Chapter 38 - Christmas Ball


- 3:00 PM -

"Teacher Aimi," Calliope began, her voice filled with curiosity. "Why can't the academy let you go? Why are you staying here?"

With frail grace, Aimi on her bed, her gaze fixed out the window where the landscape was adorned in beautiful snow. Softly, she responded, her voice tinged with melancholy.

"Well, I don't have a home or family waiting for me outside, so the academy has become my home," Aimi explained, her smile carrying a hint of bittersweet nostalgia.

Calliope's voice trailed off, a thoughtful murmuring escaping her lips.

"I see..."

With a gentle curiosity, Calliope inquired, "The snowfall outside is lovely, isn't it?”

A sigh left Aimi's lips, a touch of melancholy hanging in the air.

"It's quite unfortunate," she lamented. "My sickness prevents me from fully indulging in the beauty of the snow."

A sudden shower of snowflakes descended upon the room, a gentle spectacle.

"Merry Christmas, teacher," Calliope sincerely wished, her voice filled with warmth. "I hope you enjoy these snowflakes."

Aimi laughed softly, a smile gracing her face as the icy snowflakes gently touched her skin.

"Thank you, Calliope," Aimi responded, her tone laced with genuine appreciation. The snowflakes danced around her room, creating a wintry spectacle that added a touch of magic to the Christmas spiritas the snows shower ended

"I have something for you too,"

Calliope announced, revealing a crystalline snow globe. Aimi received it with a gracious smile.

Changing the subject, Aimi inquired about Calliope's secret revelation.

"You mentioned revealing some secrets to your friends before," Aimi asked.

Calliope responded

"Ah, yes. We were in a crisis, so I unveiled the truth and they're my trusted friend that I trust so much" Calliope says as she smiled

As Aimi gently touched the enchanted snowball glove, admiring its beauty, Calliope offered a heartfelt reply.

A moment of gratitude filled the air as Calliope spoke, her voice tinged with appreciation.

"That's a relief," she uttered, her eyes still fixed on the snow globe.

"I'm grateful to have you here, enjoying the Christmas with me," Aimi continued, her words carrying a genuine warmth.

In turn, Calliope returned the sentiment, her voice filled with sincere appreciation.

"I'm also thankful to be here, spending this special occasion with you even thought tomorrow is Christmas"

Aimi brought up Calliope's upcoming birthday, prompting an acknowledgment from her.

"Ah, yes," Calliope affirmed, a hint of surprise on her face. "My birthday is indeed tomorrow. With everything that's been happening, I almost forgot about it."

Aimis suggested that they celebrate Calliope's special day, emphasizing the rarity of the occasion.

" It's quit rare ,"

Calliope chuckled softly, a fond memory resurfacing in her mind.

"My mother used to say that I was born on the luckiest day of her life," she shared. "She mentioned that she had always wished for a child and, unexpectedly, a baby was left at her doorstep. My mother perceived it as a blessing from heaven."

A smile tugged at the corners of Calliope's lips as she continued, her tone laced with affection.

"She felt incredibly fortunate to have found me on that snowy day."

Calliope's thoughts turned to her biological parents, and she quietly wondered about their feelings towards her.

"Despite not growing up with my biological parents, I often wondered if they loved me too, just as my adoptive mother does. Rather than harboring any animosity, I pondered the reasons behind their absence. There had to be a reason for their departure."

A gentle smile graced her lips, the weight of her musings lifting temporarily.

A bittersweet smile graced Calliope's lips as she spoke, her voice carrying a mixture of contemplation and gratitude.

Aimi's words filled the air, a gentle warmth in her voice.

"Your adopted parents and even your biological parents are incredibly fortunate to have you as a gift."

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice tinged with sincerity. "Your words mean more than you know." Calliope says the begin to have more conversation to each other



- 5:00 PM -

The ballroom buzzed with excitement as the Gakuen Alice students gathered, their anticipation palpable as the Christmas celebration reached its zenith.

As Mikan and the others entered the ballroom, they couldn't help but marvel at the captivating atmosphere.

"This is incredible!" Mikan gushed, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Calliope, too, couldn't hide her amazement. She muttered with wide eyes, her voice filled with awe.

"Everything is so beautiful and sparkly."

Excitement coursed through them as they eagerly explored the festive ballroom.

As the president concluded their welcome speech, a palpable energy filled the air, and the students dispersed to enjoy the celebration.

Suddenly, a throng of students gathered around.

As Calliope was making her way through the bustling crowd, Tono suddenly grabbed her arm, his voice dripping with admiration.

"You're still so pretty, Calliope-chan!" he exclaimed, lifting her into his arms.

Startled, Calliope retorted with a frosty tone, asserting, "Hey, let go."

Tono scoffed playfully, unable to hide his disappointment.

"Jeez, you suddenly became cold toward me," he complained, releasing her from his grasp

Calliope explained her reaction with a touch of sheepishness.

"I didn't expect you to suddenly lift me. It startled me,"

Tono retorted playfully, his tone tinged with admiration.

"Your beauty was so enchanting that I saw you like a lost child in the crowd," he remarked, a playful glint in his eyes.

Calliope inquired, her curiosity piqued. "By the way, where are all the others?"

Tono and Calliope made their way over to where Tsubasa was, their gazes drawn to Ruka, Haru, and the class rep, all of whom looked dashing in their wizard outfits or regular formal wear.

Calliope couldn't help but admire their appearance, she remarked with sincerity. "You all look absolutely good," her words tinged with genuine appreciation.

As Calliope approached Mikan, she couldn't help but notice Narumi donning a Santa outfit. Mikan assumed that he was the one carrying the presents.

Mikan excitedly exclaimed, her voice filled with anticipation, "Narumi-sensei, please give me my presents!"

Permy approached Calliope with a glimmer of admiration.

"Wow, Calliope, you look gorgeous today," he remarked, his voice tinged with genuine appreciation.

With a lighthearted tone, Calliope responded, a smirk on her face.

"Well, it's the first time I've heard a compliment from you. Did you happen to eat something that's laced with kindness?"

Calliope's outfit was a sight to behold, a radiant combination of elegance and refinement.

Her red square-collar puff-sleeve dress was adorned with a hint of sparkle, drawing attention to its delicate yet dazzling qualities.

Long gloves complemented the dress, extending towards her slender arms, amd fluffy feather around her neck.

her hair was skillfully braided, adorned with a sprinkling of sparkling snowflakes, creating a magical and captivating aura around her.

"I noticed that you're the only one wearing something like that."

A smile tugged at Calliope's lips as she explained, her voice tinged with contentment.

"Oh, I asked the teacher if I could wear something, since it's Christmas..."

Her words trailed off as she touched the dress, a gift from teacher Aimi meant for her birthday.

"I'm glad they gave permission," she said softly, her appreciation palpable.

In reality, Calliope's method for convincing the teacher was a bit more intriguing than it seemed.

She cleverly used a combination of charm, a sweet voice, and a sprinkle of cuteness to sway the teacher's decision in her favor.

Suddenly Anna and Nonoko dashed over to us, their excitement palpable, Mikan and Calliope turned to face them.

"Let me ask you guys, Mikan, Calliope do you know?"

Mikan, with a mouthful of food, chimed in between bites. "Know what?" her voice muffled by a piece of hotaru dish.

Excitement radiated from both Anna and Nonoko as they shared their revelation.

"The highlight of the day is the last event during the party tonight!" they exclaimed in unison. Nonoko's eyes danced with delight as she added, "A masquerade ball by the Christmas tree!"

Anna continued, her voice filled with a dreamy longing. "During the dance, everyone will wear masks to hide their expressions, and confessing and exchanging masks with someone special is said to bind the two of you together for life!"

As Anna shared the warning about the mask slipping, Calliope's thoughts started swirling, her mind filled with a mix of excitement and curiosity.

"Be careful if your mask accidentally slips during the dance... you could lose something precious," Anna's voice echoed.

Calliope's mind began to wonder as she mentally revisited the upcoming chapter.

'I remember there's something about Mikan dancing with Natsume and accidentally kissing him," she thought. And then, the memory of Mikan dancing with the elementary school principal came to her mind, with the principal becoming intrigued by her after the dance... '

Suddenly, a voice announced the start of the gift exchange, and presents began descending from above, each one seeking its rightful recipient.

Calliope, tore open her gift to reveal a cute mug adorned with a bear design. A soft smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

"Haha cute"

Among the gifts that dropped, a variety of items stood out—pheromone perfumes, vouchers, a hair growth enhancer cap, a snake-shaped moving scarf, a dainty teacup, and a signed album, puppet

As Calliope turned around to observe the gifts that everyone had received, her gaze fell upon Yo-chan sitting motionlessly on the floor, holding his Christmas gift—an unfortunate signed album.

Her attention then shifted to Iinchou, who tried to offer Yo-chan a swap, hoping to cheer him up with a puppet gift.

Calliope's gaze continued to scan the scene.
Haru had also received a scratch paper and asked him

"Didn't you Yu-Chan didn't like the gift?"

"Well I guess so but seems like Youichi-chan lost his favourite teddy bear yesterday, it was given by his mother before he came to the academy" haru replies but then mikan confidently proclaim

"Youichi-chan! I'll make a teddy bear for you!" Mikan exclaims and Hotaru, Yo-chan quickly look away,

Calliope chuckled at the situation, but then an intriguing detail caught her attention. Yo-chan's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, his body facing a particular direction. A flicker of hope seemed to ignite in him.

Calliope couldn't help but notice the way his gaze fixated on Bear, who was wearing a miniature Santa hat. The sight struck her as adorable.

Mikan's voice broke the silence, her question tinged with puzzlement. "You want to play with Bear-san?"

Startled by Bear's intimidating presence, the group instinctively backed away. Fear and worry filled the air as if Bear's aura exuded danger.

A flicker of hope sparked in tsubasa's eyes as he sought a savior. "C-Calliope is close to bear right?" he asked, desperation edging his voice.

Tsubasa's gaze pleaded with Calliope, desperate for her to persuade Yo-chan to play with Bear. Calliope's intuition honed in on Yo-chan's eyes, pleading silently for her help.

"What are you trying to say, Tsubasa-senpai?" Calliope inquired, her voice filled with a mixture of curiosity and care.

Tsubasa explained that it seemed apparent that Yon-chan wanted to play with Bear. Calliope could sense the depth of Yon-chan's unspoken plea within his eyes.

Calliope took a step forward, her face filled with determination. "Yo-chan, I'll do my best to convince Bear to play with you," she said, her voice brimming with warmth and reassurance.

"Bear-san, would it be alright if you played with Yo-chan for a bit?" Calliope's voice carried a gentle plea laced with anticipation.

Bear locked eyes with Calliope, his gaze filled with a sense of resignation. Sensing his compliance, a smile graced her lips.

Determined to fulfill Yo-chan's heartfelt request, Calliope spoke with a mix of conviction and warmth. "I'll do anything you want. Please, can you play with him?"

As she looked at the bear, understanding washed over her.

Bear replied, stating that he was cleaning but if she took over sweeping the remainder of the venue, he would be fine with allowing Yo-chan to play with him.

Calliope lokked to the venue and saw a Calliope surveyed the venue, taking in the sight of the mess. With a sigh, she accepted the task ahead.

"Alright, that's fine," she said, determination in her voice.

Suddenly, Bear hugged her tightly before rushing over to Yo-chan, eager to begin their playtime.

A warmth spread through Calliope as she witnessed their joyful interaction.

In her mind, she thought, 'I suppose cleaning this place before my birthday might not be so bad after all.'


Calliope, surprised but relieved, couldn't believe it.

'Wow, I'm done?' she thought, a sense of accomplishment filling her thoughts.

The presence of people around her, helping with the cleaning, created a sense of pity towards her. Her beauty seemed to captivate those around her.

Hotaru initiated a campaign to assist Calliope, which touched her deeply.

With a look of exhaustion, Calliope stepped out onto the balcony, her fatigue evident in her expression.

"Miyamizu," a voice called out behind her, pulling her attention away. She turned to see Haru holding Yo-chan, who cradled Bear gently.

Curiosity piqued, Calliope inquired, "What has brought you both here?"

Haru replied with a warm smile, "Yo-chan has something to tell you."

"what do you want to tell me?" Calliope ask

As she knelt down to listen to Yo-chan, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Unexpectedly, Yo-chan leaned forward and kissed her cheek, causing her to gasp softly.

"Thank you, nee-chan," Yo-chan expressed his appreciation with a grateful smile. With the bear in retreat, Yo-chan pursued after it, eliciting a delightful laugh from Calliope.

Calliope's laughter filled the air as she expressed her amusement. "Haha, it's truly adorable! My exhaustion suddenly feels like it's vanished," she said, a touch of happiness in her voice.

Haru's voice broke the silence, her words carrying a gentle, heartfelt longing. "Miyamizu," she whispered, pausing for a moment before continuing, "your smile is like the warmth and radiance of the sun. I hope I can spend time with you and get to know you better Once my illness ended."

In response, Calliope smiled, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "I too am looking forward to it," she confessed, her words tinged with a hint of shyness and excitement.

Haru's confidence grew and he approached Calliope, his lips slightly parted as he prepared to speak. "I want to tell you something as well thankyou," he confessed, before leaning in and planting a gentle kiss on her other cheek.

Calliope flushed with a mixture of surprise her hand reaching up to touch the spot where he had kissed her.

"So I hope you keep this secret" Haru says

As Haru turned away, a soft smile lingering on his lips, Calliope was left lost for words. A thousand thoughts swirled in her mind, her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue.

In the quietness that followed, her heart ached with unspoken longings. The question echoed within her:

'Haru, can we find our way together once the story is finally over? Can I ever come to love you, truly and undeniably, someday?'

Can I do That?

To Be Continued

Guess the male lead?
