Chapter 4: Dinner With Siblings & Students Getting Comfortable

Narrator's Pov.

Phoebe, Piper, Emi, and Kari are so focused on the Mario Party 7 that they lost track of how long they have been playing the game. There is a lot of complaining and pouting coming from Phoebe, Piper, and Emi while Kari just laughs and smiles at the three of them. She shuffles their heads here and there to calm them down.

Prue and Estuko eventually come into the living room and notice that Phoebe, Piper, Emi, and Kari are on round 20. They both shake their heads in amusement after seeing their sisters acting very childish.... well, except for Kari. She is pretty calm, and not making a fool out of herself. Prue and Estuko fake cough to earn their attention. Kari is the first one to notice.

"I assume dinner is ready?" Kari guesses.

"Yes. Would you mind pausing the game?" Prue requests.

"And come eat?" Estuko calmly adds.

"Aw man...." Emi groans miserably.

"It was getting really good," Phoebe pouts.

"No kidding," Piper agrees with them.

"Come on, girls. It is time to eat," Kari calmly tells them with a small smile. She pauses the game and pats them on the head.

"Hai," Emi, Phoebe, and Piper obey. Kari and her three little sisters get off the couch and follow Estuko and Prue out of the living room. They head to the kitchen and head over to the large table that has 18 chairs. Karir sits on the chair in the middle.

"I'm sitting beside Kari-nii!!" Emi declares as she immediately sits down beside Kari on her right.

"Same here!" Phoebe hollers. She quickly goes down beside Kari on her left.

"Aw man...I wanna sit down beside Kari-nii," Piper whines. Prue and Estuko sit down on the chairs across from Kari, Phoebe, and Emi. Piper joins them.

"Stop complaining, Piper. You will get to sit beside Kari some other time," Prue calmly demands.

"I agree with Prue," Estuko states.

"Fine...." Piper says with a pout. Kari shakes her head in amusement at them and picks up her fork. She begins to eat it.

"The food looks good, Estuko, Prue," Kari compliments them. "And it tastes really good."

"It is all thanks to you, Joeph-nii, Joey-nii, Asahi-nii, Haru, Akio-nii, and Haruto-nii..." Prue smiles lightly.

" guys taught us how to cook and bake before you move out," Estuko finishes.

They start eating their food. So is Piper, Phoebe, and Emi. Kari chats with her little siblings to catch up on things and see how they have been doing on their own. Piper, Phoebe, And Emi do not hesitate to tell her everything that has been going on in the household and Prue and Estuko would make a comment here and there while they eat their dinner peacefully.

"I am all done!!" Pheobe exclaims.

"Me too!!" Piper agrees with her.

"Time to play Mario Party 7!!" Emi adds to their statement.

"Not so fast," Kari stops them before they have the chance to get up and go play again.

"Huh?" the three of them puzzle.

"Phoebe, Piper, it is you guys turn to do the dishes," Prue reminds them.

"Emi, you still need to do your homework," Estuko gives her the heads up.

"Aw man...." the three of them grumble. Phoebe and Piper pick up all the dishes from the table and bring them to the counter. They plug the drain and turn on the warm water. Then they pour some dishes soap into the sink and begin to wash, dry, and put them away. Prue and Piper leave the table and do their own chores.

"Kari-nii, can you help me with my homework?" Emi requests.

"Sure, why not?" Kari smiles. "Bring your homework here."

"Thank you, Kari-nii!!!" Emi gets off the chair and runs to her room to get her homework. She grabs them from her desk and leaves her room. She sprints back to the kitchen and places her homework on the kitchen table.

"What do you need to work on?" Kari questions her.

"I need help with science and English," Emi answers. She shows her the work, and Kari begins to tutor her through the subject that she is stuck on.

Kari's Pov.

I spent an incredibly good 3 hours tutoring Emi in a way that she would be able to understand what I am teaching her. She is a slow learner after all. It takes time for her brain to finally click on what I am trying to explain to her. Phoebe and Piper are very patient and have been waiting for Emi to finish her homework, so we can all go back to gaming. Prue and Estuko are even sitting at the table with us.

"I get it now!!" Emi smiles happily as she finishes the last question of the chapter.

"You did a good job," I praise her.

"Yeah. I agree with big sis," Phoebe adds.

"You did not get up and walk away, frustrated," Piper agrees.

"And cry because you did not understand anything," Prue smiles lightly.

"We are proud of you," Estuko finishes.

"You guys...." Emi trails with a single tear go down her face. I sweep the tear away from her eye and smile softly at her.

"You are too pretty to cry. Smile," I state.

"H-Hai...." Emi yawns. She closes her eyes and passes out of exhaustion. I immediately put my hand on her forehead to prevent her from face-planting the table.

"It is time for bed," I inform them after seeing the time on the clock on the wall.

"Hai...." Phoebe, Piper, Prue, and Estuko obey.

"Why don't you four head to bed? I will clean this up," I suggest.

They all nod tiredly and take turns to give me a kiss on the cheek. They leave the kitchen and go to their separate bedroom. I pick up the sleeping Emi and carry her to her room. After grabbing the handle, I twist the doorknob to open the door and walk into her room. I head over to her bed and gently place her down.

I lift the blanket and put it over her. I watch as she snuggles into her pillow while her body curly up int a ball. I smile and kiss the top of her head. Then I quietly walk out of the bedroom and stroll to the living room. I turn off the GameCube and put it away in the stand. Next, I march into the kitchen and organize Emi's homework into two piles. One for science and the other one for English.

"There. That should do it," I mumble. Twirling around, I emerge from being inside the kitchen and head to my old bedroom. I stop in front of my door and-

"Big sis?" I turn sideways and see Estuko and Prue standing there in their pjs, yawning.

"What is it, little sis?" I walk up to her.

"Can I sleep with you?" Estuko shyly asks.

".... just this one time?" Prue pleads.

"Sure," I accept their request. "Just wait for a few minutes. I need to get changed."

"Okay..." Estuko and Prue acknowledge my reason.

Grabbing the handle, I twist the doorknob to open the door and enter my room. I shut the door and head over to my dresser. Then I strip down to my bra and panties and grab a pair of my star pjs tank top and short, short. I put them on and pick up my clothes. I place them on the hook and head over to my bed. I lie down and stare at the door.

"You girls can come on in," I call out to them. I watch as I see the door open, revealing Prue and Estuko. They come inside and shut the door. Walking over to the bed, they join me under the blanket and hug me.

"Night, big sis," Estuko and Prue yawn. They nuzzle against my chest and fall asleep.

"Goodnight, girls," I respond. I kiss both of their heads and hold them close. I shut my eyes and fall asleep with them in my embrace.

Time skips to next day~

After dropping my sisters and Rui at their schools, I drive my wagooner to Kimestu No Yaipa High School and park it in the parking lot. I turn off the engine and take my key out of the keyhole. I put them in my pocket and get out of my vehicle with my bag. Then I lock all four of my doors and go inside the school.

"Oi! Ms. Hellspring!" I see Shinazugawa stomping up to me.

"Yes, Sanemi-san? Is there something you need?" I smile at him. He demands that I use his first name instead of his long surname.

"I will be fucking late for English!" Shinazugawa reveals.

"Oh? And why is that? May I ask?" I hum.

"My idiotic brother forgot his lunch! And I need to hunt his sorry ass down!" Shinazugawa curses rather loudly.

Sanemi's Prov.

"Very well. I will mark you late," Ms. Hellspring informs me with a smile. She is the first fucking teacher that allows me to fucking swear.

"Tsk," I huff. I turn around and stomp away from Ms. Hellspring. I search for Genya and give him his goddam lunch that he has forgotten at him.

Many of those annoying student move out of my fucking way as I walk down the aisle. They know better than to fucking stand in my way, or they will get their fucking ass kicked. Those bastards are not worthy of my attention and precious fucking time. I eventually find Genya and grab his shoulder really roughly. He winces slightly. He turns around to stare at me. He is with that goddamn Kamado, Agatsuma, and Hashibira.

"There you fucking are, Genya," I glare.

"Y-Yes, Nemi?" Genya quizzes with a bit of fear in his eyes. I loosen my grip on his shoulder and back up a bit.

"You forgot your goddam lunch," I bluntly inform him. I shove a lunch bag against his chest. He stumbles a bit and manages to hold his lunch without dropping it.

"T-Thank you, Nemi," Genya slightly smiles.

"That was very kind of you to do that, Shinazugawa-san," Kamado smiles at me. I just fucking glare at him, hating the stupid fucking kid.

"For someone who is aggressive," Agatsuma mumbles.

"Damn right! He is an asshole!" Hashibira laughs.

"Shut the fuck up, both of you!" I curse at the two fucking idiots that are not worthy of Genya's attention.

"Well, we better head to class. We are going to be late," Genya tries to break the tension between me and these two fuckers.

"He is right, Shinazugawa-san," Kamado confirms it.

"We better get going," Agatsuma suggests.

"Damn right! We will!" Hashibira hollers.

"Bye Nemi," Genya ends the conversation. They all fucking turn around and walk away from me, not letting me fucking say a goddamn word.

"Tsk," I click my tongue in annoyance as the bell rings loudly. I head down the hallway and make a right turn. I fucking head to my English class and stomp into the room, interfering Ms. Hellspring doing the fucking attendance.

"You are just in time, Sanemi-san," Ms. Hellspring smiles warmly. "I do not have to mark you late."

"Whatever," I grumble. I drag my feet to my desk and flops down on my fucking chair. I am right between Gyomei and Shinobu.

"What take you so long, Sanemi?" Shinobu questions me.

"It is none of your goddamn business, Shinobu," I scowl at her.

"Sanemi, please ease up on the swearing. We are in class," Gyomei gives me a light scolding.

"Do not fucking tell me what to do, Gyomei," I fucking order him.

"I am surprised that Ms. Hellspring actually let you swear in class. Most teachers do not let students do that," Shinobu comments.

"She is fucking weird. That is why!" I affirm.

"Even so, you should ease up on the cursing. It is not right to swore in class," Gyomei informs me.

"Settle down, class. It is time to finish where we left off yesterday," Ms. Hellspring interferes our fucking conversation with that fucking bright smile on her face. How the hell can she fucking smile so much?! She fucking reminds me of Kyojuro. He never stopped smiling.

"Tch," I scoff.

I pull my textbook, notebook, and pencil case out of my bag and put them on my fucking desk. I open the goddam textbook and go to the fucking page that we left off yesterday. Then I do the fucking same thing with my notebook. I take my pencil out of case and get ready to fucking write down the notes. Everyone else is fucking doing the same thing.

Ms. Hellspring begins to read the fucking textbook while writing the questions on the fucking blackboard in a way we would be able to read. She is surprisingly not liked those asshole teachers that write cursive on the blackboard to mock us and force us to read what they have written on it. Cursive writing is dead to us. We do not write them as much as we did back then.

I write the questions and the answers down in my notebook as I pay close attention to her lesson, understanding what she is trying to explain. Same goes for Gyomei and Shinobu. They can keep up with Ms. Hellspring's lectures. This goes one for the whole period without anyone struggling with the fucking questions that we needed to do.

Shinobu's Pov.

The bell eventually rings loudly, letting everyone know that the first period is over. We have 10 minutes to go to our second period till the bell rings again. I see everyone packing their things and putting them away in their backpacks and bags. I take my sweet time to arrange my things into my bag and put it over my shoulder.

"Your homework is to finish the last 10 questions," Ms. Hellspring calmly gives out the instruction.

"Yes, Ms. Hellspring," the students obey her. They walk out of the classroom and head to their next period.

"She is something else. That is for sure," Sanemi grumbles.

"True. She is not liked the other teachers that give out a lot of homework," Gyomei agrees with him. "She only gives out the ones that we could not finish in class."

"Where was she when we needed her? She is an exceedingly kind lady," I sigh. I am ashamed that she is not my hairstyle teacher. I would choose her over that pervert, Mr. Douma, any day, despites only knowing her yesterday.

"Tell me about it," Sanemi huffs.

We see Ms. Hellspring coming over to us with that smile of hers. It is not one of those fake smiles that we see on Ms. Daki and Mr. Douma. Mr. Kokushibo is too damn serious, Mr. Kibutsuji is always glaring, and Mr. Gyokko and Mr. Gyutaro are always scowling. Mr. Akaza and Ms. Nakime are the only ones that would show kind smiles here and there.

"Is there something wrong, you three?" Ms. Hellspring inquiries for some answers.

"No. We were just discussing how different you are from some teachers that we hate," Gyomei explains to her.

"Tsk. You are not as bad as the other asshole teachers," Sanemi mutters.

"We are happy to have you as our English Teacher," I compliment her.

"I am glad that I made you guys feel that way," Ms. Hellspring gives us a closed-eye smile. She opens her eyes again.

"I wish you were my hairstyling teacher instead of Mr. Douma," I admit. Sanemi scoffs at the name of the pervert teacher and Gyomei frowns.

"Mr. Douma-san, huh? He is a strange one, that is for sure," Ms. Hellspring comments.

"You met that pervert teacher?" Sanemi scoffs.

"Yes. He barged into my class after the fifth period was over, wanting to meet me. He flirted with me, and I rejected him. Not soon after, Mr. Akaza-san ran into the classroom and threw him a crossed the room two times," Ms. Hellspring explains. Sanemi and I snicker.

"Bless your soul that you have been saved by Mr. Akaza. Mr. Douma is someone where you always have to keep your guard up," Gyomei asserts. He prays for her safety.

"I will keep that in mind," Ms. Hellspring smiles lightly. Gyomei, Sanemi, and I get up from our seats and grab our bags.

"If you do not mind, Ms. Hellspring, but we need to get going," I change the subject. "We don't want to be late for our next class."

"Very well. I will see you tomorrow morning," Ms. Hellspring understands my reason. She moves aside for her to walk by.

"Have a nice day, Ms. Hellspring," Gyomei lightly bows. The three of us walk out of the classroom and head down the hallway.

"I will see you two at lunch," I give them both the heads up. I do not have the same period as them.

"Tsk. See ya," Sanemi scoffs.

"Goodbye, Shinobu-san," Gyomei ends the conversation.

I wave as I take a different turn from them and walk to the hairstyling class where I would have to put up with Mr. Douma. Something about him makes me hate him with a burning passion, and it is not just because he is a pervert and fake his stupid childish personality to hide his true emotions and feelings. Entering the hairstyling class, I head over to my station and sit down on the stool.

"Hello! Hello everyone!" the fake cheerful voice can be heard.

I mentally scoff as I see the bastard barging into the classroom, earning a lot of giggling and admiring looks from his stupid fans that cannot see pass his fake cheerful self. They all greet him happily with hearts in their eyes. I seriously do not understand what they see in that asshole. Or are they just that blind to not notice he is manipulating them into thinking that he is into them?

He is a goddam teacher! It is against the rules for teacher-student relationship! And I am glad that Ms. Hellspring is not interested in him. She is too nice and good for someone like him. She would be better off with Mr. Akaza if she ever feels like dating someone. At least with him, he would treat her right and be true to himself.

Meanwhile with Kari~

Kari's Pov.

I arrive at my art class and go inside. I already see everyone waiting patiently for me at their station while chatting with one another peacefully. Good. It is going to be another peaceful day without violence and argument. We can continue where we left off yesterday. They seem really excited when I suggested that they make their favorite place to visit, especially Kamado, Agatsuma, and Shinazugawa's younger brother, Genya. They are putting a lot of work into their art project.

"Alright, class! We are continuing where we left off yesterday!" I call out to them with a smile on my face.

"Yes sensei!" the students obey. They immediately grab their tools and take them to their station. They put on their apron to prevent the paint from getting on their clothes and start painting where they left off.

I go to every art station to check up on the students, seeing if they need some advice on how to use certain tools for their project. I also listen to their ideas on what they want to add to their artwork. I would make a suggestion here and there on what else they can put in their favorite place. I stop by Kamado's, Agatsuma's, and Genya's art station.

"How is it going, Tanjiro-san, Zenitsu-san, Genya-san?" I start a conversation with them.

"It is going pretty great, Ms. Hellspring!" Kamado smiles warmly at me. He shows me his artwork that he worked really hard on. It has stars in the darkened sky on a snowy mountain with a beautiful cottage. There is even a family of 8. Two parents and 6 children. One of those children is Kamado, so I assume this is his family.

"Are you almost done painting?" I quiz.

"Not yet. I still have a few more things that I need to add on!" Kamado beams with a happy tone.

"I am glad to hear that," I giggle. I turn my head over to Agatsuma and Genya. "What about you two? How is your artwork today?"

"It is going alright, Ms. Hellspring," Agatsuma shrugs.

He shows me what he has been working on. It is an incredibly beautiful nighttime. There are four people playing in an exceptionally large and colorful field of flowers. I recognize three people. One is Kamado, the other is Hashibira, and the last one is Agatsuma himself. They are all wearing strange uniforms that look remarkably familiar. The four one is a young girl in a kimono, wearing bamboo in her mouth for some reason.

"Who is the young girl?" I query out of curiosity.

"This is Nezuko-chan!! Tanjiro's younger sister!" Agatsuma chirps loudly.

"She looks adorable, but why does she have a bamboo in her mouth?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.

"I do not know. For some reason, I feel like I needed to put that there," Agatsuma admits.

"Well, it looks very gorgeous," I compliment him. I gaze over to Genya. "Can you show me your artwork, Genya-san?"

"Sure," Genya responds.

He reveals his artwork to me, and I smile softly. He painted a picture of a festival where he and his brother spent time together. The only thing that is odd about it is their strange outfits. They do not look like they are from the present era. None of the three paintings are. It is like they drew something from the taisho era.

"It looks very beautiful. I am sure your brother would be happy if he sees this painting you drew," I praise him. I do not care how they know what people wear in taisho era. As long as they put a lot of work into their project and are pleased with them, that is all that matters to me.

"You really think so?" Genya puzzles. "I am still not quite finish with my artwork."

"I am positive," I assure them with a smile. "...and you still have tomorrow to finish it." Kamado and Agatsuma both smile at me as the bell rings loudly, letting everyone know that the second period is over. "Alright, everyone! You can finish your artwork tomorrow!"

"Yes sensei!" the students happily understand. They clean up their art station very well and put the tools where they belong before, they leave the classroom and head to their third class.

"You three should do the same too," I suggest.

"Hai!" Kamado, Agatsuma, and Genya obey. They also clean all the mess they make at their art station and put everything away in their rightful place. "We will see you tomorrow morning, Ms. Hellspring!" They emerge from being in the classroom and head to their next one.

Walking over to my teacher's desk, I grab my bag and put it over my shoulder. I stroll to the open door and peek out to make sure I do not accidentally bump into any teachers. I see Mr. Kokushibo walking towards me. He raises an eyebrow at me after noticing me peeking out of my classroom. He stops the moment he arrives.

Mr. Kokushibo's Pov.

".... what are you doing?" I question the strange English teacher. I start walking again, but with Hellspring by my side for some reason.

"Just to make sure that I do not accidentally bump into you, making you drop your paperwork," Hellspring chuckles lightly.

"I teach gym all morning," I inform her.

"Oh, I see!" Hellspring smiles.

"......." I do not say anymore to this strange woman. I am more focused on getting to my gym class to care about some newbie who bumped into me yesterday.

At least, she knows how to keep her mouth shut, and not bother me like that idiot Douma, Daki, and Gyutaro do. They are the most annoying ones out of Kibutsuji, Gyokko, Akaza, and Nakime. They do not know how to shut up. This Hellspring do not say another word to me. She stays completely silent as we walk to our next destination.

Well, more like she has to take a different direction. Her class is not anywhere near gym class, and I am right. I see her wave goodbye as she makes a right turn and heads down to her next class. I step into the gym and narrow my eyes at how carefree these pitiful students that do not take exercise and fitness seriously. I will make them take my course very seriously if they ever want to pass it.

"Everyone, line up in front of me right this insists!" I order every pathetic student to come to me and line. They obediently follow my orders and stand in front of me. Many of them fear me, which is a good thing. There is no slacking off in my territory and there are no favorites among these students that deserve special treatment.

The only time that I would allow someone to sit on the bench and play on their stupid phone is if they broke a bone in their body and got a note from the doctor to not do physical activities. If they are sick, they should stay home and get better. I am not going to dismiss them, just because they are ill.

"Today, you are all going to do 20 suicides around the gym, 500 push-ups, sit ups, squats, jumping jack, 10 minutes planks and wall sit. Then we are going to play a basketball game between girls. Vs. boys," I give them the instruction on what we are doing today.

"......." the students pale, except for a few.

"If you even think about slacking off...." I trail off with a glare. " will be severely punished by doubling the exercise. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Mr. Kokushibo," the students obedient obeys my commands.

"Good! Get going!" I holler. They all immediately start doing the exercise that I order them to do while trying to keep their complaints in their pitiful heads. They know how I feel about them mumbling and complaining about the exercise that I am making them do half of the period. I cross my arms and watch these worms like a hawk.

This goes for the whole period of watching those students sweat like there is no tomorrow. It was amusing to see them so tired out after half of the period, doing exercise, and the other half playing basketball. To them, it feels like they are carrying very heavy armor. To me, this is child play. I was the captain of the football, rugby, basketball, and hockey. I was even on the track and field back when I was still in high school and college.

"No mercy as always," I hear Akaza's voice as the bell rings loudly to let everyone know that the third period is over.

"Hit the showers!" I demand. There was a lot of relief on their faces while the boys go to the men's changing room and the girls enter theirs. They are all going to take a good shower to get rid of the smell of sweat off them. ".... I will never show them mercy, especially the girls. They are so pathetic and weak. "

"I see," Akaza hums. "How about a game between you and me before we meet up with the other teachers?"

"...Fine," I accept his request. He and I head to one basketball net and stand in front of each other. I grab one ball off the floor and begin to bounce it against it.

"Let's see who is going to win between us," Akaza smirks.

"You are facing a former captain that ruled over football, rugby, basketball, and hockey," I remind him.

"Yeah? So, what? There is always someone out there that can be better than you. You just do not know it yet," Akaza states. He rolls his eyes at me.

"We will see about that," I huff. We begin our little match while all the students are leaving the gym to go eat some unhealthy food and drinks. Neither of us is going easy. We go all out before we meet up with the other teachers and eat some actually healthy food that our bodies need. 
