Chapter 30 - Diary & The Lost String Of Accident

Calliope and Incho, the top students for girls and boys, received their well-deserved awards. Philomel decided to go to her own town, which was different from Mikan's hometown, and ventured into her native town. She stepped out, only to find people suffering, houses destroyed, and ashes and smoke everywhere. Everyone lived in poverty, but it didn't matter to her. She reveled in the sight of people who had made her suffer before, finding a twisted sense of refreshment in their collective misery.


When Calliope was 8 years old, she and her mother made the decision to move to another village. However, due to an incident in their previous privileged town, her memories were hazy.

Unbeknownst to them, the people residing in this new village were filled with evil and greed, and when Calliope accidentally awakened her Siren ability, their sinister intentions unfolded. Her mother desperately tried to shield her from these malevolent forces by hiding her, hoping to protect her only child. Unfortunately, Calliope witnessed her mother hanging, a tragic suicide orchestrated by the sinister villagers hoping to claim her for her extraordinary abilities.

This devastating event, framed as a suicide yet orchestrated by the villagers, shattered Calliope's mind. She was plunged into a state of insanity, facing the bitter realities of her existence in this cruel new world.

Driven by an uncontrollable maelstrom of emotions, Calliope chose to annihilate the town with an unhinged intensity. The Destruction Song became her tool, causing death and igniting flames around her. To her, it was a fitting punishment for the greedy and evil.



Despite the lingering trauma from witnessing her mother's death, Calliope felt compelled to visit her childhood home. As she stepped into her mother's room, she found it messy and dust-covered, a stark contrast to how she remembered it.

Her eyes fell upon a photo of the two of them, covered in dust. Then, something caught her attention - a box, but it was locked. She carried the box and began searching for the key. As she took a step, something moved on the floor, revealing a secret hiding place. There, she found the key and carefully opened the box.

Inside the box was a diary, its pages yellowing with age and filled with her mother's handwriting. Calliope took a deep breath and slowly opened the diary, bracing herself for whatever revelations might lie within.

25 December, 12:58 AM.

I celebrate Christmas alone this time, the atmosphere dampened by the rain outside. Gazing out the window, I decide to head out to purchase some food.

As I opened the door, I was met with a surprise - a small baby rested in a basket swathed in a satin blanket.

Gingerly, I lifted the baby and placed the basket on the desk. Holding the baby close, I marveled at her porcelain skin like snow, her rosy lips, and her silvery hair as white as snow.


A beautiful name that suit to her, i will make you happy forever...i promise...


28th April, 3:05 PM,

My daughter has blossomed beautifully. She's now five years old, and her manners are impeccable. For the past month, she's delved into reading books, and despite my admonishments to make friends, she insists she doesn't need any. However, just the other day, she introduced me to two children, and I was overjoyed!


30th August, 12:35 PM,

My daughter and I have made the decision to move to another village for work. Despite being just seven years old, she was quiet as she bid farewell to her friends. I enrolled her in school, and recently I was pleasantly surprised when she introduced me to a blond-haired young man and an orange-haired one. The blond boy was shy, while the orange one exuded confidence. It seems my daughter inherited my beauty, and she's been eagerly going out with her newfound friends, and her smile has returned, allowing me to finally focus on my work.


"Huh? I really couldn't remeber introducing a friend?" she was confused she read another page it was last page


NOVEMBER 28, 3:30 PM

28th May, 3:30 PM,

My daughter and I are doing well, and she mentioned that her old friends from the previous hometown have moved here together about 5 or 7 months ago. My daughter recently turned eight, but she suddenly arrived home with a friend, requesting a first aid kit.

Expecting an injury, I was surprised to find that she had forced her friend with black hair - the same one she knew at five years old - to undergo a piercing. Blood was flowing, but the boy appeared mature and seemed nonchalant about it. Despite this, I could see genuine concern on my daughter

After the incident, I reprimanded my daughter and made her apologize to her friends. She then presented the black-haired boy with pearl earrings bestowed by her biological mother. Not knowing what gift to give him, she gave her only one precious pearl earrings that previously belonged to me, which I had refused earlier.

I scolded her for piercing the ears of someone so young, but her apology was accepted. I found it hard to stay stern with her cuteness, so I forgave her. After that, she continued to spend time with her four friends.


" Did i lost memory?, i dont remember such a things..." she asked herself thats the only written on the diary she was confused and couldn't remember anything It was bizzare for her.



After a brief holiday, Calliope was seated in a car, holding a small box that her mother had left behind.

"What is that?" Incho inquired, gesturing toward the box in Calliope's possession.

With a smile, Calliope replied, "It's my mother's belongings, that's all."

Incho simply nodded in acknowledgment.

"Ms. Miyamizu, Mr. Tobita We will reach the school shortly" the man who was driving said and then theyre noded, While driving the women walked and the car avoid the women. But the women fall on the ground they're opened the car seat and help the women with hat and sunglasses, class Rep helped her while holding her hand to support her body while calliope took her bangs with fruits and vegatable and give it to her she also took her arm that she can stand properly and give the bags gently but she felt something wrong about her body its weird...

"Mr, tobita, Ms, Miyamizu we should go now" the man said and they're just noded as philomel go back to the car she realize something, the women was felt familiar she look a like mikan as she keept thinking the women face...she finally figure out, she know this scene and she finally know whos the women is...




WELCOME BACK IINCHOU AND CALLIOPE-CHAN !!!" their friends suprise them waiting for a present that they're ordered she and iinchou holding a 2 big suitcase for their classmate,

"Lippe-chan our classmate really excited to us dont they?" iinchou asked but philomel was pale and tired, iinchou suddenly hold her hands.

"lippe? Are you okay?" iinchou asked again with worried look, she look at iinchou and give him smile

"I'm okay dont worried about me..." she smiled and iinchou smilled as relief, calliope felt something wrong about her body...she really worried what will happend soon because yuka is now appeared.

"CALLIOPE WELCOME BACK!" Mikan hug her with bright smile, while hotaru holding a flag

"Mee too mikan-chan i miss you...and hotaru too hehe, by the way everyone ordered from present to me line up!" she smiled brighly as she easily forget her worry

Iinchou and calliope handing out their present, hotaru robotic penguin take some biscuits


Sumiere shout accusing koko-san for vandalizing her doll, iinchou sweatdrop and help her as calliope too


"Why me..." philomel murmured while trying to use her her elemental alice to stop them


"Then...just a little..." linchou say he pit his hand together and closes her eyes again but nothing happend...

As calliope trying to come out her alice but nothing happend she sweatdrop,

"It won't come out..." Calliope say and the who class stared at them

"me too nothing come out" iinchou said while sweating

'C-could it be my alice and class rep alice was stolen by yuka?' philomel asked herself as she stared to iinchou he look scared and shes starting to get worried...*gulp*



"Calliope do you think our alice was stolen or just dissapear?" iinchou asked her tears suddenly appears to his eyes as calliope shead his tears to comfort him

"Dont worry about that...okay?"

"But how come i was excited to comeback and see everyone but to go back like this..i really regret it"


"Class rep..."


Author: LONG TIME NO SEE, its been 2 or a month i think, i hope you still remeber this story hahaha just kidding by the way THANKYOU FOR READING💖
