Chapter 12: Muzan's Ending

Mr. Kibutsuji's Pov.

I quickly catch Kari and Rui in my arm when they fainted from me whacking them on the back of their heads before they have the chance to react and do something really clearly. I hold Kari and Rui close to me tightly. I am only sparing Rui because of this strange feeling, that he is the reason Kari and I got together in the first place in our previous life.

I put Rui on my back and feel him hold onto me tightly. Next, I grab all the bags that Kari and Rui had and put them over my shoulders. I carefully get up on my feet without waking either of them up and emerge from being inside the cave. I stroll down the path that leads away from the cave, ignoring the smell of blood and the sight of the bodies of two specified lovers.

I slaughtered Mr. Ubuyuashiki and his wife on the way to the cave. They were planning to kidnap Kari and sent Rui oversea before I got there. I have nothing against their children, so I let them live. They will be forced to go to the orphanage home and get adopted by a couple who have never met Kari.

After leaving the forest, going to my car, and putting everything inside, I gently place Rui down on the seat and buckle his seat belt. I close the door and go to the passenger side. Then I open the door and carefully put Kari down on the seat. I buckle her seatbelt. I head over to the driver's seat and enter. I sit down on the seat, buckling my seat belt, and then shut the door. I turn on the engine by putting the key in the keyhole and drive the car far away from the forest.

It does not take me long to get to my place and park the car in the driveaway. I turn off the engine and unbuckle my seatbelt before I get out of the vehicle and unbuckle Kari and Rui. I take them both out of my car and grab the bags out of my truck. Next, I carry the unconscious Kari and Rui to the mansion and go inside. I take my shoes and drop the groceries and supplies stuff on the ground lightly by the staircase.

I take Rui to the room that I prepared for him and go inside. I walk over to the bed and gently put him down on the blanket. I also set his stuff down on the floor by the bed. Next, I put the chain on his right ankle to the wall to make sure he doesn't escape from this room, and then I carry my beloved Kiri out of the room. I take her to my bedroom and lightly kick the door open.

Finally, I walk to the bed and gently place her down on my mattress with her back meeting with the stand-up pillows. I also put her things on the ground by the bed. I grab the very thick chain off the ground and attach it to her right wrist. It is a special chain that prevents her from using her demon blood art. I sit down on the edge of the bed and reach out to caresses her left cheek. It is very cold.

"Uggh...." Kari groans as she slowly wakes up. She looks up and sees me sitting extremely close to her. "....M-Muzan-san? How did you......k... know that I was still alive?"

"Let's just say I paid a little visit to that hide out and saw what you did to all those people, especially the leader," I recall.

"How can you...?" I stop her by putting my finger on her lips.

"Visiting that hide out did not just made me impressed of what happened, but it made me see things that are not from this era. Flash backs from my previous life," I explain with a smirk. "I have seen a whole lot of you in my past memories. It did not take me long to figure it out that you are a demon in this life too."

"What do you want from me?" Kari questions me. She pushes my finger away from her lips and frowns.

"I want you to turn me into a demon and let me be your lover," I reveal my idea of why she is here. I go serious "...and if you even think about going against me and try to escape from me-" I do not even have the chance to finish my statement when she suddenly bolts forward and kisses me. My eyes widen, not expecting that from her. I quickly kiss her back as I rest both of my hands on her cheeks. "That is something I wasn't expecting......" I catch my breath after a few minutes of kissing her.

"I do not know why, but something about you intrigues me. It makes me drawn to you," Kari confesses. I pull her onto my lap and caress the back of her head.

"How long have you been feeling this way?" I quiz.

"Ever since I met you, Muzan-san. You looked so familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time," Kari reveals.

"I guess our love for each other from our previous lives was that strong that it is affecting us in this life. Otherwise, she would not look so calm and relax in this situation," I note with a smirk. I hold her close. "You wanna know why you're interested in me since day 1?"

"Why?" Kari asks, curious. I take the portrait out of my pocket of my jacket and hand it over to her.

"It is because we were lovers in our previous lives," I aver. She carefully takes the portrait out of my hand and observes very closely.

"I married you and had two wonderful children?" Kari smiles lightly.

"Yes, you married me. I am the one that got you the hairpin in the past. That is why you never took it off in this present. You knew deep down inside that it was extremely important for some reason," I assert with a smile. However, it drops with this next statement. "......but unfortunately, those two kids were not mine."

"What do you mean that they are not yours?" Kari presses.

"Turn the portrait, and you will understand what I meant by that," I suggest. She does what I said and gasps at what my past self said.

".... They are Kagaya-san's sons? .... How is that possible? I thought I was your lover," Kari is confused.

"I only got small glimpse of the past, so I do not really know what happened," I frown ".... but I do recall your past self-telling me you were dating Ubuyashiki, and that he did not take the relationship slow. He got you pregnant and proposed to you under one month. He even slapped you in the face for not coming back to him and his wife sooner after you got kidnapped by me," I describe what I remember.

"I see...and according to your past-self, you swore that you will make me bare your children, and not Kagaya-san...." Kari lightly blushes. I smirk and kiss her cheek.

"Damn right. I am not going to let you bare anyone's child, but mine," I declare darkly. I take the portrait out of her hands and put it on the nightstand.

"Fine, just not now. I would like to take our relationship slow," Kari muses.

"Alright, but can you turn me into a demon, love?" I change the subject. I take a key out of my pocket and grab the chain on her ankle. I unlock the chain off her. I open the drawer in the nightstand and place the key in it. It is clear that Kari is not going to escape from me. She loves me very much. Why else would she kiss me unexpectedly and confess to me that she has been attracted to me since the beginning?

"I do not know how to do it.... I have never turned anyone into demons," Kari admits. I grab her wrist and stare down at it. I take my pocketknife out of my pocket.

"Is it alright if I try something?" I request. She stares at me with a bit of confusion in her eyes.

"Why do you want to be a demon?" Kari puzzles.

"I want to be a demon, so I can be with you for an eternity," I announce. Her eyes slightly widened at my statement for a split second. They go sadden after.

"But why.... I have tried really hard to become a human again...." Kari trails off. She looks down at her lap. After putting my pocketknife on the bed, I grab her cheeks and lift her head up. I make her look in my eyes.

"You want to be a human again because you do not want to watch everyone growl old and die, leaving you behind?" I guess.

"......." Kari does not say anything. Her sad eyes answer it for her.

"You will not be left all alone in this cruel, cruel world. I will be right by your side for eternity if you just let me become a demon," I promise.

"......What about Rui? I do not want to lose him. He is all I have left of my family," Kari mentions.

"I know how much he means to you," I inform her. "...that is why we will wait until he is 18. I do not think he wants to be a kid forever."

"Seems reasonable, I guess..." Kari shrugs.

"So? Will you trust me and let me cut your arm? I have a feeling it is your blood that can turn me into a demon," I quiz.

"Sure..." Kari accepts my request. I grab my pocketknife off the cover and cut her arm deep enough to see blood coming out of it. I do not want to hurt my beloved Kari too much.

"Here we go..." I trail off as I bring her arm to my mouth. I put my mouth onto her opened wound and begin to drink her blood.

"M-Muzan-san...." Kari growls in this deep voice that brings a shiver down my spine. I keep drinking her blood until I feel a huge sharp pain through my body.

"Ahhhh!" I immediately stop drinking her blood and feels my body jerks in pain. I fall down on my back, hissing in pain. So much power is going through my body!

"Muzan-san!" Kari slightly yells out in worry. My body trashes around in pain, and I manage to grab her hand. I grip it tightly as I embrace the pain and the change in me.

Meanwhile with Rui~

Rui's Pov.

", what happened?" I groan as I force myself to get into a sitting position. I open my eyes and look around, noticing that I am in an unfamiliar boy's room. "W-Where am I?!"

I keep glancing around to check out the boy's room very closely and notice that not everything is unbelievably cheap. There are some expensive stuffs in this bedroom that I do not dare to touch them. Then I get off the bed and run to the door, only to feel something yank me hard enough that it causes me to fall on my face.

"....owww..." I grunt in pain. Something stopped my leg from going farther. I glance back and see a chain with a lock on my ankle. It is attached to the wall by the time. "What...? What is going on here?!"

I run back to the bed and notice my things on the floor by the bed, which means someone kidnapped me AND Aunty. Oh, aunty. What did that horrible person do to you? I hope they did not do anything terrible to you. I instantly search for anything in the room that can unlock the lock that is on the chain. I even look through my things to find something that works for picklocks.

Once I finally find the perfect object for the picklock, I immediately sit down on the bed and grab the chain. I pick lock it until I hear a click. I watch the chain and the lock fall to the ground. Then I sprint to the door and grab the handle to twist the doorknob to open it. I emerge from the room and spring down the hallway to  search for Aunty.

"AUNTY!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!" I cry out. I search everywhere on the floor for Aunty. I want to take her and get her out of here as fast as I possibly can. Whoever kidnapped us must have terrible plans in store of us.

"HANG IN THERE!" I hear my Aunty shout from a distance. I follow her voice, and it leads me to what seems to be the master bedroom.

"AUNTY!!!!!" I call out to her as I slam into the door. It does not budge after I body slam into it. Fine then. I will do the old, fashionable way to get in. I grab the handle to twist the doorknob to open the door and open it.

I run into the room and see Kari sitting there on the bed, looking extremely worried, and.......MR. KIBUTSUJI?! He is the guy that kidnapped the both of us?! And why is he trashing around on the bed? He trashes around for a few minutes until he calms down. His chest is going up and down, showing me that he is breathing heavily.

"Muzan-san..." Aunty quickly grabs him and pulls him onto her lap. She caresses the top of his head. ".... you did well."

"Now, we can be together for eternity," Mr. Kibutsuji tells her with a soft expression.

".... Aunty? Mr. Kibutsuji?" I puzzle. I am confused. What just happened here? What does he mean by that??? Aunty and Mr. Kibutsuji both look over and see me standing here, looking extremely confused at what is going on here.

"Rui? How did you escape from the chain?" Mr. Kibutsuji queries for some explanation.

"It is not that hard to pick a lock," I deadpan.

"Who taught you how to pick a lock?" Aunty muses.

"Uncle Joey and Joseph," I bluntly reveal.

"Why am I not surprised that they are the reason behind it?" Aunty chuckles in amusement. Mr. Kibutsuji gets off Aunty's lap and sits down beside her.

"What is going on here, Aunty? I thought we were kidnapped......" I trail off. Aunty opens her arms for me to hug her. That is exactly what I did. I immediately go to hug Aunty.

"You and your aunt were kidnapped by me. I thought I would have to take some dramatic pressure to make Kari accept me as her lover and you as your nephew," Mr. Kibutsuji reveals. "...but it turns out that your aunt is already in love with me. All that is left is you. You have to accept me as your uncle." He is serious at the end of his statement.

"If Aunty accepts you, then so will I!" I exclaim. Aunty runs her fingers through my hair as she leans against Mr. Kibutsuji's chest. "I can see you treating her very well, unlike Principal Oyakata and Amane. I had a very bad feeling that they would do something awful to Aunty if they are the ones who kidnapped her."

"So, your instincts were telling you to not trust the Ubuyashiki couple?" Mr. Kibutsuji hums. He holds both of us in his lap.

"I have been feeling that way ever since I first laid an eye on them," I confess.

"Well, you do not need to worry about them anymore. They are no longer going to get involved with your aunt," Mr. Kibutsuji assures.

"What did you do, Muzan-san?" Aunty asks, raising an eyebrow.

"It is nothing, dear. No need to worry over that couple," Mr. Kibutsuji brushes it off.

"You killed them, didn't you?" Aunty and I bluntly state in unison. Neither of us are stupid. If he went this far to kidnap us, I am sure he had to kill whoever stood in his way.

"That was quick," Mr. Kibutsuji comments.

"Did you at least spare their children's lives?" Aunty frowns.

"Of course. They are just children. They did not do anything wrong," Mr. Kibutsuji affirms. ".... They'll be in the orphanage home until they get adopted by a new couple."

"That is a relief," I respond. Aunty nods in agreement instead of saying anything.

"From this day on, you two will be living with me. There are no ifs or buts," Mr. Kibutsuji gives out an order. "...and we will stay together forever." he turns Aunty's face towards his, and then kisses her. Ew. Do not do that in front of me.

"And Rui will be a demon once he graduates from high school," Aunty mutters against his lips. She kisses him back for a few seconds.

"Okay!" I happily accept my faith. Mr. Kibutsuji and Aunty break the kiss and nuzzle one another. He still caresses the back of my head while Aunty hums a familiar song that I enjoy listening to.

"Good. We are all on the same page," Mr. Kibutsuji nods in approval. 

Just like that, Aunty and I are forever trapped with a Possessive Mr. Kibutsuji, but neither of us mind it one bit. Aunty gets to be with her first lover and spend time with him whenever she feels like it. He is now my uncle, and I have to treat him like one. The only thing we would have to do is travel to various places with fake IDs after every few years to make sure no one would get suspicious. 

That way, they will never find out that we are not fully humans. The demon blood will prevent me and Mr. Kibutsuji from aging like aunty's. We will have to rely on blood package to satisfy our demon hunger, but neither of us cared. As long as we get to be with Aunty, that is all that matters to us, and most of all....

I cannot wait to have little cousins to play with in the future!!! 
