In just a few days, many properties under the Xia Group's name have been seized. Today, Liu Jianbai appeared at the negotiating table to discuss the acquisition of a branch under the Xia Group's name.

The building materials branch was founded by Xia Weiyi and others. In recent years, Xia's family has grown, and he has gradually taken the initiative in the company. He has continued to buy shares from some small shareholders of the company, turning the company into Xia Weiyi. One person's speech.

Other members of the board of directors have long been dissatisfied, but they dare not offend him.

Recently, it seems that they have suddenly gained confidence, and several investors have proposed to cash out and leave at the same time.

Affected by public opinion, it was difficult for the company to make money in business, and a large number of customers canceled orders. Now that investors are leaving, it is undoubtedly Xia Weiyi's downfall.

At this time, Liu Jianbai proposed to acquire the company. If Xia Weiyi was unwilling, he would either watch the company go bankrupt, or continue to fill in the money and continue to lose money.

The acquisition of the company has become an irreversible fact. Xia Weiyi looked at Liu Jianbo, who came to talk about the acquisition in person, and said with a gloomy face, "Where's Shao Ming?"

Liu Jianbai leaned on the seat, clasped his hands, and said calmly: "What's wrong with an internship in the company? President Xia is too busy to take care of himself, and is he still interested in the temporary workers in my company?"

Xia Weiyi clenched his fists tightly, suppressing his anger, "That man has my Xia Weiyi's blood flowing on his body, Mr. Liu, aren't you afraid of bringing wolves into the room?"

"Those who are incompetent will worry about being attacked. President Xia, if there is no problem with the contract, sign it as soon as possible, and the result will not change if it is delayed."


Liu Jianbai said that no one else in city A dared to buy the building materials company under the Xia family, so Liu Jianbai could lower the price unscrupulously.

He single-handedly led to the downfall of the building materials company, and then stood in front of Xia Weiyi as a winner.

Xia Weiyi gritted his teeth bitterly, but he couldn't help feeling fear.

He knew very well that the acquisition of a building materials company was just the beginning. The power behind Liu Jianbai was bottomless. He wanted to suppress a person so that people would not even dare to resist.

No one knows what kind of hornet's nest is behind once they resist.

The unknown is the most terrifying.

But why would someone like Liu Jianbo stand up for an outsider whose kinship is unknown?

With such identities, they should cooperate for mutual benefit and win-win results.

But Liu Jianbai refused his cooperation, knowing that Shao Ming was his son, he blatantly took people to the company and took him with him.

He coerced Shao Ming more than once with a conceited attitude. Every word he said to Shao Ming about his status and status now turned into an iron palm and slapped him in the face again and again.

What a wealthy young master, what a family, he firmly believed that Shao Ming said that everything was indispensable, and he was directly stepped into the dust.

Because of his suspicion of the child who was secretly exchanged, he helped others to pay him in a different way.

The things he values, blood relationship, status, are worthless in the eyes of others.

Now, even the industry he is most proud of, which he has worked hard for so many years, is being eroded step by step, and he has nothing to do about it.

Xia Weiyi couldn't help but think of what Xiang Shuyi said to him.

If he had not been so conceited back then and had done a paternity test before sending him away, then Shao Ming would be his son now, the son of his Xia Weiyi, who would help him manage the Xia Group and increase the assets of his Xia family. times.

If he didn't disturb his life after knowing that Shao Ming was his biological son, and if he didn't always think about using others to contact Liu Jianbo as a normal collaborator, then everything would be different.

Looking at the acquisition contract that had been placed in front of him, Xia Weiyi was still unwilling and resentful.

But he had to admit that he regretted it.

I regret that Qiu Shaoping did a paternity test on a whim when Qiu Shaoping came to collect debts, regretted sending the child away back then, and even regretted letting Xiang Shuyi give birth to the child!

Both mother and son are crazy!

After Shao Ming went to the company, he became busy.

Zhu Tong didn't know what he was busy with, but he could always read something about the Xia Group on the Internet.

The marriage of wealthy families, the betrayal of husbands and wives, the exchange of legitimate children and illegitimate children, every entry is enough to keep Xia Weiyi popular on the Internet for a long time.

So if any negative news related to the group is released in the future, Xia Weiyi will be pulled out for discussion.

In the beginning, there were some big and small problems, such as tax evasion, harsh treatment of employees, and malicious mergers and acquisitions. Later, there were suspected illegal things such as making false accounts to deceive investors, black-box bidding and selling fake and shoddy products.

[The depths of the giants are right as expected, infinitely refreshing my lower limit of cognition. 】

[It may also be maliciously slandered by colleagues, how can you be sure that these are true? 】

[Is this still doubtful? You can even do things like dropping a child, and you can do it with your own child. What else can't you do? 】


At the beginning, it was just a voice of suspicion, and the voice of suspicion gradually increased, and some "righteous people" urged relevant departments to intervene in the investigation.

As it was said on the Internet, Xia Weiyi can do things like spoil the children, and he can develop the Xia Group to the current level, and the means used cannot be completely clean.

The news exposed on the Internet may not all be true, but as long as the relevant departments get involved in the investigation, the entire Xia Group will not be able to escape legal sanctions.

Things are running smoothly.

Zhu Tong stayed in the room alone. After two hours of homework, he stretched slightly, picked up his phone and looked at it.

As soon as he unlocked his phone, he received a message from Shao Ming.

These are some of the more everyday greetings.

After Zhu Tong replied one by one, he asked: What are you doing?

Every time he asks this question, Shao Ming's answer is very consistent: I miss you.

Zhu Tong:…

Although he was too busy every day, Shao Ming would send him a message in every spare time.

Zhu Tong couldn't help bending his lips.

In fact, he really wanted to go to the company to see what Shao Ming was doing, but he was afraid that it would not affect him well.

He didn't help much when he went.

At this time, Zhu Tong will feel a sense of powerlessness.

What if my boyfriend is too good?

Of course, desperately trying to make himself worthy of him.

After finishing the chat, Zhu Tong opened the class group again.

A few days ago, the teacher announced the grades of the third class in the class group. The always stable Chinese teacher made a typo when speaking in the group.

The reason is simple, too excited.

Zhu Tong looked at his score, 612 points.

In one semester, the 400% mark in the first semester examination has risen to more than 600 points, an increase of more than 200 points, which is a rapid progress.

The desire to take the top three in the third class is one step further, and it is not surprising that Teacher Shi is too excited.

After the results came out, because the always narcissistic No. 1 in the grade didn't go to the group and couldn't get in touch with Shao Ming, Rosso rang the conversation box between him and Zhu Tong again.

[Rosso is not long-winded]: Are the two of you happy in the world?

Zhu Tong:…

They are indeed two worlds now, two people two worlds.

It's hard to say what Shao Ming is doing now, so Zhu Tong can only avoid it without answering.

[Wish]: No.

[Zhu]: What's wrong?

[Rosso is not long-winded]: Nothing, just ask, have you read the news on the Internet? Is Xia Yang's family going to collapse?

Even Rosso and the others saw it.

I just don't know how Rosso would react if he knew that Shao Ming was the legitimate child who was mentioned on the Internet.

【Zhu】: Not sure, it depends on the investigation results of the review team.

Rosso obviously didn't want to really ask anything. He stopped asking after a few questions, and then began to complain.

[Rosso is not long-winded]: Well, after Brother Ming was not in the store, it seemed that the whole milk tea store had lost its soul. My aunt didn't know what was going on recently, and she was always haunted. Maybe she missed her son.

[Rosso is not long-winded]: Did Brother Ming come back years ago?

New Year's Eve is just a few days away.

I wish Tong Tong a little bit of anticipation, because this year is definitely a new year that is completely different from previous years.

【Wish】: I will go back a few years ago.

After returning to Rosso, Zhu Tong turned off his phone and stared out the window in a daze.

Auntie is insane in the milk tea shop... Is it because of the Xia family?

If she thinks of her son, which son is she thinking of?

Xia Weiyi is in trouble now. If the review team finds out the problem, what will happen to the group? What will happen to Xia Yang?

Will he do something?

Zhu Tong stared suddenly and drew out the system interface. The progress bar showed 95% of the value.

It's very close to full value.

"When he finishes dealing with the Xia family, his favorability should rise."

After a long absence, the system made a sound in his head.

Zhu Tong said: "I don't like this now."

The system is puzzled: "What?"

Zhu Tong turned off the system interface again, "I don't like this situation where I can only wait for him to solve the problem by himself and I can't do anything."

The system said helplessly: "Host, you are just an ordinary high school student. As a student, you are already better than many others. You can't always compare yourself to Bai Yueguang unless you want to be mad at yourself."

Zhu Tong held his head with one hand and said, "But people are not content."


Zhu Tong sighed and picked up the pen again.

Shao Ming was really busy and didn't even come back for dinner that day.

Zhu Tong did a day's work, and when he ate dinner, his brain was empty. After returning to the room, he couldn't help but start to feel sleepy, so he simply lay down on the bed for a while.

He fell asleep quickly and had a dream, but it wasn't a good dream.

I dreamed of some people he didn't like, and always found all kinds of excuses to get close to him.

Those people couldn't see their faces clearly, but I wish Tongyu they had an instinctive disgust.

In the dream, he tried every means to avoid those people, and he was worried about being met by chance wherever he went. Those people looked at him with undisguised desire, making his hair stand on end.

When someone wanted to hold his hand, Zhu Tong woke up from his dream instantly.

As soon as he opened his eyes, his brows twitched together.

Zhu Tong sat up from the bed and looked at his hands.

The touch of being touched in the dream seems to still remain on the back of the hand, and the surrounding is the suffocation caused by being surrounded by people.

Zhu Tong frowned and got up, went to the bathroom to take a shower, and felt a little more comfortable.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and was a little puzzled.

After his favorability exceeded 80%, when he came into contact with others, he was no longer as repulsive as before.

There are reasons for his physical improvement, and there are reasons for him to overcome it slowly.

Sometimes when Shao Ming is not in the classroom, the classmates in the class come to him to ask questions. Although he will still feel uncomfortable, he will not be too repulsive.

But what happened to him just now?

It was just a dream, but the disgust was so real.

He called again to ask the housekeeper to warm up the milk, and took the milk from the housekeeper's hand. He touched the housekeeper's hand on purpose, but the suffocation in the dream didn't appear again.

Zhu Tong Shensi took a sip of milk.

"Is the young master feeling unwell?" The housekeeper was worried when he saw that his face was not very good.

Zhu Tong shook his head and said, "No, I just had a nightmare, it's okay."

The butler breathed a sigh of relief.

After drinking half a glass of milk, Zhu Tong raised his head again and said, "Is Shao Ming back?"

The housekeeper shook his head gently: "Not yet."

Zhu Tong suddenly lost for a while.

Although Shao Ming called him in the afternoon and told him that he would be back later, it seemed too late today.

Because he had just had a nightmare, Zhu Tong didn't dare to lie back on his bed again, and while the housekeeper went downstairs, he sneaked into the guest room next door.

The place where Shao Ming slept.

Zhu Tong hesitated for a while in front of Shao Ming's bed, then took off his shoes and tucked himself into the bed.

Shao Ming used to sleep on the right side, and Zhu Tong also got in from the right side.

There was a familiar smell in the quilt, the smell of his usual shower gel.

In the past two days, Shao Ming used the same thing as him.

Lying in the position that Shao Ming had been lying in the past few nights felt that it was not enough, Zhu Tong buried his head in the pillow and took a deep breath.

At this moment, the sound of the lock cylinder turning came from the door. He raised his head and saw the "temporary owner" of the guest room standing at the door.

It was already ten o'clock, and Shao Ming was worried that Zhu Tong had rested and didn't even call before returning.

I was thinking of going to the next door to raid and apologize to people tomorrow morning, but I pushed open the door of my room and stuck out a head in the position where he was used to lying.

Shao Ming was surprised: "You..."

Zhu Tong secretly got into his quilt and was caught on the spot, which was a bit embarrassing. He quickly sat up and squeezed the quilt with both hands, "...Are you back?"

Shao Ming walked towards him, "Why are you sleeping here?"

He approached the bed, took off his coat, put it on the bedside table, and sat down beside the bed.

Zhu Tong's eyes never left him.

Shao Ming was itchy when he looked at him, he couldn't help raising his hand to touch his face, but before his hand was stretched out, the man on the bed suddenly leaned towards him, hanging his hands around his neck.


Shao Ming was caught off guard.

The outstretched hand stroked Zhu Tong's back, and he lowered his head and rubbed the ends of Zhu Tong's hair, "What's the matter? Young master."

Zhu Tong buried his head in his neck, "You hug me."

Shao Ming: "…"

The coquettish tone is full of dependence.

It was originally a heart-wrenching hug, but Shao Ming tightened his heart and wanted to push him away to look at his face, "What happened? Is it..."

"No." Zhu Tong interrupted his doubts, tightening the hand around the man's neck and burying his head more tightly: "I just miss you."

Shao Ming almost lost control on the spot.

He put his arms around Zhu Tong's waist and said in a low voice, "I can't afford it, I'm coming back late."

Zhu Tong buried his head on his neck and shook his head, brushing his hair on Shao Ming's neck, tugging at him intentionally or unintentionally.

Shao Ming took a deep breath and reminded, "I haven't showered yet."

Zhu Tong still hugged him and didn't let go, because the voice that came out of his head was a little muffled, "It's okay."


Probably because he thought it was too abnormal, Zhu Tong didn't want Shao Ming to worry, and said truthfully: "I just had a nightmare, just hug me for a while."

Shao Ming didn't ask him what dream he had. He lowered his head and kissed him on the head, patted his back lightly and said, "Okay."

Zhu Tong: "…"

It feels like coaxing a child.


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-2516:20:48~2021-12-2616:28:51~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: chanting -1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Jason Toodd, you are 8 bottles of dreams that I can't touch; strange and cute, 1 bottle of red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!
