Zhu Tong didn't know how long he had been kissed against the door frame, so long that he was a little unsteady on his own.

His legs are weak.

When they parted, Shao Ming wiped his lips with his fingertips, his eyes darkened, and his voice was hoarse: "It's a little swollen."


"Your skin is too tender and easily congested."

Zhu Tong was a little embarrassed to say this in such a serious manner, lowered his eyes slightly, licked his lips and said, "It's okay."

No one else can see it.

He knew that Shao Ming was measured.

After living here, Shao Ming has always been very measured.

After all, there are servants at home, and he has to meet people.

Then he heard Shao Ming continue: "Not only here, but also in other places. If you are not careful, you will leave traces."

So he didn't dare to touch it for a while.

Shao Ming's hand went down and landed on Zhu Tong's fair neck, rubbing lightly with a hint of meaning.

Zhu Tong couldn't help shrinking, shivering and numb as if a circuit was buried under his skin.

"Go back to school soon."

Zhu Tong knew what he was worrying about and what he was thinking, as well as himself.

Shao Ming rubbed his fingertips on his neck for a while, then lowered his head and asked, "Huh? What's wrong with going back to school?"


Seeing that he started to act stupid again, Zhu Tong glared at him weakly: "You..."

Shao Ming said, "Is the young master planning to repay the debt?"

Zhu Tong also pretended to be stupid, "What debt do I pay?"

"Love Debt."


Shao Ming roguely wrapped his arms around his waist and pressed the person into his arms. He had reason and reason: "You still have a pile of IOUs with me? Young master, do you want to default on your debt?"

Zhu Tong stretched out his hand to cover his face that kept sticking to him, "That's obviously your own opinion..."

Said Zhu Tong's eyes.

He had closed his eyes when they kissed just now, but he didn't realize that there was a faint blue shadow in Shao Ming's eyes.

Thinking of Shao Ming's busy days and nights these days, most of the charm in his heart has dissipated. Zhu Tong felt a little distressed, and reached out to touch the corner of his eyes, "You have dark circles under your eyes."

Shao Ming immediately took out his phone and took a photo with the phone case, and then said indifferently, "It's okay, it's not ugly."

Zhu Tong: "…"

It turns out that his face is more important than his body!

Zhu Tong pushed him and said, "Go take a bath and take a rest. I'll call you when dinner is ready."

But without pushing, Shao Ming suddenly hugged him, as if lying, "I don't want to sleep."

Zhu Tong: "?"

Zhu Tong worried: "Can't you sleep?"

After the brain is overworked, it is indeed easy to cause insomnia.

Shao Ming posted on his face, "Yeah, so can my boyfriend give me a sleep coaxing service?"

Zhu Tong said: "How to..."

Without questioning the words, Shao Ming's hand on his waist tightened, making the distance between the two quickly narrowed.

Zhu Tong suddenly froze.

Shao Ming really couldn't sleep, not because he used his brain too much, but because he was too excited.

Both physical and psychological.

Zhu Tong turned his head slightly, and Shao Ming took the opportunity to lean over and pecked the corner of his lips: "Pay back a portion first, okay?"

Feeling something that could not be ignored in front of him, Zhu Tong's cheeks reddened.

They have done this kind of thing more than once, but almost always Shao Ming helped him, or held his hand together. He never took the initiative to help Shao Ming.

So embarrassing.

But he wanted to make Shao Ming happy.

The breathing on the side of his face was hot, and the movements of hugging him seemed out of control and restraint. Even if he was always rude, even if he was always teasing him with evil intentions, Shao Ming never forced him.

Zhu Tong's heart moved slightly, his hand on Shao Ming's shoulder tightened, and he whispered, "Let's go to the bathroom."

Shao Ming's throat rolled, suspecting that he had heard it wrong: "...what?"

Zhu Tong blushed to the point of dripping blood, and said, "If you don't want to, even if you don't want to... ah!"

The body suddenly lost weight, Zhu Tong subconsciously exclaimed, and was picked up and walked towards the bathroom.


I can finally lie down on the bed safely, and I don't know what time it is outside.

Shao Ming was probably really tired. After recovering some of his debts in the bathroom, he went to sleep contentedly.

Zhu Tong dutifully "coaxed him to sleep", lying on his side in Shao Ming's arms and admiring his sleeping face openly.

He looked at Shao Ming's face, but what he thought was what this man looked like in the bathroom just now.

In the past, he would be embarrassed and buried his head on Shao Ming's shoulders, not daring to raise his head or open his eyes.

Today, he probably gave him the courage to do it himself, and he saw a completely different Shao Ming.

It turns out that Shao Ming is not completely at ease.

He would also be nervous and blush, occasionally breathing in disorder, occasionally frowning slightly, and his expressions were rich and varied.

Shao Ming standing under the shower with his eyes closed and enjoying... very sexy.

Zhu Tong thought about his heart pounding, desperately trying to get rid of the mess in his head, and afraid of waking up the sleeping person, he could only raise his hand very lightly and pat his face.

He forced himself to take a serious look at the face in front of him.

Shao Ming's skin is very white, with a face without any flaws. After falling asleep, he lost his smile. He had a kind of cold and handsome with sharp edges and corners. His eyebrows were raised, and his eyelashes were long and curled. Zhu Tong couldn't help but flick it with his fingers. , and quickly withdrew.

The curvature of the corners of his lips continued to deepen, and he sighed in his heart: His boyfriend is so good-looking!

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, Aunt Cheng ended her busy work in City E and took time to bring Cheng Chen to pay New Year's greetings to her grandfather.

Aunt Cheng had heard Cheng Chen talk about Shao Ming before she came. After seeing people, it was probably based on the nature of the human face dog. She was very satisfied with Shao Ming and took out the big red envelope she had prepared.

"This is my aunt's meeting gift, take it, child."

She has a straightforward personality, and Shao Ming is not restrained, and politely accepts it, "Thank you Auntie..."

"What's your name auntie? I'm young, you can just follow Tongtong and call me auntie."

Before Shao Ming could speak, Cheng Chen dismantled her platform next to her: "Mom, wake up, I am twenty-five this year, and you are almost fifty years old."

Aunt Cheng: "…"

The irritable aunt kicked her son online.

Cheng Chen was used to it for a long time, and his legs shrank to avoid the love from his mother.

Aunt Cheng pulled Shao Ming and talked for a while, then looked at Zhu Tong and said, "Tong Tong, are you going to start school soon? When are you going back to school? Auntie will leave the day after tomorrow, will you go back with Auntie?"

Zhu Tong thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, we don't start school until after the Lantern Festival. I want to stay at home for two more days."

Accompanying my sister and grandfather.

Zhu Xin smiled when he heard the words, hugged his arm and said, "Auntie, after transferring from my brother, you have been holding him every short vacation. Now you want to grab me even during the winter vacation?"

Seeing how she was sticking to Zhu Tong, Aunt Cheng said with a doting face: "Okay, Auntie won't rob you."

Shao Ming was peeling apples, and seeing the happy family, bursts of warmth surged in his heart.

Such a fun New Year's Eve.

He accidentally met Zhu Tong and saw the same ease and satisfaction in each other's eyes.

Cheng Chen tugged a grape into his mouth, and suddenly said: "In this case, you can go back with me. I have a party here on the fifteenth of the first lunar month."

Shao Ming gave the peeled apple to his aunt, and took another one to continue peeling.

Zhu Tong stared at his apple peeling hand for a moment.

Only Zhu Xin asked curiously, "What party?"

Cheng Chen said: "A cultural exchange exhibition organized by the Jiang family, do you want to go? My cousin took you to go shopping?"

Zhu Xin decisively refused: "I'm not interested."

Cheng Chen: "…"

The fruit knife in Shao Ming's hand suddenly stopped, looked up and said, "Jiang's family?"

Cheng Chen said: "Yes, Liankang, do you know? The well-known biotechnology company in China belongs to the Jiang family."

Shao Ming frowned slightly, "Jiang Wenhan's family?"

Cheng Chen was slightly startled, but not too surprised, "Do you know?"

At this time, Zhu Tong suddenly raised his head: "Jiang Wenhan?"

Cheng Chen: "…"

"You know it too?"

Isn't his cousin deaf to what's going on outside the window?

Shao Ming also looked at him.

Zhu Tong paused, then immediately shook his head: "I don't know."


Cheng Chen looked at Shao Ming again.

Shao Ming hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't know."

Cheng Chen: "…"

What are these two doing?

The husband sings and the husband follows? Sneak his single dog?

Looking at the two of them suspiciously for a long time, Cheng Chen didn't ask any further.

When the two were alone, Shao Ming asked about Zhu Tong.

It's just a person's name. If Zhu Tong didn't know something, he wouldn't ask, but he didn't say anything. Maybe it was impossible or inconvenient to say.

"Remember the setting in the book I told you? There are many people who like Xia Yang, but there is only one person who ends up with Xia Yang, and that is Jiang Wenhan."

In front of Shao Ming, Zhu Tong had no scruples and said everything he knew.

Jiang Wenhan is the real attack in the original text.

But shouldn't he meet Xia Yang after Shao Ming bankrupted the Xia family when he was an adult?

Oh, now that the Xia family went bankrupt, so Jiang Wenhan also appeared earlier?

"How did you know Jiang Wenhan?"

Zhu Tong raised his head suspiciously.

Shao Ming said, "Uncle Liu told me."

Zhu Tong was surprised: "Uncle Liu still told you this?"

Shao Ming originally thought that Jiang Wenhan would help Xia Yang, but he didn't interfere with him, so after asking Uncle Liu to help him check, he didn't tell Zhu Tong.

In fact, there is no need to say anything now.

Because they are still unrelated to each other, Jiang Wenhan is just a stranger to them.

However, they kept things simple.

The next morning someone came to the door and sent two invitations.

The people from the Jiang family came to the door of Uncle Liu's house, and the invitation letter was sent to the house by Uncle Liu.

Looking at the two invitations in hand, Cheng Chen looked at the two people sitting opposite him with a strange expression, "Didn't you two say you don't know Jiang Wenhan?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming: "…"

They really don't know each other.

Zhu Tong asked rhetorically, "Didn't you say they held a cultural exchange exhibition?"

What did the cultural exchange exhibition ask them to do?

They are just two high school students.

Cheng Chen was dumbfounded.

How does he know why?

He took two invitations and patted it in the palm of his hand, "Then are you going? This party is attended by celebrities from all walks of life, it's better to meet the world..."


The cousin's words were interrupted by a vibrating mobile phone ringing. He glanced at the caller ID, and pressed the answer without avoiding the two of them.

The person over the phone didn't know what to say, Cheng Chen frowned slightly, and quickly hung up.

He opened WeChat and saw the photos sent by others, frowning even tighter.

Zhu Tong asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Cheng Chen said directly: "Qin Junhong found it."

Zhu Tong was startled and looked upstairs subconsciously. Xiao Xin hadn't gotten up yet, he said anxiously, "Where is the person?"

"People now live in a less formal hotel."

The people arranged by Cheng Qingsong followed the location where Qin Junhong appeared. Before, the people had been hiding in an old residential building near the suburbs. For fear of being found, they never even went out.

After Qin Junhong disappeared, Zhu Tong had been a little worried.

The system also cannot provide the whereabouts of people who are not related to the main quest. It only relies on manpower to find them. It is not easy for powerful people to find a needle in a haystack.

Qin Junhong has been hiding for more than two months since he disappeared. Why did he suddenly appear?

"He seems to be meeting someone..." Cheng Chen said with a "huh", "This person looks familiar."

He suddenly looked up at Shao Ming.

Zhu Tong Pian went over to look at his mobile phone and was surprised, "This is... Xia Yang?"

In the photo, Qin Junhong was standing at the door of the hotel, wearing a full set of work clothes and a black peaked cap to cover himself tightly.

The person who was talking to him across from him had half of his face blocked by him, and he also wore a mask, but those eyes were too recognizable... This is probably also the effect of the halo.

Cheng Chen also recognized it and frowned, "How did these two get together?"


He looked at his cousin who had a holiday with Qin Junhong, and at Shao Ming, who had just brought down the Xia family, suddenly said, "The Avengers?"

Zhu Tong & Shao Ming: "…"


The author has something to say:

It's not good, it's forbidden to squeak, it won't be abused.

And it's not that I don't cook, it's that the two cubs haven't got their driver's license yet _(:з"∠)_

But the rice will definitely be cooked, the countdown is over~

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-28 16:02:11~2021-12-2916:06:37~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 171;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Nuan Nuan; 10 bottles of you are a dream that I can't touch, sing scoop, strange, cute and lovely; 7 bottles of green prism; 5 bottles of Wen Susu; potatoes, red jasmine 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!
