Volume 1 Chapter 9

Misako and Lloyd reached the underground prison and found out that the flood isn't that severe there. They were walking down looking around the prison, then Lloyd raised up a question.

"So what are we going to ask him again?"

"About the flower, we need to see if he is related to it or not."

They stood in front of the big door, Lloyd went to the button to open it But he couldn't.

"The security over here is really high, so we need the commissioner's help to get inside."

"Even if the commissioner is here or not, I don't think it will open, the electricity is out."

"Well then there is only one option." Lloyd gave his flashlight to Misako and took his energy power out, He smashed it to the door, but it took too much of time and effort, as the door was really strong. 

Lloyd was about to fall, but his dear mother caught him before he could fall.

"Thanks mom." 

They both looked away from each other's faces and saw Garmadon in his prison. Both of them walked to him and the stood next to each other but with a thick glass between.

"Well isn't this a surprising visit." Garmadon said as his smile reached both his ears.

"Do you know the condition of Ninjago right now?" Misako asks.

"A lovely morning where everyone is happy until I take over Ninjago."

"Actually, Its not a lovely morning where everyone is happy until you take over. There was a severe flood here." Lloyd says to his dad.

"A flood? That explains why No one came to check on me."

"Some of our allies are helping the citizens so that we can focus on the bigger tasks." Misako says to Garmadon.

"What bigger tasks?"

"To find the purple Flower."

"That is why we came here to ask you questions about it." Lloyd said.

"What do you want to know?"

"Are you and the purple flower related?" Misako asks her question.

"The Purple Flower was a flower which was used for good purposes, but then for some reason it got affected and was used for turning people into evil. While I was ruling Ninjago, I not only used my powers to hold back the Onis, but also to control the power of the flower."

"Oh I see..." Misako says.

"But unfortunately, your son took my powers away from me which make the flower go out of control again."


"Lloyd, can you wait outside?" Lloyd got cut off by Misako and he saw Garmadon's scheming smile. He went away from the room and waited outside.

He was looking around the hall, by then he heard a voice from somewhere which said-

"The Green Ninja is supposed to be here, find him quickly or else the Quite one will go crazy again."

"Wait... The Quite One? Harumi....Harumi... is...still...alive?" Lloyd's head was really fuzzy... How can someone who died in front of his eyes be still alive. By then Lloyd knew that more trouble came, so he ran to his mom and told her everything he heard.

They both ran away from the prison, they were running the hallways and then they suddenly they stopped, but to encounter Harumi who was in front of him. They both looked at each others eyes, trying to memorize those beautiful eyes, they had a tiny blood rush in their cheeks.



"The quite one!" It was UV who brought back Harumi to her senses. Harumi snapped out of the thought and she immediately took her sword out on Lloyd's direction, Lloyd blocked it with his sword.

They both were pushing their swords at each other.

"What is going on...? Is it you Harumi?"

"What if I told you that it was me?"

"Lloyd we need to go now! There are more people coming!" Misako said as she grabbed Lloyd's arm and started running, they went inside the submarine and took off and left the prison.

"The quite one! What should we do? He got away!" Alisa said as she ran to Harumi.

"Don't worry Alisa. we have backups."


Lloyd and Misako reached the Flake Island. They got out of the submarine and the others were running back to them.

"Hey Lloyd! You are back!" Kai said as he patted Lloyd's back. Everyone noticed that Lloyd wasn't looking happy, but stressed.

"Lloyd, What's wrong? Your heart rate has increased tremendously." Pixal asked.

"She... she... she is Alive!!" 

"She who?" Lenni asked.

"Harumi! She is still alive!!" 
