Chapter 2: Meeting Teachers and Students

Kari's Pov.

"Those three sure are something else," I comment. I look around the classroom and see how spotless it is. "It looks like I do not have to do any cleaning." I walk out of the classroom, only for someone to bump into me.

"Damn it..." I look over and see a tall, black-haired with red tips, teacher standing there. I glance down and realize that he accidentally dropped his paperwork when he bumped into me.

"My apology, sir," I mention. I help him pick up all his paperwork and hand it over to him.

"Thank you..." the black-haired with red tip, teacher trails off.

"I am Ms. Hellspring. An Art and English teacher," I introduce myself with a smile.

"Mr. Kokushibo. I teach health and gym class," he also introduces himself with a poker face. He and I begin to walk down the hallway.

"I assume you are heading to your health class?" I continue the conversation.

"I am..." Mr. Kokushibo responds. He holds onto his paperwork, making sure it does not fall to the ground. I do not say anything else. He looks like he is one of those teachers that will not start a conversation unless they have to. I do not really mind it.

It is pretty peaceful and quiet between me and Mr. Kokushibo as we walk down the hallway and make a couple of turns. Many students walk by us to get to their classes while chatting among themselves. They are quite lively and full of energy. We eventually arrive at our destination and stop in front of our doors.

"Well, this is our stop, Mr. Kokushibo," I finally decide to speak to him. .... I will see you around.

"You too, Ms. Hellspring," Mr. Kokushibo ends the conversation.

He goes into his classroom and shuts the door behind him. I enter my classroom and see everyone seated at their desk, ready for the lesson. I walk over to my desk as the bell rings loudly to let everyone know that it is time for class. I set my bag over my chair and look over at the students. Some of them stood out and one of them I recognized.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I am Ms. Hellspring, and I will be your English teacher," I introduce myself to the students with a bright smile. I pick up my textbook and open it. I turn the pages until I land on Chapter 28.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Hellspring!!" the black-haired girl waves excitedly.

"Afternoon, Ms. Hellspring," the black haired with purple eyes, girl calmly answers back.

"Welcome, Ms. Hellspring," the black haired with yellow bangs girl acknowledges my existence. A few other students greet me in friendly and boring tones.

"Will everyone please take your textbook out and turn to page 28?" I calmly ask them.

I watch everyone take out their textbook and do what I say, except for Tokito. He seems to zone out like he did in my other class. I begin to read the chapter out loud while everyone pays close attention. I even explain the questions that they will be doing after I am done reading the whole chapter.

Once I am done reading the chapter and informing them of the questions, I walk to every desk to check on the students and see if they need any help to find the answers in the text. I quickly stop at the black-haired girl's desk, seeing the distressed look in her eyes. She looks like she is about to break down crying.

"Is there something the matter, Miss...? I give her the hint to tell me what her name is.

"I'm Suma, and I cannot understand this question!" she begins to cry. She points at question number 6.

"Easy there. No need to cry. I will show you how to solve the problem, Suma-san," I softly speak as I show her where she can find the answer that leads to her question. "If you ever get stuck on a question, all you have to do is re-read the chapter, or maybe asked your two friends, who were just about to give you a helping hand." I eye the two black haired girls looking at her.

"They're actually my girlfriends, Makio and Hinatsuru," Suma sniffs.

"I'm sorry for Suma here. She is kind of an airhead sometimes," Hinatsuru calmly explains.

"How mean!" Suma whines loudly.

"It's true. You cannot answer without breaking down in tears," Makio huffs.

"It is fine. I do not mind giving your girlfriend here some helping hand," I slightly chuckle. I have nothing against polyamorous relationships.

"We will take it from here, Ms. Hellspring. We are already finished with our work," Hinatsuru gives me a generous smile.

"Very well," I return the smile. I turn around and go help the other students that need my help while Makio and Hinatsuru help with their girlfriend.

Suma's Pov.

"I now understand why Tengen said Ms. Hellspring is flamboyantly pretty and kind, despite meeting her for the first time," I smile as I sweep the fresh new tears away. "She is pretty and really kind."

"Don't even think about it, Suma. She is way out of our league," Makio warns me. "...and she is too old for us."

"And let's not forget that it is against the rules for a teacher-student relationship," Hinatsuru calmly reminds me.

"I know. I am only glad that there is another nice teacher in this school that will not hesitate to help their student if they are struggling with their work," I mention.

"It iss about damn time," Makio scoffs. She crosses her arms in annoyance. "I can actually look forward to going to class if I have her as my teacher."

"That's true. She immediately rushes over to you the moment she saw you breaking down in tears," Hinatsuru agrees with her.

"But enough about Ms. Hellspring. We need to help this idiot answer the questions that she is having trouble answering," Makio changes the subject. She is eyeing me.

"I agree," Hinatsuru smiles softly. They begin to help me fill up the blanks in my notebook while showing me where I can find the answers in the text.

I happily write them all down and ask them certain that I am not familiar with. Hinatsuru is quite patient with me, and Makio would curse at me here and there for being an idiot. I notice from the corner of my eye that Ms. Hellspring is doing everything in her willpower to help the students understand the work, and that her smile never flatters.

I am really happy that we now have three good teachers in this school. Mr. Akaza, Ms. Nakime, and Ms. Hellspring. They are all willing to help the students however they can, unlike Mr. Kibutsuji, Mr. Kokushibo, Mr. Douma, Mr. Gyokko, Mr. Gyutaro, and Ms. Daki. They would just either yell at the students and give them detention for failing their classes.

Anyways, I spent the rest of the period answering the questions and talking to Makio and Hinatsuru. The bell rings really loudly to let everyone know that the fifth class is over. I see every student packing up their things and leaving the classroom while waving at Ms. Hellspring. She waves back at them with that smile of hers.

"Let's go, Suma. We have one more class to go to!" Makio demands. She gives me a smack on the back of my head.

"Hina!!! She hit me!!" I whine. I pack up my things and put them away.

"I did not see her hit you," Hinatsuru pretends that Makio did not just hit me on the back of the head. She also places her stuff away.

"How mean!!!" I cry out. I hear a light chuckle coming from Ms. Hellspring. I glance over and see her standing there with an amused expression.

"You girls should get going if you do not want to be late for your next class," Ms. Hellspring smiles.

"Yes, Ms. Hellspring," Makio, Hinatsuru, and I obey. We walk out of the classroom and see Tengen standing there, smiling brightly at us.

"My flamboyant girlfriends!! What took you three so long?!" Tengen grins.

"Tengen!!" I tackle him into a hug.

"Hello Tengen," Hinatsuru calmly greets him as she joins in on the hug.

"Hey Tengen. We were just talking to Ms. Hellspring," Makio explains to him. Tengen hugs all three of us and kisses the top of our heads.

"Hahahah! So, you have the flamboyant lady that I talked about as your teacher!" Tengen laughs.

"We sure do! She is very pretty and kind, just like you said she was!" I smile happily.

"She also helped Suma here with some questions before we took over," Hinatsuru calmly reveals.

"She was not that bad," Makio grumbles.

"That is good to hear!" Tengen exclaims. "I knew she is not anything like the other teachers, besides Mr. Akaza and Ms. Nakime!!"

"It is ashamed we only have her here in this class, and not in the other classes," I pout.

"And she knows about our relationship. Thanks to a certain someone," Makio glares at me. I shrink in shame.

"Do not worry about it, Makio. She does not seem to care that we are in a polyamorous relationship. In fact, she looks like she supports it," Hinatsuru assures.

"That Ms. Hellspring sure is something else. I sure am going to enjoying having her as my English Teacher. At least with her, I do not have to worry about making mistakes!" Tengen grins. We begin to walk down the hallway to get to our next class. All four of us are in the same class as each other.

Mr. Douma's Pov.

I run pass Uzui and his three girlfriends and head straight to the classroom where the transfer teacher is. I desperately want to meet her and see what is so great about her!! All the student councils would not shut up about her, including Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke. She has only been in this school for one day, and people are already talking about her! I burst into the classroom.

"Hey! Are you the...." I trail off as I find myself freeze in place at the sight of a gorgeous woman sitting at the desk with a smile. All her hair is on one side, and her left hand is resting on the side of her head as she is grading the student's work.

"Yes, may I help you?" she raises her head up and smiles at me. My heart is beeping really fast. Something that rarely ever happened. "Sir?" I snap out of it and skips over to her with a bright smile on my face. I grab her hand and kiss the back of it.

"My gorgeous angel! You must tell me your name~" I flirt. Her eyes widened in surprise, not expecting me to do that.

"I'm Ms. Hellspring, and you are?" she calmly introduces herself. She takes her hand out of my grip and keeps it away from me.

"I'm Douma~ Why don't you and I go on a date? ~" I request.

"Thanks, but I would have to decline your offer. I hardly know you," Ms. Hellspring rejects me. Someone actually rejected me! That is a first! Well, not really. I never tried to ask out Ms. Daki or Ms. Nakime.

"Aww, come on!!" I whine as I lay down on her desk, dramatically. "I'm fabulous handsome! Why not go out on a date with me!?"

"Just because you are handsome, does not mean you will have a good personality," Ms. Hellspring points out with a smile on her beautiful face. "After all, I heard from one of my students that the only teachers that would help them out are Mr. Akaza and Ms. Nakime. They did not mention you, Mr. Douma."

"How meaaan!!! I always let them do whatever they want after the lesson is over!!" I fake a gasp. Ms. Hellspring raises an eyebrow at me.

"Somehow, I do not believe you, Mr. Douma," Ms. Hellspring states. "...and can you please get off my desk? I need to mark the students' work."

"Noo!!! Ditch those paper works and hang out with me!!!" I pout like a child.

"I can already see the students' point of view," Ms. Hellspring comments.

"How rude!!" I trash around on her desk. Ms. Hellspring chuckles in amusement and shakes her head at my action.

"DOUMA!!!!" I hear their footsteps sprint towards me and Ms. Hellspring and yank me off the desk. "Stop bothering other teachers!!!"

"Akaza!!! Let me go!!" I struggle in his grip. He is the only one who ever does this to me, besides Kokushibo.

"I apology for this idiot. He has the habit of bothering other teachers and sometimes the students," Akaza bows down at Ms. Hellspring while keeping a strong grip on the back of my collar. He completely ignores me!!!

"It is alright. I do not have any classes to teach this period, Mr...?" Ms. Hellspring smiles at him. Akaza lifts his head up and stares at her.

"I am Akaza, but you can drop the 'Mr.'? Only the students call us that," he introduces himself to her.

"Yeah! I am with him on that one!" I quickly agree with him.

"If that is what you want, then sure, Akaza-san, Douma-san," Ms. Hellspring accepts our request.

"You would accept that, but you will not accept to go out on a date with me?! I complain.

"Get a fucking grip, Douma!! She will never go out on a date with someone that she barely met!!" Akaza throws me across the classroom. I crash into a couple of desks and hit the wall.

" Owwwie...." I whine as I land on the cold, hard floor. "Hellspring!!! He hurt me!!! Take me to the nursery office!!!" I trash around on the floor.

"If you can complain and trash around, you will be fine," Ms. Hellspring calmly responds. She does not even get up and comes to help me!! Akaza is even laughing at me.

"You are one interesting woman, Hellspring," Akaza compliments her. "You will fit right in."

"I have dealt with teachers like him in my previous school," Ms. Hellspring shrugs. She finishes the rest of her paperwork and gets up from sitting on the chair.

"How meaaan!!" I cry out as I get back on my feet. I make my way back to Akaza and Ms. Hellspring and cross my arms.

"Grow up, Douma. You are a teacher for fuck's sake!" Akaza scowls. I immediately run around the desk and hug her from behind. I nuzzle between her neck and shoulder.

Mr. Akaza's Pov.

"No!!" Douma sticks his tongue at me. Ms. Hellspring raises an eyebrow at him, not expecting him to make a bold move to hug her. I do not blame her. It is her first day of teaching this school.

"Oi! Get your hands off her!!" I command. I peel him off Ms. Hellspring back and throws him across the classroom again.

"Owwwie!!" Douma painfully lands on his back again as the bell rings loudly to let everyone know the final period is about to start. I look over to Ms. Hellspring.

"I am really sorry about this idiot. He does not know personal space," I apologize to her. She just smiles at me.

"It is fine. Do not worry about it," Ms. Hellspring brushes it off. "I am just surprised that Principal Oyakata-san would hire someone like him as a teacher."

"How cruel!!!!" Douma shouts from where he is lying.

"Ther is a vending machine not too far from here. Would you like to have a cup of coffee and get to know one another?" I offer. I complete ignore Douma.

"Sure. I could get some coffee with you," Ms. Hellspring smiles. I turn around and see betrayal in Douma's eyes. ", you decided to get off the floor?"

"You are cruel!!! I asked you out and you said no!! And yet, you accepted his offer to get a couple of cups of coffee!?" Douma hollers. I roll my eyes at him.

"We are not going on a date. We are just getting to know one another over coffee. Nothing more, nothing less," I scoff.

"I am coming too, then!!" Douma declares.

"That is fine," Ms. Hellspring answers him. She glances over at me. "Let's go, Akaza-san, Douma-san."

"Sure," I agree with her. Ms. Hellspring walks out of the classroom with me beside her on her left side. Douma is right beside her on her right.

Ms. Hellspring talks to me about the previous school that she was working at, and all the crazy things that have happened over there. I would listen and make comments here and there. Same goes for Douma. He would joke around about certain things that she had said. Her smile never once flatters throughout the whole conversation.

We shortly arrive to the vending machine. I put my change into the machine to get me and Ms. Hellspring some coffee. I hand one of them over to her, and she takes it from me with a generous smile on her face. Douma, on the other hand, is pouting like crazy that I am not buying him one. Are you kidding me? I hate his guts.

"How cruel!!! You cannot even buy your best friend one?!" Douma whines.

"I do not ever recall being your best friend," I huff.

"Why are you so meaaan?!!?!?!?!" Douma fakes his tears. Ms. Hellspring shakes her head in amusement and puts some of her changes into the vending machine. She grabs the new coffee and hands it over to Douma.

"Stop being a crybaby and take your coffee, Douma-san," Ms. Hellspring suggests. I snicker what she just said to call him.

"How meaaan!! But thank you!!!" Douma accepts the coffee from Ms. Hellspring.

"Now, go to your hairstyling class!" I order him.

"Finnnne!!!!" Douma groans. He looks over to Ms. Hellspring. "...But first, I want to have you phone number, Hellspring."

"If you do not mind, I would like to have your phone number as well," I add.

"Sure," Ms. Hellspring accepts both of our requests. She takes out her.... Flip-Phone? And hands it over to me. I do not question it and just put my phone number into her device. Douma snatches it out of my hand and does the same thing. "See you around, Douma-san." She takes her Flip-Phone and puts it back in his pocket.

"I will!!" Douma runs off to do what he was supposed to do when the bell rang loudly.

"I thought he would never leave," I sigh in relief. I take a sip out of my coffee.

"Do you have a class to teach?" Ms. Hellspring reminds me. She drinks her coffee slowly with a small hum escaping her mouth.

"Yeah, I do. I will see you around, Hellspring," I smile.

"You too, Akaza-san," Ms. Hellspring ends the conversation between us.

I begin to walk opposite from where Douma run off. I drink my coffee as I make my way to my wielding class and teach those students of mine how to use the tools properly without injuring themselves. Going inside my classroom, I see the students are already seated at their desk in their protective gears, and that they have been waiting patiently for me to show up.

"Sorry for the wait. I was talking to the new English and Art teacher," I apologize. I start giving them the instructions of what they are going to be doing today.

Meanwhile with Kari~

Kari's Pov.

"Douma-san...Akaza-san.... they sure are interesting teachers," I think.

I walk down the hallway, drinking my coffee. I see a white haired with green tips woman coming around the corner with a black to Lime green haired guy standing by her side. Her clothes are a bit revealing. The male beside her is very skinny with black-dotted, pale grayish complexion. They stop the moment they see me.

"Who the hell are you?" the woman scoffs. "I have never seen you before."

"Good looking body, but terrible personality," I note. I speak up with a smile on my face. "I'm Ms. Hellspring, the English and Art teacher. And you two are?"

"I am Mr. Gyutaro, and this is my little sister, Newbie," the male introduces himself first with a glare.

"I am Ms. Daki, and we teach Photoshop and Business Classes, Ugly," she adds with an insult.

"It is a pleasure to meet the both of you," I give them a closed eye smile. I am not one bit fazed by their harsh attitude.

"Get the fuck out of my way, Ms. Hellspring," Ms. Daki spits at my last name. I open my eyes and see such coldness in hers.

"Move, Newbie," Mr. Gyutaro demands.

"My apology for being in the way. Mr. Gyutaro-san, Ms. Daki-san," I smile. I move out of the way and watch them stroll past me while glaring coldly at me. They head to their class. I look forward and make another turn. I head down the hallway, finishing drinking my coffee. I throw it in the garbage and walk to the library.

"Wait!" someone calls out to me from behind. 

"Huh?" I twirl around and see a long, black haired woman speed walking towards me. "Is there something you need, Miss?"

"Are you heading to the library?" the long, black-haired woman questions me. I can barely see her face, due to her hair being in the way.

"Why, yes, I am. Who might you be, Miss?" I generously answer with a smile.

"I am Ms. Nakime, the parenting and cooking/baking teacher," the long, black-haired woman reveals. "And you are?"

"I am Ms. Hellspring, and I teach English and Art," I calmly tell her. We both begin to walk down the hallway. "I do not mean to come off rude, but do you not have a class to teach?"

"I do, but I forgot my bag in the library," Ms. Nakime shyly admits it. "...all the things I need to teach my students are in there."

"Do you happen to forget your things?" I ask her out of curiosity.

"Sometimes, but not all the time," Ms. Nakime honestly responds.

"You should be careful where you leave your things. Few students are kind and willing to leave your things alone," I kindly warn her.

"Thank you for the warning, Ms. Hellspring," Ms. Nakime appreciates my concern for her things that might get stolen without her noticing it.

"It is not a problem, Ms. Nakime," I smile.

We shortly arrive at our destination and go inside the library. I watch as Ms. Nakime quickly goes to snatch her bag of supplies and put it over her shoulder. I was just about to head to the shelves and search for something to read when she comes over to me with a tiny, small smile that I manage to see through her long, black hair.

"May I have your phone number? So, we can stay connected with one another?" Ms. Nakime shyly requests.

"Of course," I lightly chuckle.

I take my flip-phone out of my pocket and hand it over to her. She looks a bit surprised by the small technology that I have. I have never been interested in the latest version of phones. To me, they are too easy to break. One drop is all it takes to break the screen. Ms. Nakime quickly puts her phone number into my device and hands it back to me. I now have three teachers' numbers in my Flip-Phone.

"See you around, Ms. Hellspring," Ms. Nakime calmly states.

"You too," I end the conversation. I watch her leave the library before I turn around and go grab some thick books from the shelves.

Mr. Gyokko's Pov.

I am in the middle of reading the history of art from 125 years ago when I hear footsteps coming towards the table that I am at. I glance up and see the famous new teacher that I kept hearing about from those arrogant students approaching me. What the hell does she want? Is she here going to brag how she got popular so quickly like that slut, Daki?

"Umm, excuse me, Mister? Can I sit here?" she speaks in such a soft tone. Wow. Someone who does not have a freaking squeaky or high-pitched voice.

"Tsk. As long as you do not disturb me," I glare. I am not interested in bullshit gossip about who knows what.

"Thank you, Mr...?" the woman hints me.

"I am Mr. Gyokko. That is all you ever need to know," I growl.

"I am Ms. Hellspring," she generously smiles. "...and that is fine with me." She places her thick books down and opens one of them. She begins to read whatever she picked out.

"Tsk." I huff in annoyance.

I go back to reading the history of art, letting every word sink while thinking of new sculptures design to make those pitiful and ungrateful students built with their untrained hands. I will make those little brats realize that art can be used for many different things! Take tattoos for example! Its art printed on people's skins.

"Those two vases look very beautiful." I snap out of my thoughts and glare at Ms. Hellspring.

"Ha?! What the fuck did you just say?!" I curse at her for interrupting me.

"Those two vases," Ms. Hellspring repeats herself. " .... A magnificent pair of Japanese Meiji period patinated, gilded, engraved, and embossed bronze vases. Each with wonderful classical motif decoration to the ground, mythical dragon handles, inset panels depicting God like creatures and dogs of foo. Raised on classical out swept engraved feet." My eyes widened at her logic of the two vases that I was just looking at.

"You know the history of art?!" I command.

"Of course. I am an English AND Art teacher," Ms. Hellspring smiles. ".... I have studied, not just English, but also art as well.

"Then do you know about...." I end up talking to Ms. Hellspring about the history of art, and she would actually respond back with passion in her voice. Finally. I found someone who actually appreciates art like I do.

I do not know how long we have been talking until the bell rings loudly to let everyone know that the sixth period is over, and that it is time to go home. We chatted for a good one hour about the history of art with passion in both of our voices. Damn...I did not think anyone could keep up with me. She sure did surprise me.

"Shall we continue where we left off some other time?" Ms. Hellspring suggests. She picks up all her thick books that she has long abandoned and puts them away in their rightful place. I get up and put the books that I was using back on the shelves.

"Tsk. You are not bad, I guess. We will continue some other time," I agree with her. I reach my hand to her, giving her the hint to hand me her phone, so I can put my phone number down.

"Of course," Ms. Hellspring replies.

She takes her phone out of her pocket and gives it to her. I take it from her and find myself a bit surprised to see the old Flip-Phone. It is not every day that I see an old classic phone. I can tell that she takes diligent care of it. I calmly put my phone number down in her device, and then hand it back to her.

"Have a nice evening, Mr. Gyokko," Ms. Hellspring bows to me. She turns sideways and walks out of the library.

"She sure is a strange one," I ponder. Ms. Hellspring never once stopped smiling at me, nor did she look fazed by my harsh greeting earlier. She must have dealt with some teachers that are much worse than Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Gyutaro, and Daki.

Anyways, I grab my bag and put it over my shoulder. Then I push the chairs to the table and walk out of the library. I already produced many new projects for those arrogant and ungrateful brats while talking to Ms. Hellspring. If they fail finish these projects on time, I am sure as hell will give them a detention that will make them regret it for not taking my class very seriously. 
