blood loss (2mm wide bullet wound that penetrated). The blood didn't leave a trail because it all soaked into my boot and sock.


I open my eyes and see myself in the medical bay of Fraxinus. Yoshino was sleeping by my side and for some reason she looked even cuter than usual. When I look at my leg I see alot of bandages, before sighing at my current state.

Reine: "You are awake..."

I look to the door and see Reine with her usual tired expression. I chuckle to myself a little, which is enough to wake up the cute bunny. When she realizes I am awake she quickly hugs me tightly, while slightly sobbing.

Y/N: "did I have you 'dead' worried? You know I won't go down that easily. I told you I would be there to protect the little cute you Yoshino. *sighs* I am sorry for worrying you."

Yoshino: "T-Thank you for saving me..."

Y/N: *smiles* "Anytime Yoshino."

Reine: "Kotori wanted to speak to you, when you wake up."

Y/N: *imitating Reine's tone* "Did she now..."

I get up from the medical bed making Yoshino separate the hug and leave the ship by disappearing into snowflakes. Me and Reine start heading, into the command center of the ship and the first thing I am met with is dodging a Right hook from the commander herself.

Kotori: "YOU IDIOT! What gave you the idea to just jump in middle of gun fire?!"

Y/N : "Believe it or not I can't stand someone hurting those that don't even want to fight back."

Kotori: "THAT was your reason to almost bleeding out?"

Y/N: *glares* "better than standing in your fancy ship and doing jackcrap *mockingly* 'commander'."

Without me even realizing. My spirit energy flared up, which scares everyone in the room a bit. After a minute I calm down and start taking my leave.

Y/N: *looks behind him at Kotori and Reine* "Instead of teaching Shido how to flirt you should teach him how to defend himself in a fight, because the way he is now... he won't be able to survive for a second, if he got into a fight with a spirit or AST. Sure he can regenerate himself, but AST learns everything they can about spirits, especially how to counter them. It's only a matter of time before they find out how to counter Efreet's regeneration."

When I get out of sight I teleport back home and fall on my bed, before looking at the time. 16:35... I didn't feel like doing anything, since I was still annoyed by Kotori's attitude towards someone who takes no shit.

-the next day after school-

It's raining again. I like to consider myself a forgiving person, but I still held a bit of a grudge against Kotori. I walked through the city and suprisingly noticed Yoshino searching through building rubble. I walked over to her making my presence know, she jumped back a bit, but calmed down when she realized who I was.

Y/N: "Looks like you could use a hand." *wink*

Yoshino ran up to me before crying into my shirt.

Yoshino: "I can't find Yoshinon."

She must've fell off when I helped Yoshino yesterday.

Y/N: "I'll help don't worry we will find her."

I know I will need help despite in most of the timelines being about Origami taking the puppet I couldn't be certain with that by any means, so I regretably have to turn to Kotori's helping hand. I put my earpiece in.

Y/N: "Commander?"

Kotori: "Hmm?"

Y/N: "I need help finding Hermit's puppet. It was lost during yesterday's AST strike."

Kotori: "...ok..."

She is suprisingly quiet and her tone sounds slightly guilty, but I am not complaining. She much comfortable to listen to this way. I look at Yoshino and nod to her before helping her search. After a few hours of us searching through rubble I hear a grumble and look at now blushing Yoshino.

Y/N: "Hungry?.. I am not suprised... We have been here for a while. *holds a hand out* Come on it's hard to look for someone with a empty stomach."

When she grabs my hand I teleport us back home. I start making some Czech fruit dumplings. (up till now I didn't know it originated from my country Czechia) Reason? I just had blueberries and strawberries I needed to use before they go bad. Yoshino helped me a little bit and in no time our dumplings were ready to be put in boiling water. While I was watching the dumplings Yoshino turn on a Tv show she liked. When the dumplings started to float in the water slightly I took it as a sign that they are ready. I put the dumplings on two plates and pierce a hole in each with a toothpick to let the it steam out slightly. When I put the plates on the dinning table as if on queue Yoshino jumped from the couch and sat on chair near the table. I put a bit of sugar and butter on top and sat as well.

Y/N: "Do you want blueberry or strawberry?"

Yoshino: "Can I get blueberry?"

I just smile and give her the blueberry plate and keep the strawberry one.

(Yoshino's plate)

(Y/N's plate)

When she takes a bite she lightens up with a smile, before continuing her meal. I smile, while eating what I made. Honestly I was in so many places I have a entire section of the doodlesphere and my mind dedicated to only cooking. Hell I even learned how to cook from alternate myself who was the manifestation of Gordon Ramsay. Hence why Kotori sometimes asked me in the past to cook instead of Shido... although I am pretty reluctant to listen to anything she want's from me, but my thoughts were interrupted by Yoshino staring at me.

Y/N: *concerned* "Is there something wrong?"

She looked away for a second, before trying to feed me.

Yoshino: *blushing* "S-s-say aahhh."

I was a little suprised, but didn't want to make her sad, so I just went along with it. I open my mouth and she feeds me a tiny bit. I return the favor by feeding her a bit of my dumplings. Once that was done she was a complete blushing mess, which made me chuckle a little.

Kotori(earpiece): "Y/N... We found Yoshinon..."

Kotori interrupted the moment. Guilt was still present in her voice.

Y/N: "ok? Where is she?"

Kotori: "That's the more problematic part... Origami Tobiichi took it."

I guess I guessed correctly this event in this timeline... 

Y/N: *sighs* "I'll take care of it..." *to Yoshino* "I know where Yoshinon is... just wait here. I will try to bring her back."

Yoshino: *still blushing* "o-ok..."

I switch from my astral clothing back to my casual blue jacket with white shirt and black pants and head out to Origami's place.

-timeskip brought to you by an AST member accidentally cutting of Y/N's arm and Y/N drawing it back-

When I reach Origami's apartment complex I sigh loudly before hesitantly pressing the bell.

Origami(doorbell radio): "Who is it?"

Y/N: "It's Y/N L/N can let me in please?"

I hear the speaker stop working before the front door opens. I walk to her apartment. Just as I was bout to knock the door it opens. Revealing Origami in her casual outfit.

Origami: "Come in."

I walk inside and sit by the table. Origami sit on the opposite side.

Origami: *glares* "What do you want spirit?"

Y/N: "Straight to the point huh? Guess that makes things easier... remember the bunny doll you took. *origami's eyes widen* That doll belongs to Hermit. I will be honest... most spirits don't attack unless provoked or challenged. The doll itself maybe doesn't seem like much, but to her it means a world, since it is her best and almost only friend."

Origami: *grits her teeth* "Are you implying something and how did you know I took it."

Y/N: *sighs* "Get it through your thick skull stoic anger issues. I want you to return the doll, if you do so peacefully it will sure be alot easier... for both of us."

Origami: *clicks her teeth* "And what makes you think I should believe you. You are a spirit yourself-"

Y/N: "Which means I can understand my kind better than you. Not to mention I was in so many universes I know almost every move you could possibly use and counter it. Trust me you won't win a argument with me, not matter how hard you try. So? What'll it be Origami? Will you return the doll or risk the world freezing to death?"

Origami thinks for a bit before gritting her teeth and leaving the room only to return a few moments later with the doll.

Origami: "Here. I may have my goal to destroy spirits, but I am still an AST member which means safety of the people over grudges."

Y/N: *takes Yoshinon* "So you CAN act professionally. Trust me... the past is sometimes painfull Origami, but lingering on it isn't going to help. The sooner you forget to chase your grudge, the easier it will be to accept the present and future, BUT I think that is enough of lecturers from me. It's about time I get going. So you later Origami."

I teleport back to my home suprising Yoshino who was sitting on the couch arms wrapped around her knees.

Yoshino: "Y-Y/N you scared me."

Yoshinon(Y/N): "How mean of you Y/N first you help me and then scare little Yoshino?"

Yoshino gasps when I show her Yoshinon and hugs me tightly crying.

Yoshino: *crying* "Thank you!"

Y/N: *pats her head* "Now now this is what friends do. They help eachother. Right?" *smiles*

During the hug I seal a bit of her power atleast to the point it isn't detectable by AST. Her astral dress doesn't disappear, but her spirit powers are significantly weaker.

Y/N: "Say Yoshino?"

She looks at me with puffy red cheeks and a smile.

Y/N: "How would you like to live here with me along with Yoshinon?"

Yoshino put Yoshinon on her hand and looked a little concerned.

Yoshinon: "What's the matter Yoshino?"

Yoshino: "I'm scared..."

Yoshinon: "What are you scared of?"

Yoshino: "That, if we stay with Y/N we might hurt him again."

I just hug Yoshino again, this time a little tighter.

Y/N: "I earned my injuries out of choice, it wasn't your fault Yoshino. I would protect everyone I care for no matter, so please don't blame yourself for my choices..."

Yoshino: "B-but-"

Y/N: "no buts."

Yoshino starts thinking about my offer as I let her go and go make another snack to satisfy our sweet teeth.

-timeskip brought by Horror!Kurumi fighting Horror!sans for the last headdog-

We finish the icecream bowls I made and both of us just lay on the wooden floor and watch the celling quietly (my wierd habits?), until I decide to break the silence.

Y/N: "Yoshino? Yoshinon?"

Both of the look at me with full attention.

Y/N: "Do you want me to seal your ice powers? That way you could wander around the town without AST trying to attack you, whenever you wish."

I hear slight sobbing, which causes me to sit and turn myself towards her.

Yoshino: *quietly* "Y-yes! *sob* T-*sob*-thank you!"

Caught off guard I get hugged tightly, which meant my ribs probably cracked thanks to her still having the physical strength of a spirit. I just embrace her hug, before letting go after a minute and drawing a bunny necklace into existence and place it around her neck.

Y/N: "This necklace will weaken your powers to the point 'they' won't be able to find you. Don't take it off unless it's a emergency. okay?"

Yoshinon: "You can count on us!"

Yoshino just nods smiling happily, making me return the favour with my goofy smile. I notice that the sun outside was replace by a shining moon.

Y/N: "How about we get you to sleep, after today I am sure that all three of us are tired."

Yoshinon: "But... fine you have a *yawns* point!"

Yoshino is rubbing her eyes as her lids stay half-open. I just pick her up bridal style and carry her to my bed. When I lay her down, a lullaby starts resonating through my voice making sleeping Yoshino succumb to her sleep. Once I knew that she was fully asleep. I decide to give a call to the 'Commander'

Y/N: "Hey Kotori you there?"

Kotori: *radio* "...I am here..."

Y/N: "...look... I am sorry for being harsh back at Fraxinus. I just had a bad start. However I still stand by my statements."

Kotori: *radio* "No I should be the one apologizing. I snapped at you for a minor reason and everything you said was true... I needed someone to say that to me, but nobody dared to up until now."

Y/N: "Eh it could've gone worse now we both should get some sleep, G'night Kotori."

Kotori: *radio* "Goodnight Y/N"

Then I just fall asleep on the couch.


I am sorry for slow updates. I derailed off canon very badly and got lost to the point I had to painfully think of every event. Anyway MrMechPunch a.k.a. your author out.
