Chapter 39 - Masked Dance

Calliope sat in the corner, observing her friends while lost in thought. She pondered the enigma of love and romance. Having never experienced romantic love herself, she was baffled by the idea of what it meant to be in a relationship.

To her, love had always been synonymous with the love shared between friends and family. But this elusive emotion called romance remained perplexing and shrouded in mystery.

Calliope, still immersed in her thoughts, was surprised when Hotaru approached, offering her a plate of food and asking, "Are you okay?" Hotaru sat down beside her.

Startled, Calliope blinked a couple of times before mustering a faint smile. "Ah, Hotaru," she said softly, her gaze shifting from the food to her friend's friendly face. "I suppose I'm just a bit lost in thought hehe.."

Hotaru studied Calliope closely as she took a bite of her food, her gaze piercing and observant. Abruptly, she asked, "Are you hiding something?"

Her words carried a weight of concern as she added, "Don't bear the burden of a secret alone. If it's weighing heavily on you, please confide in us. Remember, you don't have to face any secret alone." Hotaru's face took on a bittersweet expression, hinting at personal experiences that shaped her sincere advice.

Calliope's eyes widened as she listened to Hotaru's heartfelt response. The certainty in her voice resonated with an undeniable truth.

"You know sometimes I'm scared I'm scared tht if I tell you you both and mikan won't be friend of me" Calliope says she's talking about being mute that she hide both of them

Hotaru's reassuring words cut through any doubt and fear that Calliope might have harbored. "Why wouldn't I?" she said, her voice filled with unwavering loyalty.

"No matter what happens, I would always choose to be your friend, and the same goes for Mikan. Together, we promised that you and I will remain best friends, supporting each other through everything until we grow old."

Calliope's lips quivered a bit as she spoke, her words tinged with sincerity. "Hotaru, I feel immensely fortunate to be friends with both you and Mikan," she began.

But her tone changed, her cheeks coloring with a slight blush as she added, "And if I were a boy and you were a girl, I would undoubtedly confess my feelings to you."

A giggle escaped Hotaru's lips as she considered Calliope's words. "Is that just a joke?" she asked, a tinge of playfulness in her voice.

Calliope's lips trembled briefly before she responded with sincere determination. "No, I'm being serious," she replied firmly, her words laced with a hint of vulnerability.

"Let's me and you and mikan remain friends even in the next life," she emphasized, her eyes meeting Hotaru's as she smiled

Hotaru's eyes widened, her words carrying a newfound determination tinged with a touch of trepidation. "If it's you . . . ," she began, her voice trailing off momentarily. "I'll do anything then," she restated, her resolve solidifying.

There was a newfound sense of commitment in her expression, a willingness to move mountains for Calliope if necessary. The depth of her words held a hint of sacrifice and devotion, echoing with the same intensity that drove Hotaru to cross timelines for Mikan's happiness.

Calliope encircled Hotaru in a warm embrace, her arms tightening around her. As she held her close, a silent determination burned within her.

'No, I won't let you make such sacrifices in this lifetime,' Calliope thought

In that embrace, a silent promise was made. Calliope would do everything in her power to ensure that both Hotaru and Mikan would find happiness without any sacrifice on Hotaru's part.

"Calliope, Hotaru!" Mikan's voice echoed. "The masked ball will start soon!"

Calliope and Hotaru exchanged a knowing look as Mikan called out to them, a smile on their faces.With a shared chuckle, Calliope and Hotaru approached Mikan. Mikan held up a butterfly mask as she inquired, "Which mask are you both going to wear?"

"I think I'll choose the rabbit mask," Calliope replied, her smile radiating a touch of playfulness.

"I'll wear this well it's not convenient to not to have show the face right" Hotaru says as she donning a full-face mask. Meanwhile, Calliope slipped on her rabbit mask.

Mikan couldn't help but exclaim, "Calliope is so cute!"

As their attention shifted to another voice, they found Imai-senpai had chosen a full-face mask as well. The resemblance between the siblings grew even stronger.

Calliope muttered, her unease palpable as she admitted, "I'm a bit nervous. Dancing isn't really my strong suit..."

However, Mikan immediately reassured her, her voice filled with encouragement and optimism. "Don't worry, Calliope! Many people may not excel at dancing at first, but once they start dancing, they often do quite well. So don't fret about it!" Mikan nodded for emphasis, her positivity infectious.

As the masked dance commenced, Mikan's face lit up with genuine amazement. Looking around, it became apparent that blending in with the adults among the crowd would be challenging.

A subtle shift of Calliope's gaze to the right revealed Natsume, Haru and Ruka, their masks held tightly in their hands.

Calliope noticed Mikan's gaze flickering in the same direction.

As Mikan made brief eye contact with Ruka, she swiftly averted her gaze, her cheeks flushing with a blush that betrayed her hidden emotions.

Calliope couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, amused by the unfolding scene. Amidst the shifting atmosphere, Nonoko's voice called out, "Mikan..?" and Koko appeared, holding a sign with Mikan's hidden thoughts on display.

Calliope discreetly looked in their direction once more and caught a glimpse of Haru's eyes, her own gaze momentarily meeting his. A subtle flicker of shyness crossed her face, and she hastily turned away.

Her thoughts raced, her mind perplexed, as she silently pondered, 'Damn it... Why am I feeling so shy over merely one cheek kiss?'

Meanwhile Natsume's focus was on Calliope, his gaze discreetly shifting away from Haru as the latter chuckled softly and moved away. Natsume found himself experiencing strange emotions, his thoughts dwelling on the resemblance between Haru and Calliope.

A dry comment escaped Natsume's lips, directed at Haru. "You have bad taste," he remarked, a hint of annoyance in his voice.
Haru merely chuckled in response, seemingly unfazed by Natsume's jab.

"Haha that's confusing by the way you and Miyamizu didn't dance together? I never see you and Miyamizu dance"

Natsume's response was a firm denial, his frown deepening as he replied, "Why would I dance with her?"

Haru couldn't help but smile, his understanding of the situation growing. He found himself musing about Natsume's slow realization of his feelings for Calliope and the transformative power she possessed. Perhaps Calliope was the key to leading Natsume out of the Darkness and into the light.

Haru proposed, a slight smile on his face as he turned to Ruka. "Shall we dance with our own partners then?"

Ruka nodded, his cheeks tinged with a touch of pink. "Agreed."

But Natsume abruptly interjected, his tone filled with a hint of insistence. "No, just dance with her (Calliope) instead. It's better that way."

A subtle smile tugged at Haru's lips as he proposed, "I'd like to dance with Hotaru for the first time as her partner, so you should dance with Miyamizu."

As music begun, Haru moved toward Hotaru, a smile on his face.

"Haha, what's up with that mask?" he asked.

Hotaru responded with a touch of confidence, "It's my fashion."

Haru extended his hand to her, a silent invitation for a dance. Hidden beneath her mask, Hotaru smiled and accepted his hand without hesitation.

Ruka extended his hand to Mikan, offering her an invitation to dance. The shyness between them was palpable. Meanwhile, Calliope and Natsume remained on the sidelines as their friends paired up to dance.

Calliope couldn't help but wonder, 'What's up with those people and their partners?'

She turned her gaze to Natsume, musing to herself, 'Why on earth should I dance with him?'

Natsume abruptly intervened, grabbing her hand without warning. Calliope found herself momentarily confused as he led her to the dance floor.

"You want to dance?" Natsume calmly inquired, his gaze fixed on her as Calliope nodded, momentarily speechless.

Calliope expressed her lack of confidence in dancing, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Hey Natsume-kun, I really don't know how to dance," she confessed, her unease evident.

Natsume gently guided her hand to place her hand on his shoulder. Taking the lead, he wrapped one hand loosely around her waist. As the music began to play, he spoke softly and reassured her, his tone a touch stern.

"Don't think about the steps. Just relax and let me lead. Just follow my movements," he instructed.

Initially, Calliope hesitantly followed his lead, her footwork uncertain and awkward. But gradually, she allowed herself to relax and surrender to his guidance. Natsume patiently adjusted his movements to match her inexperience, making subtle corrections and adapting to her pace.

Natsume couldn't help but smirked. "Well, I guess your singing talent didn't extend to dancing," he remarked with a grin.

Calliope's annoyance flared at his remark. "Are you mocking me?" she retorted, her frustration evident in her tone.

Natsume's words carried a sharper edge as he bluntly remarked, "When it comes to dancing, you really ought to smile at least. You look utterly ugly ."

Calliope's cheeks flushed with anger, her frustration mounting at his blunt and critical remark.

"You bastard! Do I need your opinion to tell me that?"

Their conversation escalated from playful banter to biting insults, each exchange laced with a growing tension. Natsume responded with a condescending remark,

"Rabbits girl."

Unwilling to be outdone, Calliope retorted with a sharp reply, "Flirty Fox!"

In a moment of heightened heat, Natsume delivered a stinging insult, calling her


"Stupid horrible fox"


"Your the more super baka" A flicker of surprise crossed Natsume's face as Calliope stepped on his foot, followed by her hearty laugh. With a playful smile, she playfully retorted, "Why, are you laughing because you stepped on my foot?"

Calliope's radiant smile captured Natsume's attention, her laughter filling the air like a warm ray of sunlight. Despite his annoyance over the step, Natsume couldn't ignore the enchanting effect of her smile.

"I don't know either," Calliope giggled, her eyes shimmering with playful mischievousness.

As the partner behind Calliope and Natsume bumped into them, the unexpected collision knocked Calliope off-balance, causing her to fall on top of Natsume. Both of them let out a simultaneous groan of discomfort.

As Calliope's eyes flickered open, she was met with an awkward sight-her lips unintentionally brushing against Natsume's in a brief accidental nibble.

Shocked and embarrassed, Calliope hastily scurried away, her heart pounding loudly in her chest.

The people around them witnessed the accidental moment and their chatter filled the air. Whispers of" Did their lips touch?" and "Is it true that they kissed?" echoed among them.

Natsume's gaze fixated on Calliope, his expression a mix of surprise and anticipation. The murmurs grew louder, their conversation drawing unwanted attention from the surrounding crowd.

Natsume's snarky remark cut through the air like a whip.

"Hey, you lousy rabbit girl, not only are you a terrible dancer, but your kissing skills are even worse! Don't use your teeth when kissing."

Infuriated and humiliated, Calliope's cheeks flushed with a vibrant shade of crimson. Her pride shattered under Natsume's sharp words, making her feel small and insignificant.

'Who does this insufferable flirtatious fox think he is?!'

To Be Continued

(╥﹏╥) i felt bad for calliope's dignity.
