Chapter 2

(Next day after the spacial quake)


I was a bit mentally stressed, because soon I will be repeating the same spots, that I am going to repair and I was hoping Shido made it out unscathed. I was first to the class spreading out on my desk with small eye bags.

Ai: "Hey what happened to you?"

I look at my classmate Ai Yamabuki and the member of the annoying trio, but the suprising thing was, that she was alone without her at the moment.

Y/N: "Just hoping that idiot Shido didn't kill himself by going outside during the spacial quake..."

Ai: "Oh yeah he did run out for some reason... I have to admit you two are close."

Y/N: "He was one of my very few friends up till now. I obviously care about his well being as a friend."

Ai: "hehe I understand how that feels. When Mai or Mii were sick or in trouble I am worried sick about them."

Y/N: *smiles and looks in her eyes* "You must be a really nice person to be friends with, if you care about them that much."

Ai: *looks away* "I-I don't know about that... We all have only eachother, because of us insulting people."

Y/N: "Did you try to talk to them and explain you don't really mean those insulting things?"

Ai: *looks down in shame* "N-no... because of that probably people think we can only be mean to others."

Y/N: *Tries to stand up, but trips falling on the floor* "ughhhhhhhhh ow..."

Ai: *quickly gets on the ground trying to help me on my feet* "HOLY- Are you okay?!?!"

Y/N: "Y-yeah I am just a bit tired... all I need is a little nap..." *Ai helps Y/N sit back on the chair*

Ai: *sigh* "How long did you sleep?"

Y/N: "Truth to be told... about two or three hours..."

Ai: "Just rest your head on the desk and take a nap. I will try to make an excuse for Miss Okamine to not wake you up."

Y/N: "T-thanks... it is nice to have a friend like you..."

I close my eyes and drop into the dream realm.

-Ai's POV-

Ai: "D-did he just call me a friend?!"

I was really suprised. I knew I didn't need to make an excuse for him, because he helped Ms. Okamine many times and she kind of owe's him. I have to say his eye colour is interesting the Irises always look like they change colour (You don't have symbols for Irises, but your eye colour changes, based on feelings) while the rest of his eyes are black. I then see shido and few more classmates walk inside I was a bit pissed of Shido was here, because this is kind of his fault.

Ai: "Hey Itsuka!"

*Shido looks at me*

Ai: "Your friend Y/N didn't sleep at all thanks to you running out during the quake. Once he wakes up you should apologize to him you Idiot."

Shido: *wide eyed* "O-oh *Looks down in shame* I didn't know... sorry."

Ai: " *Sigh* I am not the one you should apologize to, but next time you decide to do something stupid you should think about how he feels."

I then walk away and wait for my friends to show up.

-Shido's POV-

Kotori(earpiece): "She's got a point, if you neglect someone's feelings and thoughts they will loose some positive opinions on you. I guess this could count as a bit of training as well..."

Shido: "I... I know..."


-Y/N's POV-

I was woken up by someone shaking me like crazy. When I open my eyes I see Ms. Okamine shaking me to wake up back to her emotionally unstable self followed by the spacial quake alarm. I put my hands over hers and look intensively in her eyes. After a minute or two she calms down.

Y/N: "Are we calm now?"

Okamine: "Y-yeah."

Y/N: "Now you should focus on evacuating everyone."

Okamine: "R-RIGHT!"

She then starts evacuation. Everyone just looks at me with the 'what in the world did you just do to her' look and I just shrug to answer. I leave when a window of opportunity shows up and wait in my Astral clothing on a rooftop with a Pocky in my mouth. When I got bored I looks throughout the multiverse to see if something interesting happened... nothing did.

Lt.Ryouko: "Waiting as always?"

Y/N: *closes the multiverse gate* "Yep."

Origami: "What was that thing?" *gestured towards where the multiverse gate was* 

Y/N: "A gateway between universes... there are many realities. This one is this original one or atleast it would be if I wasn't here. There are universes where some of your members switch places with AST. Ryouko wielding Camael the fire spirit being pretty hilarious one for me, thanks to her overwork anger issues."

Ast soldier: *quietly* "Huh so she has anger issues, even throughout universes."

Lt.Ryouko: *tick mark* "WHAT WAS THAT?!"

*DOOM!!!!!* The spacial quake took out a large portion of the school, but the interesting thing is I felt two people in the building. One being the spirit and the other one being human.

Y/N: "A civilian?? during the quake?"


Y/N: "The spirit is inside the building, but so is the civilian..."

Lt.Ryouko: "Didn't they hear the alarm or are they just dumb?!"

Y/N: "I think they want to talk to the spirit, instead of spraying bullet over them, like certain someone *looks at AST who just innocently tries to look away*"

Lt. Ryouko: "We can't risk further damage of the building. Much less risking a life of a civilian on the field...DAMMIT *repeatedly stomps her foot*"

-timeskip brought by Y/N painting the school back and chatting with AST that drinks tea.-

Y/N: "Whelp I just now need to finish the building, but that will be difficult if the lady just swings the blade trying to kill me. So I guess it's a waiting game for now..."

Origami: "Ngh.... *walks to the building."

Lt.Ryouko: "Origami what do you think you're doing?!"

Origami: "Engaging the spirit in close range combat. That way I will risk the civilian's life less and maybe will manage to get the spirit into a more open area where you can fire at will."

Y/N: "You are a smart person Origami, but your own hate makes you an idiot. *She stops* You let your emotion control you, rather than think about what is the perfect move. I saw it the first time we saw eachother. You approached me calmly, but on the inside you were itching to try kill me, even if nobody noticed that and you still do now."

She looks at me with a death glare before she continues inside the building.

Y/N: *sigh* "idiot..."

Lt.Ryouko: "She really is reckless, but it's not like she would listen to us over her fighting instincts right now."


few Ast members: "ME!!"

Lt.Ryouko: "OH NO YOU DON'T!"

Y/N: "just kidding I only travel between universes with people I trust. I only think you are not terrible people, but I don't exactly trust you."

Ast members: "Aw man."

Lt.Ryouko: "Ouch that hurt inside my heart."

*BOOM!!* The building suddenly had a explosion inside signaling that either origami is fighting or a gas leak inside the building was lit on fire or the spirit went Awol, but since the source of spirit energy barely moved. It meant the other two options were far more likely. I return to the table and chairs I created for myself and AST to drink tea.

-Ratatoskr POV-

Kotori: "Are you serious?! Shido is busting his ass, while the Artist is drinking tea with the AST!!!"

Reine: "Atleast he is keeping most of them distracted, that way it will take them longer to find the spirit and fight her in close range."

Kotori: "I am kinda jealous of the AST. They get to drink Tea and do nothing, while we have to help my idiotic brother seduce a bunch of supernatural girls."

Shido(Radio): "I heard that!"

Kotori: "Wait... now that we can see the spirits face better. I think we can identify him more easily." 

Reine: "hmm that is true. The spirit never left this world and city, since it's appearance, so it is highly possible

*looks at Artist's face and her eyes go wide* *pulls out a photo of Y/N, Shido and Kotori* What the?! Y/N is the Artist?!?!"

Shido(Radio)/everyone in Fraxinus: "WHAT?"

(In Fraxinus everyone knows who Y/N is, because Shido was on almost 24/7 watch)

Kannazuki: "I guess that would explain. Why nobody could find any files or mentions of him from further than 4 years ago. When 'The Artist' first appeared."

(Kyouhei Kannazuki is not an idiot in the intelectual spectrum. He is an idiot when it comes to presenting himself to people.)

Minowa: "Did he just say something smart for once?"

Shido(Radio): "I don't know if you have noticed yet, but this girl almost killed me, thanks to your name selection."

-Shido's POV-

I had to defuse the situation by thinking of the name by myself. Thoka felt like a good name. Not very original, but it was the best I could think of in the heat of the moment.

-timeskip, because everything pretty much happens like in canon. Minus machinegun fire-

I look at Origami, that is unable to move as she is pulled into a chopper. I slurp on my ice tea looking unsuprised and internaly chuckle when Ryouko starts scolding her.

Lt.Ryouko: "You're a valueable member of the AST, so start acting like it!!!"

I stand up and pull out broomy. Getting ready to work.

Y/N: "Whelp your mission was finished here with a blast and now I have to clean this up. *sigh* LET'S DO THIS.... on second thought... I will leave it for tomorrow I am too tired from the boredom. Cya ladies next time."

I teleport back home and drop on bed, screaming my frustrations into a pillow.

Y/N: *muffled* "uugghh Can't I get a day of peace... I am getting tired of having to repair the city every freaking time somebody decides to nuke the city with spirit bombs."

???: "Better get used to it Artist~"

Y/N: *still muffled* "UUUAAGHHHH.. *pull his head out of the pillow* What do you need Kotori."

Kotori: "I don't need anything~ *serious face* I just want to talk Y/N."

Y/N: *Sigh* "Whatever fire 'Commander'..."

Kotori: *shocked* "How did you-"

Y/N: "Multi-universe traveling."

Kotori: "N-never mind that, just come with me quietly."

Y/N: "And have Shido lick my face, no thank you. I will go just so you know I ain't causing trouble."

Kotori: "-_-"

I just smile like a idiot and comply to her request.

-Timeskip brought by Underswap sans playing with Yoshino and Yoshinon-

I am currently inside a battle aircraft called Fraxinus. I felt a large amount of spirit energy pulsing throughout the entire ship, almost as if it had it's own consciousness. (foreshadowing maybe.) Shido was suprised to say the least seeing me in my astral clothing and oversized paintbrush on my back.

Shido: "S-so you are Artist, well... that's... Why did you never tell me?!"

Y/N: "1. didn't feel neccessary 2. Kotori would be pissed of 3. Ast would have a problem keeping your mouth shut 4. I didn't think you would believe me."

Shido: "Everything except the first one are suprisingly good arguments."

Kotori: "Now what we want YOU artist to do is help Shido save the other spirits."

Y/N: *shit eating grin* "Really? You want me to teach Shido how to make out with a girl?" *hand signal* (you should know which one)

Everyone, except Reine is blushing furiously right now at the intentional joke I made.


I am laughing on the floor holding my stomach from the pain for good 10 minutes, before composing myself.

Y/N: "h-heh... I was just joking burning twin-tails. Sure I will help Shido, but I don't promise anything. I hanged out with some girls, but never was really on a romantic type of date. Now Shido."

Shido: "Y-yes?"

Y/N: "When dating a girl your main objective is to find something she likes and enjoys... *shit eating grin again* other then 'that'." (head in the gutter boys)

Everyone in the room: "Y/N!!!"

Y/N: "hehehe.... but no seriously. When you find what the girl you date likes and what she hates, your chances of success increase. for example. The spirit 'Hermit' as you call her Really doesn't like when you don't think of her puppet as another person, on the other hand she is really childish and can be easily satisfied like any kid. Play games with her, serve her some sweets, become a hero in her eyes and you win the game."

Kotori: "I am not even gonna question how you know that..."

Y/N: "Well I will tell you anyway. I have the power to travel to different universes. I saw quite a few of them and even some variations of this one. Of course in this universe I know only few spirits that also know about me in this universe. 4 to be exact: Nightmare *shows one finger*, Rampage, both of them *shows three fingers*, Efreet *points at Kotori* and Princess *points at the screen*."

Shido being the oblivious idiot he usually is didn't notice my gesturing and mild suggestions, but everyone else in the room went wide-eyed when I did it, even Reine.

Kotori: "Well I think we did enough for today... Shido you need to get ready for your date and Y/N... you will be under constant monitoring by us."

Y/N: "Even when I bathe and change clothes? Aww I didn't know you had the hots for me. *dodges a swift right hook*"


Y/N: "HEHEHEHE *half serious* Don't count on it." *teleports*

Kotori: "GRR *demonic shout*"

Shido: *thinking* 'holy shit I never seen Kotori so angry over something'

-timeskip next day-

Right now I am looking at the destroyed piece of school building from the inside. Man princess purple really did a number on the place. I was about to emerge from the building when I saw Shido talking to Princess or should I say now Thoka? Anyway the most logical thing a friend could do on ones date is hide and spy from distance. Soon enough I meet with Origami who was appearentaly going after the spirit waiting for a permission from her boss. I was just listening to their conversations and watching their 'Date' to see the outcome of it. Eventually we reach a place that Kotori changed from a residential area into alot of carnival posts... most of it being food places. From what I caught Thoka is the one that shows her affection through full stomach.

Y/N: "heh..."

Origami: *emotionlessly* "What is it?"

Y/N: "Just thinking of many inappropriate and normal jokes I could make about the girl hehe."

Origami: *emotionlessly as always* "Oh..."

Y/N: "Well maybe if you showed more emotions in a natural way you would be someone many would want to talk with... *dodges a stab*"

Origami: "Damn it I missed... and I don't want to hear that from a spirit."

Y/N: "Whatever... Ms.emotionless anger issues. *dodges another stab*"

Origami: "SHUT UP!!!"

Y/N: "You're just proving my point dear... whelp see ya later." *teleports*

-3rd POV-

Origami thinks about what Y/N said and cletched her hands into fists drawing blood with her nails, but while she did that she lost track of Shido's and Thoka's position. After composing herself she went searching, until she found them again near a love hotel. Shido looking skeptical and annoyed, before dragging Thoka away. When the sun starts setting down. Shido and Thoka are standing where I usually take a quiet break to think. (the cliff I forgot the name of) I knew that Origami would try to snipe Thoka out of nowhere so... I created a cage and locked her inside to make sure she does not interrupt the moment. I look into the distance looking at the setting sun, but when I look back a loud bang resonates throughout the mountains. I look suprised and disgusted at Origami who somehow managed to get her AST powersuit with a sniper. Shido was in a pool of blood, while Thoka looked like the world shattered. I decided to nope out of there and leave Origami to deal with her mental issues and a enraged princess. I knew I was stronger, but the last thing I need is a spirit after my thicc yet fragile body. I then realize that if I didn't do anything the city will be destroyed, so I decide to do the only two logical things. 1st start the quake alarm and then cover the city in a Dome made from all my strength. It was tiring me out a bit, but I'd rather die than repaint the whole entire city. My barrier took a few collateral hits and I already felt like I was at my limit, but I always told myself again and again "persevere". After about ten minutes the hits stop. I look past my barrier to see Halvanhelev. The sword is freaking huge (That's what she said) I knew how it looked like, but it still impressed me seeing it. For a while nothing happened, but Halvanhelev was at it's limit. I thought it was gonna explode soon, but suddenly the blade slowly disappeared into thin air. I sigh in relief and head back home not wanting to do anything today anymore.

-Shido POV-

Shido: *silent panicked noise*

Why did nobody tell me sealing their spirit powers will mean their dresses will disappear?!?!?!


Whelp next time you know who Y/N will meet.
