Every holiday, Shao Yujie is almost never in the store, students are on holiday, and she is also on holiday.

There are only four student cubs in the milk tea shop.

Zhu Tong was doing a problem and was interrupted by someone at the dining table before, and a physics problem has not been completed yet.

Shao Ming is making milkshakes, and now there are no customers, and he does not know who he is making them for.

Lu Zheyu is cleaning the counter... He doesn't seem to be idle for a moment. Even if he doesn't have a job, he can find a little "job" for himself. He goes part-time in other stores and must be the most popular part-time worker.

Rosso was very idle, he looked to the left for a while, and to the right for a while.

On the left is Lu Zheyu.

Regarding the fact that he and Zhuo Yunan were acquainted, he didn't appear to be very familiar with Zhuo Yunan, and he didn't seem to have any plans to explain them.

His attitude towards Zhuo Yunan can almost be said to be cold... Of course he is cold to everyone.

And Zhuo Yunan also seemed to be very familiar with his indifference, and he left quite simply after the "reminiscence" was fruitless.

Rosso was curious about the relationship between Lu Zheyu and Zhuo Yunan, and he was so curious that he was scratching his head, and what made him scratch his head even more was that there was no place to share his curiosity!

The only two listeners seemed to be less interested.

Is it because they have their own concerns?

Luo Suo knew about Shao Ming's father in City A, and his father wanted to recognize him back. When he was a freshman in high school, he even let people approach him for surveillance.

But Shao Ming didn't plan to go back.

He has always refused to admit his identity, and almost no one in Gongshui County knows his identity?

Why did someone suddenly come to the door?

What happened when Brother Ming went to City A?

The identity he hates the most is suddenly broken in front of the person he likes, what is he thinking now?

Rosso couldn't help but worry about his "right side."

He has a new understanding of Zhu Tong today, and he feels that Zhu Tong's family is a bottomless pit with a strong background.

For someone like him, will his family agree with him and Brother Ming?

Tsk, he is worried about others, how worried are the parties concerned?

Just thinking about it, he saw the worried client hand the freshly made milkshake to Master Zhu.

"Try it, mango smoothie."


Zhu Tong tilted his head to look, without even putting down the pen, he took a sip of the straw handed over by Shao Ming and took a sip.

The milkshake made by Shao Ming is hot, smooth and delicate in the mouth, good taste and rich in fruit.

Zhu Tong's eyes lit up, "Delicious."

Shao Ming said, "Which is better than pudding sago?"

The milk tea he drank before was still on the counter. Zhu Tong turned his head and looked at the milkshake in Shao Ming's hand. After thinking about it, he raised his head and said, "It's all delicious."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows slightly.

Zhu Tong said: "Really, everything you do is delicious."


Shao Ming was suddenly silent, and Zhu Tong was a little embarrassed by him, so he lowered his head again and continued to do the question.

After a while, Shao Ming said again: "How about we change the flavor every week from now on?"

Of course, doing the questions now is pretentious, and Zhu Tong turned his head again and said, "Change every week?"

Shao Ming: "Yeah."

Zhu Tong smiled and said, "What if I have tasted every one?"

Shao Ming curved his lips and said, "Are you doubting the creativity of human beings? If you like, I can make you different every day."


Is this too exaggerated?

But Zhu Tong didn't question him, nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll drink something different every week in the future."

Shao Ming: "What if I come across a taste I don't like?"

Zhu Tong: "No, as long as you do it, I will like it."


Rosso: "…"

What was he worried about just now?

Is the clown himself?

Looking at the two people on the right who were already caught in the honey and oil, Rosso silently stayed away from the two of them. After the guest came in, he took the initiative to grab the order of the second child from Lu and went to make milk tea for the guest.

Lu Zheyu's work was robbed. When he was free, he couldn't help but glance at Zhu Tong, his eyes stopped for a second or two, and then he looked away casually.

After he looked away, Zhu Tong set his eyes on him again.

Does Zhu Tong really care?

He just didn't want to appear to care that much.

Whether it's about Lu Zheyu or Shao Ming, because neither of them seem to want to talk about it.

And the matter of these two people seems to have the same channel for him to inquire.

At dinner time in the afternoon, the shop was busy, and Zhu Tong finished writing the two papers. He sat on a lounge chair behind the counter and started playing with his mobile phone.

Open WeChat, find the chat object, ponder for a while, and Zhu Tong decides to be more straightforward.

【Zhu】: Do you know Lu Zheyu?

[Cheng's son loves criminals 2]:…

[Cheng family son loves to commit the second]: Zhuo Yunan told you?

This reaction must be recognized.

So far, Zhu Tong's little understanding of Lu Zheyu has been known by others.

Lu Zheyu has worked in entertainment companies before.

Lu Zheyu was later fired from the entertainment company.

Which entertainment company did he join?

Zhu Tong hadn't considered this issue before until Zhuo Yunan appeared today.

He was just trying it out. After all, Lu Zheyu and Zhuo Yunan knew each other, and they were not necessarily from the same company.

Unexpectedly, Lu Zheyu really went to his cousin's company.

The phone vibrated again quickly.

[Cheng's Young Master Loves Criminal II]: Did he talk to Zhuo Yunan?

[Zhu]: Zhuo Yunan greeted him unilaterally.

Two seconds of silence.

[Cheng family son loves to commit the second]: Oh.

Zhu Tong:…

What does oh mean?

Why did my cousin ask Lu Zheyu and Zhuo Yunan if they were talking? Does Lu Zheyu not talk to anyone in the company?

No way? Although he speaks less in school, he will still answer when others talk to him.

Zhuo Yunan... doesn't seem to be having a holiday with him either.

It's not a festival with people, it's a festival with the company.

Zhu Tong frowned.

[Zhu]: Why did you fire Lu Zheyu?

[Cheng's Young Master Loves Criminal II]: Who fired him?

[Cheng family son loves to commit the second]: It is he who wants to go.

Zhu Tong:…

Why do I feel that my cousin's words are... a little frantic?

Is Lu Zheyu going by himself? Last time I was in Qingba, so the people in the band didn't say that Lu Zheyu was dumped by the sponsor...

Oh, the rumors are not credible.

[Zhu]: Then do you know how he got into your company?

There was silence again, and it took a long time to reply.

[Cheng's son loves crime II]: This involves personal privacy, so I can't tell you.

privacy? whose privacy? Cousin's or Lu Zheyu's?

My cousin shouldn't have much privacy. His aunt shook him out when he was three years old when he was naked on a tree.

Lu Zheyu's words...

Zhu Tong was slightly startled, looked at Lu Zheyu, and wondered if he really entered the entertainment company because of the gold owner?

Just as I was about to ask further questions, my cousin cut off the words.

[Cheng's Young Master Loves Criminal II]: Why did you ask Lu Zheyu? You're not empathizing, are you?

Zhu Tong:…

[Zhu]: Bah, you are the only one who is empathetic!

[Cheng's son loves crime II]: My heart is as indestructible as iron, it is impossible for me to empathize.

[Zhu]: Of course you won't, you don't even have a love object right now.

[Cheng's son loves criminals 2]:…

His cousin's skills in scolding people are really getting better and better.

Zhu Tong took a light breath and felt that it was really not good to inquire about other people's privacy in this way, so he stopped asking and asked another matter.

[Zhu]: How about the last time I asked you to help me check?

[Cheng's Young Master Loves to Commit II]: What about your sweetheart?


[Cheng Family Young Master Loves to Commit II]: There is a good chance that those rumors are not groundless.

Zhu Tong suddenly felt nervous.

【Blessing】: Who is it?

[Cheng's Young Master Loves to Commit II]: Not sure yet, but it can be determined that the person who spread the rumors and the group boss in the rumors should be the same person.

[Zhu]: Are you saying that the person who spread the rumors might be Shao Ming's biological father? Why did he do this?

[Cheng's son loves crime II]: Because of you.

[Cheng family son loves to commit the second]: According to my guess, just after you were recognized by Uncle Liu as your godson, there was a rumor in city A that you were with an illegitimate child. Why did you emphasize that it was an illegitimate child? People who want to get close to you, even if they don't know who the illegitimate child is, they won't take a high school student with no background in their eyes, and releasing this news is just a foreshadowing. If I'm not wrong, his biological father Should have found him.

Zhu Tong:…

[Cheng Family Young Master Loves Crime II]: Although I have only met once and don't know much about it, I can see that the kid is not a good stubborn, but also has tenacity. He may not want to recognize his biological father at all. If so, spread the word. Rumors have another purpose, which is to force him to go back and use the rumors to make him the target of public criticism. His own father doesn't have to do anything, but your suitor will let him retreat in spite of difficulties and let him recognize his humble identity. , If he wants to stay with you, what do you think he will choose?

Zhu Tong:…

The two paragraphs that couldn't fit on a mobile phone screen made Zhu Tong's heart turn over in an instant.

Has Shao Ming's biological father approached Shao Ming?

Why doesn't he know at all?

Still want to force Shao Ming back?

He has ignored Shao Ming's mother and son for more than ten years, and now he is coming to recognize them? Why is he? Does he fit too?

He also created public opinion to lead others to call Shao Ming an illegitimate child!

Kong Lu is also here because of this?

Now it's just a Kong Lu, someone stupid enough to ridicule Shao Ming in front of him, what about in the future? Before he knew it, how many Kong Lu would slander him and ridicule him in front of Shao Ming?

What is the difference between this and Xia Yang attracting bees and butterflies and finally attacking Shao Ming?


A syllable blurted out, and several people in front of the counter were surprised at the same time, and even Lu Zheyu couldn't help but look at him with a slightly surprised face.

Rosso's eyes widened.

He just... did he hear that Zhu Tong was rude?

"You... what's wrong with you?"

Zhu Tong quickly returned to his senses, and met three pairs of eyes, as well as the strange eyes of the customer in front of the counter.


Zhu Tong said angrily: "A kind of plant."


No one picked up his stalk, his face slowly turned red, and finally broke the jar and said, "You guys are busy, don't worry about me."

Then he turned around on the lounge chair, facing the counter, keeping all eyes behind him.

Shao Ming's gaze fell on the neck where he lowered his head, and his face was thoughtful.

Zhu Tong has picked up the phone again and sent a message to his cousin.

[Zhu]: You are not a good stubble, you are the humble one.

[Cheng's son loves criminals 2]:…

Does this start to turn the elbows out?

Cheng Chen sighed.

[Cheng family son loves to commit the second]: There is another guess, do you want to listen to it?

[Wish]: What?

[Cheng's Young Master Loves Crime II]: The person who spread the rumors reacted very quickly. If he wants to recognize his son just because of your relationship, what he should do first is not to persecute but to fight for it. After all, the identity of an illegitimate child is easy to be criticized by others. If you want to protect your own interests to the greatest extent, the best way is to recognize the person back in private, remove the label of an illegitimate child, and then spread the relationship between him and you. He directly chooses to make things bigger, probably because he knows Your relationship has touched that kid before and was rejected.

[Cheng's Young Master Loves to Commit II]: Under what circumstances would a businessman who only values ​​his interests come into contact with an illegitimate child he had abandoned for more than ten years?

[Cheng Family Young Master Loves to Commit II]: Do you remember what Jiang Wan said at the banquet? I have asked people to check the projects that the Jiang family has participated in in recent years. In the past few years, they were all multi-directional development, but in the past six months, they have been targeted, especially for the Xia Group, and they were just outside Xia Weiyi's office. The banner said to go against him.

At the banquet, Jiang Wan said by name that the project she grabbed from Xia Weiyi was won by Shao Ming for her.

Shao Ming did not refute at that time.

Cheng Chen thought and smiled.

The person my cousin saw was not easy.

Zhu Tong has been petrified.

[Zhu]: Do you mean that Shao Ming's biological father is Xia Weiyi?

[Cheng Family Young Master Loves to Commit II]: I didn't say that, just guessed, it's just a certain high-level executive of the Xia Group.

Zhu Tong:…

That's right, maybe the cousin got it wrong, or it's just a high-level person.

How could Xia Weiyi be Shao Ming's father!

Who is Xia Weiyi? Fascinating dad!

Who is Shao Ming? It is the fascinated white moonlight!

How could Shao Ming be Xia Weiyi's son? This is outrageous!

I wish Tong Tong meditate on a hundred impossible things in his heart.

But when he thought about Xia Weiyi's attitude towards Shao Ming at the banquet, he felt that he had no idea.

Shao Ming's attitude towards Xia Weiyi was also very strange at that time.

He only thought it was because of Xia Yang at the time, but if it was just because of Xia Yang, Xia Weiyi shouldn't embarrass a junior at a banquet hosted by others.

If it was because of the project... Shao Ming and Jiang Wan didn't disclose their identity information when they cooperated, how did Xia Weiyi know that Shao Ming helped the Jiang family deal with him?

Is there any relationship between Xia Weiyi and Shao Ming?

Suddenly the phone vibrated twice.

[Cheng's Young Master Loves Crime II]: By the way, let me remind you, because of the recent rumors in City A, your grandfather already knows 100% about your relationship with your boyfriend.

Zhu Tong: "…"

This is very unprepared.

Because it was New Year's Day, and there were no new clerks to get off work part-time on the first day, it was already ten o'clock in the evening when the milk tea shop got off work.

Lu Zheyu had already left work early.

Rosso also went back after helping with the cleaning. Before going back, he watched the two of them stop talking for a long time, and finally didn't say anything.

Shao Ming stayed at the end to lock the door.

Zhu Tong stared at the brightly lit square in a daze while waiting for others.

In winter, the weather is dry and cold. After nightfall, the temperature drops sharply. Breathing in in one breath can directly cool your throat.

Suddenly a warm scarf wrapped around his neck, covering his mouth directly.

Zhu Tong glanced at the person who was wrapping his scarf next to him: "When did you..."

He remembered that Shao Ming was not wearing a scarf when he came.

Shao Ming said: "It was put in the store before, don't worry, it's clean, wear it well, it will get cold after cycling."


I wish Tong knew that it must be clean and could smell the laundry detergent.

He looked at Shao Ming's neck again: "What about you?"

Shao Ming smiled lightly: "I've been a little hot recently, and it's good to blow wind."

Is the fire a little hot? What's the meaning?

Zhu Tong said in shock: "Are you angry?"

Is it useful to blow cold air when it is hot?

Shao Ming wrapped the scarf around him, "My boyfriend is addicted to studying every day, and he can't eat his beauty before, but can't he get angry?"


I wish the child a stay.

Shao Ming took the opportunity of giving him a scarf and touched his ear.

After standing outside for a while, Zhu Tong's ears were a little cold.

Seeing people froze, he smiled again: "Just kidding, let's go."


I wish Tong Hou's face was a little hot.

According to the study plan, I have had corresponding study tasks every night during my recent school days, and I really don't have much time to get tired of spending time together.

But now, it seems a bit inappropriate.

Zhu Tong turned his head to look at Shao Ming, hesitant in his heart.

"Staying like this? What are you thinking?"

Shao Ming couldn't help but scratched his face.

Zhu Tong shook his head.

He couldn't understand Shao Ming a little. He didn't know whether Shao Ming was so calm now or whether he was hiding his emotions in his heart.

He didn't seem to have any plans to explain the illegitimate child.

Zhu Tong thought about it and said the truth: "I'm thinking about Kong Lu coming to the store."

Shao Ming was stunned for a moment, then smiled again: "Are you reminding me that I still have a jar of vinegar that I haven't had time to drink?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

"It's not." Zhu Tong subconsciously retorted, and quickly reacted.

What does this have to do with being jealous?

Kong Lu didn't come to him because he liked him.

"I meant to say..."

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew, and Zhu Tong was so cold that his voice stopped.

He glanced at the cold and freezing square, and then at Shao Ming's bald neck, which seemed to be seducing the cold wind into it, and took the initiative to grab his hand and said, "Let's go back and talk about it."


Shao Ming's dark eyes could not clearly see his emotions. He looked down at the hand held by Zhu Tong, pursed his thin lips slightly, and shook it back with force: "Okay."

The two walked out from the milk tea shop again.

The bicycle was parked at the exit of the square. After the weather got cold, Shao Ming seldom rides a bicycle. When he was going out this morning, Tong Tong asked a special question. Thinking that the weather was okay, he went for a ride after a long absence.

Glancing at the scarf around Zhu Tong's neck, Shao Ming tightened it a little more for him.

When sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, Zhu Tong suddenly thought of something, and while hugging Shao Ming's waist, he said, "By the way, I just talked to my cousin in the store about Lu Zheyu, the entertainment company that Lu Zheyu used to go to. It's just a boat ride."

Shao Ming nodded and said, "Well, I guessed it."


Also, Shao Ming is so smart, he probably guessed it when Zhuo Yunan greeted Lu Zheyu.

He was a little discouraged, and sat down in the back seat, with his head tucked behind Shao Ming.

Then he heard the person in front say: "The day you fainted, someone sent a message to the second child telling him that you were in the hospital."

Zhu Tong: "…"



The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-1217:29:49~2021-12-1317:13:28~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Fengyue Boundless; zl, 536338993 bottles of knowledge; 1 bottle of strange, cute and lovely;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!
